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WELD: Acronym for Life
WELD: Acronym for Life
WELD: Acronym for Life
Ebook377 pages4 hours

WELD: Acronym for Life

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About this ebook

What if what you’ve been told about health is altogether wrong?
What if wasting energy is a good thing?
What if barriers that are designed to keep you disconnected can be taken down?
What if memory loss and Alzheimers are driven by a single molecule that you can control?
What if the most important thing you could do to improve your energy, sleep, and longevity is to get less of something?
If any of these “what if’s” matter to you and you want to know the answers with scientific certainty, then this book is for you. There’s no need to worry about being perfect. Focus on the simple things such as going outside and sleeping like it’s the weekend. By investing in your health, investing in your key relationships with the people you love, and by investing your time with purpose and meaning, you’ll take ownership of your health and happiness. My hope is that you become very intentional on where you invest your most precious resource - your time. And starting today, you’ll learn how to add to it.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 13, 2023
WELD: Acronym for Life

Dr. Arthur C. Kalfus

Dr. Arthur C. Kalfus, a doctor of dental surgery and an auricular medicine pain management specialist, is a native of Southern California. He graduated from the University of Southern California and is a member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi and a recipient of Golden Key, Mortar Board, Psi Chi, and Alpha Omega. Following a successful private practice, Dr. Kalfus took his experience in pain management and lasers and then served as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy, where he earned the designation of surface warfare officer. He was deployed to seven different countries and kingdoms, where his duties included humanitarian aid as well as serving as a subject matter exchange expert. Dr. Kalfus has treated presidents, chancellors, ambassadors, celebrities, and our servicemen and servicewomen throughout the world. As the author and illustrator of the best-selling book Wave Catcher , he is a recognized expert in the field of auricular therapy as well as being a sought-after speaker. Dr. Arthur “Arch” Kalfus has trained with the world’s top experts to include the renowned neurologist, scientist, and author Dr. Raphael Nogier, MD, of Lyon, France. Now, he shares with you a lifetime of research that reveals how each of us can live healthier and stay younger for far longer than previously thought. And we can do this just by keeping what he calls the ‘ G uardians O f our D NA’ active. Here, he shares with you the discoveries that will change your life.

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    WELD - Dr. Arthur C. Kalfus

    Copyright © 2023 by Dr. Arthur C. Kalfus.

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    Illustrations by Erik Corey.

    Rev. date: 06/19/2023







    Wisdom Means Nothing If It’s Not Acted On

    Think of Being Electrical First

    Keep an Open Mind

    Brief Elevator Pitch That Summarizes the Weld

    PART 1


    How Deuterium Harms You

    How to Lower Your Deuterium Levels

    Health and Longevity Simplified

    Revolutionize and Defy

    Deuterium Is Your Number One Natural Toxin

    Hydrogen-Infused Water

    How to Make Hydrogen-Infused Water (Molecular Hydrogen) At Home

    Living Water

    The Semiconductor within You

    Two Skeletons 62375.jpg

    Ways to Strengthen Your Semiconductor

    It’s OK to Be Negative

    Water Has Memory

    Summary of the Importance of Deuterium Depleted Crystalline Water

    A Little Change Matters a Lot

    Deep Dive into the Effects That Spacing Has within a Mitochondria

    PART 2

    Earthing Or Grounding

    What Is a Free Radical?

    When Your Help Turns Against You

    The Reason

    Top Three Benefits of Earthing

    PART 3


    Light Therapy: Friend or Foe

    What Does Light Do to Your Mitochondria




    Summary of the Importance of Morning Light

    Morning Light and Your Eyes

    Seen and Unseen Light

    How Your Circadian Rhythm Or Internal Clock Is Set: Melatonin

    Morning and Day Recommendations

    How Unseen Light Affects Your Mitochondria

    Best Times for Sunlight Exposure

    Evening Recommendations

    Best Sources of Near-Infrared Light

    The Part of Your Brain That’s Not Protected by Your Skull

    Difference between Day and Night Melatonin

    The Three Ways That Light Shined on Your Skin Helps You

    The Goldilocks Colors of Light for Your Mitochondria: Sweet Spot

    What’s the Optimal Dosage for Light: Sweet Spot

    Can Red and Near-Infrared Light Reach Your Brain?

