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The Joy and Freedom of True Forgiveness
The Joy and Freedom of True Forgiveness
The Joy and Freedom of True Forgiveness
Ebook102 pages1 hour

The Joy and Freedom of True Forgiveness

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About this ebook

In this book Rananda offers us crystal clear teachings about forgiveness. It is eye-opening,  insightful and a confrontation to the world's way of thinking. It holds a great promise for all humans! 


If you are dedicated to see everything differently than what you normally do, then these teachings are best for you. Rananda will lead you into a place where you must admit your errors that you believe are true and decide that forgiveness is required. Without forgiveness we will not recognize ourselves and anyone else as Pure Spirit. It is all about the integrity of our true identity as the Son of God! 

Release dateMay 24, 2023
The Joy and Freedom of True Forgiveness


The Innermost Light That Reveals Joy That is also what you might experience when you are present at his teachings. Rananda is a realized Master and a gift for serious students searching for awareness and awakening. A spiritual master is a rare being having realized his true Self, his Oneness with the Divine. This is available when you are attending his Remembering Events. Rananda’s Mind is always open to speak the Truth. Rananda lives in close connection with and deep surrender to God and shares his dedication with his students. Such a realization is rare to encounter in this life. Being with Rananda is a great opportunity to join in the Truth. His teaching helps to remove the blocks that you place in your mind to not know the Love You really are, the Truth of your Being. You will experience the blessed empowerment of that.

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    Book preview

    The Joy and Freedom of True Forgiveness - Rananda


    We are exited to offer you this e-book with four teachings of Rananda about forgiveness.

    Forgiveness, as taught by Jesus in A Course in Miracles can be a joy for many people. It is about taking 100% responsibility about what you think, see and feel. It is about that no one outside of you is the cause of what you experience. So, the idea of forgiveness has no correlation with being a victim. On the contrary, it will give all the power back to you, because you are the one who makes the choice on how to experience the world’s elements.

    In this book Rananda offers us crystal clear teachings about forgiveness. It is eye-opening, 

    insightful and a confrontation to the world’s way of thinking. It holds a great promise for all humans!

    If you are dedicated to see everything differently than what you normally do, then these teachings are best for you. He will lead you into a place where you must admit your errors, that you believe are true, decide that forgiveness is paramount. Without forgiveness we will not recognize ourselves and anyone else as Pure Spirit. It is all about the integrity of our true identity as the Son of God!

    We hope that you will read it with an open mind and a grateful heart and join with all the powerful words of the One who has gone before each of us.


    © 2023 Magnum Opus Ministries Nederland

    Coverdesign:    Thijs Hottenhuis

    Text:     Rananda

    Transcripts   Members of Magnum Opus Ministries Nederland

    Editors    Karin Feekes and Frans Vermeulen

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief excerpts in reviews and articles.

    "All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, and, used with permission."

    The Real Meaning Of Forgiveness

    Remember the real meaning of forgiveness is: it never happened. Because something outside of God can never happen. All of perception is the idea of outside of God. And yet, we, individually and collectively, are the demonstration of outside of God. And so we are the demonstration that it did happen.

    We find it extremely difficult to accept that it did not happen when we are the demonstration that it did. That is an apparent paradox and battle that each and every one of us goes through, right? So, your idea of forgiveness is: Yes, you did do it, but I am doing my best not to hate you for it. That is not forgiveness. It will never work. We have all tried it, it will not work. Somewhere in there is still the memory of what did happen and while that memory is alive, we cannot forgive.

    Everybody is doing the best they can in this very moment. They are going to do a lot better. You know what I am saying? Because we care. In this moment everybody is doing the best they can. But, you have a lot more, you are capable of a lot more. You are capable of a tremendous amount of Love and healing! The question is, do you want to? The question is, will you use this moment to let go of the past and discover what is possible? That discovery will be a revealing because there is help just waiting for us to stop holding off. Just stop defining our brothers and ourselves within roles that do not allow perfection.

    Don’t you know your brother is not perfect? Don’t you see all his errors? Are you not vigilant for his errors? Isn’t there is a certain brother who, you have recognized, makes much more errors than another brother? Then you say, I like that one but that one I do not like so much. Why? Well it is hard to answer, but, you know, hey?

    Then you run of your litany of things that they do or have done. And, that does not work, does it? I mean, it works so that it brings you exactly what it is meant to bring you. Right? Justification for not seeing perfection. And, you think that makes you safe. Because now they cannot hurt you. You know they are not perfect and so you are not going to treat them as perfect and now they cannot hurt you.

    That is what is behind it, yes? I will not be fooled by that person again! How where you fooled the first time? I was fooled the first time because I wanted them in the illusion to be perfect, rather than realizing that perfection has to be something I share with them outside the illusion. And, if I share that perfection with them, we will both know Reality. Both knowing Reality we can bring compassion into the things that are happening in the dream because we do not expect the dream to show us perfection. We expect the dream to show us where the healing can happen. Then we bring the Love, that we have found when we joined, to that that needs it, the illusion.

    Which is happening where? Ah! Then, where is the healing? In my Mind! And when does the healing take place? When I joined with my brother and saw the thing that was not perfect disappear and what is Perfect replace it, which is what I wanted from my brother all the time. No wonder I was disappointed when he showed up in an illusion and is not perfect. Because I am looking for perfection. Okay! Now, is that an excuse to do all the crazy things that we do? No. We still want to support one another to the best of all of our abilities to demonstrate Love here in the illusion because it is really, really needed. Yes?

    How many miles do you walk with your brother? As many as it takes. How often do we want to give up on our brother? Well, it depends on what our list looks like. Right? If we got ninety-two errors that he has made, it probably last a little longer. If we have only seen one or two we are probably likely to forgive and get on with things, right? But it remains true, is it not? In that sense it is not really about our brother, is it? It is really about our own willingness to be free, still as God created us.

    And we find that a challenge, a real challenge. We do, don’t we? Everybody? It is a challenge because of our sense of self is threatened. Everything!

    The Necessity Of Forgiveness

    Rananda: Why are you not good enough? Why are you not worthy? What have you done that is so terrible?

    If an illusion does not have anything to do with Reality, is there any part of the illusion then that would not deserve your forgiveness? Whether you consider it a happy part of the illusion or a sad part of the illusion? If it is an illusion, would it not deserve your forgiveness? Then you know what your job is. You have a job? And your job is what, forgiveness? And, if you are not doing your job, what do you get?

    Listener: Suffering.

    Rananda: Suffering! And, do you suffer alone? Never! Can you heal from your suffering?

    Listener: I can.

    Rananda: You can? Can you heal from the suffering alone? No? So, you do not suffer alone and you do not heal alone. What is the clue in there? Alone is impossible? Do you know that alone is impossible? You do not know that? If you do not know that, then that would be suffering, wouldn’t it? Is that a choice?

    Did you have a choice whether you were coming here tonight or not? Did you have a choice about getting up this morning? Did you have a choice of what you are going to do today? Were you aware that you had a choice, that you made a choice; I am staying home today. I am going to work today. I am going to town today. I am going to the woods today. Are you aware that you make choices?

    Somewhere in your mind you have the idea, I can make choices. Yeah, it is in your

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