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The Necromancer: The Necromancer, #1
The Necromancer: The Necromancer, #1
The Necromancer: The Necromancer, #1
Ebook157 pages2 hours

The Necromancer: The Necromancer, #1

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Nora comes from a long line of Necromancer and today is the day that she complete her training. But she is beyond nervous, does she want to be a Necromancer? 

Release dateOct 9, 2023
The Necromancer: The Necromancer, #1

Nathalia Books

Nathalia Books is a real dreamer and turns these dreams into stories. Each with their own world and charm, she prefers to write all day long, and she loves to forget the world around her. Her worlds take you to deserted places and new unknown cities. She introduces you to new unknown races and beliefs.

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    The Necromancer - Nathalia Books


    The night was cold , and the wind didn't give the small village of wizard a quarter. Thunder was crashing down from the skies and the trees started to drop left and right. Some of the trees fall on the little wooden houses. Killing the ones who took shelter from the storm. Death didn't discriminate, it took the young and healthy, the old and weak. Haghor Rane, a master wizard inside the village, lost his son, Aneus. When one of the trees crashed down on his house. His wife, Erish wasn't better off. But it was the death of his son that almost broke him. He was a master wizard and he had mastered the control over the elements, but his magic wasn't strong enough to save his little boy and his wife. The rain started to fall, mirroring his feelings.

    THE MORNING CAME. THE soft breeze was playing in the leaves of the fallen trees. The sun shone bright as if the storm of last night hadn't happened.  Which was a lie, the distraction of the village was for every one to see. No house was spared, the death even outnumbered the living. Haghor didn't want to enter his house afraid for what he might find. But he knew all too well that he was not the only one whop lost his family. The others faced the same trauma as him and they didn't linger before the doorway. The raindrops that soaked his hair were falling down on his face. Or were they tears, he couldn't tell. He took a deep breath and entered. It was as he had suspected, the wooden beams that supported the roof were broken like twigs. Erish was laying under the beam closest by the door, she had tried to escape the house when the tree crashed down. But where was Aneus? He didn't need to look very far, he was laying just behind his mother. His body was not crushed under a beam, but there was a sharp object pointing out of his neck. A poudle of blood besides him. Haghor kneeled, holding Aneus's body inside his hands. The empty eyes stared back at him. He didn't know how he would survive without his boy. The emptiness of his grief was trying to eat him whole, there was no other way to describe how he was feeling at the moment. But then it happened. A spark of an unknown magic blossomed inside him. But instead of the normal heat that rushed through his body, this magic brought coldness. The coldness he felt holding Aneus's body, the coldness of the emptiness inside of heart. Instead of fearing the strange magic, Haghor embraced it. The magic took over his body, and made its way to his hands. Slowly the black tare that resembled the magic poured into his son. He didn't know how long he sat there, it could have been minutes or seconds, but at one moment his son was death and at the other he started to gasp for air. Tears streamed down over Haghor's cheeks, dripping on to his sons' face. His heart was pumping from joy, his boy, his beloved Aneus was alive and the wound in his neck was healed. This was a miracle, and he started to thank the Gods.

    OTHERS INSIDE THE VILLAGE were shocked by seeing Aneus, back on his feet. They started to ask Haghor how this was even possible. He told them about the cold magic, and he even used it on his wife. The villagers started to duplicate his instructions, and it didn't take long before everybody that had died during the storm was back on their feet. They even helped to clean up the mess, which didn't take long now that everybody's hearts were no longer filled with grief. But Haghor knew one thing for sure, the rest of the wizards wouldn't be happy with his discovery and he feared their reaction. He feared it even more then death itself, because right now death could be cured. The rest of the world's opinion of them could not.



    Nora Rane lay on her bed while the sparks of fire magic were swirling around her fingers, a huge grin was nestled on her face. The flames took on various shapes, butterflies, fairies, horses and the creatures of the sea. In short anything she could think of. She loved to play around with it, when she had the time. Which these days meant before she went to sleep and if she was lucky to wake up before her mother did. Her mother always scolded her when she did it during the day. It was forbidden to use other types of magic inside the Negromanti Coven. She did not know why this was the case, the fire magic like the other types of elemental magic felt warm and cozy, unlike the necromancer magic which was the only type of magic she was allowed to use. A knock landed on her door, and the flames died down directly. The sun was not even risen above the horizon, why was her mother awake. Then the reality donned on Nora, today was the last day of her training, the last test before she became a full member of the Coven. Today was the day she was going to bring back a person from the dead. Something for which she herself believed was too soon, it was true that she brought animals back from the dead. But animals were different. Another knock landed on the door. 