    Stop Applying Ice to Acute Injuries: Let There Be Light

    Diet Doesn’t Correct Your Light Environment

    Toxic Artificial Blue Light

    How to Check If You Are Blue Light Toxic

    The Effect of Artificial Blue Light on Your Skin

    The Effect That Blue Light Has on Your Gut

    The Effects of Blue Light on Your Mitochondria

    Perfectly Efficient Engines

    Breaking It Down: 5750

    Sync What You Eat to Where You Live and the Season: Light

    What Do Plants Share with People

    The Most Light-Sensitive Part of Your Body

    Traveling Mitochondria

    Ultraviolet Light: Is It Dangerous?

    How to Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Ultraviolet Light

    Light Therapy and Fat Loss

    Light Is Everywhere: What Is It?

    Medicine has Been Wrong About Sun Exposure

    PART 4


    Mitochondrial Uncoupling: The Breakup

    Ways to Uncouple and Multiply Your Mitochondria

    What’s Healthier to Burn for Energy, Fat or Carbs?

    Is More Better?

    The Skinny on Fat

    Saturated Fats versus Unsaturated Fats

    Summary of Weight Loss Recommendations

    How Fats Are Absorbed

    Absorption of MCT Oil Is Different

    Do Your Cells Prioritize What Foods They Use for Energy?

    How Food Affects Your Mitochondria

    How Mitochondria Protect Themselves from the Constant Influx of Food

    How to Protect Yourself from the Harmful Effects of Waxy Ceramides

    The Solution to Mitochondrial Dysfunction

    The Language in Your Diet

    Only Two Antioxidants Actually Help Your Mitochondria

    Mitochondrial Health, Diet, and Cancer

    PART 5

    Dietary Guidelines

    Plants Are Not Stupid

    The Reason Why Some Animals Are Safer to Eat Than Others

    How Your Doctor Can Detect a Leaky Gut

    Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

    Plant-based Burgers: Are they Healthy?


    How to Measure Your Body’s Voltage

    How to Erase Imprints from Chemicals Or Toxins in Water



    This book will help you to significantly improve your health and happiness by simplifying your daily routine and reconnecting you to treasures that you’ve been disconnected from.

    Keeping things simple is both beautiful

    and very, very powerful.

    My promise to you is this: By stacking some new habits to a cycle that’s already built into your brain, you’ll discover that your energy, your happiness, your health, your sleep, and your longevity will flourish.


    Welcome to the WELD. It’s an entirely new approach to the age-old problem of health, happiness, and longevity. The WELD is easy to remember, takes just a few minutes a day, and gives you a clear message that’s easy to hear through all the noise. This is not just another diet book like the thousands of others that are often complicated, restrictive, and have conflicting ideas. Rather, the WELD is like a new world, where most everything needed for health, weight management, pain management, and longevity is put together or welded together to form an unbreakable bond between you and science. Best of all, it simplifies everything by revealing to you the four things that control it all. And the WELD returns this control back to you. So say goodbye to the old way of thinking that often leaves you feeling tired, hungry, in pain, and unable to get a good night’s sleep. And say hello to a new way of living. Welcome to the WELD.

    The message here is simple: Most of what you’ve been told about staying healthy has been, at best, misleading and, at worst, deceitful. The majority of influential people aren’t really interested in the truth; rather, they’re interested in furthering today’s outdated blueprint of healthcare, which is to get you to take more drugs and expensive supplements that do little or nothing to heal you. Even if you eat the healthiest/cleanest foods available and exercise with the best fitness trainers on the planet, this will still not be enough. The good news is that the WELD changes all of this!


