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Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 2
Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 2
Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 2
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Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 2

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FOLKS FAMILIAR WITH THE TEXT OF THIS BOOK recommend thinking persons read this book. The author's thoughts are unique, engaging, and needed, especially in the insane world we are currently living in. Individuals, of all stripes, need to read and understand what the author is revealing to them.

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Release dateJun 26, 2023
Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 2

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    Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs - Andrew D Thomas


    Without the aid or benefit of science, psychology, advanced mathematics, and physics, ancestral sapients created the false notion of a god who created everything. With thousands of gods being worshipped throughout different cultures, the Egyptians and later the Israelis (who borrowed Yahweh from the Egyptians) consolidated the deity notions into one God, a fictitious being they called Yahweh.

    Yahweh is a fictional character given divine powers, wherein He was described as omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Yahweh is a fantasy construct that spawned certain religious beliefs and distorted sapients’ relationship with nature by demanding human behaviors that contradict what nature evolved for humans, in terms of natural sexual behaviors and the free exercise of discretionary powers. The religious fanatics of that time confined the fanciful constructions about God, by wrapping Him in mysteries and confounding those mysteries by conducting church matters and masses in Latin, a language few people spoke. Religious clergy and ranked personages then claimed that only they could interpret and know the mind of God and make laws and decisions in accordance with His dictates. They coupled these assertions with the doctrine that only the pope is infallible.

    The clergy then took it upon themselves to dictate dogmas, doctrines, orthodoxies, and rules that must be believed and adhered to by all or face eternal punishment in hell. By these methods of indoctrinated terror, the Church through its clergy and secular governments, not only controlled what humans were allowed to do, but also what they were allowed to believe, for God the punisher, knew one’s every thoughts, and what requisite punishments to apply for thinking or espousing ideas contrary to Church doctrine, etc.

    All these actions from Moses onward were done by those who had a desperate fear of God’s anger and believed these religious actions would assuage His anger toward the humans He created and was perceived as so often punishing.

    That was further coupled with the idea that priests were empowered to interpret and know the mind of Yahweh when no other sapient could. They took it among themselves to dictate beliefs, human conduct, and sacrifices in the name of and for the benefit of a God who never evidenced a need, nor demand for any of it.

    Religious sapients created this fantasy construct without using any sensual connections between God, His heaven, His hell, or reality, by just using fantasy constructs, one upon another, that are made to look real by the uses of all kinds of rituals that awe, which are still used and found effective today.

    The Bible, which is a compendium of mostly legends and fairy tales of sapients and their relationship with their God, describes His behavior in scripture as that which mimics man, not man mimicking God.

    In that connection we find God acting very unstable, very, and very whimsical, and destructive to nature and sapients for no other reason than He wanted to, that today are deemed to be crimes against nature and humanity. In a word, God as sapients contrived and conceived Him, suffers from a variety of mental and emotional disorders now identified by medicine as neurotic and psychotic behavior, which are anything but divine.

    After Jesus was crucified, His religious fanatics, devotees, and clerics developed dogmas, doctrines, catechisms, orthodoxies, and other strictures that further controlled human thinking and behavior. Their efforts focused on suppressing sexual knowledge and conduct far beyond what nature had provided for sapients to sexually enjoy. All Christian sects suffer severe emotional disorders and neurotic tendencies when it comes to any sexual aspect of sapient lifestyles.

    The Ten Commandments, for example, were completely ill conceived and flawed when written. Because they are deemed to have come from God as His commandments, no religious authority believes it has the power, or the right to amend the commandments to bring them in line with medical, scientific, and current cultural knowledge and practices. Because the commandments are said to be the word of God, when in fact they are only the ideations of Moses and his ilk who drafted the commandments, they stand in stark contrast to what nature, and existential life provide and allow for sapients to do and believe, as they may.

    Because they were ill conceived at the outset, each commandment leaves sapients more compellingly in breach of them, even though there are a minority who can fully or partially comply with them. They are evidence of the mistaken belief that an omniscient God dictated to Moses and his ilk, viable, sensible, and forward-looking commandments that are flexible enough to allow exceptions and conformity with natural changing conditions, when they simply are not. The Ten Commandments are not flexible and are thus incapable of any requirements for viability in the real world.

