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The Cursed Embrace
The Cursed Embrace
The Cursed Embrace
Ebook233 pages3 hours

The Cursed Embrace

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Charlie has been cursed to hide in the shadows, alone, forever. One day, with one of the magical items he received from the witch who placed the curse, he is granted a chance to communicate with someone from the real world.

There he talks to the famous performer Rose Beaulieu to perform for 'The Society'. When Rose comes to perform in the mansion - having many bumps along the way, she finds herself alone, in the grasp of a madman. Trapped in the mansion, she is forced to stay with him, unable to leave. When, by some miracle, Rose's fiancée finds her, will she go willingly?

Or will she realize that her heart was never really trapped with Charlie?

Publishers Note: Happily Ever After Guarantee, No cliffhanger. Standalone Novel. This book is in 3rd Person and a slow burn.

Release dateJul 10, 2023
The Cursed Embrace

Elisabeth van der Wilt

Elisabeth (Lisa) van der Wilt writes romance which highlights different stories all interconnected in what we call... Lisa's World.  Elisabeth lives with her parents and siblings out in the middle of Canada. When she isn't writing she is helping people as a Certified Doula. She works in life to accomplish many things and help people inthis crazy world.  If you want to get to know Elisabeth better, she is on all the social media platforms she can, has two websites and a newsletter. is where you can learn all about her! 

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    Book preview

    The Cursed Embrace - Elisabeth van der Wilt

    Chapter 1

    Everyone interprets music differently. A song has many meanings, and the songwriter might mean it differently than everyone who listens. Could a voice, no matter how good, be cursed?

    Rose Beaulieu was well-known for her music. She was said to have the voice of an angel. When she was a mere thirteen years, she began her joy of singing. It started out as a simple school choir. When her parents heard her voice, it was a choice that they made for her. She had to sing for people all around the world.

    Her parents spoke the truth when they said that everyone would love her. On the stage and seeing her name in flashing lights really made her passion for music grow. Rose didn’t have any plans to do music as a career, but everything was at her parents’ discretion. Rose was always booking new concerts and plays. She was always going, and she wished it would slow down a bit. She only had a few more shows before her wedding with Cole. Afterwards, she would take a year break from performing.

    Cole Barnes was the love of her life. She had met him when she was eighteen, and they’d hit it off immediately. He never strayed from her, he treated her always with kindness and respect, and when he proposed, all she could do was say yes.

    Rose was bustling around the room, collecting the things she needed. She lived with Cole in a small apartment. They were looking for a new place and waiting for the perfect one.

    The bedroom was small; it was even too small for the both of them. The room was painted a musty yellow color and, with the sunlight streaming from the singular-pane window, it allowed the room to be bright enough to see what she was looking for.

    She collected some dresses and different outfits that she could wear to her upcoming concerts. She loved her music, performing, singing and dancing for others, and bringing them nothing but joy. It gave her a sense of achievement that she was doing something good for the world.

    Her movements were slow as she searched the room. She tried to grab everything in good time, but she’d had another rough night. Her nightmares seemed to be getting worse, but when she spoke with doctors about it, they claimed it was stress, which was believable. With work and wedding stuff, she knew she was stressing herself over a multitude of things.

    Do you have everything you could possibly need? Cole asked her as she continued to run around the bedroom, grabbing different shades of lipsticks and her rosy-red toothbrush and stuffing them into her bag.

    I think so; I have over six outfits for the different performances. Then some plain clothes for the way back. I will be home before the show in Texas but since this is only a few states over, it won’t matter that much.

    I just wanted to make sure. The driver said that he is ready to get you whenever you would like to leave.

    Rose walked towards Cole after packing her final suitcase. She looked at him and smiled. Taking her hand, she gently placed it on his face.

    I will miss you.

    I know you will, Rose, but you are gone for a week, tops. Before long, you are back in my arms and then off we go to your next performance.

    I understand, but normally you come with me and we’re together. I guess you have made me spoiled and used to your company.

    I had to work this time, but it’ll be okay. We will be together again soon. Cole leaned down and kissed her. They had kissed many times before this, but a goodbye kiss was different from all the others.

    In their case, they knew they would see each other again. With the beep of a car horn, the kiss broke, and they looked into each other’s eyes. Watching as his jade eyes were soft and almost filled with a sorrow for their separating.

    Soon, that’s why I won’t say goodbye. I know we will see each other soon, he said, grabbing her tan, well-used suitcase.

    She had everything she needed for her performance. She was ready and always looked forward to another show. It would be different without Cole by her side. But she had done performances without him, once upon a time.

