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Everyday Miracles: Mary, Melodie and Me
Everyday Miracles: Mary, Melodie and Me
Everyday Miracles: Mary, Melodie and Me
Ebook179 pages1 hour

Everyday Miracles: Mary, Melodie and Me

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About this ebook

Is there a quota on miracles? If so, we’re ‘way over our share. This is the story of Mary, her two major accidents, the hundreds of people who came from everywhere to help her, especially the visits of Angels from the other side.

And, it’s the story of her twin, Melodie, their telepathic communication, a lot of fun and many, many tears. Myself, I’m the one that sews the Seams of Life of when they’re torn by Fate, and pick up what scraps of Self I can get along the way.

Every word is true. I couldn’t make this stuff up.

Release dateMay 27, 2023
Everyday Miracles: Mary, Melodie and Me

Carolyn Franklin M.A.

M. A. Communication StudiesM. A. EducationB. A. Psychology30 years voice training (San Francisco Opera)Voice/Speech improvement CoachContact Carolyn -

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    Everyday Miracles - Carolyn Franklin M.A.

    Everyday Miracles

    Mary, Melodie and Me

    Carolyn Franklin M.A.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Is There A Quota On Miracles?

    My First Miracle

    Lessons in Motherhood

    Old Country Superstitions

    The Beginning of Mary’s Story

    Self-Appointed Goddesses of Education

    Which One Are You?

    Born to be Mystics

    Death Valley Miracle

    New Words - New World

    The Trio From Outer Space

    Get Over It?

    Enter, Dan

    My Vision of the Future

    Mary, the Nightmare Accident

    Miracles in Full Force

    Outpouring of Support

    Life On Hold

    Our Dentist

    A GOOD Friday

    The Long Road to Normal

    Cheryl, Mary’s Stepmother and the Toilet

    Melodie comes Home

    Mary, Gone Forever

    What to Do? Die, of course

    Mother’s Extraordinary Powers

    Getting Permission From Dan

    Mary, Dumped in the Gravel Driveway

    Hope Workshop, Los Altos

    Live Oaks Senior Day Care

    George and the Gypsies

    Easter Lilies

    The Savage Beast

    My Mother Leaves Us

    My Dream of What’s To Come

    Melodie Breaks Under the Strain

    Melodie’s Breakdown

    Mary’s Head Bones

    Ramona, Mary’s Good Friend


    Practice, Practice, Practice

    Judge Michaud

    Psychic Surgery

    Philippine Airlines

    The Leg Fell Off, Again

    The Brown River Dance

    Queen of Summer Camp


    Mary As Inspiration

    About the Author

    Publications By Carolyn Franklin M.A.

    Is There A Quota On Miracles?

    Is there a quota on miracles? If so, we’re ‘way over our share. This is the story of Mary, her two major accidents, the hundreds of people who came from everywhere to help her, especially the visits of Angels from the other side.

    And, it’s the story of her twin, Melodie, their telepathic communication, a lot of fun and many, many tears. Myself, I’m the one that sews the Seams of Life of when they’re torn by Fate, and pick up what scraps of Self I can get along the way.

    Every word is true. I couldn’t make this stuff up.

    You might call this book a paean, a song of praise for the force of Love, unseen, yet tangible. Tangible love that exudes from the hearts and minds of our souls, Love Incarnate, our basic nature.

    Yes, Mary did have visits from angels. Why be surprised? We humans, also, are angels, a bit on the dense side perhaps. But, nevertheless, we have the essence, the spirit of miracles, available within us to create and share.

    As I, Mary and Melodie’s mother, look back on the sequence of events, it is easier to understand the extraordinary gift of Life. On a daily basis, many of us take Life for granted, we take miracles for granted.

    We shouldn’t.

    I have stopped trying to explain or defend, the occurrence of miracles.

    You either get it, or you don’t.

    I don’t care.

    I know, I know they are real.

    Many of my friends prefer the term, coincidences - maybe even delusions.

    How many coincidences does one experience in a lifetime? How many times do you experience and explain a coincidence? Sometimes coincidences are not explainable.

    You say, Oh, uhm…it just happened.

    Yes… coincidences just happen…?

    Some people say the Age of Miracles is over. What age? Since the beginning of time?

    The Creation?

    How does an apple seed know how to be a tree? How do our eyes see images, colors, distance…? How does the brain interpret affection, worry, joy, happiness?


    Or, miracles?

    The miracles in this book are those that were specifically designed for Mary.

    Melodie and I just tagged along, it was quite a ride.

    The events are graphic, unexplainable, yet real. All these events were designed to show God is real.

    God is a Verb.

    God is Unconditional Love, not a man painted on a ceiling.

    As it says in the catechism, God always was and always will be.

    It’s obvious.

    So, here begins the backstory, the prologue, the set-up, the introduction to a world of Love, events to bring awareness of the Grace of God to everyone.

    It seems in the understanding of Mary’s life, I was an instrument used to see that the miracles were interpreted and accepted. It was not necessary to understand the events. In fact, sometimes it was distressing to think that somehow the mark was missed and hopes and prayers were misguided.

    Some people suggest that these, miracles are delusions of a mother’s love, a hope that God will take pity on her and hear her prayer. Some people believe that miracles are a distorted wish that Life will improve in their favor.

    Perhaps that’s true, miracles are distorted hope.

    And, then again, perhaps they’re just miracles.

    This is Mary’s story from the very beginning up until today. At this moment, there is no end. She was dedicated to her namesake, Mary, the Mother of God. She is another Mary in the vast universe of Mary’s, all named after the Mother of God.

    Sometimes the beginning of a story is a long ‘way back from where the reader starts. Perhaps events in stories are like flat, misshapen stones in a pathway. Each misshapen stone has a purpose, perhaps to guide, to teach or entertain the reader.

    The reader and the story must have a relationship which affects the reader’s life for the better.

    Events are set up by forces we’re not aware of. We’re players, characters designed to be in a drama that was written before we were made. Some stories are thought-provoking, others are comedies.

    Both types were designed for a specific time and place to teach the audience - the reader to appreciate, understand, Life, Love and Creation.

    Mary’s story starts in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1937 when I was 6 years old. Since we were a family of mystics, almost everyone in the family was deeply religious and superstitious, our daily routine included saints, prayers and church.

    Angels, saints, dream interpretation and odd occurrences, were part of everyday life. My acceptance of other-world experiences in those early years had direct impact on the miracles that were far in the future.

    At a young age I learned that the super natural was natural; miracles happen just as you need them. They’re a gift and perfectly timed.

    We always gave thanks in our daily, copious prayers. The number of times we made the sign of the cross on our chest must surely have impressed even the most stoic of saints.

    My First Miracle

    At 6 years old, I had my first miracle. The event was not exceptional, but just something I needed at that moment - of course!

    The story of that miracle, my first, is yet, another story.

    Mother had enrolled me in a public school, a sad, red brick, two-story box that was dark and dismal. The classroom had one single light bulb dangling on a wire from the center of the ceiling. Since I had never been in a classroom before, I assumed this was the normal arrangement, nothing of much interest.

    But, when walking in to that class, I barely glanced at the bleak room, my

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