    Religion is and always has been a fanciful notion that created fanciful constructs to give fanciful thinking humans a belief system they thought would appease their God and assuage Him from exacting such pain and suffering on His sapients. Sapient worship of God does not stop Him from imposing all kinds of misery on His sapient devotees. It appears the more they worship, the more they suffer. Moreover, to impose compliance with religious dictates the Church believes that it had to create the notion of hell, sin, and to engage in murdering individuals for different beliefs, retake Jerusalem, establish Inquisitions, sponsor wars, and engage in all sorts of evils, the Church itself would designate as sinful conduct.

    Experience with religion and precatory praying has left analytical sapients with one conclusion, and that is that nothing fails like prayer, mostly because there is no being to hear them or react to them. Praying is another wasteful, fanciful behavior based on wishful desires for help, relief from pain or other adversity, or, to gain reward.

    It is shameful to see contestants in a sports match pray before the event or contest, because all the contestant is asking God or Jesus to do is fix the result of the contest in his favor.

    If granted, that amounts to divine corruption, encouraged by those who espouse religious notions to interfere in all walks of life. Skill is what the contestants brought to the match, and that alone is what each should rely on to determine the victor in that match.

    If a God existed, as fanciful tales tell, they failed to inform us that He would be restricted, by physics existent within the third dimension. Furthermore, the negative-positive powers that control existential activities within this dimension leave all things in a half negative and half positive state or condition. But is it probable or close to possible that a deity exists just to control humans in their daily activities and thoughts, when such a deity would be forced to concerned himself with other elements of the universe, along with other formidable events occurring in the third dimension of this universe?

    God, if He exists, must, by virtue of the negative-positive powers existing in this universe, be neither all good, nor all bad. His devil cannot be all bad because even the devil has some good, leaving him capable of good deeds in furtherance of his complicities with God. The negative powers cannot be negated. While one power may dominate for a while, those forces work to balance more than dominate, Nevertheless, one cannot exist without the other. The opposites help bring reality into existential activities. This means that positive cannot exist without its negative counterpart. That leaves one conclusion and that is that the negative powers and their effects have as much right to exist, and to prevail, as do the positive powers.

    The biggest mistake ever taught to other humans is the assertion that some holy and hellish things remain unchanged for eternity. All things die in this universe. All personages, and all other things, contrived or real existing in the third dimension of this universe must die to repurpose, and in doing so, replenish the universe.

    Dying is simply the discontinuation of something, some person, etc., that is then subjected to repurposing as many other things. Humans cannot continue to live unless their sustenance was first made to die. This is so whether the sustenance be flesh, or plants, or minerals, etc. Those things that died for us went through a repurposing, and the universe continues to exist by its own killings for repurposing. Everything feeds on something as a repurposing activity, starting with molecules on up to the universe.

    Nature or existence, however, arrived to make this universe a mystery because we have not been around long enough to understand it all. We are just beginning universal preschool. It will be centuries before we know enough to make another universe out of one of the multiverses.

    Who knows, but at this stage, no one should care. No one should come into the theater at the very end of the movie because the beginning, like all beginnings, is compulsory to come to know the plot. Let us just muddle with what we have from where we are, in nature’s grand plan.

    Since repurposing is what continues to move everything forward, we must know that information coming to sapients for repurposing, is done in the processes known as comprehension and recollection, within the cognizant realm of one’s brain, as witnessed by one’s behavior. We also repurpose through the process of constructive curiosity, and by turning it into a useful artifact.

    Eventually when all things repurposable are fueled out, the universe’s sustenance will have been exhausted and the universe shall cease being what it was. Do we care, no, because we are no longer us, and whatever occurs will be without the former us even knowing. We should not worry about what is nonsensical to even ponder, at this time.

    Worrying too much about what will occur in the far, far future is a complete waste of time, because we are forced to live moment to moment, where we are most effective.


