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Global Warming Reality: A Naturalist Action Plan
Global Warming Reality: A Naturalist Action Plan
Global Warming Reality: A Naturalist Action Plan
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Global Warming Reality: A Naturalist Action Plan

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Many important aspects of global warming need to be better appreciated if this looming crisis is to ever be averted. Global Warming Reality: A Naturalist Action Plan is aimed at high school and college students. It seeks to promote widespread debate and discussion in regard to developing practical solutions to this major problem. It encourages massive global reforestation and increasing the solar reflectivity, or albedo, of the Earth's surface. Practical Insulated Soil Pad Exhibits are introduced to illustrate the upward soil heat transfer potential of any underlying capillary moisture transport that is induced. A phenomenon that is commonly known as rising damp. The test exhibit consists of a 16 by 16 foot square pad with a 6-mil thick polyethylene ground cover, a 4-inch thick layer of extruded polystyrene foam insulation, and a polypropylene tarpaulin cover that is staked to level ground. The winter reading of a single temperature sensor, underneath the center of the pad, offers to display the possible base temperature in local above grade buildings employing the inverted cave phenomenon. This then literally turns the massive storage of solar energy in the Earth's subsoil into a practical new heat source that is widely available. As a senior educator, the author believes that most people are fascinated by such scientific exhibits that can help them to see an old problem in a valuable new light. The book offers readers a well illustrated appreciation of the edge effects, minimum ground contact area, geometry, equipment integration, geological and climatic concerns that are involved.

PublisherThomas Loxley
Release dateMay 28, 2023
Global Warming Reality: A Naturalist Action Plan

Thomas Loxley

Thomas Loxley is a noted 1961 graduate of Case Tech’s special engineering science program for R&D engineers. He is a former Navy scientist and Virginia Tech professor who has built deep-diving submersibles, evaluated weapon systems, eliminated a major shipboard hazard, is a patented inventor, authored several studies, led Virginia energy conservation, and discovered the inverted cave phenomena for thermally coupling low-rise buildings to the ground under them, so they actually behave like caves. ‘Align Your Minds: Seize Your Dream’ offers new guidance on the age old means of acquiring mental self mastery, called autosuggestion. Done before sleeping, it aligns your conscious and subconscious minds to help you accomplish your heartfelt objectives. It aims to help readers deal with the dilemmas created by our modern lifestyles, pervasive disinformation, and COVID pandemic.

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    Book preview

    Global Warming Reality - Thomas Loxley


    A Naturalist Action Plan


    Thomas E. Loxley

    First Edition

    Copyright 2022 Thomas E. Loxley


    Smashwords Edition License Note

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Tache Works

    A special educational outreach publisher. All rights reserved, including any potential patent rights for original ideas presented. Address any comments to: Thomas Loxley, 680 Canal St. - No. 402, Beaver, PA 15009. All reader feedback is sincerely welcomed. Your support is vital to all of our endeavors.






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    Heat Dissipation

    Human Civilization

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    About The Author

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    This work is dedicated to all those young people around the world who have bravely stood up to demand that world leaders do something real, right now, about global warming and saving our planet Earth.


    Many important aspects of global warming need to be better appreciated if this looming crisis is to be averted. GLOBAL WARMING REALITY: A Naturalist Action Plan is aimed at high school and college students. It seeks to promote widespread debate and discussion in regard to developing practical solutions to this major problem. It encourages massive global reforestation and increasing the solar reflectivity, or albedo, of the Earth's surface. Practical Insulated Soil Pad Exhibits are introduced to illustrate the upward soil heat transfer potential of any underlying capillary moisture transport that is induced. A phenomenon that is commonly known as rising damp. The test exhibit consists of a 16 by 16 foot square pad with a 6-mil polyethylene ground cover, a 4-inch thick layer of extruded polystyrene foam insulation, and a polypropylene tarpaulin cover that is staked to level ground. The winter reading of a temperature sensor, under the center of the pad, offers to display the possible base temperature in local above grade buildings employing the inverted cave phenomenon. This then literally turns the massive storage of solar energy in the Earth's subsoil into a practical new heat source that is widely available. As a senior educator, the author believes most people are facinated by scientific exhibits that help them to see an old problem in a valuable new light. The book conveys a well illustrated appreciation of the edge effects, minimum ground contact area, geometry, equipment integration, geological and climatic concerns that are involved.


    Professor Thomas Loxley is a promoter of the vital new field of naturalist engineering that is striving to resolve some of the global predicaments of modern civilization. It takes its lead from the noted naturalist, Loren Eiseley, who encouraged everyone to consider the vast wisdom and inspiration that is offered by the natural world. Naturalist engineering is taking on problems like global warming, natural resource depletion, and unsustainable lifestyles. Loxley is a 1961 graduate of the Engineering Science program at Case Institute of Technology, which was a collaboration with Caltech and MIT. It provided students with a broad and rigorous foundation in the sciences to promote new innovative problem solutions.

    When basic geophysical research in New Zealand showed an amazing upward heat transfer amplification of 100,000-fold, due to a slow induced circulation of the moisture in the ground, he was motivated to explore its practical engineering significance. This then led to his discovery of the inverted cave phenomenon, permitting the direct thermal coupling of above grade buildings to the subsoil deep under them. His 1978 test home, in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, literally slashed the typical space heating power consumption by 95 percent in a sensible way that paid for itself in just two years. His paper on Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS), for a National Bureau of Standards conference in 1980, called it the Self-Inspecting Home of the Future. Loxley proposed that the building energy performance might then simply be confirmed by checking the winter temperature inside, without using any heating equipment. Subsequent testing then showed that it could take as little as 700 kilowatt-hours of annual power consumption, costing about $50, to heat the 223 square meter (2400 ft²), 2-story test home to 20oC (68oF). This was phenomenal!

    Needless to say, this radical discovery raised concern about its effect on the existing status quo in American building construction. U.S. residential construction is now plagued by charges of corruption and its suspected use in laundering criminal drug profits. Worldly concerns that the professors at Case had

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