    Today’s lifestyle has separated you from most everything that is good:

    - being outside in natural sunlight has been replaced by living mostly indoors and being bathed in artificial blue light;

    - drinking water from rainfall or snowmelt that’s naturally filtered by rocks, filled with electrolytes and minerals, and magnetized by the earth has been replaced by drinking highly processed water that unnaturally flows through engineered plumbing and is often contaminated and cleared of any nutrients;

    - being in direct contact with the ground or earth has been replaced by wearing synthetic plastic or rubber shoes that separates you from the very thing that your body and mind need an abundance of;

    - and finally, eating whole foods that are natural to the area where you live and that are in-season has been replaced by eating highly processed foods that have been stripped of their nutrition and energy, artificially fortified, and made available to you year-round.

    The WELD will show you how to reconnect with each of these, how to balance your energy, and how to verify, at home or anywhere, that your body is getting what it needs.

    Even with this information, so many in this generation will miss these truths and will choose not to take action; and wisdom means nothing if it’s not acted on. Wisdom is justified by all her works. Yet for many, it doesn’t matter what’s put in front of them for they will reject it. Even with mountains of evidence, most will still not listen. It’s my hope, however, that you’re different and that you won’t waste precious time. But being hesitant toward receiving good news is nothing new.

    Aesop, a storyteller who lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE, wrote about a fisherman who played a beautiful song. The fisherman just knew that his wonderful tune would have the fish jumping out of the sea and onto the shore. When this didn’t happen, he got angry and cast his net out into the water and caught countless numbers of fish. He then threw them onto the shore, where they laid flopping around.

    He said to the fish, I played a song for you, and you refused to dance, and now all you do is dance.

    He was angry at the fish and demanded that they stop dancing because they refused to dance when he played music and now all they do is dance because they have no choice.

    The message here and how it applies to you is straightforward: Make simple changes while you’re still in control of your health! Even when given truths and plenty of opportunities, many of you won’t take advantage and, instead, will continue to do what you’ve always done—that is until it’s too late and your options run out due to chronic health conditions. This book is singing to you with the hope that you are different and that you’ll take action while the music of life is still playing.


    Focusing solely on calories and exercise and on the different food groups, such as proteins, carbohydrates, or fats, is a popular way to sell books; yet it’s nearsighted. It clearly doesn’t work, and it continues to lead people into a dead end. It’s been proven mathematically that your diet alone cannot account for all the energy that your body generates and uses each day. Yet doctors and scientists have conveniently ignored this fact for decades. So where, then, does this energy come from if it’s not all coming from your food? It’s available to you, from the sunlight or other sources of light, from the ground you walk on, from the air you breathe, and from the water you drink.

    Unfortunately, today’s lifestyle, with its many conveniences and technologies, has placed a barrier between you and most of this free energy. The key to your health doesn’t rest in the ingredients of a nutrition bar or on how much you exercise. Instead, it lies in a much more fundamental place.

    What I’m saying here is that instead of thinking about your health in terms of being chemical or being mostly influenced by what’s in your food, begin to think about your health as being first and foremost electrical, where your body is like a battery and maintaining its electrical charge takes precedence. Think about being electrical first (what are you doing to maintain a healthy electrical charge in your body) and chemical second (how is your diet and lifestyle helping you electrically). The WELD will show you how to do this.


    The most difficult thing that I’m going to ask you to do is to let go of concepts that are in fashion today, such as taking a pill for every pain and believing that your health begins with your diet (it actually begins with light). I’m asking you to be free-thinking and to consider replacing these outdated ideas with new discoveries that will take you to a place where today’s biology and biochemistry simply can’t go.

    To change a model or paradigm is never easy, and it often takes decades to do. Yet this is exactly what I’m asking you to do—to change the way you think about things. Science recognizes what I’m saying is true, and truth will eventually win. However, if history is any indication, it will take years for society and medicine to catch up. But you’ll have the advantage now, and those around you will begin to ask what you’re doing and how you are doing it. You’ll soon see how small changes in your life can lead to dramatic gains in your health.

