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Reporting For Duty: A Son's Revenge
Reporting For Duty: A Son's Revenge
Reporting For Duty: A Son's Revenge
Ebook50 pages49 minutes

Reporting For Duty: A Son's Revenge

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This timely and thought-provoking novel follows the journey of a young boy who witnessed the brutal slaying of his father at the hands of two corrupt police officers. The incident was a turning point for the boy, as he vowed to one day avenge his father's death. Now an adult, he purposed to join the police force, and years later, that the same t

Release dateFeb 20, 2023
Reporting For Duty: A Son's Revenge

Jody L Franklin

Jody Franklin was born and raised in Gainesville, Florida, the youngest of three children. She earned her BA in psychology with a concentration in communications from Wesleyan College, First for Women's College in Macon, Georgia. For the past twenty-plus years, she has worked at the University of Florida in several different departments.Jody has always had a passion for writing. Her mother was an educator, her father worked for the Gainesville Sun News, and her sister has self-published a poetry book. Reading, writing, and creativity have always been an influence in her life.Jody met her husband in high school, and after high school, they went their separate ways, only to reconnect four years later. They have been inseparable and happily married ever since. Together they are raising four sons.

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    Book preview

    Reporting For Duty - Jody L Franklin

    On a beautiful summer day, Malcolm Freeman, the owner of Everyday Construction Company, and his son, Toby, are returning home after playing one-on-one basketball. The route they are traveling is a long, quiet, scenic route both enjoy because the countryside is so tranquil, and they enjoy looking at the cow pastures and horses. While driving, Malcolm begins to joke with Toby about how poorly he played against Toby and how Toby would have been as good as beaten in the game if he were in better shape. In a humorous manner, Toby asks, Dad, do you think your age has anything to do with you losing to me?

    Sarcastically, Malcolm replies, Toby, age is nothing but a number, and nothing gets old, young man, but clothes. And I will have you know that I was very skilled on the court back in the day.

    Toby looks at his dad, rolls his eyes, and says, Wait, let me guess, Dad. You were an all-American in your time, huh? While still driving, with his left hand on the steering wheel, Malcolm holds up his right hand to Toby’s face and tells him that he is looking at a massive hand that has much power and a threatening grip.

    Once the ball was in my hands, Malcolm says, no opponent could take the ball until it rolled off my fingertips and landed in the basket. Jump shots and three-point shots all day. And the girls could not get enough of your dad’s athleticism either.

    Toby turns and looks at his dad and says, Girls? Does Mom know about these girls? Malcolm looks at Toby with the biggest grin on his face.

    Was your mom aware of the girls? Son, your mom was one of my main admirers. Just as your mom admired me, I admired her too, he says with a twinkle in his eye, and our mutual admiration blessed us with an incredibly awesome son, who is almost as good as his old man on the court.

    Toby chuckles at his dad’s humor and lack of skills on the court. Then Toby asks his father, in a moment of sincerity and curiosity, whether he always knew he would be a successful businessman and father.

    As Malcolm begins to respond, Toby interrupts and asks him if they could stop for a couple of smoothies. Sure, why not? I would love nothing more than to reward my son with a smoothie after a game of basketball. I lost, so it only makes sense that I treat the winner and pay up. While conversating and enjoying their father-son time over a couple of strawberry smoothies, Malcolm and Toby catch a glimpse of a commercial airing that features Mayor Brown. Malcolm shares with Toby the level of appreciation and admiration he has for the mayor. Malcolm goes on to tell Toby that he and Mayor Brown went to grade school together and developed an even closer relationship when he started the business. Throughout the years, Mayor Brown and I attended several city meetings regarding permits, regulations, and he also hired my company to build his and his wife’s first home. With a proud look on his face, Malcolm tells Toby that he wants to take him by the mayor’s house one day for a tour, because the mayor’s house was one of the first homes built through his company. Our building contracts have been more commercial than residential, so I am proud of the work we put into his home. Throughout the years we have stayed in touch, and Mayor Brown is one of the very few individuals I would ever go to if in need. One thing I learned through the years is that everyone needs a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, and wise counsel from time to time. Anyway, what was it that you asked me earlier?

    What do you mean, what did I ask you earlier, says Toby.

    "Yes, son, you mentioned something about my life or my future before I got off track talking about

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