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The Hidden Messages of Your Illness
The Hidden Messages of Your Illness
The Hidden Messages of Your Illness
Ebook113 pages1 hour

The Hidden Messages of Your Illness

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Why do you have the pain, symptoms or illnesses you are currently experiencing?


If you would like to know the answer to this question and find out how to resolve the health challenges you face—and experience extraordinary health and dramatically improved quality of life—then the words in these pages are going to provide you profound and powerful insights that have the potential to transform your health and quality of life.


In The Hidden Messages of Your Illnesses, Dr Marcus Chacos, renowned chiropractor, best-selling author and founder of Provolution Health, reveals the key to understanding your illnesses. In today's mechanistic society we have come to see the body much like a machine, operating independently of mind, spirit and soul. We have come to regard our health as solely related to our bodies. But of course, effective healing requires much more than treatment of the physical symptoms.

In this book, Dr Chacos teaches you how to understand the hidden messages conveyed by the signs, symptoms and conditions that you are experiencing in your health and your life more generally. It will equip you with the tools for personal empowerment and transformation.

PublisherMarcus Chacos
Release dateJun 15, 2023
The Hidden Messages of Your Illness

Marcus Chacos

Dr. Marcus Chacos is a chiropractor with twenty-five years clinical experience specializing in chiropractic neuroscience, family wellness care and arthritic conditions. He is the bestselling author of The Arthritis Solution as well as two other books. Dr. Chaocs founded Chiropractic Education Online, a non-profit organization designed to raise funds through chiropractic education for chiropractic institutions dedicated and committed to serving vitalistic chiropractic. Dr. Chacos has hosted the Pain2Brain: Neuroscience of Chiropractic Virtual Summit and the Family Wellness Super-Conference events bringing together the leading chiropractors in the field to raise funds for the chiropractic profession. Dr. Chacos is a board member of the Australian Spinal research Foundation (ASRF), raising funds for subluxation-based research.

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    Book preview

    The Hidden Messages of Your Illness - Marcus Chacos

    Chapter One: Introduction

    Why do you have the pain, symptoms, or illnesses you are currently experiencing?

    If you would like to know the answer to this question and find out how to resolve the health challenges you face—and experience extraordinary health and dramatically improved quality of life—then the words in these pages are going to provide you with profound and powerful insights that have the potential to transform your health and quality of life.

    In these pages you will uncover the hidden messages conveyed by the signs, symptoms and conditions that you are experiencing in your health and life. It will equip you with the tools for personal empowerment and transformation.

    Let me say this upfront: I have seen miraculous healing take place in people’s lives. I have witnessed the transformation in individuals and their families as they overcome life- threatening conditions. I am grateful to have played a part in people learning to thrive and living passionately and purposefully after understanding the true nature of the conditions they have for too long suffered with.

    The same opportunity for healing and transformation exists for you. Switch off your mobile phone, turn off the TV and remove every distraction. Read these pages and allow a deeper understanding of the hidden messages your illnesses—and the meaning they have for you.

    Part A. Understanding the sub-title: The Lost and Sacred Art of Symbolic Interpretation of Signs and Symptoms

    Before delving into the book’s content, it is essential to gain a clear understanding of the sub-title, The lost and sacred art of symbolic interpretation of signs and symptoms. This is quite a mouthful, and truth be told, it was suggested that this be excluded as part of the title because of its length and the difficulty in determining exactly what is meant by this statement.

    Notwithstanding, the subtitle remains because it holds so much meaning and power. So, I will detail here its meaning because it is both powerful and pivotal in your own personal journey to understanding the hidden messages and meanings behind the signs and symptoms you experience.


    Let me begin with the lost and sacred nature of interpreting signs and symptoms.

    We have become a very mechanistic society. We see the body much like a machine, operating independently of mind, spirit and soul. The mechanistic view sees the body as a machine to be fixed, and the world itself as a resource to be mined, excavated and developed for our advantage.

    This mechanistic view is not how we have always operated. In fact, far from it. The majority of communities and societies in recorded history, and across the planet, have been vitalistic. That is, recognising the subtle influences, both of our own beings and that of the planet. The mechanistic model does not consider the energetic influence or the unseen aspect of our true nature. As a result, much of what we understand about how our bodies—and how experiences in our lives—are interconnected and are non-physical in nature has been lost.

    In fact, what we have always known and understood about the body has become lost in this mechanistic view. That is why it is a lost and sacred art of symbolic interpretation of signs and symptoms. What we have always known, what has been passed down from generation to generation—the truths and understandings that have come with awareness and interpretation of the wisdom of our own inner world—has been lost and replaced by a model that sees the body as separate from the mind, that sees symptoms as problems to be treated, and that sees microbes, such as bacteria and viruses, as the cause of disease, rather than understanding the true nature of why conditions present themselves.

    What you are going to learn in this book has been lost to this generation and in that regard, it becomes a revelation.

    It is also sacred information. This information has always been held as the highest and most important understanding in how we can live fully and completely due to our relationship to this wisdom. The wisdom keeper of every generation safe-guarded this knowledge: the immutable truths of how the body worked—and healed.

    This information is detailed in the sacred texts of all the religions of the world. Understanding symbolism has been held as sacred in all cultures, an expression of the deepest and most profound wisdoms.

    Truly, the information you are about to uncover has been both lost in modern times, though has always been held as sacred. It is a lost and sacred wisdom, an excellent element of understanding the truth of the human experience.


    Now, let me explore interpreting symbolism as an art. As with any discipline, art requires study; it requires your personal perspective to be tuned to that which is before you. It requires responding to your own personal experience with understanding. It requires the nuances of your own personal investment in uncovering your individual messages.

    It is a lost and sacred art to be able to interpret the symbolic messages behind the signs and symptoms you present with. It is not a scientific or mechanistic view of you as a client. It is a vitalistic, artistic process of interpretation.

    While I discuss signs and symptoms later in detail, signs represent the objective evidence of a condition perceptible to an examining practitioner, while a symptom is subjective evidence of the condition perceived by you as the client. In essence, signs are those things that can be seen, while symptoms are those things that you tell the practitioner you are experiencing.

    For example, raised blood pressure is a sign. It is an objective, observable, measurable and perceptible to an examining practitioner, while chest pain is a symptom. The chest pain is not visible, but as the client you can tell the practitioner you are experiencing this pain.

    In this way, the lost and sacred art of symbolic interpretation of signs and symptoms is the ability to understand, with wisdom and sensitivity, the meaning behind—and therefore the causes for—the signs and symptoms a person presents with. It is seeing beyond the conditions or diagnosis a person presents with to the message behind those experiences. It is the precursor to growth and wisdom, to understanding and empowerment.

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