    The amount of fantasy meandering around sapient minds masquerading as facts, or truths, is beyond overwhelming. The significant problem associated with fanciful thinking in place of analytical, fact-based thinking, is that it is harmful to the ultimate well-being of other sapients, who must arduously adjust to escape the effects of such fanciful behaviors or suffer the consequences of the irrational outcomes we presently experience in society.

    If sapients do not strive to balance the welfare and positive outcomes for most sapients, personal endeavors will eventually become inundated with the negative outcomes from other human fanciful thinking. Fanciful thinking, as a replacement for analytical thinking, brings about no substantive improvements for the majority of that society’s citizens, who must attempt to endure under such fatuities.

    It is shameful for the powerful to go about making deprivational economic and personal rights decisions through the voting system, by advertising to the gullibles to vote for candidates who will diminish their economic welfare and restrict the exercise of the rights they presently utilize and enjoy. Why give them up for those fanciful goals that help the wealthy few, especially those nebulous goals espoused by one political party, while further depriving the voting gullibles with nothing less than more deprivations, along with increasing social, and personal, frustrations?

    It is difficult to comprehend how citizens who are dissatisfied with their lives continue to engage in fanciful beliefs and behaviors that are self-abusive and self-denigrating. Gullibles who vote, for those who simply increase their miseries do so and later experience the doubling down on their behaviors and well-being that will bring them the possible loss of our democratic society. Our society is more beneficial for us than bad for us, yet those who fail to see reality as it is will lose the value of what they have through that fanciful thinking they presently engage in.

    If something hurts you, and you increase the hurt, by what you think and subsequently do, what at the end of such activity have you gained, but more hurt? More hurt is all that fanciful thinking coupled with erroneous beliefs will get you. Yet it seems that despite the obvious economic and social damage many are experiencing through their negative behaviors, they still fail to see that they have brought society to the tipping point. Rebuilding from such a catastrophic loss, still fettered by millions of self-destructive humans, is not a likely, achievable, endeavor.

    The reasons for such devastating human behavior exhibiting herd-like mentalities today, are the same behaviors earlier sapients experienced in their troubled times. Herd-type human thinking does not change that much over the centuries. When humans become overly afraid of what they are economically, socially, and politically facing, especially when coupled with poor to devious leadership, populations panic and seek untenable solutions to problems they helped raise by believing the fanciful and nonsensical tenets they were fed and swallowed without ever analyzing the relevant facts.

    They adhered to the deviants’ script and chose hate, bigotry, self-harm, and delusional adhesion to the pied pipers holding destructive intentions.

    Reality is existential and must be managed in real time along with realistic, fact-based cognitive processes and subsequent appropriate actions. But our culture gave rise to these failings by the way parents raised their children in terms of what they taught them to fancifully believe and to shun relevant, verified facts for the fanciful. Alternate facts are not in the realm of actual reality. Our cultural values, along with the lack of analytical thinking diminish morality, social welfare for all, and a benign view of immigrants and diversity, which have previously brought us all to an unfavorable position and national condition, where, if nonsense such as alternate facts prevail, our society shall implode.

    Self-denigration assists those who make political, social, and personal decisions that are against their best interests. Their brand of going along to just get by is what assists the deviants to persuade the gullibles to stand by for more self-allowed depravities. Fanciful-thinking humans prefer what hurts them, rather than what helps or enhances them, and others.

    Self-denigration is not new to humans who embrace the Christian orthodoxies that assert man to be irretrievably sinful, evil, and hell bound. This type of conditioning facilitates the herd-like behaviors, and gullibility’s that further lends themselves to alternate fact hoodwinkers, who presently have society at the tipping point.

    If we sapients are fettered by beliefs from religious institutions that suppress sexual preferences developed by nature over time, and cause sapients to cower when religious intimidating powers present themselves, we are doomed, and the sad thing is that we did it to ourselves. Nothing of positive value will come from all the past failures that by insidious choices, are repeating, repeating, repeating.

    It is correct to state that a religious adherent is also the epitome of a doctrinally formulated, sexual hypocrite. They cannot be less, but they can be deviously more in their quest to ignore the precepts of nature. Nature will eventually prevail, it always does. In time religious beliefs will conform to reality, or die, instead of distorting reality into what is religiously, nonsensically, fanciful.

