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Win Life's Battles Daily - 12.4.3 Plan
Win Life's Battles Daily - 12.4.3 Plan
Win Life's Battles Daily - 12.4.3 Plan
Ebook180 pages57 minutes

Win Life's Battles Daily - 12.4.3 Plan

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About this ebook

Research has shown, truly so, that the average human being thinks over 10,000 thoughts in one day. Such as: - I can do it; I cannot; I hate you; I am a failure; God cannot forgive me; I cannot forgive myself; It is too difficult; it is possible; it is impossible; this land is useless; this job is useless; you are a wicked boy; you are a thie

Release dateJun 12, 2023
Win Life's Battles Daily - 12.4.3 Plan

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    Book preview

    Win Life's Battles Daily - 12.4.3 Plan - Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

    Win Life’s Battles Daily

    12.4.3 Plan

    By Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe

    About the book – Win Life’s Battle Daily - 12.4.3 Plan

    Research has shown, truly so, that the average human being thinks over 10,000 thoughts in one day. Such as: - I can do it; I cannot; I hate you; I am a failure; God cannot forgive me; I cannot forgive myself; It is too difficult; it is possible; it is impossible; this land is useless; this job is useless; you are a wicked boy; you are a thief; I am good for nothing etc. Now, how many of those thoughts are centered on God's word? Another discovery I made from the Holy Scriptures was that wars are won and lost in heaven and on earth by words that come from the heart. Which of those words coming out of our hearts is centered on God's word? Which aren't?

    Win life battle's daily using the 12.4.3 plan will help us dwell on God's word and take our thoughts, corresponding words and actions captive daily.

    Twelve (12) Scripture Packed, Mind Renewing Declarations to Fuel A Daily Victorious Christian Lifestyle That Manifest In A Fearless, Healthy, Joyful, Loving, Hate-Free, Peaceful, Spirit - Filled, Guiltless, Sinless, High Self - Esteem, Faith-Driven And Vision Accomplishing Living.

    12.4.3 Plan is a 12 Minutes. 4 Declarations. 3 Times Plan that helps you and I to be committed to spending a minimum of 36 minutes of your God given 24-hour day being in prayer mode by praying through the Win Life's Battles Daily guide. The 36 minutes’ plan is spread such that every 6 hours of the day, you knock on heaven doors for a minimum of 12 minutes.  All it takes to pray and confess through the entire 12 declarations with the bible references is 36 minutes, which is 12 minutes’ maximum per session.

    About the Author

    Ambassador of Christ, Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe is a marketplace ambassador of Christ with a heart for unity in the body of Christ. His face-to-face encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ on Saturday, 22nd of April 2006 at 5 AM in the morning changed the trajectory of His life forever.

    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe is an ordained minister of God at God's Eagle Ministries Inc -

    As an ICT expert, he uses His skill to reach online seekers and equip the body of believers to the work of ministry via his ministry site – A Minister at God’s Eagle Ministries, a church without walls, borders and denomination where we are seeding the nations with God’s word and God is transforming Lives through over 2 million Christian focused content which are now hosted and distributed to a worldwide audience of both seekers and Christians. content reaches over half a million-online audience monthly and growing!

    Ambassador Monday is host to "Enough is Enough to Captivity of Satan and welcome to freedom in Christ in healing, deliverance, and restoration equipping series where he teaches and equips the saints to minister healing, deliverance, and restoration of self and others within and outside their circles – Healing is the children’s bread and a sign to unbelievers to authenticate God’s endorsement of the hope of our calling. We have seen remarkable healing, deliverance and restoration taking place for God's glory!

    He has written several books namely:

    1)  Greater Exploits - 1 – You are born for this – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration;

    2)  Greater Exploits – 2 –You are born for this – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration

    3)  Greater Exploits – 3 – You are born for this – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration

    4)  Greater Exploits - 4 – You are born for this – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration

    5)  Greater Exploits - 5 – You are born for this – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration

    6)  Greater Exploits 6 -

    7)  Greater Exploits 7 -

    8)  Greater Exploits 8 –

    9)  Perfect WORDS, Perfect WORKS, and Perfect WONDERS: True Story of Thirty (30) Years SPIRITUAL TRAVEL Diary into the Spirit World with STRONG Biblical WORLDVIEW : Perfection Series 2 –

    10) True Story of Pastor Jude Jones who FAINTED during a 50,000 - member Strong Church Service and His Encounter in the Courtroom of Heaven: Perfect Church ... Ministry Jesus WAY - Perfection Series

    11) The Practical School of the Holy Spirit in 8 Sub titles;

    12) 2020 Prophetic Breaking News Part 1 of 4; 2 of 4; 3 of 4;

    13) Sex in God’s Temple – 15 Easy Ways to Understand, Identify and Overcome Sexual Immorality and Emotional Traps in Your Life;

    14) Borderless – Envisioning and experiencing one church community of believers without walls, borders, and denomination;

    15) Escape to a world of understanding – antidote to hatred against Muslims Christians and people everywhere;

    16) Clueless: – Go Make Disciples, a practical how to make disciples book;

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