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Mystery at the Mill: The Enchanted Mill Series: Book Two
Mystery at the Mill: The Enchanted Mill Series: Book Two
Mystery at the Mill: The Enchanted Mill Series: Book Two
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Mystery at the Mill: The Enchanted Mill Series: Book Two

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Cathy has been set another quest, before she can take up the role as the Head of the Circle of the Dove Stone Coven.


This time she has to solve the mystery of the whereabouts of Desdemona's g

PublisherKate Davis
Release dateJun 23, 2023
Mystery at the Mill: The Enchanted Mill Series: Book Two

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    Book preview

    Mystery at the Mill - C. E. Davis

    Mystery at the Mill

    The Enchanted Mill Series

    Book Two


    C. E. Davis

    Copyright © 2023 C. E. Davis

    ISBN: 978-1-916696-20-4

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored, in any form or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    John B. Wood


    Cast of characters

    Cathy Collins - genealogist with an online crystal store

    Sally Buckley – maternal grandmother

    Audrey, Charles, and Elizabeth – maternal aunt and family

    Martin Bradbury – Ex husband

    Gillian Bradshaw, and Marley the Lurcher familiar

    Fluffy / Oskar, Cathy’s scruffy ginger tom familiar

    June and Kenneth Collins – parents deceased.

    Marion and Sydney Collins – paternal grandparents, deceased.

    Walter Buckley – maternal grandfather, deceased.

    Clara Jane Holroyd – the mill ghost

    The Old Coven members

    Cathy Collins

    Wendy Smithies

    Kim Smithies

    Harold Butterworth - Mill Owner

    Roger Davies - the solicitor.

    Margaret Gartside – Hawkeye her owl familiar

    Edith Stanworth

    Betty Barratt

    Desdemona Jones

    Mary Hanks

    Pat Armstrong

    Regina Jones (Reggie)

    Cynthia Hobbs


    Brian and Adam -The Magical Police Agency

    Stephen – Hamish the blind familiar

    Alphin and Alderman, Rimmon and Rowen

    Peter - the County Archaeologist and his wife Susie

    David and Nigel - archaeologists brothers

    Inese – Reggie’s Granddaughter

    Becki – Pat’s Granddaughter

    Donna Maria – Desdemona’s Granddaughter

    Debbie Wilson – Donna Maria’s Mother

    Sergeant Dobson – normal police.

    William & Andrea Wilson – Father and Stepmother

    Neil and Nick – sons of above

    Annie Bradley

    Hank Donaldson

    George Du Pree

    Pearl and Ruby – Mill ghosts

    Glynis - Upper Valley Coven Leader

    Bronwen - Nether Valley Coven Leader

    Ulysses – the cellar dweller

    Rob and Liv – Adam’s brother and friend

    Plane Members

    The Axworthy Family - of plane crash Geoff Axworthy and Mavis

    Captain Harris – plane crash Captain.

    River Ghosts

    Mrs Broadbent and two granddaughters

    Jim Harrop

    James Wood

    William Schofield


    Chapter 1

    The New Coven

    Chapter 2

    The Mysterious Question, Where is Donna Maria

    Chapter 3

    Dinner with Alf and Eric

    Chapter 4

    Genealogy, Scrying, and the Wicked Stepmother

    Chapter 5

    The Fourth Ex

    Chapter 6

    Social Media

    Chapter 7

    Archaeological Dig

    Chapter 8

    The Police find Donna Maria

    Chapter 9

    Annie Bradley - Again

    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11

    Donna Maria’s New Home

    Chapter 12

    Lessons to Shapeshift

    Chapter 12a

    Family Reunited

    Chapter 14

    Whit Friday

    Chapter 15

    Annie Bradley’s Solicitor

    Chapter 16

    Café at Unit 19

    Chapter 17

    Andrea and Bill Wilson

    Chapter 18

    Ladhill Bridge

    Chapter 19

    June and Kenneth Collins

    Chapter 20


    Chapter 21

    Preparations for Midsummer or Litha

    Chapter 22

    Midsummers Night Eve or Litha

    Chapter 23

    Tiddles and Oskar meet Ulysses.

    Chapter 24


    Chapter 25

    Log Cabin

    Chapter 26

    Lammas Celebrations

    Chapter 1

    The New Coven

    Cathy and Adam returned from a few quiet days, at their favourite woodland hideaway. After the first few months of her life as a witch, and soon to be head of the Circle of Dove Stone Coven; Cathy had needed the break, before starting on the next quest she had been set, by the coven.

    Living in the fabulous old, enchanted mill, in Green Valley, Cathy felt at times that she had it all. Green Valley had been created back in the time of the glaciers, as it swept over the northern landscape of Great Britain, the town was located between Manchester and Leeds, but tucked away into the countryside. On one side was Upper Valley and the other side was Nether Valley.

    Cathy had learnt more about her own ancestry, after she had been bequeathed the lock up storage unit at the old mill, by her Grandmother Sally Buckley. She had met with Roger the solicitor, Harold the mill owner and her grandmothers ghost Sally, regarding her inheritance.