    This book attempts to bring to sapient minds the true-false interplay of existence, that tests reality when fanciful attempts are made to intervene to distort and bring about the wrong or incorrect solution. Bad things happen to humans when fact-based reality, no matter how harsh or hurtful, is put aside for fanciful presentments as solutions.

    Part of this disclosure covers the toxicities of religious beliefs, dogmas, doctrines, orthodoxies, and suppressions that cause sapients to suffer because they are not permitted to exercise and manage their bodies and physical-emotional natures in conformance with nature rather than a belief system that promotes what is unnatural, and harmful to sapients the world over.

    Other musings in this book are intended to cause sapients to think about what they are not used to by virtue of their prior programming. Other poems are posed herein to amuse the reader. The reader need not agree with what is presented, but the reading of what is written will compel readers to reconsider what they thought were not subjects for reconsideration.

    Brain Functions and Other Musings

    There is no other applicable reality nor viable alternative to functions or existence without our brains.

    Combine a restful sit with some mental wit, that notionally covers strange subjects, not usually of comfortable or settling conversations, because the topics always cause someone to become unnerved about the substance of the topics covered.

    Has one ever experienced internal hilarity, while cogitating a probable improbability?

    Can one, while entertaining self, distort reality with a series of thoughts or ideations that contain a composite of hilarity with the scary, and the creepy, while never expressing an emotion that may lead others to guess what one has surreptitiously, entertainingly, fancifully, covered?

    At seances, nothing but the content of the conjurer’s tale may satisfy the desperately delusional buyer’s acceptance of these fake conversations so freakishly covered.

    To get a dead person back would require nature to reassemble the billions of elements that comprised that dead person, and then return that person back to a cognitive bodily state.

    After centuries of these failed bring-back schemes, why do gullibles still fall prey to these machinations, unless it is their delusions that cause them to fall into a further delusional, mental state?

    Where should one go after death is a rhetorical question, because the deceased sapient isn’t going anywhere. Since there is no soul, we sapients concern ourselves with corporeal decomposition and the scattering of all bodily elements, now in the process of repurposing.

    Even if we had a soul, who would really want to go to a heaven populated by crabby nuns and saints, sexless spirits, and bored, saintly spirits, that render heaven a too quiet neighborhood, for any lively spirit to reside in?

    Wouldn’t a person rather live in sin?

    If qualified to live in heaven, one could visit hell, without being stuck there, because of a past sin.

    But even as an observing guest, one would have to suffer choking sulfur gases and constant wailing, as Dante once proposed.

    Unfortunately, free passes to adult theaters, or other fallacious pastimes, are not found in heaven.

    What else would one think of in heaven as one is boringly disposed.

    The anticipated boredom could crush one’s spirit in this reportedly acerbic heaven.

    If we had souls, we could go back to troubled earth, where our spirits cannot be seen as we smoothly sail, or float everywhere.

    We could be peeping Toms, observing cheating moms, or other harmless sapient activities so condemned in every neighborhood in heaven. as a spirit one could go anywhere but should we exhaust travel by going everywhere.

    May be so because that may be the reason, we do not see any spirits coming to us from heaven.

    Or let’s visit the planets in this universe, where spirits may find living a charm, unlike the boredoms of heaven.

    If coming from hell they must clean up a bit, but then they could only be sensed or seen, as ghosts who may do a sapient some harm.

    Is it true that anything we spirits do will likely cause anyone or anything unintended harm.

    As heavenly spirits we are not ghosts who purposely terrorize sapients and try to do them irreparable harm.

    Maybe ghosts come out of hell to carry out God’s desires the devil has no time to bother with, yet no lost souls are being rewarded for committing past sins.

    The devil works with God on mutually agreeable sorties, against unaware and defenseless sapients.

    It may be nice to know that spirits have a much longer life span than does a sapient.

    You know that when a famous or wealthy sapient dies, memories of him are rather short-lived on earth, and may never be known in heaven.

    The only good thing about heaven, is that television commercials are not permitted anywhere in heaven.

    Since we have no way of observing the neighborhoods in hell, the quality of existence there is something we know nothing about, and neither God, nor his angels will tell.

