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Healing the Mother Wound: With Mother Earth
Healing the Mother Wound: With Mother Earth
Healing the Mother Wound: With Mother Earth
Ebook204 pages1 hour

Healing the Mother Wound: With Mother Earth

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"Healing the Mother Wound: Healing with Mother Earth" is a book of poetry that has initiated me into living a life of joy and fulfillment. I share poems written by me in some of the darkest times of my life, as well as poems inspired and guided by my time with Mother Earth. Listening to her guidance acted as a salve to my wounds. Reading this book will be like a journey through parts of you that you may know and not know about. It will be a ceremony that walks you home to your true, inner nature so that you can remember who you truly are. Immerse yourself in the depths of your soul as you explore where distortion, divinity, and destiny live within you. My hope is that you feel seen, heard, and not alone. May these poems be like nectar to the seemingly bitterness of life. May you walk away with a newfound appreciation and reverence for it all.
Release dateJun 20, 2023
Healing the Mother Wound: With Mother Earth

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    Healing the Mother Wound - Alyssa Zander


    Healing the Mother Wound: With Mother Earth

    ©2023, Alyssa Zander

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    ISBN: 978-1-66789-471-3

    ISBN eBook: 978-1-66789-472-0


    mother earth’s message for us





    To all the mothers that came before me,

    I am listening to your stories.

    I hear your cries.

    I’ve held them for you,

    here in this body of mine.

    I am not enough.

    I am all alone.

    My body is broken.

    I am not a good mother.

    I don’t know how to do it right.

    Shame, guilt, fear, pain, anger,

    resentment, isolation, and unworthiness.

    I met what was there, hidden under all these layers but really taking center stage. With compassion and love I release the stories, washing them with the sacred waters of Mother Earth, to be used as compost for Her to replenish and create more fertile soil for the new stories to be written and planted. I deeply honor each experience carried by the ones who came before me. Your wisdom and truth protected you, kept you safe, kept you alive.

    And it is time.

    I am calling in a new energetic signature.

    I am writing a new way.

    It is time to release the pain once held

    in the genetic fabric of our being.

    To all the mothers that will come after me,

    I will continue to do the work.

    Moving through the blocks,

    and opening up my heart wider

    each time it contracts.

    I will fully embrace all the parts of myself, knowing that each emotion and feeling is a part of my experience, without shame or guilt but with divine reverence. I will continue to anchor into unconditional love and compassion for all. Even when disgust comes, I will find more love to bring in. For unconditional love is what will heal us all.


    This book came through in the winter of 2020. As the world was celebrating a New Year, I was cocooned in my meditation room, feeling lost, alone, and asking for guidance. I began to see myself writing. I saw people reading my heart on the pages. I was watching my life like a movie, one that I knew deep down was inevitable. And then, I ignored it. I truly feared the grandiosity of the life I watched play before my eyes. I was not ready, and this book sat on a shelf in my heart space, collecting dust.

    Fast forward to early summer 2022, when I finally leaped into my business full time as a thought leader and coach on codependency and relationships. Each day I step more fully into my soul mission, which is to help women around the globe heal the mother wound through group healing spaces and one-on-one coaching. I embodied the Mother, holding space and compassion for the children within all of us and teaching others how to do the same for themselves. And then, one morning during my meditation practice, the book peeked its head in again. I welcomed its presence like an old friend. This time she was loud and stern. She said, Seven days, Alyssa. All I need is seven days. It is already written. It was at that moment when I saw the visions of channeled text. This was meant to be a co-creation with Mother Earth, and she had already written her part. She was ready to move it through me.

    And still, I ignored it. This time, I thought my ignorance would be bliss, as the saying goes. It wasn’t though. The more I pushed it off, the more I felt like there was a damp blanket over my flame. And I was the damp blanket.

    Two months later, she dropped in again. This time I felt like there was no other option. It had to be written. I remember hearing, It’s ok if you don’t want to do it, I will give it to someone else. Well, if that wasn’t the kick in the pants that I needed. I never moved so quickly. I booked five days away along the Columbia River Gorge to write this book. As I walked and communed with Mother Earth she reminded me that this was a collaboration. She invited me to put my words, my heart, and my writings into this book. Now, I sit

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