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Romeo and Juliet: True Love Conquers All
Romeo and Juliet: True Love Conquers All
Romeo and Juliet: True Love Conquers All
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Romeo and Juliet: True Love Conquers All

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Romeo and Juliet reimagined as a violent action thriller with Juliet as the badass hero as Romeo is kidnapped.

PublisherAaron Abilene
Release dateJun 1, 2024
Romeo and Juliet: True Love Conquers All

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    Romeo and Juliet - Aaron Abilene

    Romeo and Juliet: True Love Conquers All

    Aaron Abilene

    Published by Aaron Abilene, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. June 1, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Aaron Abilene.

    ISBN: 979-8223518969

    Written by Aaron Abilene.

    Also by Aaron Abilene



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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Romeo & Juliet : True Love Conquers All | Written By Aaron Abilene

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    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Romeo & Juliet : True Love Conquers All

    Written By Aaron Abilene


    A dizzying whirl of colors and sounds engulfed Juliet as she tumbled through the vortex of time, her body hurtling toward an uncertain destination. The time jump had gone awry, and the familiar sensation of temporal displacement clawed at her insides. As suddenly as it began, it ended, depositing her on cold, unforgiving concrete in modern-day New York City.

    By the gods... she whispered, her breath misting in the frigid air as her naked form trembled against the ground. She took a moment to gather herself, fighting through the disorientation that threatened to consume her.

    Hey lady, you alright? a passerby asked, his voice coated with concern as he eyed her vulnerable state.

    Romeo, she murmured, her mind focused solely on the mission at hand. She believed that her lost love existed in this timeline, and with limited time before she was pulled back to her own era, she needed to find him – no matter the cost.

    Romeo? You mean like Romeo and Juliet? the man questioned, his brow furrowing in confusion.

    Indeed, she replied, struggling to make sense of this stranger's words. His accent was foreign, the language barely recognizable from her own, but she managed to comprehend the essence of his meaning.

    Look, I don't know what's going on here, but you can't stay out here like this, he said, removing his jacket and offering it to her. Take this, cover yourself up.

    Thank you, Juliet managed to say, wrapping the garment around her body, grateful for the temporary warmth it provided. She knew better than to draw attention to herself and risk jeopardizing her mission.

    Who are you looking for, exactly? the man asked, clearly intrigued by her predicament.

    Romeo, she repeated, determination burning in her eyes. I know he is here. I feel it in my very being.

    Alright, the man said slowly, clearly unsure how to respond. Well, good luck with that.

    And with that, he turned and left her standing alone in a world of chaos and confusion. The cacophony of traffic and voices threatened to overwhelm her senses as she tried to make sense of the bustling metropolis surrounding her.

    Romeo, Juliet whispered again, her voice drowned out by the clamor of the city. She felt a burning ache in her chest, an unyielding desire to be reunited with her love. Steeling herself, she vowed to find him, no matter what trials lay before her.

    Time is against me, she thought, anxiety gnawing at her resolve. I must begin my search.

    With newfound determination, Juliet ventured deeper into the heart of New York City, driven by love and the hope of reuniting with her long-lost Romeo.


    Juliet's boots pounded against the pavement as she navigated the labyrinth of towering skyscrapers. The cacophony of honking horns, chattering voices, and roaring engines created a symphony unlike any she had heard before. She marveled at the sheer diversity of faces that filled the crowded streets—people from all corners of the world, each with their own story to tell.

    Excuse me, she muttered, sidestepping a group of businessmen lost in conversation. Her heart raced, and she fought against the ticking clock inside her, knowing that with each passing moment, her time grew shorter.

    Where could he be? Juliet thought, scanning the sea of faces for any sign of her beloved Romeo. In this city of millions, how will I ever find him?

    Can I help you? A woman's voice pulled her from her thoughts. Juliet turned to see a kindly face framed by a halo of golden curls.

    Romeo, she breathed, her voice desperate. I seek my love, Romeo.

    Romeo? Like... Shakespeare's Romeo? The woman raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. Well, there's a Shakespeare festival happening in Central Park—you might find him there.

    Central Park! Juliet repeated, feeling a surge of hope. Thank you!

    Good luck on your quest! the woman called after her as Juliet hurried away.

    Determined to leave no stone unturned, Juliet raced down the bustling sidewalks, weaving through throngs of people, her eyes locked on the lush greenery in the distance. The vibrant colors of the park seemed to beckon her, promising a haven amidst the chaos of the city.

    Time is fleeting, she reminded herself, her steps quickening. I cannot afford to waste it.

    As she entered the park, the sound of laughter and music reached her ears. A crowd had gathered around a troupe of actors, who were performing a scene from one of Shakespeare's plays. Romeo and Juliet, to be exact.

    Romeo! she cried out, her heart leaping as she spotted a young man with dark hair, dressed in period attire. She pushed through the crowd, her eyes never leaving his face. I have found you at last!

    Juliet? he whispered, his eyes widening in shock as he recognized her. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. The world around them faded away, leaving only the two lovers reunited after so many years apart.

    Is it truly you? Romeo asked, reaching out to touch her cheek, as if to confirm she was real.

    Indeed, it is I. Tears filled her eyes as she clung to him. And I would risk everything, even time itself, to be with you again.

    Then let us face this brave new world together, Romeo declared, embracing her tightly.

    In that instant, they knew their love had transcended time and space, defying all odds to bring them together once more. And though the challenges ahead were great, they faced them hand in hand, for nothing could stand against the power of their love.


    The cacophony of honking horns, excited chatter, and roaring engines assaulted Juliet's ears as she stumbled through the streets of modern-day New York City. The towering buildings loomed above her like monstrous metal giants, casting their shadows upon the diverse sea of people that filled the sidewalks.

    By the stars, what manner of sorcery is this? Juliet murmured to herself, gazing in awe at a massive electronic billboard. Its bright, flickering images captivated her, despite her confusion and terror.

    Hey, watch where you're going! a man snapped as he narrowly dodged Juliet, who had inadvertently wandered into his path. She blinked at him, unable to comprehend his words, which sounded so different from the language she knew.

    Pray, sir, how might I find... she began, only for the man to brush past her without a second glance. Frustration bubbled within her chest, but she pushed it down. There was no time for anger – only determination.

    Romeo, she whispered, steeling herself. She would reunite with him, no matter the obstacles that stood in her way.

    Her first order of business was to blend in. Her current state of undress drew more than a few stares, and

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