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About this ebook

HUSH is a personal journey of exposure and spiritual healing written out of a "seat" of brokenness, years of buried and layered pain of self-denial, emotional abuse, and selfless personal sacrifices. It features unadulterated truth and honesty that will set women free and strengthen them in the process of their own release.

It challenges social norms that require women to lie, hide, deny, and make excuses for the things that happened or are currently happening to them, so they bury the pain and stay "hush" about their brokenness. This book will empower young girls and women to speak out about "hidden experiences", wounds, and years of layered pain that have been "buried" inside their souls, so they can live a peaceful and abundant life.

Release dateJun 10, 2023

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    Book preview

    Hush - Kim D. Grant-Albright



    Kim D. Grant-Albright

    The BRAG Media Company

    Lagos. New York. London.


    Copyright © 2023 by Kim D. Grant-Albright

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in reviews or critical articles.

    Published by The BRAG Media Company

    This book may be ordered from booksellers or for bulk orders, email



    This book is dedicated first to my grandfather, who invested his time and energy in offering me what he couldn’t offer his own daughters, a quality life. I dedicate it to my brother, who did not think it was robbery to invest his years keeping his promise to our mother concerning me. And encouraging my spirit when I became weary and needed guidance. He taught me to reason and loved me unconditionally, and appreciated my worth.

    To my children, so that they have full knowledge of who I am as their mother, understanding the truth of what I have endured and how God brought me through it all by using my pain for a greater purpose.

    To my sisters, spiritual daughters, and women all over the world that they may know that there is no reason to settle, to stay quiet, to hide, to bury, to HUSH. It’s okay to speak up. You have a voice; you are worthy to be heard; you do not have to be ashamed and, most importantly, nobody has the right to mistreat you. You hold the power. Once you come to the truth of whose you are and know the truth of His love for you, you will understand how priceless you are and never sit quietly in that seat of buried pain. Speak up and speak out!

    To the lady who stopped to talk with me one day at a pageant and called me over to her to say, I see something special in you. Upon my graduating from college, guided me to my first professional job with a government-funded program based on that something she saw and nurtured and sowed into me, the late Mrs. Doreatha S. Tyson. I am sure if God had not divinely planted her in my path, I may not have been able to do as much as I have for other children. She gave me a chance. What Mrs. Tyson saw in me, I was also able to see in others and help them accordingly. I appreciate all that she helped me to become. Her seeds in me have multiplied and live on!







    1. Not Always What It Seems

    Bible Verse 1

    2. Suffering in Silence

    Bible Verse 2

    3. Call of Duty

    Bible Verse 3

    4. Oh, Be Careful Little Eyes What You See

    Bible Verse 4

    5. Count it All Joy

    Bible Verse 5

    6. What God Has for You Is for You

    Bible Verse 6

    7. A Shift in the Atmosphere

    Bible Verse 7

    8. The Little Things

    Bible Verse 8

    9. Seasons Change

    10. Unmeasurable Assurance


    About The Author


    It’s not the reality of life that hurts, but the fantasy of the way people think it should be that hurts.

    -Dr. Kim D. Grant-Albright, 1986



    Hush is a remarkable book written by Dr. Kim Grant-Albright. It is not only autobiographical, but also inspirational and spiritual. Dr. Grant-Albright’s work is a testimony to the importance of women finding their voices, building confidence, and self-actualization. She encourages mothers, wives, and women, in general, to recognize their value, celebrate life, and connect with a higher power in God.

    She details her own struggles in relationships, wherein she had to overcome great burdens and challenges. And she prevailed, despite years of self-dismissal and pain. Each chapter is a dramatic window into her labyrinth of self-development, and she, through her dedication to the community and commitment to service, has impacted many lives by her paragon example. This book will be transforming for its readers.

    -Frances Summerell Hinchey, Ph.D.

    (Origins Integrated Psychology Services)


    Psalms 139:12-18

    Even the darkness hides nothing from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You.

    For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb.

    I will confess and praise You, for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well.

    My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought [as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths of the earth [a region of darkness and mystery].

    Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in your book, all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.

    How precious and weighty also are your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!

    If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awoke, [could I count to the end] I would still be with you.

    We are God’s Divine Design.



    More Precious

    My beloved sisters, if we are honest, there are times in our lives that we feel so broken, so lost, so down, so lonely, so unappreciated, so discarded. so disrespected, so ashamed, and so grieved in our hearts, minds, and spirits that we can barely hold our heads up or we can barely get out of bed to start another day!

    I know those feelings only so well, but I want to encourage you today that no matter what you have gone through or are going through, Hold your head up! Get up from that desert place. Come out of that hole. And mount your spirit up! Draw from the strength you have left and get up. You, my sisters and daughters, are most precious in the sight of God! It doesn’t matter what people of this world think or feel about you!

    You are a living testimony of God’s desires!!!!! He made you with purpose! He made you with Destiny! He made you bring glory to His name! You are a child of the most high God! Get that in your spirit! You do not have to come behind in no good thing! So, grab only what you need to survive! Throw out the trash. Anything that doesn’t bring you value or benefit your well-being, get rid of it. YOU ARE MUCH STRONGER THAN YOU KNOW.

    You are moving to a new place! You are leaving because it is overdue the time to come out from there; That state you have been dying in. That place of dry bones,. That place of famine. God has a much better plan for your life! You were God’s great idea, and He knew you before you were even placed in your mother’s womb, Glory! His word says that He plans to Prosper you and give you a future and a hope so whatever someone has whispered in your ears, played in your mind, or saturated in your spirit that is against the spoken word of God is a lie!!! God’s word is true! We can believe His report!

    So, what are we doing where we are? God didn’t call women or girls to the kind of physical, emotional, and mental abuse to which we have succumbed! What are we doing here? When did we begin to settle for being here? Where did it begin and how are we coming out?

    We are coming out victoriously! That’s how! God said we are the head and not the tail. God said His ways are greater than our ways. God says we are his beloved. God said we are favored among men! Let us believe the report of the Lord concerning this matter!

    We can make up our minds to come out of the place we find ourselves in or we can stay stuck in the muck. But if we want to grow, if we want to walk in the fullness of God’s call, we must run to the exit door! Push it as wide as it can go and run fast as we can to escape!

    It’s got to be our decision, and Jesus is waiting with

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