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The Quiet Girl. A Concubine Story. Part II
The Quiet Girl. A Concubine Story. Part II
The Quiet Girl. A Concubine Story. Part II
Ebook37 pages29 minutes

The Quiet Girl. A Concubine Story. Part II

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Charlotte is a poor student. She is learned in the art of dealing with kinky men. Charlotte enjoys the attention of a special sugar lover in college, while also being in a complicated relationship with Thomas, who is 40 years older than her. But, when he finally agrees to disclose his personal life at Charlotte’s insistence, she will discover a surprisingly kinky truth no one had expected.

Release dateJun 10, 2023
The Quiet Girl. A Concubine Story. Part II

Victoria Lewis

Victoria Lewis (pen name) is an erotic fiction author who takes inspiration for her writing from her own sexual experience as well as her prolific imagination. She holds a degree in literature and history of art. Victoria is a married woman -and a mother-, who firmly believes in the practice of extramarital affairs as a way to strengthen her marriage. "I put in writing my experience as well as what my fantasies and imagination whispers me."

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    The Quiet Girl. A Concubine Story. Part II - Victoria Lewis

    The Quiet Girl (Part II). A Concubine Story.

    Copyright 2023, Victoria Lewis

    Published by Victoria Lewis

    Edition License Notes

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter One. Who is him?

    Chapter Two. Aftermath.

    Chapter Three. The special dinner.

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    Chapter One. Who is him?

    The life goes on and time flies, but I can only walk on my way.

    Because of my busy private life, overwhelmed with Thomas’ demands, especially but not limited to the nights, I had a poor sleep. I’m always sleepy. Specially in classes, arriving late or not at all. But the college has its own rhythm. The testing season finally arrived at the college. And I owed so many works. As Thomas bought all the paintings I had done in the summer, so it didn’t count as working in advance for the grades. I felt so sad. I had just tasted a bit of the adult life (including adultery) and now I was paying for my daring. Barbara and the other girls tried to help me, but all were busy with their own conundrums. For example, Barbara had lost her prospect of a stable man because of her cheating. She really is turning a harlot, receiving many men in her body, doing in cars, the public parks, parking lots, and cheap hotels; poor girl.

    I had to do something by myself. 

    Charlie, why are you calling me here? Thomas told me by phone, answering my call with a gender neutral name. He was at his job, with a patient. "Baby, I’m sorry, it’s that I can’t take it tonight. I know it’s our day, baby, but I’m about to be kicked out of college. I need to study, to sleep, to rest.

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