    For example, just by changing the distance between some colorful molecules in your body by one-ten billionth of a meter, you’ll be able to change how much energy your body makes by ten times. And this can be done simply by exposing yourself to certain types of light, by drinking certain kinds of water, by being in direct contact with the ground or earth, and by eating certain types of food that contain a unique type of water. You’ll also learn how to turn on your cells so that your body can produce its own fountain of youth water. You will learn how to transform the energy-producing parts of your cells, known as your mitochondria, from behaving like little commuter cars that are fuel-efficient and slow into performing like Formula 1 race cars that are powerful, responsive, and waste a lot of fuel by burning away fat as heat. Yes, you read this right—I want your cells to waste away fuel rather than become more energy efficient. Feeling tired throughout the day will soon become a distant memory.

    So try to keep an open mind, and you’ll see just how easy it is to accumulate and produce enough energy to reverse illnesses, increase your health span, sleep well, and once again have the energy to do all the things you want to do.

    One of my mentors and friend, Dr. Raphael Nogier, MD, of Lyon, France, would often say to me that there’s almost nothing new to learn, but there is a lot to relearn. What this world-renowned neurologist and researcher was telling me is that it’s important to look again and research what has been discovered and written about by those who came before me. Because of his encouragement and wisdom, I am constantly questioning conventional wisdom, especially my own. As a result and after a lifetime of observing, listening, researching, experimentation, traveling to remote areas of the world, and decades of private practice clinical experience, I’ve discovered or rediscovered the answers to the age-old questions of how to live a healthier, happier and longer life.

    I am often asked to explain this book is just a few words, and this is what I say: Keeping things simple is both beautiful and very, very powerful. This book will help you and people of all ages to significantly improve your health and happiness by showing you how to get reconnected to many of the things that you’ve been disconnected from. By stacking some new habits to a cycle that’s already built into your brain, you’ll find that your energy, your happiness, your health, your sleep and your longevity will all flourish.



    1. One of the most important things you can do to improve your health, your energy, your sleep, and your longevity is to reduce the amount of deuterium in your body. Deuterium is a twice as heavy as normal hydrogen atom found everywhere in the universe, including in the water you drink and in the food you eat. Everything from everyday chronic inflammation to cancer is downstream or secondary to your deuterium levels. Removing just a little of it from your body will help you to become healthier, grow stronger, and live longer. Deuterium accelerates aging. It’s the most important bio-hack that you’ve probably never heard of.

    2. Electrons from the earth’s surface help neutralize damaging molecules called free radicals. Free radicals cause the inflammation and pain that most of today’s common diseases are associated with. Being grounded indoors or outdoors and even while you’re asleep will instantly reduce your body voltage to near zero and create an umbrella effect that also pushes away harmful EMF radiation. A good supply of electrons is the one thing that your body must have in order to prevent and reverse chronic inflammation. You cannot have chronic inflammation and chronic pain if your electrical potential is close to zero. You’ll see how easy it is to measure your body voltage in real time at home or anywhere, and you’ll learn how to reduce it.

    3. It’s the sunlight that hits your skin and eyes that’s the starting point to your health. Although diet is important to your gut and brain, it doesn’t set the stage for either your physical or mental health; light does! Full-spectrum morning light sets the stage and shapes the bacteria in your gut, which in turn shapes your brain. This means that your gut bacteria are mostly sculpted by light rather than by diet. Light, especially morning light, also helps to regulate and guide your circadian clock. Molecules in your body that absorb light turn your skin into a giant light receptor or antenna that can be used to benefit you. While red and near-infrared light are especially helpful, artificial blue light is toxic.

    4. Nutrition should be thought of as not just a physical food that you ingest but also as a light antenna because food absorbs and carries with it vital energy and information from light. The food you eat should be grown locally at the time of year that you’re eating it, and it should match the environment that you live in.

    5. A mismatch between the information that your gut bacteria are receiving from the food you’re eating and the information that your eyes, skin, and blood vessels are receiving from the light you’re exposed to will create stress, inflammation, and disease.

