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About this ebook

An excerpt and a standalone short story from the book Splatterpunk, book three in the “A Glimpse into Hell” series. An extreme-horror tale of vigilante justice.

Release dateJun 4, 2023

Wade H. Garrett

Wade H. Garrett is an American novelist specializing in the extreme-horror genre, and he primarily writes about vigilante justice. He was born and raised in Texas, and currently resides in Hamilton, Texas.Wade uses extreme violence and the most abhorrent and disturbing combination of visceral words to get his point across. He pushes the boundaries of human torment and suffering, and his books should only be read by the seasoned extreme-horror reader.Many of Wade's fans have said his books are original, thought-provoking, and some of the most graphic literature they've ever read.Wade's writing can be very technical and detailed at times. This is a reflection of life experiences combined with his technical knowledge and abilities.He's published by German publisher, Festa-Verlag, under their extreme category. He also sells paperbacks, Kindle books and audio books on Amazon.Website at at at at

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    Book preview

    Transformation - Wade H. Garrett


    An Extreme-Horror Short Story.

    An excerpt from the book Splatterpunk, and book three in the "A Glimpse into Hell" series.


    Wade H. Garrett

    Motley Crew

    A few weeks later, Elmer arrived at an abandoned building to meet Seth. He went down to the basement and met him in a room with a large window. On the other side of the window was another room containing five nude men of different ethnicities: Mexican, Caucasian, African, Asian and Arab. Their weary bodies rested on the floor, backs pressed against the wall, and the scattered piles of feces strewn about indicated they had occupied the space for an extended period of time.

    Elmer plopped down next to Seth at a long countertop that sat under the window. What’s going on, boss?

    What have I told you about calling me boss?

    Sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.

    I’m not your daddy, so don’t call me sir.

    Okay. I was just trying to be respectful.

    More like condescending.

    That’s not true.

    Seth changed the subject to avoid arguing. How did it go with your group?

    Great. Herb’s the only one who survived, but I let Kyle kill his ass when he got out of the hospital.

    Seth laughed. The motherfucker thought he was home free, then got fucked up again. Nice.

    Elmer scrutinized the men on the other side of the window. What’s the deal with these fuckers?

    A cigarette dangled from Seth’s mouth as he leaned back in his chair with his feet propped up on the counter. Gettin’ ready to make these fuckheads have some fun.

    Elmer looked around the room. What is this place?

    An old recording studio.

    Being sarcastic, he chuckled. Are you gonna make them sing songs?

    That can be arranged if you’re wanting to see naked dudes get their groove on.

    Naw, man. I was just fuckin’ with ya.

    I picked this place because it’s solid as fuck. The window is shatterproof, and their room is made of halite blocks with a steel door. He pointed to a microphone and a speaker. That’s an intercom system between these two rooms that will allow us to talk to them.

    It looks like they’ve been here a while.

    Yep. We’ve all been chillin’ until you arrived.


    I didn’t want you to miss out on the up and coming festivities.

    Who are these men?

    Extremists and terrorists.

    Elmer noticed they were all sitting away from each other. They looked pissed.

    I’m sure. They despise each other.


    Because they’re of different ethnicities and have different religious beliefs.

    Where did you find them?

    Seth smiled. They were delivered to me.

    Elmer looked confused. What do you mean?

    They were captured and delivered by an independent contractor that works for the US government, but I have no idea who’s involved or the extent of this operation. All I know is, these fuckers came from different parts of the world, and they’ve apparently caused a lot of trouble, because someone wants to make an example out of them.

    An aggravated expression came over Elmer. That doesn’t make sense. Why would the government allow you do this? You’re a fugitive, and the FBI has been after your ass for years.

    Because they know I will fuck these assholes up way beyond anything they can get by with.

    What does that mean?

    Our constitution guarantees due process and the right to be free of cruel and unusual punishment. Then there are international laws that restrict torture, such as the humanitarian law and the declaration of Human Rights. This way, the government, or whoever is involved, will blame the shit on me, an out-of-control psychopath.

    It still doesn’t make any sense. And no one is going to know what you did.

    On the contrary. This is going to be my finest work yet. It’s going to be broadcast around the world through the internet. He glanced at Elmer. The whole purpose of this is to make an example of these scumbags. The government wants other extremists and terrorists to think The Angel of Death will come after them too. It’s basically a scare tactic, or some other form of bullshit. I really don’t know, or care. I’m just glad I get to fuck up these sorry bastards.

    Sounds like you’re getting off on this.

    Why wouldn’t I? I didn’t have to waste time researching and tracking them down. And not only do I get to have fun fucking them up, but my work is going to be seen by millions.

    A frown came over Elmer. Fun? You need help.

    You have to see the bigger picture. Yes, fucking up scumbags can be fun. I admit that. But if this prevents at least one terrorist or extremist from blowing up some innocent people, then it’s even better.

    Elmer noticed there were seven baskets against a wall. Each one was labeled with a human body part: Left Arms, Right Arms, Left Legs, Right Legs, Penises, Ball Sacks, and Faces. What the hell are you planning on doing to them?

    Something creative.

    I’m sure. I read what’s on the baskets. And exactly how bad are these people?

    "First off, they’re not people,

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