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The Double Helix Conundrum: Hell Hare House Short Reads, #3
The Double Helix Conundrum: Hell Hare House Short Reads, #3
The Double Helix Conundrum: Hell Hare House Short Reads, #3
Ebook44 pages26 minutes

The Double Helix Conundrum: Hell Hare House Short Reads, #3

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About this ebook

With global warming threatening Armageddon, the race to replace fossil fuels leads to the first successful teleportation device. It's hailed as a miracle, and teleportation becomes the mode of transport, saving the world and sending global warming into reverse.


But teleportation booths are mass produced too quickly, their software flawed.


A series of gruesome accidents involving pregnant women threatens to prematurely end the teleportation revolution. Instead, society changes…


Katie Davies grows up in a turbulent world. Yet, she believes teleportation represents freedom and a better life. What will it take to open her eyes?



Release dateJun 12, 2022
The Double Helix Conundrum: Hell Hare House Short Reads, #3

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    Book preview

    The Double Helix Conundrum - Helen M. Merrick


    Chapter One

    Ijolt awake, gasping, a hand clamped firmly over my mouth. Squirming, my bleary eyes focus on Abbey’s face.

    Shush! She presses a finger to her lips. Not a sound, okay? Her steel-grey eyes, wide and unblinking, hold my gaze as she cautiously lifts her hand.

    I push upright, panting. What’re you—

    No! She smothers me again. The guards might hear; they’re never far away. Look— She gestures to the camera above my window, and I’m surprised to find it dark and unmoving, its beady red eye doused. "We have to go now. This is our window of opportunity. It won’t last long. She leans close. Can I trust you? Not a sound? I nod and she again lifts her hand. Okay…good."

    Abbey exhales and wipes sweat from her brow. Droplets still bead her upper lip, glinting jewel-like in the dim nighttime lighting.

    Go? I mouth. Where?

    To…never mind. Just trust me. Your life depends on it.

    I shrink back, still groggy with sleep, and watch her rummage through my drawers. She hands me a jumper and slacks. Where are your shoes?

    I shrug. Wardrobe?

    She eyes the door, sucking air through her teeth. Can’t get them.

    I know. The hinges squeak loudly, and the catch is so stiff—there’s no way to open it quietly. She reaches under the bed for my slippers.

    Dress. Quickly, she urges. I’ll explain on the way.


    Chapter Two

    He introduced himself as Jarvis, an independent Surrogacy Agent. I’d seen him before talking to some of the women, watched him smooth back his hair and straighten his silk tie as details were exchanged. But approaching me had to be a mistake.

    Don’t waste your time, my licence has expired. Soon as this one’s born, I’m done.

    Jarvis eyed my bump. When?


    And it’s your fourth?

    I nodded.

    Hmm... He stroked his neatly trimmed goatee beard. Do you have plans?

    Not really. Gonna stay with a friend until I find my feet.

    No family to go back to?

    None to speak of. I’m independent. I watched his eyebrows arch—brows as coiffured as his beard. "I’m a free woman earning

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