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Fates End
Fates End
Fates End
Ebook42 pages43 minutes

Fates End

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About this ebook

In "Fate's End," Malek's fate is intertwined with that of an unknown god when he is left for dead and merges with the deity under less-than-ideal circumstances. Together, they save Earth from the clutches of the new gods, but their victory comes at a heavy cost. The world is plunged into a dark age, and ancient creatures that had been banished from the mortal realm are unleashed, turning life as humans knew it upside down.

For a thousand years, Malek hides in the astral plane until he is discovered and must embark on a perilous journey to retrieve his physical body. His mission: was to unlock the full potential of the unknown god's armies and save Earth from the wrath of the ancients. But in a world where nothing is as it seems, Malek must confront difficult choices that could mean the difference between salvation and doom.

As Malek battles his way through a treacherous landscape, he discovers that his true destiny is far greater than he ever imagined. With epic battles, intricate world-building, and unforgettable characters, "Fate's End" is a breathtaking journey that will take readers to the very edge of their imagination.

PublisherJ. C. Brandt
Release dateJun 20, 2023
Fates End

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    Book preview

    Fates End - J. C. Brandt

    Fates End

    Chapter 1————-The Sacrifice


    Solitude had taken him over. He had been alone for so long. It was for the best. He knew it, but once in a while, it would feel nice to hold a conversation; even small talk would be fine at this point. He got up from his throne and went over to the wall of books. They were more like manuscripts and ancient writings on papyri. As he scoured over them all, he drifted back in memory of the parts he played in each. Some were good, some not so good, but all had happened, and that was that.

    Suddenly, something grabbed his spirit, and it became troubled. A shadow grew in the corner, and a voice rang in the air: You can hide no longer. He turned toward the shadow that was increasing in size. He gave a crooked smile. So it would seem. A distorted face came from within the shadow. I found you, being of dust, it said. He smiled. That's too bad for you then, he said. Then he turned and grabbed a torch and struck it on the rocks in his fireplace. When it lit up, it was as bright as the sun. He pointed it at the shadow, and it dissipated. That thing was right; they knew where he was now. He was only a shade. The others must know by now. He had not wanted this; it just kind of happened.

    He had to return to his body. He had hidden it years ago and came here, to a temple built on the astral plane. He had not known that it could be done, but apparently, they had made it to prepare for him. He now hides there. But it looks like they've found him. He had to return. Return to what he was thinking. His armies had all perished throughout the last three battles. By the last battle, it was he and ten men; they had no chance. But somehow, when the smoke cleared, he was the only one standing. From both sides, everyone was dead. This was one reason he had to hide. Myriads of creatures were hunting him. The one and only monk left gave him blessed weapons and wards so he could go unnoticed. But it didn't seem to have worked very well. He grabbed his spear, sword, and shield and went to sit on his throne. As he sat there, he scoured the earth for his body. He found it and went back into it. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find himself in an ice cave. He couldn’t move any of his limbs. He went inside himself and created heat. Within minutes, he was limbering up his body. Calmly, he scoured his ice chamber, looking for a viable way out, but there weren't any. He would dig his way out. He jabbed at the ice with his spear and moved the piles of ice on his shield. Eventually, he started digging with his shield. At a point, he was going ballistic, digging like a machine, heading toward the surface. When he got to the top, he broke through with ease. But he was tired and needed to catch his breath. There wasn’t much oxygen under the ice. He sat on the ice and looked around. All he could see were miles of ice and snow. Once he felt rejuvenated, he got up and walked north. The wind had picked up, and snow and ice pellets hit him hard, but he continued forward. As the miles went on, he

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