    With Cathy’s ancestors settling in Green valley back in the 1600s. The inheritance had built up over the centuries. The property portfolio was incredible. There were many houses owned and operated by the trust, that looked after the estate. Cathy had learnt in her brief time as a witch, with making meals from magic, and dressing herself, she too had saved plenty of actual cash herself.

    The unit at the mill, had turned out to be an incredible magic apartment, with its own Temple Room. Cathy spent a lot of time in this room, with the Buckley family grimoire, learning all she could, for her new role as Head of the Coven. Along with the unit, Cathy had also inherited her grandmother’s familiar, the mischievous Oskar.

    One of the various ghosts that resided in the mill, was fourteen-year-old Clara Jane. She had been murdered back in 1884 and had lain alone, in the old mill lift shaft. Cathy had finally helped to find her remains and reunite her with her parents. Clara Jane had however, decided to remain as a ghost, in the mill. She had meet with the ghosts of her parents, before they had eventually passed over to the other side, spirit world, heaven, who knows?

    Cathy had been orphaned as a young child and brought up with her paternal Uncle John. She had never given it any thought whether he or herself. were normal beings or paranormal. But it turned out, like her boyfriend, the sexy detective Adam, her Uncle John was also a shape shifter. Cathy was waiting for the lessons, on how she could also shift, to join Adam and their friends on a flight over the Green Valley. She had recently learnt that her parents had been shot, whilst shifting, and roaming as red deer in the Swiss alps. The reason was why her grandmother was hesitant in teaching her the lessons she needed.

    The Coven had agreed to meet the following Saturday, to start the process of the old ones retiring, and the younger members being sworn in. The coven always met at 12 midnight, on a Saturday, the witching hour.

    They met in the boardroom of the old mill. At this meeting, the room was full of people. Cathy arrived with her usual entourage of ghosts, wizards, and familiars. Adam did not go to the meetings, as he was not a member of the coven.

    After all the introduction of the new members were made, the meeting soon got started. The younger, new members sat next to their grandmothers / mentors. Soon, the meeting started to discuss the next quest that had been set for Cathy. She was to succeed her grandmother and to completely take over as the head of the Coven. The quest was to find the missing granddaughter of Desdemona Jones – Donna Maria. Her own grandmother’s long-time friend.

    What do we know about Donna Maria? Cathy asked those present. Do you have any photographs, family history, certificate? Anything you can let me have, to help with the search?

    She would be about twenty-five now. I have not seen her for many years. Her father did not like the idea of Debbie, her mother, being a witch. It was not like your parents Cathy; they took you away for your best interest. My daughter married Bill Wilson. I did not like him from the start, I thought he was a bully. When Donna Maria was born, he took the family about twenty miles away. My daughter tried to stay in touch, but he did not like it. I have my feelings too, that he used to beat her up and abuse her. About five years ago, I got a cryptic message off him. He told me to pick up my daughter’s body from the undertakers and bury her myself. I did not even know she had died. She is buried in the plot next to your parents grave, Cathy.

    Cathy could feel the emotion in Dessie’s voice as she told the story. She held her hand to let her know she was not alone, in this horrific story.

    Do you know where he is now? Cathy asked her.

    No, I did not even know where she was living before, she died. The death certificate says the hospital address for her last residence. I had not heard anything for years before she died. I often wish I could have done more, but what could I do. I did not want her to marry him, but he had charmed her. I heard that he remarried soon after Debbie died. That they also have more children. But it is just hearsay, from people that thought they had seen him passing by.

    If I can have a list of names, birthdays, wedding anything, every snippet of information can be useful. Cathy saw Desdemona looking into space.

    She turned to Cathy and nodded, Yes, I have a box with family memories in, I will let you have it. Please Cathy, I fear that she is not safe. You have a power that none of us have ever seen, for finding people – and reuniting them.

    The Coven meeting carried on and the younger, new members all seemed to get on well together. Kim and Wendy, sisters, who were Kitchen Witches, put on a fabulous buffet, and plenty of wine for them all.

    Inese and Becki were taking note about the food and the kitchen witches. They both had dreams about opening a small café. When they saw Cathy on her own, the pair approached her, before anyone else got her attention.

    Hi, we have noticed that Unit 19, in the mill yard is empty. Do you think Harold would let us open a café there. It is our dream to have our own café, rather than being the waitresses. We thought it could have a craft area at the back. What do you think? Becki was doing the talking, for the pair.

    I can ask Harold; I don’t have any power over what happens at the mill. Cathy answered the pair. "A café, that was a good idea, she thought. She might even find out more of the other mill occupants, with a café on site."

    Yes, I will ask Harold for you, put in a good word. She teased them with, But, I have something to ask you two first.

    What can we help you with? Inese answered.

    As you heard in the meeting, my next quest is to locate Donna Maria. I have heard that you two are experts on social media.

    Cathy smiled as the two women, not far off her own age, blushed.

    Oh, you must have seen our Instagram and other profiles then? Inese giggled.