    6. Instead of thinking about food in terms of how many calories it has or its protein, carbohydrate, and fat content, begin to think in terms of how electric it is. Nourish yourself with electron-rich sources. The more complex and less processed the better. Whole foods that are loaded with free fatty acids (fats) are a good start. Fibers from plants feed your gut bacteria, and they, in turn, produce fatty acids (fats) and gases that both fuel your lower digestive track and send vital messages throughout your body.

    By incorporating some small changes into your lifestyle, you’ll begin to see some profound upgrades in your health! I recommend that you try to simplify your routine by habit stacking wherever you can because keeping things simple is both beautiful and very, very powerful.

    Habit stacking is one of the best ways to build a new habit because you just stack a new, healthier habit on top of one that you already do each day. The habit stacking formula is simple: After you do a current habit, you’ll do a new habit. For example, after you pour yourself a cup of coffee in the morning, you’ll take a minute to think about the things you’re grateful for. By linking your new habits to a cycle that is already built into your brain, you make it more likely that you’ll stick to the new behavior.

    Don’t worry about being perfect. Focus on the simple things such as getting outdoors in the morning for a few minutes a day, moving as much as you can as often as you can, eating whole foods that are in season, sleeping like it’s the weekend, and having fun with the people you care about the most. Keep it simple with easy to start and easy to continue habits.

    By investing in your health, investing in your key relationships with the people you love, and by investing your time with purpose and meaning, you’ll take ownership of your health and happiness.

    My hope is that you become very intentional on where you invest your most precious resource—your time. And starting today, you’ll learn how to add to it.


    PART - 1 WATER


    Not all water is the same. Water is a living molecule that can remember what it’s been in contact with. It absorbs light and can receive and transmit information at the speed of light. Your health comes down to three things that your body runs on: (1) hydrogen, (2) oxygen, and (3) the combination of hydrogen and oxygen to make water. Hydrogen is the smallest and the most common atom in the universe and it sticks to most everything including the food you eat. There are three types of hydrogen atoms found in the universe and your body is only designed to run on one of them. The other two are much heavier and cause harm. One of the most important things you can do to improve your health, your energy, your sleep and your longevity is to reduce the amount of heavy hydrogen in your body. Everything from everyday chronic inflammation to cancer is down-stream or secondary to this. Removing just a little of this tiny atom from your body will help you in a big way. It’s the most important bio-hack that you’ve probably never heard of.

    PART 1


    Fountain of Youth

    The most abundant thing on earth and in all the universe is something called hydrogenit makes up 74 percent of the mass of the entire universe. The second most abundant element is called helium, and together they make up 99 percent of all the mass of the universe. All of the other 116 elements combined make up the remaining one percent. This is truly amazing!

    Hydrogen, however, stands alone and has a unique quality that no other element in existence has. In its most common form, hydrogen doesn’t have what’s called a neutron like every other atom has. Every atom in existence, except for regular of hydrogen, is made up of three things: (1) protons (+), (2) neutrons, and (3) electrons (-). A neutron is a particle that has no electric charge and is very heavy. Hydrogen is the simplest and smallest element that has ever been discovered (an element is a substance that’s made up of just a single atom). Because it’s so simple and small, hydrogen is appealing to everything and sticks to every living thing.

    Hydrogen is fuel for rockets and fuel for your cells! Everything living runs on it. Over 99.98 percent of all hydrogen in the universe is made up of just two things: A single proton, which is a positively charged particle (+) in the center of an atom; and a single electron, which is a negatively charged particle (-) orbiting around the center of the atom, and nothing else! It’s the simplest atom in the universe. See the diagram below of a common hydrogen atom.


    Hydrogen Atom: Protium

    Think of a positively charged proton (+) as being like the sun and an electron (-) as being like a planet that revolves around the sun. The most common form of hydrogen is called protium (pronounced as pro-tea-um), and this is the only form of hydrogen that your body is designed to run on. Any other form of hydrogen in your body will be too heavy in weight and will harm you and accelerate aging (Hint: This is central to health and longevity. You’ll want to deplete or minimize any other form of hydrogen in your body other than protium).

    Because protium is such a simple atom, everything in the universe uses it for energy, including stars, rockets, bacteria, and most especially, you. In

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