    After considering the pros and cons of both heaven and hell, one’s character or natural disposition may be to reject heaven and prefer going to hell.

    Hellish torture can only reach a degree to which it affects a soul, but does not destroy a soul, therefore there may be different degrees of hellfire one would willingly endure, just to keep on doing what is appealing to those who prefer the liberties prohibited in heaven but experienced in hell.

    Hell may be spicy, where heaven is bland, and SOOO boring, that one could puke at all that goes on which is only good and holy, and that does not satisfy the negative powers that still exist in the souls of sapients.

    After three generations past the decedent’s death, there is no living relative still alive to remember the decedent.

    If one visits a cemetery, the tombstones usually do not give cause nor reason for the decedent’s death.

    A convict or mayor may lie side by side after each experienced his last breath.

    The stone does not state whether the decedent was one who died needlessly repentant.

    Sendoffs or funerals follow rituals based on what the decedent’s estate can afford.

    The crying family may display true sorrow, while others attend respectfully, but are truly bored.

    The manner of or cause of death does not determine one’s afterlife residency because God’s judgment, so they say, may place the decedent anywhere.

    Therefore, a criminal may sit next to God’s throne, while the decedent resides in hell for his unforgiven sins, but we who continue to live, don’t care.

    A sapient’s place in the supposed afterlife is of great concern to those who believe in an afterlife, because most sapients believe, that they are destined for hell at death.

    You know, one may be placed in an afterlife residency, based on one’s personality traits and sexual preferences, so different ones need not interact with different others if they do not want to.

    People think sex and sensuality only belong to one’s sensual body, but no one really knows what the spirit wants, and can do, wherever they reside.

    As a spirit, one does not have to worry about being overweight, and that is a plus for a prior fatty who never made it to heaven.

    Those in heaven, with strong sexual appetites may prefer hell more than they would admit.

    They may fantasizes having intercourse with a famous movie star, or high school sweetheart who may still want to do it.

    Some prefer quiet, others prefer danger, others exhibit masochistic tendencies so God must find personality traits the best measure of where a decedent must reside. Just like on earth, there are neighborhoods where no one wants to reside.

    These neighborhoods are reserved for those who most egregiously offended God, but He forgave them before death.

    Another reason for personality-based placements is that the soul reflects the personality that does not change after death.

    Your spirit is the same as what your personality was at the time of your last breath.

    What you were when living is what your spirit will still be, for it is imbued with what was known as your soul’s DNA, personality preferences.

    One supposes that if one wants to reside in the better neighborhoods of hell, one will have to find those who can give positive references.

    There are family members who will not talk to each other, but still share similar preferences. Would they still be in the same subdivision as residents, using the same references?

    Heaven could not be a place of pure pleasure and happiness, for natural forces prevent it from being so, and this may be the reason heaven was not adequately described in scripture.

    Even the bad souls leaving earth, who were sent to heaven instead of hell, will find disagreeable things in heaven, despite what may have been expected despite what was described in scripture.

    With the unevenness of matter’s arrangements, all heavenly residential districts have rundown, poorly, maintained with ill-disposed residents, as is so on earth, and this includes all who are evil and must reside with other types, and forms of evil.

    Evil resides everywhere the positive-negative powers exist, and that is everywhere in this universe, which includes hell, as well as heaven.

    Heaven has a variety of saints and sinners caused by the uneven sapient interpretations of sin, or what constitutes a sin.

    Let us look at holy. What does holy mean? It means existing without sin.

    That is an impossibility for if one eliminates sin, it cannot be substituted for evil.

    Who can live like that, for if one properly interprets scripture, everyone, including God, has sinned.

    Sin is interpreted as doing that which displeases God.

    Since God may choose to sin against Himself, He must still rest on the knowledge that He always was, and always will be according to His dictates on the issue, substantially sinful.

    God sinning simply means He displeased Himself, every time by making an irrational mistake.

    See, even God is prone to making a mistake.

    One big mistake was giving half of His powers to His adversary, Satan, the devil.

    There is good in Satan even though he is said to be the epitome of evil.

