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Sorry! America Will Never Be Great Again!
Sorry! America Will Never Be Great Again!
Sorry! America Will Never Be Great Again!
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Sorry! America Will Never Be Great Again!

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What is really ironic is that the author is a supporter of President Trump, and has been since he announced his run for the Presidency of the United States at Trump Tower on June 15, 2015. Plus the author has even written a book about President Trump. Nevertheless, the author truly believes – and this book will show evidence of this – that America will never be great again!

Release dateMay 27, 2023
Sorry! America Will Never Be Great Again!

Roger Henri Trepanier

Roger Henri Trepanier is an evangelist, author, and counselor, who has been serving God on his field of service since 1999. One hundred and twelve books have been published so far in five different series, all available in print format and as an eBook for any type of eBook reader. He is a widower with three adopted children, all now married.The author's two websites have been closed. To access the author's books, please type, "Roger Henri Trepanier, books" in any search engine. All the author's books are available in print and ebook formats for all devices.

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    Book preview

    Sorry! America Will Never Be Great Again! - Roger Henri Trepanier



    America will never be great again simply because it is not on God’s prophetic calendar!


    What is on God’s prophetic calendar is for Him to allow a New World Order to be established on earth, which is in the process of being set up before our very eyes!


    What we all need to see is that there never has been a normal on this earth!


    A weaponized government has led to corrupt agencies and institutions, which has led to a lawless society, which now leaves us on a slippery slope toward a one world government!


    America will never be great again because it has been given over by God, along with the rest of the nations of the earth, which means that all are now under His judgment!


    America will never be great again because we are on the doorstep of WWW3, which will usher in the reign of the antichrist over ALL the nations of the earth!


    America will never be great again because it has been paganized, along with the rest of the nations, to the point that God can now end this present third age!


    America will never be great again because here, and also in all other nations on earth, there is no longer any foundation left of what God established!


    It is not only at the present that America will not be great again, but rather this will now be so forever!


    What about President Trump and the MAGA movement?


    A last word!


    The four ages of time


    The two comings from Heaven to earth of God’s precious Son, our Lord Jesus Christ


    An exposition of Revelation 13


    The nature of man and the consequence of sin!


    For those who may not as yet know God

    The next book

    End page


    What is really ironic is that the author is a supporter of President Trump, and has been since he announced his run for the Presidency of the United States at Trump Tower on June 15, 2015. And the author has even written a book about President Trump (please see list of books at be beginning of this book).

    Nevertheless, the author truly believes – and this book will show evidence of this – that America will never be great again. This does not of course mean that I do not wish this, but rather believe this to be so because I am a Bible-believing Christian and my first priority in life is to live my life as a follower of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, which therefore means believing and putting into practice all that God says in His word, the Bible! What this further means then is that my reading of God’s word leads me to see a different outcome for the United States in particular, and the world in general, based on the current state of things on earth at the moment.

    It should be noted that there is an Addenda at the back of the book with five sections. In Addendum A, there is a brief outline of the four ages of time, for any reading the book who might not be familiar with this information. In Addendum B, there is a brief outline of the two comings from Heaven to earth in time of God’s Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. In Addendum C, we have an exposition of Revelation 13. In Addendum D, we have and exposition of the nature of man and the consequence of sin! In Addendum E, we have a presentation of the gospel, which is the good news that God has given in His word regarding His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, for any reader who might not yet have this vital personal relationship with God, through faith in His Son.

    What should also be mentioned before closing this Introduction, because we are all somewhat curious by nature, is that after completing 21 years of formal education, and then spending almost 28 years working in Project Engineering and Management in the Corporate offices of two large utilities, God called His servant as a non-denominational evangelist in early 1999, and then sent him out over two thousand miles, away from family and friends, to the place of service God assigned, which is where His servant has been, and is still serving Him, as evangelist, author, and counselor. The author is a widower with three adopted children, all now married with a family of their own.

    This book, and all the author’s books, are available for purchase in print format or as an eBook on all major distribution channels. Since the author’s two websites are no longer active, one may access the books, and places to purchase, by typing Roger Henri Trepanier, books in any search engine.

    And now my prayer is that God will richly bless you as you read this book, and greatly minister to every need in your life, as only God can! To Him be all praise, honor, and glory, with thanksgiving, both now and forevermore! Amen.

    Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand.

    Proverbs 19:21

    …He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand…

    Daniel 4:35 in part


    America will never be great again simply because it is not on God’s prophetic calendar!

    What we all need to grasp at the outset here is that when God created this world in which we find ourselves, He was working in accordance with a plan for the ages of time! In other words, God has an AGENDA, which He is working out each and every day. As human beings we are part of an ongoing history, but it is important to realize that this history is HIS STORY!

    Those who know God through a personal relationship in salvation know that God is Almighty and Sovereign, which means that He has the POWER to accomplish all that He has already purposed to do as part of His plan of the ages, and He is also IN CONTROL over of all people, events, and circumstances that ever occurs during the course of time! And since this is so, then we can be sure that all that God has said in His word, the Bible, will take place during the ages of time, and will take place exactly as God has said it will!

    In having read and studied God’s word for over 43 years now, and also in teaching that word to others, I have not found any indication anywhere that the United States of America will be great in the future, that is, past this present moment. Actually, as we will see as we proceed, is that the belief of America being great again actually clashes with what God says will happen. In other words, if one looks at God’s word prophetically – that is, looking at God’s word as it pertains to the future – the event that God is in the process of allowing in the world is for the entry of a leader on the world scene, who will be the antichrist, who will rule over a one world government over all the nations of the earth, under the direct authority and power of Satan, the devil!

    For what also needs to be grasped here is that from the dawn of the creation of this present earth – and since the fall of this angelic being known as Satan, the devil – this evil character has been attempting to not only remove any knowledge of God from this earth, but has in fact been attempting to establish a kingdom to rival God’s own on this present earth!

    In other words, the one goal driving Satan, the devil, is to be RULER OVER ALL CREATION, INSTEAD OF GOD! And in order to achieve that he needs a world that is united in a common purpose – but unfortunately not for good, but for evil – with that common purpose being to have a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT established on earth, with a one world religion! That one world government would then be Satan’s kingdom on this earth, with his antichrist as political leader and the false prophet as leader over that one world religion!

    The amazing thing is that God has already told us that the devil is going to do this! One only has to read Revelation 13 in the Bible, where we see that God will allow the devil, there seen as the dragon, to rule over this earth through his antichrist, who is the first beast of Revelation 13:1, doing so for a period of seven years, which could start at any moment!

    In fact, the antichrist’s rule will begin as soon as God removes all believers from the earth, as God discloses at 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17, who are now, through The Holy Spirit indwelling each, being used of God to restrain the evil in this world! When the antichrist – as Satan’s evil counterfeit to God’s Son, The Lord Jesus Christ – comes on the world scene, he will be assisted by the false prophet, who is the second beast mentioned at Revelation 13:11. The reader is encourages to turn to Addendum C at the book of the book to read an exposition of Revelation 13 before resuming here.

    What is very important to grasp here is that this coming seven year period, in which the antichrist will be ruling over all the nations of the earth, is A SET EVENT ON GOD’S PROPHETIC CALENDAR! As both Almighty and Sovereign, God is presently and always outworking events in accordance with His eternal plan for the ages of time, all designed for the good of believers and for the ultimate defeat and eternal judgment of Satan, the devil, including all fallen angels, who are demons, and all unbelieving human beings! And so, the first reason why America will never be great again is due to the fact that it is NOT on God’s prophetic calendar!

    Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.

    2 Thessalonians 2:3,4

    Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

    1 John 2:18


    What is on God’s prophetic calendar is for Him to allow a New World Order to be established on earth, which is in the process of being set up before our very eyes!

    You may have heard the term, ‘A NEW WORLD ORDER’ before. Well, this term is simply referring to all the unbelievers of the world being used by the devil – knowingly or unknowingly – to work together in order to bring in that one world government, so the antichrist can begin his rule over the nations of this earth.

    And because we have now reached the point in time when this event IS ABOUT TO OCCUR, then this means that great upheaval has been occurring in all nations on earth, as evidenced by what has occurred since March 11, 2020, when the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) declared a worldwide health emergency, saying that that a Covid-19 pandemic had broken out.

    Since that time in particular, we have seen the GLOBALISTS worldwide – as those being energized by the devil to bring in that new world order – working feverishly to bring

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