    Yes, I did have a look when I was told you both would be joining the Coven. Cathy told them. A bit of background information on the new recruits. But what I need from you, is to help trace any activity for Donna Maria or her siblings. While I catch up on the genealogy, names, dates, and so on. So far, I have absolutely zero to work with.

    Chuckling, Becki told Cathy, Oh that sounds like fun, I love stalking people online. So, if we help you find Donna Maria? You will put a good word in for us, with Harold. Maybe we could have an internet café?

    The two young friends went off, plotting between themselves. Cathy noticed Audrey, Elizabeth and Gillian chatting in the corner of the room, so she went over to join them.

    Hi ladies, how are you all? Are you settling into your new roles as witches yet? I can tell you; it took me weeks to get my head around the fact I am a real witch. Cathy smiled as the other three turned to greet her.

    Catherine, we could not have done this without you. We all want to thank you so very much. Audrey hugged her close.

    Gillian was grinning, I am doing very nicely thanks to you. The spells for making food and getting dressed are fantastic. Cathy, you, and your grandma are so amazing, and such good teachers too. That is a big thank you from me too.

    Elizabeth joined them in the group hug. Thanks to you and Gillian, I have my life back on track. I am now working and loving it. Especially the walk to work in the mornings. (She had recently moved into one of the small mill cottages in the yard.)

    Here’s to the three ex-wives club, Gillian giggled after probably one to many wines.

    As everyone eventually had their fill of gourmet food, alcohol and good company, Cathy realised it was nearly 4.00 am. She had already told Adam that she would stay at the mill apartment that night, so he was not expecting her home. Home, she thought to herself. She had never thought she would be moving in with someone, after the experience of Martin Bradbury, her ex-husband. Maybe now he was behind bars, she could be a little less stressed and could just enjoy her relationship with Adam.

    On her way out of the boardroom, Cathy saw Desdemona and the ghost of her Grandma Sally, in deep conversation. As she approached them, they both turned, Sally said, We were just talking about you.

    Hope it is all good? Cathy laughed.

    Of course, it is, we just want to get the search for Donna Maria started. Can you come to Desdemona’s apartment tomorrow, to look through all the documentation? Her Grandma asked her.

    What times best for you, later rather than early, its already passed 4am. Donna replied,

    Twelve noon at my apartment. Witch flight will be fine, as I will be expecting you, confirmed Dessi.

    Right, I am off to my bed now, see you both tomorrow. Night. Cathy made her way back through the corridor maze and straight to bed.

    Chapter 2

    The Mysterious Question, Where is Donna Maria

    The following morning, Cathy let herself have a lie in. The shop was closed, as it was Sunday.

    She was greeted with Adam, bearing coffee and breakfast. He had been practising his magic since he had met Cathy. He too was now learning how to use witch flight. Saving both fuel, and time. Oskar, Cathy’s ginger tomcat/familiar was with him, when he brought the delicious mushroom omelette.

    Now this is a surprise I could get used to. How are my two favourite men? Cathy laughed as she sat up in her large bed. Oskar jumped on the space next to her, no doubt stopping Adam sitting there.

    How was your meeting, what time did you get to sleep? Adam asked, concerned showed on his face.

    I climbed into bed, just after 4.00 am. But the meeting went very well. The new members will be mentored by their grandmothers, which will be a tremendous help, as the prospect of learning new witches is a daunting task. Inese and Becki look characters, the pair want to open a café at the mill, with a craft area at the back of it. They asked me to ask Harold for them. So, in return, I asked them to help with the social media search for Donna Maria. Speaking of which, I have to be at Desdemona’s for 12 noon. Cathy looked at the clock and realised it was nearly 11.00am already,

    That sounds like your idea of fun, finding a missing person, Adam laughed. Do not forget to share the information with us at the MPA (Magical Police Agency,) and we can add her as a missing person, along with the normal police. Now that her grandmother as officially asked you to look into the case, it can be an official police case too.

    Fantastic. I had not thought of that. But from what I have heard about Donna Maria’s father already, nothing would surprise me. I do have a feeling that she is still alive, and not a ghost. I think if she were a ghost, she would have tried to contact me before now.

    You and your gut feelings, Miss Ghost Whisperer. Adam teased, With your grandmother’s witch, and great grandfather’s ghost whispering genes, how powerful will you be one day?

    I would imagine, with the skills she has shown already, a very powerful person. Joined in Oskar, (her familiar and her late grandmothers familiar before.)

    Right, I best get moving. Even though it is Sunday, I need to check the orders and queries. Cathy climbed out of bed, glad she had put on her cosy pyjamas, she felt quite self-conscious with Adam and Oskar watching her every move.

    Orders on a Sunday? Adam laughed. As they walked towards the kitchen, were Cathy kept her own laptop.

    Even though Gillian runs the shop on weekdays, and Clara Jane can now make a lot of the jewellery these days. I still like to keep an eye on everything. Cathy giggled as she finished her breakfast at the large island in middle of the well-planned kitchen. "After all, it is my ‘Cathys Crystal Cave,’ we are

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