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Super Lions on the Path of Honor: Screenplay
Super Lions on the Path of Honor: Screenplay
Super Lions on the Path of Honor: Screenplay
Ebook171 pages1 hour

Super Lions on the Path of Honor: Screenplay

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After the Rungan warriors decimate the Lord invaders, they must decide what to do next. Knowing the Spears sent them to die, their next move seems obvious: take back Burunga and liberate their fellow Rungans from King Robert's betrayal. As they march back to the palace, they find several weapons storehouses and abandoned towns, all left in haste during the boulder slide. The Rungans lay down their primitive weapons, trading them for the rocket launchers and guns the Spears denied them. Leaving behind reinforcements to train, Colm continues his march to the Royal Palace.

Once there, they're greeted with a triumphant welcome from King Robert and his officers. But behind the scenes, they again plot to destroy the Rungans out of fear of retribution. Though many on the council stick up for the warriors and regard them as heroes, their voices are drowned out by King Robert. He plans a ceremony of honor where the Spears will take out the remaining Rungans.

Colm is not fooled. He sees through their ceremony, asked to leave all weapons outside, and plots a counter-attack. He and the warriors, now confident and strong from their victory, are ready to fight to save their country and their people.

In a final stand, they surround the Royal Palace and use the weapons they collected to destroy those inside. Leaving only a few alive, King Robert is bloody and broken, but questioned and held accountable for his betrayal. His ally in the Palace, Lynzo Mesfin, tells Colm a harrowing secret: his parents are alive.

The president has been kept in a Dumpster since King Robert betrayed him. Colm and his family are taken to meet him, but the reunion is tainted by Robert's torture-- the president, Colm's father, believes the return of his children to be a trick to get him to comply. But through persistence, they finally convince him. Weakened by the imprisonment, the president calls Colm before the warriors he led so valiantly in battle. Over the sound of their cheers, Colm is sworn in before them, as the new president of Burunga.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 14, 2023
Super Lions on the Path of Honor: Screenplay

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    Book preview

    Super Lions on the Path of Honor - Lucien Nzeyimana

    Copyright © 2023 by Lucien Nzeyimana.

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    Rev. date: 06/13/2023

    FADE IN:


    Blue skies with wind whistling. Summits of two rocky mountains in ruin. Eagles, vultures, goose, cranes, and condors fly between the mountains.

    At the base of the mountain we hear sounds of waves. Then we see the waves crashing through rocks, timbers, and dead animals. Human bodies in military uniforms are scattered all around.

    The sound of running water gets louder as we pull down to see red water striking dangerously at the wreckage of military tanks.

    Then we hear sharp cries of animals. We turn left to see WOUNDED ANIMALS trapped by a flooding river. LIONS form a security perimeter. Their mouths are wide open, as they breathe heavily. Scared and injured animals fall in the river.

    There is wreckage of military vehicles turned upside down. Weapons are littering the ground. WARRIORS in animal skins yell on their HOSTAGES. COLM DJANDI, their commander, turns to the warriors.


    Collect the undamaged weapons!

    The warriors rummage through the wreckage. They collect the weapons and pile them up.


    Remove the harnesses, bind several guns together.

    The hostages, CAPTAIN ERIC, 34, ANTONY, 35, SOLOMON, 28, and the YOUNG LORD, 18, watch desperately.


    (to the hostages)

    Take their uniforms.

    The hostages get up and walk through the mess. They start removing the uniforms from the lifeless bodies of the Lords. Eric hangs his head at his fallen men.


    They are soaked with our blood.


    Then wash them.

    Eric hesitates, then nods to the hostages. They trudge toward the running water, carrying the bloodied uniforms.

    Colm addresses his warriors that stay behind.


    Get ready to go, quickly. We should not stay too long with the bodies. Scavengers wait for our departure to feed.

    The hostages wash the clothes in the river and dry them in the sun. Colm turns to ELISABETH, the female warrior.


    We need to gather food. Enough for four months, at least.

    Elisabeth looks at the animals scattered around them, killed by the rockslide.


    I will need help.

    MUNINGA and LEON unscrew bayonets from the guns, as PERCY whistles to call more hostages over.


    Collect the animals and pile them up here.

    The hostages go through the dead animals. They pull antelopes, deer, pigs, and moose. Antony reaches for a monkey carcass.


    Hey! No monkeys!

    Leon passes a few of their warriors the bayonets, and they start slaughtering the animals.

    Pleased with the progress, Colm turns his attention to SOLOMON, another Lord captive.


    You came with treasure.

    Solomon points at the wreckage of a burned armored vehicle turned upside down. It is between two multi-launcher rocket systems burned to the ground, side doors open.


    There are safe deposit boxes.


    Show us.

    Solomon, the Young Lord, and Eric walk in front. Colm and Agathon follow. Solomon points a finger at six metallic boxes, still intact.

    Agathon kneels to look, finding them locked.


    Who has the code?

    Agathon inspects them. Solomon points his chin angrily at a lifeless body. Agathon looks and sighs.


    Break them.

    Agathon finds a metallic bar from the wreckage and breaks the boxes one by one. Colm opens the cover, pulling out glittering treasure.


    What is this?


    (pointing at each box)

    This is gold. And this is diamond.

    Colm stands, impressed but unsure.


    If we take it with us, King Robert will seize it.

    Colm nods.


    Let us deal with the weapons for now. Then we will figure out what to do with the diamonds and stuff. We will keep it somewhere in the jungle until then.

    Rudolf screams to the other hostages.


    Get shovels and dig here.

    The hostages bring shovels and hoes from the burned vehicles. The warriors pick them up and start digging. They bury the boxes hastily.

    With their feet, they tramp down firmly on the soil.


    Erosion will not uncover it here.


    We need an indication of where we bury the treasure. Otherwise, we will lose it all.

    Colm thinks.


    Put more dirt. Make it look like an ant hill.


    We can plant cassava around the hill, the same way we did with the weapons.


    Cassava will not last very long.


    Then we need something bigger. Like erythrina abyssinica.


    How about a spruce tree or a ficus?


    Where will we find those on a mountain in ruin?


    Look for saplings. They could have been flexible enough to withstand the boulders.

    The warriors comb the area. Rudolf brings a young pterocarpus tree.


    This pterocarpus angolensis was burnt but the roots are intact. Hopefully it will grow.


    Those are durable. That will work.

    He plants it at the base of the hill.


    Other warriors eat roasted meat around a fire. Colm and his group join, tossing some more weapons onto an already large pile. Colm pushes Captain Eric in front of the group.


    Our captive Captain will train us on these modern weapons.

    Eric leans down to the pile of AK-47s, contemplating his chances of overpowering the captors. Sensing this, Colm threateningly steps toward him in warning.

    After a moment, Eric holds up his free hand.


    First, you will need to disassemble the weapons for transport.

    He grabs a gun and breaks it apart. He shows them how to clean and grease the weapon.


    You need to grease here and here.

    Then they reassemble the weapon. He demonstrates and the warriors imitate him in ramming munitions in the butt, charging and discharging the magazine.


    This is a magazine. It goes here. Click in, pull out. You should carry extra, so you don’t run out.

    He looks at the warriors, as if expecting them to understand his ridiculously quick

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