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Crick and Stone: Robot Jailbreak!: Friends of Puxim Place, #3
Crick and Stone: Robot Jailbreak!: Friends of Puxim Place, #3
Crick and Stone: Robot Jailbreak!: Friends of Puxim Place, #3
Ebook165 pages2 hours

Crick and Stone: Robot Jailbreak!: Friends of Puxim Place, #3

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This time, Crick and Prof. Stone are caught in the middle of a jailbreak! But that's not the worst of it! Are they going to be dragged into the frightening Storm Valley?!? 

Release dateJun 15, 2023
Crick and Stone: Robot Jailbreak!: Friends of Puxim Place, #3

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    Crick and Stone - D'ROOK


    going to prison



    Crick put his coiled rope around his shoulder and picked up Prof. Stone/the rock from the bench. Okay, now we're ready, Arthur.

    Felix said to the robot, Tell Dr. Mixenix we said Hi, even though we don't know him so well.

    Skip said, It's good you gave yourself  a name, Arthur, instead of everyone only calling you Dr. Mixenix's robot.

    Arthur nodded his robot head. Isn't that the truth. Okay, Crick and Prof. Stone, hop on. The mechanical man bent over, stooping so that Crick could climb aboard.

    Crick held onto the rock and jumped up, but he could not quite get onto Arthur's shoulders. Stoop down a little more, please. Arthur obliged and Crick got on there this time. Dr. Mixenix's robot straightened back up and prepared to take Crick and Professor Stone piggy-back to the prison.

    I hope they lock you in jail with the doctor, Crick, said Ratso. He had calmed down somewhat, but clearly Ratso still steamed inside- Imagine- lassoing my sister!

    Felix giggled. Maybe you can make a citizen's arrest, Ratso; tell them to lock him up and throw away the key.

    Skip chuckled. After all, it wouldn't be the first time Crick went to jail.

    Crick got himself comfortable on Arthur's shoulders, resting the rock in his lap and grabbing Arthur's neck. Come on, Wartheads, Crick said, don't remind me about my time in jail! Officer Bookum thought I had killed Prof. Stone- (But, as you can see, dear readers, Crick did not kill the professor. Prof. Stone is alive and well, but trapped inside the rock shaped like his brain!) -Crick continued telling them why he didn't like to remember being in the jail at Puxim Place Police Headquarters: Officer Bookum locked me up- and in the cell next to me was Rockie- yikes! Rockie held a grudge against me just because earlier I kinda tripped him and his disguise fell off and Officer Bookum caught him-

    Arthur said, All set, Crick? Comfy? Ready to go? Okay, then, hang on- and you, too, Prof. Stone! Arthur started out with a slow trot, then picked up speed, heading for the county prison.

    Prof. Stone said, This new county prison is nice. Nicer than the jail at Puxim Place Police Headquarters. If one is going to be imprisoned, this county jail looks like the ideal place to be.

    In back of them, Cynthia waved to Crick as he rode the robot out of the park. Bye, Crick. Stay cute!

    Ratso and the Warthogs rolled their eyes.


    Arthur traveled swiftly over open countryside. Crick didn't let go the robot's neck and Prof. Stone/the rock continued to rest in Crick's lap during the trip. Wild grasses and trees and pastures and farms dotted the landscape. Arthur shunned the streets and country roads, instead choosing to take the scenic route through the rustic settings. He appreciated the beauty of nature.

    Arthur said, Ratso's right- he likes the peace and quiet at the park; it helps his creativity. This open country side is even more inspiring. Often I came here on  a run to think out a solution for a problem at the robot factory..

    I can see your factory over that way, Arthur, but you're so fast, it's practically a blur in the distance, Crick said.

    Prof. Stone noted, While you might be slightly hyperbolic, Crick, I must agree that Arthur sure is a fast robot. He certainly built his robot factory swiftly on that empty lot next to Dr. Mixenix's house.

    Yes, I did build the factory rather fast, didn't I, Arthur said, a bit pleased with his robotic accomplishment. I showed pictures of it to Dr. Mixenix during a visit to him at the prison, and he told me he could not have done any faster or better.

    Crick looked off to the side as they dashed onward. And now I see the Obadiah farm, so we know we are quickly getting close to the prison. Wow- I know I am repeating myself, but you really are very, very fast, Arthur- and that is why I am holding on for dear life!

    Prof. Stone said, I'm glad Dr. Mixenix could get put into this new prison so close to his place. At least he's close to home. And it's good the folks at the Obadiah farm did not worry when the new prison was being planned to be built so close to their farm, or maybe the prison would have been moved to some other, far away spot.

    The lack of protest may be due to the fact that the prison is low-security, for low-risk criminals said Arthur.

    Crick suggested, If the rest of the prisoners are like Prof. Stone, then the Warden could take down the wall around the prison, and there wouldn't be any danger of the inmates trying to escape.

    Prof. Stone agreed. Right, Crick. The citizens don't worry too much about those kind of criminals. In fact, the citizens don't worry much about criminals at all in Puxim Place, because, as I have noticed, Puxim Place is a low-crime area. Aside from when Rockie is in town, and one or two people living here, most people are honest and law-abiding. As for the Obadiah farm nearby, they would not be in any danger, even with a prison of the worst criminals on the planet. Matilda the cow keeps them safe on the farm!

    Crick and Arthur laughed at that. Yeah, she guards the farm, all right, said Crick. And too bad for  anyone dumb enough to be up to funny business on that farm. But any local resident who's lived here for even a short while knows this.

