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Vicious Cycle
Vicious Cycle
Vicious Cycle
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Vicious Cycle

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An insane narcissistic woman in texas hired people to kill her husband for no reason just because she thought she was going to be a famous youtuber.

PublisherAaron Abilene
Release dateMay 31, 2024
Vicious Cycle

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    Vicious Cycle - Aaron Abilene

    Vicious Cycle

    Aaron Abilene

    Published by Aaron Abilene, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. May 31, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Aaron Abilene.

    ISBN: 979-8223844327

    Written by Aaron Abilene.

    Also by Aaron Abilene



    505: Resurrection


    Dead Awake

    Before The Dead Awake

    Dead Sleep

    Bulletproof Balls

    Carnival Game

    Full Moon Howl


    Shades of Z


    The Man in The Mini Van


    Deadeye & Friends

    Cowboys Vs Aliens


    Life in Prescott (Coming Soon)

    Afterlife in Love (Coming Soon)


    Paradise Island

    The Lost Island

    The Lost Island 2

    The Lost Island 3

    The Island 2


    Pandemic (Coming Soon)



    The Compound


    Slacker 2

    Slacker 3

    Slacker: Dead Man Walkin'


    Devil Child of Texas

    A Vampire in Texas

    The Author

    Breaking Wind

    Yellow Snow

    Dragon Snatch

    Golden Showers

    Nether Region

    Evil Empire









    Decontaminated (Coming Soon)


    Trailer Park Diaries

    Trailer Park Diaries 2

    Trailer Park Diaries 3


    Raising Hell

    Zombie Bride

    Zombie Bride

    Zombie Bride 2

    Zombie Bride 3


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    A Christmas Nightmare


    Fat Jesus

    A Zombie's Revenge

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    The Island


    The Quiet Man

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    Good Guys

    Romeo and Juliet and Zombies

    The Gamer

    Becoming Alpha

    Dead West

    Small Town Blues

    Shades of Z: Redux

    The Gift of Death

    Killer Claus


    Home Sweet Home

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    Army of The Dumbest Dead


    The Cult of Stupid

    9 Time Felon


    Bad Review: Hannah Dies

    Me Again

    Maurice and Me

    The Family Business

    Lightning Rider : Better Days

    Lazy Boyz

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    Good Intentions

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    Sparkles The Vampire Clown

    From The Future, Stuck in The Past


    Knock Knock


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    Vicious Cycle


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    Giant Baby (Coming Soon)

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Vicious Cycle

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    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Vicious Cycle

    Written by Aaron Abilene


    Mallory Morgan stood in front of her ring light, the soft glow illuminating her long, wavy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Her chiseled cheekbones looked as if they'd been carved by the gods themselves. Adjusting the collar of her silk blouse, she let out a frustrated sigh. I need to look perfect, she whispered to herself, fixing her gaze on the sleek camera mounted on the tripod.

    Hey everyone, it's Mallory! she said with a wide, practiced smile. Welcome back to my channel, Mal's Marvelous World. Today, we're going to be diving into the secrets of manifestation and how I turned my life around using the power of positive thinking.

    Her viewers didn't know the real Mallory, the deeply narcissistic woman in her early 30s who was consumed by her obsession with becoming a famous YouTube personality. They saw only the polished, glamorous version of her that she so carefully constructed — a master manipulator hiding behind a screen.

    Mallory spent most of her days obsessively creating content for her channel, her heart racing at the thought of gaining more subscribers and views. She would film videos on lifestyle tips, self-improvement, and the occasional high-end fashion haul. Her channel niche was clear: she wanted to be seen as an aspirational figure, someone others could look up to and admire.

    Cut! she shouted, stopping the recording. Mallory's eyes darted towards the stack of expensive equipment piled haphazardly in the corner of her makeshift studio. She had spared no expense in her pursuit of fame, from the top-of-the-line DSLR camera to the professional-grade audio equipment. The hours seemed to blur together as she meticulously crafted each video, driven by her insatiable hunger for recognition.

    Maybe I should add some B-roll footage here, she muttered, tapping her perfectly manicured nails on the keyboard. Or maybe I should use that new transition effect I found yesterday. It's so trendy. Everyone would love it.

    Are you still editing, Mal? a voice called from outside the room.

    Mallory glanced at the clock on her computer screen, realizing she'd been working non-stop for nearly six hours. Just a few more tweaks, Douglas! she replied, her tone impatient. I have to make this perfect. This video could be my big break!

