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The Death Of Graham Adams: A Bettie Private Eye Mystery Novella: The Bettie English Private Eye Mysteries, #10
The Death Of Graham Adams: A Bettie Private Eye Mystery Novella: The Bettie English Private Eye Mysteries, #10
The Death Of Graham Adams: A Bettie Private Eye Mystery Novella: The Bettie English Private Eye Mysteries, #10
Ebook81 pages1 hour

The Death Of Graham Adams: A Bettie Private Eye Mystery Novella: The Bettie English Private Eye Mysteries, #10

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About this ebook

A Murder. An Imposter. A Private Eye.

When Private Eye Bettie English learns a victim impersonated her boyfriend, she investigates the murder. 

A lot more than Bettie realises depends on her.

Intoxicatingly Rich. Enthralling. Gut-Punching. Connor Whiteley's The Death Of Graham Adams transports readers into the heart of a gripping mystery pushing the boundaries of murder mysteries and this series in new directions.


Release dateApr 26, 2024
The Death Of Graham Adams: A Bettie Private Eye Mystery Novella: The Bettie English Private Eye Mysteries, #10

Connor Whiteley

Hello, I'm Connor Whiteley, I am an 18-year-old who loves to write creatively, and I wrote my Brownsea trilogy when I was 14 years old after I went to Brownsea Island on a scout camp. At the camp, I started to think about how all the broken tiles and pottery got there and somehow a trilogy got created.Moreover, I love writing fantasy and sci-fi novels because you’re only limited by your imagination.In addition, I'm was an Explorer Scout and I love camping, sailing and other outdoor activities as well as cooking.Furthermore, I do quite a bit of charity work as well. For example: in early 2018 I was a part of a youth panel which was involved in creating a report with research to try and get government funding for organised youth groups and through this panel. I was invited to Prince Charles’ 70th birthday party and how some of us got in the royal photograph.Finally, I am going to university and I hope to get my doctorate in clinical psychology in a few years.

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    Book preview

    The Death Of Graham Adams - Connor Whiteley


    19th April 2023

    Canterbury, England

    As much as Private Eye Bettie English had always, always loved her two beautiful baby twins, Harrison and Elizabeth, more than anything else in the entire world, she absolutely had to admit that them being 8 months old was her favourite month of development so far.

    She loved how at 8 months old, her little angels were always talking, playing and moving about (or trying anyway).

    The three of them were sitting in the baby nursery and Bettie flat out loved it. Her and her boyfriend Graham had recently painted a very stimulating red, blue and orange forest on the wall facing the babies, and whilst Bettie loved it because it was so striking. She really, really understood why her nephew Sean called it modern art.

    It might not have exactly looked like a typical forest, and it might have looked more like one of the babies vomiting paint on the wall in a pretty pattern, but Bettie was damn proud of her painting skills and she had really loved spending the time with Graham doing it.

    Bettie sat on the cream carpet that felt like a delightful pillow under her bum with Elizabeth and Harrison just babbling non-stop to each stop as they all played with some bricks, teddies and plastic books that Bettie was perfectly okay with the two twins using as suckers more than books.

    It wasn’t even like the books were very interesting. They were just pictures at the end of the day but they kept her precious angels interested so Bettie was more than happy with them.

    The bright white light reflected off the orange, baby blue and green walls perfectly. And Bettie was just glad that the nursery’s wall looked a hell of a lot more stylish than their mural did. Everything was stylish, tasteful and Bettie was really proud of everything she was building here with Graham.

    The love of her life.

    She had to admit that she wasn’t sure when she first found out she was pregnant. Bettie honestly didn’t imagine her and Graham could do the whole having-kids-thing together but she was so glad that she had tried. And now she was well and truly reaping the rewards.

    Harrison made a loud shriek and started laughing and that simple beautiful sound just reminded Bettie why she loved spending time with the kids.

    They both had on matching white little baby-grows that Bettie had picked out fresh for them, Graham had wanted them to wear something more interesting for when his mother turned up later on. But Bettie didn’t like the woman, she was loud, awful and hated that she was still working even though Bettie had children now.

    Bettie wasn’t giving up being a private eye for anything in the entire world, not even her little angels. She loved her job too much and she was only a private eye one day a week anyway for the rest of the year.

    Someone pounded on the door.

    I’ll get it auntie, Sean said.

    Thanks, Bettie said tickling Elizabeth and Harrison and falling onto the soft carpet with them both.

    All three of them laughing.

    And before Bettie could even start to climb back up her little demons were crawling on her and using Bettie to try and stand up. As soon as they were up they were both back down again but Bettie loved that they were trying.

    She was perfectly happy just laying there with the two babies all day playing. Or at least until beautiful Graham got back from work as a police detective doing whatever he was doing today.

    Bettie had to admit that Sean was taking a long time to see who was at the door. Him and his boyfriend had been living with Bettie since last June because of a foul homophobic attack that had given Sean’s boyfriend Harry a brain injury and they were both recovering here after all the awful drama with Sean’s mother.

    They were both just hanging out in his room with their best friends Eric and Nathan before a lecture later on.

    Bettie couldn’t imagine for the life of her who could be at the door and take Sean so long to answer.

    It couldn’t be someone they knew because Sean would have invited them in to at least the living room and not the heart of the house.

    It couldn’t be a political person who were knocking on doors campaigning for the local council elections in May because Sean would have shut the door in their face. Everyone had already postal voted last week.

    And it couldn’t be sexy Graham because he would have just come in and he hadn’t forgotten his keys (after Bettie had rushed out before he drove off anyway).

    M, Harrison said gently padding Bettie on the cheek and Elizabeth started tapping Bettie’s stomach.

    Yes I am your Mammy. Can you say Mammy? Bettie asked.

    Na, Elizabeth said.

    Bettie smiled. It was worth a try, she so badly wanted to be the kids’ first word and not Daddy or dadda.

    After a few more moments she heard Sean and another

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