    Arthur shook his head, thinking about the cow. Imagine- she wandered into Storm Valley one night, and came out quite a bit different from her old self. Now she gives milk that turns invisible those who drink it- like the miniphants who used to stay there at the farm until they helped themselves to her stored milk one day, and all disappeared.

    And then they moved from the farm to a place along the banks of the Babbling Brook, because they didn't want anymore surprises, said Prof. Stone.

    Maybe Storm Valley itself scared them into leaving the farm, Arthur theorized.

    Crick wondered, Who is faster, Arthur- you or Matilda?

    Arthur kept up his speed. He said, I never raced her, Crick, but I've seen her run- that lightning in Storm Valley made her the fastest cow in the state!

    Wow. That crazy lightning in Storm Valley, mused Prof. Stone, thankful that Arthur had already passed the Obadiah farm in the distance- and the scary valley nearby, just behind therir farm.. It sure isn't regular lighting! If it doesn't kill you, it scrambles your molecules and you'll never be the same!

    Then, both the professor and the robot said, at the same time, I'm glad to live here in Puxim Place- it can get extremely interesting at times! When they realized they both said the exact same thing at the same time, both chuckled and said to the other (also at the same time), Copy cat!f Again, they both laughed, having once more said the same thing to each other at the same time.

    And here we are, at the prison, Crick announced.


    The county's low-security prison for harmless, co-operating inmates sat in the midst of acres and acres of uncultivated ground. Its seven-foot brick wall surrounded the two-story facility. A gate of metal bars in the wall remained shut, a guard being posted outside the gate, and another inside the gate. The two bored guards yakked with each other through the bars, while watching the prisoners and other guards playing tag together in the prison yard. (Of course, not all the guards and prisoners played tag. Some sang with a guard who strummed a guitar, while some others just sprawled in the grass, snoozing.)

    Arthur came to a halt and once more stooped over, allowing Crick- carrying Prof. Stone- to hop off the robot express.

    Both the guard on the outside of the gate and the guard on the inside of the gate greeted them. The guard on the inside guessed, Here to visit Dr. Mixenix again?

    Yup, as usual, replied Prof. Stone, while the outside guard opened the gate for them to enter.

    Crick held out his rope for Mr. Beck to inspect. Do I have to leave my lasso outside the gate, Mr. Beck? Mr. Beck was the inside guard at the gate. Is it considered a weapon?

    Mr. Beck picked up the rope and eyed it very carefully. He winked to the outside guard and Arthur and Prof. Stone/the rock. He asked the outside guard, What do you think, Mr. Krantz? Is it a weapon?

    Yes, Mr. Beck, yes it is replied Mr. Krantz.

    Mr. Beck gave the matter a brief moment of thought. Well, I guess we can trust you, Crick. You won't use it to help any of the inmates escape, okay?"

    Crick crossed his heart and held up his right hand. I promise I won't.

    Mr. Krantz the outside guard closed the gate once the visitors were inside the prison yard,

    Mr. Beck asked, Crick, what makes you come with Arthur and Prof. Stone every week? Since only two visitors at a time are allowed to see a prisoner in the Visitors' Room, and so since you always wait out here in the yard for Arthur and Prof. Stone while they visit Dr. Mixenix inside, why do you bother to come, if I may ask? Mind you, we always like your visits, since you often join the game of tag and make it more fun.

    That's why- because I like to play tag, said Crick. And I like Arthur's piggy-back rides, too.

    The three visitors went over to the prison building, where another guard kept watch over the building's entrance door. This guard also greeted them.

    Crick handed the rock/Prof. Stone over to Arthur.

    Arthur told the guard at the door, We're here to see Dr. Mixenix.

    Crick said, Well, those two are here to see the doctor. I will stay out here, like the other times, Mr. Jazz.

    Okay. He opened the door for the robot and the rock which the robot carried to enter.

    Crick said, I hope Dr. Mixenix is almost done with the robot body he is building you, Prof. Stone.

    Yes, I cannot wait to try on the body, said Prof. Stone.

    I hope the robot body is built as well as the way Dr. Mixenix made me, Prof. Stone, said Arthur. If so, then I know you will very much enjoy having such a robot body. Arthur and Prof. Stone/the rock went inside the building, and the door guard closed the door after them.

    Prof. Stone and Arthur headed for the Visitors' Room, not suspecting the surprising news Dr. Mixenix would soon be telling them.


    amazing news



    A guard led Arthur the robot, who carried Prof. Stone/the rock, down a hallway to the Visitors' Room. This room was as big as a cafeteria, and several tables (not cafeteria-size) were arranged about the room. Arthur chose an empty table. He put the rock down on the table and they waited a few minutes, until the same guard brought Dr. Mixenix, who sat on the other side of the table across from Arthur and Prof. Stone.

    You guys know the rules by this time, said the guard. Everybody keeps himself to his side of the table.

    The guard then left, nodding Hi to another guard who sat in a nice, comfortable chair in the corner of the room. This chair looked- and felt- so much better to sit in than the hard, rickety wooden chairs used by the inmates and their visitors. The guard in the comfortable chair monitored the prisoners and their company, making sure no one did any monkeyshines, and that everyone followed the rules. He watched everybody for a few minutes, until satisfied nobody planned to cause any trouble today, and then the prison guard picked up a paper and resumed reading about the official tag tournament games being played in Europe at this time of year.

    Dr. Mixenix smiled, happy to see Arthur and Prof. Stone. Hi, nice to see you two again.

    Hello, Dr. Mixenix, said Arthur. I see you ate well this past week. Looks like you put on a few pounds. The prison food must be tasty.

    Bleah! replied the doctor.

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