    Nora, sweetie, are you up? Her mother's voice chimed through the door. Nora was debating, if she answered her mother would barge in. But the same could be said if she did not answer.

    Yes mom. She replied with a growl. The door opened up, and her mother stepped into the room.

    Good. Her mother said. It was dark inside the room, but Nora could feel her excitement. And she couldn't blame her mother, today was the day that her daughter would grow up. This was more important then Nora's wedding or the birth of her first child. Your aunt informed me last night that your test will be taken place in the field. Nora jumped from her bed. What this was coming from out of nowhere.

    What in the Dragon Lord's name do you mean? She snapped. I thought that the test would be inside the compound. Reviving one of our own. Not a paying costumer! Her mother gave her a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

    Sarotia thinks you're ready. Her mother replied. And if she says you are, then who am I to disagree with her? That was not what Nora wanted to hear. She was not ready at all, and this would end in a failure.  

    Well I do not share that opinion. What if I mess up? Nora said. The nerves already plagued her, ever since she heard about the test.  But now she was wanted to run to the toilet and vomit her guts out. Was this a sick joke? The look on her mother's face told her that this was not a joke.

    Nora. Her mother sighed. I will be there with you, and this will be good for you. Her mother knew she had her doubts, but according to her mother those doubts were normal.

    What if I say no? Nora asked, but she already knew the answer to that question. If she said no, she would be forced to leave the Coven, her mother and the rest of her family. I don't think I am ready to revive a human. She had told her mother this before, but her mother had simply ignored the fact. Her mother lowered her head, so that Nora was not able to look her in the eye. 

    Nora, sweetie listen to me. Last week you revived a horse, those animals are larger than humans and their souls are far more complex. Believe me when I say that you are ready. Her mother said.  Her mother looked up, and Nora knew that she was not able to change her mother's mind on this. But the problem was that Nora didn't believe her. Still there was nothing Nora could do, she was also not ready to leave the only place she called home either. Her mother probably saw her resolve on her face. Well, here is your dress. Her mother held up a hanger, on it was a black dress. Nora grimaced, she knew that black was the color of death. But she hated to wear it, she didn't like to wear dresses either. And specially this type of dress, they were tight around the knees making it difficult to run in. Which was a problem for more reasons then only the fact that members of their Coven were being hunted down. 

    Why do I need to wear a dress? Can't I go in black jeans and a t-shirt or something? She asked. There was no written rule that said she couldn't. But her mother glared at her in shock.

    Nora it is tradition. Her mother replied, and Nora hung her head. Besides that your aunt insist... Nora glowered at the dress. It was sometimes a real a pain in the butt, but she was related to the leader of the Coven Sarotia Alure. A decedent of the first Necromancer Haghor Rane. Her mother always followed her lead, as her aunt's word was law. And if her aunt told her mother that she needed to wear the dress, then she was going to wear the dress. 

    Fine. Give me the dress. Nora said with a groan in her voice. Her mother gave her the hanger.

    I will be downstairs. Her mother said, before leaving her alone. Nora looked at the dress in disgust. But still there was nothing she could do about it. She took a quick shower and put on the dress. One quick glance in the mirror told her that black was indeed not her color. Her snow-white skin looked even paler. But still her aunt had asked her to wear black, so she was going to wear black. Nora brushed her copper red curls, but there was no way that she could beat them in to submission. The sun was finally peaking over the horizon, it was morning. Nora! Hurry up. We do not want to be late! Her mother yelled from the kitchen downstairs. Nora huffed, really there was no point in delaying now. 

    I am coming! She yelled back. Quickly she snatched her amber neckless from her nightstand, and ran out of her room.

    NORA, WHY ARE YOU WEARING that neckless. Her aunt snapped at her. Nora's hand shot up and clutched the cold stone. It can interfere with your magic. That was Minotaur shit and her aunt knew that, her aunt also knew who gave her the neckless. 

    I have worn this neckless during all my lessons, and even last week when I revived that horse. Nora said. Her mother gasped, but didn't say anything. She needed to pay attention to the road. They were currently driving towards the client's house, inside one of the many cars the Coven had. Nora hated cars, she lost her father during a car accident. And it took her 49 hours to walk back to the village. One hour too late to save her father's soul. Still it was the fastest way to get from the compound to the rest of Achua. So she sat in the back of the car, and her aunt was sitting next to her.

    That is no proof. Reviving a human is something inter different. Her aunt snapped, holding up her hand. Give it to me. But

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