    It seemed like years ago. Even though it really wasn’t. Cole was a year older than her, but it didn’t really bother her. Age never did, it was just a number as long as it was a person you could be comfortable with, and you hit it off well; then that’s all that mattered.

    She’d always believed that, ever since she was young. She grabbed her final suitcase and took a look around the apartment and said goodbye to her dark-colored feline in the window.

    She walked down the stairs and headed out the door towards the waiting car. There were a few paparazzi people outside, and she made sure to be well-dressed after seeing many celebrities and musicians being taken down in unkind ways in the papers. She always thought it was easier this way to look better and give them no story.

    Wearing a medium length dress that hugged her curves tightly, she felt almost underdressed for the occasion. She wasn’t the thinnest person, nor the heaviest; she considered herself to be a medium sized broad which always gave a story to the press about how she needed to lose weight, even though she was content with herself.

    She smiled as she entered the car and waved goodbye to Cole, while the driver started the engine.

    Hope you’re ready for a long ride, the driver said as he turned and entered the street, beginning the journey ahead.

    Brandon, her driver, had driven her to many airports, opera houses, and other performances. This show was different, though, as the only people she knew there was the master of The Society that she had been writing to and Brandon.

    They were traveling from the state of Maine while The Society was located in New Jersey. It was a small place in the middle of nowhere. It looked to be very interesting from the way the letters were written. She did anything for a good performance. It was what her parents trained her to do when they raised her to be a performer.

    After driving for some time with multiple breaks, they decided it was best to get a hotel and rest.

    They spent the evening in a hotel in Massachusetts.

    As if her mind had other plans, she awoke abruptly, once more, just like all the nights before from a cruel and unrelenting dream. She was alone in her room, and decided some TV would be a better option. Although nothing good was on, it was better than her harsh dreaming state from her mind.

    The room was beautiful, with a soft-downy-queen size bed, a flat screen, and a bathroom with a jacuzzi. She watched out her window into the dark night overlooking the city lights, the crowds of people still wandering the streets at the wee hour of morning. Normally, Cole would aid her after a nightmare woke her.

    But now, she had no one. She was alone and that gave her an added fear. She missed his arms, which would wrap around her, to keep her warm and to feel that safety, but now it wasn’t there. Just herself to put her in a lulling slumber.

    When resting in the chair, she found a way to get back to sleep. Restless though it may be, as the nightmare picked up where it left off.

    Thankfully, morning came, continuing their journey to finally get to The Society’s hall before tomorrow evening when the performance would take place.

    She shifted in her seat as the time passed. She texted with Cole throughout the drive.

    Me: -I wish you were with me for the performance.

    Baby: -I’m sorry babe, I am sure you will do great!

    Me: -Cole, I love you. Thanks for always being so supportive.

    Baby: -Of course, I love you too.

    Time continued to pass; she was alone with her thoughts and the music of the radio rang through her head. She began to pass in and out of slumber. Since the night before had been restless, her body desired sleep.

    It was another nightmare. They seemed to come more frequently these days. These nightmares originated around her fifteenth birthday. It began suddenly and had been spotty on and off for the past five years. But for the past year they have became more frequent and seemed in the past month to go on and on every time she closed her eyes.

    Her dreams always started off with her walking up to the gate. Behind the gate was a path and when the gate would open, she walked the beaten path. It led her to a house where she would knock and answer. There was a man whom she described as a ‘monstre’: his skin was loose and badly burned. It traveled down his face to his neck and down his arms. She trusted him, though, like he would never hurt her. He would reach out to her, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. He would never let her go no matter how much she struggled against him. He spoke to her and told her sweet things before directing her with one single word. Sing! When he did, she knew she must obey. She couldn’t speak back to him; she just did as she was told and sang. Like everyone else in her life, when she was told to do something, she listened.

    Rose awoke from the nightmare with sweat dripping down her face. Seeing a small black handgun in her face with a black hooded-masked man in front of her, his finger on the trigger, the sweat pearl-drops dripped faster.

    Give us your cell phone! She quickly reacted and handed it to him. She noticed Brandon in the front also giving over his possessions.

    What happened, Brandon? she asked, wanting to understand why they were being robbed.

    Shut up and give me the ring!

    The ring? Her engagement ring with its three pearls shaped in a heart. Tears began to shed from her face as she began to tug at the ring, twisting it across her ring finger as it slid past the knuckles. Once it was off her finger, she placed it in his open palm.

    Earrings, necklace, and that looks like silky/lacy fabric. Take it off. Her tears were beginning to be shed as she grabbed the earrings and necklace. The dress was sheer so thankfully she had a white slip underneath, and she pulled the fabric over her head and handed it to them.

