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Happy Place by Emily Henry: by Emily Henry - A Comprehensive Summary
Happy Place by Emily Henry: by Emily Henry - A Comprehensive Summary
Happy Place by Emily Henry: by Emily Henry - A Comprehensive Summary
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Happy Place by Emily Henry: by Emily Henry - A Comprehensive Summary

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Summary of Happy Place by Emily Henry

Nestled on the rocky shoreline, a quaint cottage beckons with its
knotty pine floorboards and perpetually open windows. The
invigorating aroma of evergreens and brine wafts in on the
breeze, as white linen drapes sway lazily. Here, amidst this
idyllic setting, I find solace with my cherished friends, Sabrina
and Cleo. Since our fateful encounter at Mattingly College, they
have become my dearest confidantes. It still astounds me that
fate, embodied by an obscure housing committee in Vermont,
united us. Sabrina, a refined Manhattan heiress, and Cleo, an
artistic soul hailing from New Orleans, are improbable
counterparts to a small-town Indiana girl like myself.
On our first night together, Sabrina had us gathered on her bed,
enjoying Clueless on her laptop while munching on a mix of
popcorn and gummy worms. Soon after, she surprised us with
personalized shirts, inspired by our very first inside joke. Our
room in the white building held a special charm, and we
delighted in exploring the campus and indulging in open-
window study sessions with spicy chai and the fragrance of
autumn leaves. Cleo’s exquisite nude painting of Sabrina and me
adorned our door, accompanied by treasured Polaroids capturing
our shared moments.
I tried to prevent the shouting because the subsequent silence
filled me with dread. Yet, my best friends showed me a serene
quietness born from profound understanding and a joyful noise
that celebrated life. It was only when Sabrina took us to her
family’s summer home in Maine that I met Wyn, and everything

 Here is a Preview of What You Will Get:

⁃ A Detailed Introduction
⁃ A Comprehensive Chapter by Chapter Summary
⁃ Etc

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Release dateJun 10, 2023
Happy Place by Emily Henry: by Emily Henry - A Comprehensive Summary

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    Book preview

    Happy Place by Emily Henry - Francis Thomas

    Chapter 1

    Nestled on the rocky shoreline, a quaint cottage beckons with its

    knotty pine floorboards and perpetually open windows. The

    invigorating aroma of evergreens and brine wafts in on the

    breeze, as white linen drapes sway lazily. Here, amidst this

    idyllic setting, I find solace with my cherished friends, Sabrina

    and Cleo. Since our fateful encounter at Mattingly College, they

    have become my dearest confidantes. It still astounds me that

    fate, embodied by an obscure housing committee in Vermont,

    united us. Sabrina, a refined Manhattan heiress, and Cleo, an

    artistic soul hailing from New Orleans, are improbable

    counterparts to a small-town Indiana girl like myself.

    On our first night together, Sabrina had us gathered on her bed,

    enjoying Clueless on her laptop while munching on a mix of

    popcorn and gummy worms. Soon after, she surprised us with

    personalized shirts, inspired by our very first inside joke. Our

    room in the white building held a special charm, and we

    delighted in exploring the campus and indulging in open-

    window study sessions with spicy chai and the fragrance of

    autumn leaves. Cleo’s exquisite nude painting of Sabrina and me

    adorned our door, accompanied by treasured Polaroids capturing

    our shared moments.

    I tried to prevent the shouting because the subsequent silence

    filled me with dread. Yet, my best friends showed me a serene

    quietness born from profound understanding, and a joyful noise

    that celebrated life. It was only when Sabrina took us to her

    family’s summer home in Maine that I met Wyn, and everything


    Chapter 2

    Imagine your happy place, the calming voice suggests. I

    envision glimmering blue hues behind closed eyes, inhaling the

    scent of wet rocks, rine, sizzling butter, and a touch of lemon.

    Laughter fills the air, water slaps against the bluffs, and the

    receding tide whispers over sand and stone. Sunlight envelops

    everything, warming not just my bare skin but also my soul, as I

    gaze at the expansive sky during the plane’s turbulent descent.

    With my suitcase in hand, I exit the small airport and instantly

    feel like a woman from a tampon commercial—overflowing

    with joy, confidence, and readiness for any physical adventure.

    This moment has carried me through tough hospital shifts and

    sleepless nights. The upcoming week promises delightful

    moments of laughter, indulging in creamy lobster rolls and

    sipping crisp white wine with my friends. A honk interrupts my

    thoughts, and I open my eyes to see Sabrina, a timeless beauty,

    holding a poster with a quirky Love Actually reference. We

    embrace tightly, cherishing our reunion.

    She gives me a stern once-over and asks what’s different. I

    mention my new face, and she quickly catches on. We walk

    towards the car, enveloped in the scent of Chanel No. 5. I

    explain that it wasn’t a medical procedure, but an Etsy spell. She

    compliments my appearance, and I express my joy at being

    reunited. We share a comfortable silence, reminiscing about our

    shared living experience. She throws my suitcase in the car

    effortlessly and asks about the flight. I mention it was the same

    pilot as last time, and she raises an eyebrow in surprise.

    I nod, confirming the pilot’s notoriety for wearing sunglasses on

    the back of his head. Sabrina remarks on never seeing him

    without them, and I jest about the possibility of him needing an

    extra pair of eyes in his neck. We discussed his flying skills,

    noting the difference since he got sober. I inquire about his

    intercom banter, and Sabrina reminisces about how entertaining

    it used to be.

    As a resident, I spend most of my time on scut work, but the

    moments with attending surgeons and patients linger in my

    thoughts. I find comfort in the mundane tasks, and completing

    them gives me a sense of control. When Sabrina asks about

    Wyn, I stall the conversation, waiting for the right time.

    Eventually, I give a partially honest response and Sabrina turns

    up the radio.

    Sabrina and her extended family have a tradition of resetting the

    car radio to her dad’s stations when they visit the cottage. As we

    drive, old tunes like Frank Sinatra’s "Summer Wind" fill the air.

    The cottage, a magnificent mansion cleverly disguised as a cozy

    home, sits atop a cliff, surrounded by a four-car garage and a

    guesthouse nestled among moss and trees. Memories of Cleo’s

    PowerPoint presentation about a ghosted guy named Brayden

    resurface, but Sabrina reminds me his name was Bryant.

    Sabrina corrects me, mentioning that Wife Number Two had a

    rotating cycle of designer puppies. She won the cousins’ divorce

    betting pool, granting us access to the cottage during Lobster

    Fest. We thank Cousin Frankie, who now lives on a catamaran

    in Ibiza. Sabrina takes my hand and leads me inside, where the

    foyer emanates the nostalgic scent of summer in old Maine


    In the kitchen-living room, Cleo’s voice and Parth’s chuckle

    reach my ears. Sabrina enters, discarding her shoes and placing

    the keys on the console table. Kimmy, Cleo’s girlfriend, rushes

    down the hallway, showering me with kisses. Sabrina hints at a

    surprise, and together they guide me forward. My heart stops as

    I behold Wyn Connor, my fiancé, standing at the marble

    breakfast bar. A mix of panic and conflicting emotions

    overwhelms me in this unexpected encounter in my cherished


    Chapter 3

    So, he’s no longer my fiancé, but our friends are unaware of that

    fact. After being engaged to Wyn Connor for a significant

    period of time, it’s difficult to stop thinking of him as my fiancé

    overnight, or even over the span of months. This was supposed

    to be the week our ruse ended, yet here he stands, surprising me

    alongside our friends. His

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