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The Orc Sorceress Book VI
The Orc Sorceress Book VI
The Orc Sorceress Book VI
Ebook65 pages45 minutes

The Orc Sorceress Book VI

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About this ebook

A captured human prince. A sexually-charged sorceress. A harem of lovers, human and orcish. An aggressive human kingdom. Sandraste has conquered orcs and assassins with her magic and sexuality. All that’s left are the human kingdoms.

This is a 10,000 word erotic novella that contains explicit sex and sexual descriptions in a harem environment. It focuses on explicit sex, sex between different fantasy creatures, group sex, lesbian sex, gay sex, depicts complicated sexual relationships, and other sexually explicit themes and language that not all members of the public will enjoy.

All characters are 18 or older.


Samuel luxuriated in the bed. He had barely been out of it in the past month. He had lost track of how many times he had been with Sandraste. It couldn’t be too many but it was approaching a large number. He had had her in every position. He had been with her while others had watched, mostly her orc bodyguard and the human female, but others as well.

He liked when the sorceress held an orgy in her room. It seemed she did that every other day. That was fine with Samuel. He had participated in the orgies held by many of the brothels back in his home city. These were smaller but no less enjoyable. He liked to them more than he could say.

There was sunlight streaming through the open window of Sandraste’s bedroom, which he had started to think of as his own bedroom as well. Why not? He hadn’t left the room in days. Food was brought to him. Sex was brought to him. Wine and other drinks were brought to him. What else did he need?

Release dateJun 2, 2023
The Orc Sorceress Book VI

Elliot Silvestri

Elliot Silvestri lives in upstate New York where he works and writes, not always at the same time. He has a degree in English Literature and his professors would be appalled at the shoddy construction of his characters and plots for his ebook erotica. His free time is spent with his wife and children, repairing a one hundred year old house, and herding the family’s three cats.Find him at:

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    The Orc Sorceress Book VI - Elliot Silvestri

    The Orc Sorceress

    Book VI

    Elliot Silvestri

    Smashwords Edition

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this work are products of the author’s imagination. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    The Orc Sorceress

    Book VI

    A Reverse Harem Fantasy Erotic Novel

    Copyright © 2023 Green Bush Publishing

    Second Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

    A Green Bush Publishing Book

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Contains adult material that might not be suitable for all audiences. This work is a fantasy, but in your own life be sure to follow safer sex practices. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21


    About the Author

    Chapter 18

    Samuel luxuriated in the bed. He had barely been out of it in the past month. He had lost track of how many times he had fucked Sandraste. It couldn’t be too many but it was approaching large number. He had penetrated her mouth, cunt, and even her ass. He had had her in every position. He had fucked her while others had watched, mostly her orc bodyguard and the human female, but others as well. 

    He liked when the sorceress held an orgy in her room. It seemed she did that every other day. That was fine with Samuel. He had participated in the orgies held by many of the brothels back in his home city. These were smaller but no less enjoyable. He liked to hear the sounds of others fucking. 

    There was sunlight streaming through the open window of Sandraste’s bedroom, which he had started to think of as his own bedroom as well. Why not? He hadn’t left the room in days. Food was brought to him. Sex was brought to him. Wine and other drinks were brought to him. What else did he need?

    Strangely this morning he was alone in the bedroom. Usually Sandraste was there sucking his cock to wake him, or sitting on his face. Sometimes she was there with her orc bodyguard, standing up or on the other side of the bed while they fucked. Samuel liked to watch while the sorceress was fucked. She could be on the edge of ecstasy and still she was in complete control of everything. Often, while she was fucked, he watched and jerked off. 

    She didn’t stop him from doing that. If he wasted his seed on his belly, she would come over to him when he was done and lick it up. If he didn’t finish by the time she was done fucking her orc, she would allow him to cum on her tits, but never her face. And she would still wipe up his leavings from her skin and consume it. He knew she was doing that to control him, but he didn’t care. 

    The first time she made him eat her cunt after she had just been fucked by the orc, he wanted to resist, but found he couldn’t. He was under her thumb and he was glad for it. He went down on her, tasting her amrita mixed

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