    Suitcases? She pointed with a trembling finger towards the trunk, and the guy in front pushed the trigger closer to Brandon’s face. He then popped it up. The guy next to Rose backed away and got the four other guys to grab her suitcases out of the back. With that, a gun shot went off and all the men disappeared.

    Pushing her face into her hands, she let the tears fall. Her nightmares were bad enough, but now she had no clothes on her body or even for the performance. Both cell phones were stolen, their wallets, ID, nothing was left but the car and what they wore now. Brandon thankfully had his clothes, but everything they had was gone. She was at a point to go home and write a letter to the master explaining everything. Rose wasn’t a quitter, though, and didn’t plan to give up now.

    What happened, Brandon? She repeated her question, wondering why they had gotten robbed.

    "I had to pull over, change the tire as there was broken glass. Once I finished fixing it and got back in the car, I had a gun to my head and well… you know the rest.

    Should we go home? Brandon asked, looking in the mirror towards Rose.

    No, we will have to head on. Hopefully The Society has a dress for me to perform in. But he doesn’t call or text. He only uses letter. It would be rude not to show, she said, breaking from her tears. She looked out the window as the car started.

    They were a little way away from New Jersey now. Only a few hours before they would arrive. She continued to stare out the window, watching the passing buildings. After driving for roughly a day and a half breaking up their time on the road, they were about twenty minutes away now.

    As circumstances seemed to make matters worse, the rain began to start. Somehow a major storm was even common for the lovely spring days of May. As the rain fell hard and the thunder rumbled in the background, she watched with amazement as they began to disappear into the wooded area.

    The trees lured her in. They were beginning to gather the new seasons leaves. Many fallen trees covered in moss made her dream of what it was like to walk through the woods.

    As she daydreamed, she was turned away to focus on the spurting of the car before it began to come to a halt. She looked ahead to Brandon, who was facing a fuming grey fog in their windshield.

    What’s going on? she called out to him.

    It seems we are having some car trouble, miss. Did you see an auto shop on the way in?

    No, I didn’t, but I will admit I was distracted in my mind, she said, looking out the window once more.

    Well, I will go walk back and try to get help. You can stay here in the car to stay safe and warm. She chuckled, looking at him.

    You will go backwards and try to get help. We aren’t far from The Society. I will head forwards. Try to find it. If not, maybe there is someone else along the path to help if needed.

    You can’t do that; your family would have me killed for letting you go off on your own. She crossed her arms and looked at him.

    My parents are too busy back in their Paris home to even come for this show. Cole is working. I had to go alone. I won’t sit here while you go out there and work while I twiddle my thumbs.

    All their stuff was gone, she didn’t even have an umbrella to shield herself from the rain. Did she desire to go out into the wet and nasty weather? Simply put, of course not!

    Okay then, if I don’t see you come back, I will assume you made it to The Society. I will then fix the car and come there.

    Wonderful! Thank you, Brandon. With that, she watched him step out of the car and into the rain. He was already soaking wet from even a moment’s time in the pouring rain.

    Once she stopped thinking, she finally got up the courage to open the car door and venture out. Seeing the rain hit the pavement so fast, she groaned with sadness that she had to go out there with nothing to wear.

    She made her way out and as the cold water hit her skin, she realized almost immediately the harsh reality of her choice. Brandon had already gone to far ahead to back out now on her word.

    Starting her journey forward, she walked with only a white colored slip. She had decided to not wear a bra, which now was considered to be another poor decision on her part. She continued walking, noticing that she was going to show up at a well renowned society practically nude.

    The rain was one thing, the other was that it smelled like fish. As it fell down on her skin, she tried to focus on her surroundings and ignore the smell. She was surprised at how a society was in the middle of such an unknown forest. It seemed so closed off from the outside world. As the rain fell with the dark clouds, she felt like she was in a different world.

    She wondered now if coming alone was wise. Maybe she should have stayed near the car. But it was too late, and she was much too far to walk back to the car. She couldn’t even see it anymore.

    Night seemed to be coming as it cast its dark veil of the shadows around her. Walking seemed like it was going on forever, barely able to see a thing except for the occasional strike of lightening.

    Something was… hidden amongst the trees. A small mailbox. No name on either side. It was the only place she had seen the whole route. She couldn’t walk anymore, her feet ached from her magenta-four-inch heels she was wearing.

    She looked a bit closer to see a gate. This gate was tall, black irons of steel locking things out and keeping things in.

    She walked closer towards the gate; it was then when the chills began to run along her back. Some would say it could be from the weather but the fact that this gate looked identical to the one in her nightmares made the situation entirely worse.

    She could even notice the

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