    As she resumed her work, her mind raced with thoughts of internet fame and the validation it would bring. She imagined herself walking down red carpets, being interviewed by talk show hosts, and finally receiving the admiration she felt she deserved.

    Once I hit a million subscribers, no one will ever doubt me again, she thought, her eyes narrowing in determination. I'll show them all just how amazing Mallory Morgan truly is.


    Douglas Morgan, a solidly built man in his mid-30s with a scruffy beard and short brown hair, returned home after another exhausting day at work. As an electrician, he spent long hours on the job to provide for his wife, Mallory. He couldn't quite grasp her obsession with becoming an internet sensation, but he supported her nonetheless. Douglas was patient and kind-hearted, although these days, the patience was wearing thin.

    Mal, I'm home! he called out as he entered their small apartment.

    Hi, Doug, Mallory responded from her makeshift studio without taking her eyes off the computer screen. Her voice had an edge to it, a sign that she was likely obsessing over her latest video.

    Rough day? Douglas asked gently, trying to engage with her.

    Ugh, you can say that again, Mallory sighed, finally looking up from the screen. The views on my last video are just awful! And this one commenter said that my channel is 'going downhill.' Can you believe that?

    Douglas frowned, concerned about how deeply the negative comments affected her. Honey, don't let those trolls get to you, he advised. You know they're just trying to bring you down.

    Mallory's blue eyes flashed with anger. But what if they're right, Doug? What if I'm losing my touch? I need to be better. I have to be perfect!

    Mal, nobody's perfect, Douglas said, walking over to place a gentle hand on her shoulder. Just keep doing what you love, and people will follow.

    Easy for you to say, Mallory muttered under her breath, turning back to her screen. She was consumed by her thoughts, replaying every past success and failure, and analyzing every aspect of her videos. The numbers haunted her – the views, the likes, the dislikes. She felt as if she was chasing an elusive dream that was always just out of reach.

    Hey, why don't we take a break and go for a walk? Douglas suggested. It'll help clear your head.

    Fine, Mallory agreed reluctantly, knowing that Douglas wouldn't let it go.

    As they walked, Mallory's mind raced, her thoughts never far from her channel. She noticed every person on the street, wondering if they recognized her or if they would in the future. What would they think of her videos? Would they be fans or critics?

    Mal, are you even listening to me? Douglas asked, breaking through her thoughts.

    Sorry, Doug, she apologized, but her eyes were distant and unfocused. It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to live in the present moment, and this strained her relationship with Douglas.

    Look, Mal, I love you, and I'll always support you, he said, his voice filled with sincerity. But I just want you to be happy. This obsession with's not healthy.

    Of course, I'm happy, Mallory lied, forcing a smile. I just need to work harder, that's all.

    Douglas knew better than to push her any further, but his heart ached for his wife. He missed the carefree, fun-loving woman he married years ago. But now, with each passing day, Mallory seemed to slip further away into a world where no one could reach her – a world dominated by numbers, comments, and the relentless pursuit of fame.

    As they returned home, Mallory rushed back to her computer, determined to prove her doubters wrong. Her hands shook with anxiety as she clicked upload on her latest video, praying that this time, things would be different.


    Mallory's eyes were bloodshot as she stared into the cold blue light of her computer screen, meticulously editing her latest video. Her heart raced with every cut, transition, and effect she added, knowing that her viewers demanded perfection. In the dimly lit room, the chaotic array of wires, camera equipment, and empty coffee cups surrounded her like a fortress.

    Ugh, why won't this stupid clip match up? Mallory groaned, rubbing her temples in frustration. She'd been trying to synchronize a jump cut between two different shots for what felt like hours. I need my videos to be flawless if I want to get more subscribers, she muttered under her breath.

    Douglas stood in the doorway, observing his wife's obsessive behavior with concern etched on his face. Mal, it's almost midnight. You've been at this all day. Can't you just take a break and come to bed?

    Mallory didn't even bother to look away from the screen. I can't, Doug. This video has to be perfect. If I don't upload something soon, my viewers will lose interest and move on to someone else.

    Is it really worth sacrificing your own well-being for some internet fame? Douglas asked, his voice tinged with worry.

    Of course, it is! Mallory snapped, finally turning to face him. This is my ticket to success, to being recognized and admired by millions of people! This is going to change our lives, and you're just standing there, doubting me!

    Mal, I'm not doubting you, Douglas

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