    The negative-positive powers also give Satan good traits as well as bad, but how he uses good in his role as the devil has never been described in scripture.

    God may be in the moderate range of evil, but evil, nonetheless.

    What does one say on Judgment Day to the evil one, who is also the judge named, Jesus or God?

    Will calling Him out for His hypocrisies cause you to be sentenced to suffer less, or to suffer more?

    Do not overlook His exposed (by scripture) hypocrisies, they are parts of doctrine followers are taught to adore.

    A big hypocrisy is punishing sapients for what He created and empowered them to do.

    Sin was sapiently created as an offending Church charge, against a sapient for supposedly offending God.

    But it seems God did not always punish sapients for their sins, that supposedly offended God.

    All that is harmful to nature and to sapients is what is attributed to his contrariness toward what He created.

    He must suffer to suppress His urges to employ hypocrisies to harm the same sapients He supposedly created.

    So let us look at what the priests, preachers, rabbis, and mullahs say is sinful according to their hypocrisies.

    Be mindful that sapients touching sapients socially, and openly kissing as friends, is natural.

    Just because a sapient activity may remind one of sex, does not make it sinful nor evil.

    Sexual thoughts and deeds are natural.

    So, what is natural cannot be sinful. What is natural is partially evil.

    Sex is partially evil, as is forcing other sapients to refrain from having sex, but these idiots believe that having consensual sex is sinful.

    Keep in mind that those who profess to be holy commit sins and evils, or they would not so frequently confess their sins.

    They outlaw what they have no right nor reason to, just because they delusionally believe they have the authority to declare what they outlaw as sinful.

    They can only surmise about sin, based on their guessing, because God has not spoken to any sapient about what, if anything, is sinful.

    They really do not know the mind of God, Allah, Jehovah, or Christ, as they assert, they do.

    The adherents declared sex sinful, as hypocritical scriptural writers did by falsely referencing God and Jesus.

    The minute one sees the critical scriptural errors and unreasonable conflicts created by scriptural writers between religion and nature, one learns that scripture is not, the good book, nor a holy anthology, that many sapients have been taught to unquestioningly revere as the tome authorizedly written by the acolytes of Jesus.

    There is little in scripture that is free from contrary interpretations of myriad fiats.

    Neither science nor sapients can rely on Jesus’ pronouncements, because of His failures to present supporting evidence other than magically induced miracles, written by the purveyors of hypocrisies.

    Religious adherents must be sexually neurotic to believe and assert that public kissing or affection between consenting sapients is sinful.

    They are wrong to assert that dancing, smoking, and going to adult movies is sinful.

    They are wrong to assert using alcohol is sinful because Jesus used alcohol, and it is part of the communion ritual in most denominations.

    They are wrong to assert that anything having to do with sexual content, unless between spouses, is sinful.

    They are wrong to assert that having sexual thoughts about another, who is not one’s spouse, is sinful.

    Who are they? They are the acolytes who write propagandistically about what is sin, when it is not something sinful.

    All that nature provides in thoughts and consensual activities is natural, and nature cannot be sinful.

    Still the delusional accomplish their dictates by fiat.

    Catholics install sinful holies as saints, who allegedly created, or were the cause of, at least one miracle.

    What defies natural law, and thus cannot occur under any conditions, is a miracle.

    Murder is supposedly sinful, yet the churches allow murder in different formulations when done in the name of religion, or Jesus, or national security.

    No large religious organization is self-restrained from going to war to preserve its principles or its perceived security.

    Nothing listed is really a sin even though scripture and others declare that something is sinful.

    If religion pits itself against nature, over time nature will defeat religious opposition, by proving how uniformed, ignorant, and delusional the religious prescript was, let alone, brutishly imposed on sapients.

    Religions should not be tempted to proselytize sapients until they consent to be so, at maturity. Reason is the only effective weapon utilizable against insidious religious persistence.

    Sin and all other religious strictures were devised to control and distort the secular beliefs of sapients.

    Hell cannot last forever, for everything comes to an anticipated end, that is when the universe ceases its existence.

    Hell’s enemy is endurance, for one cannot boil water forever, nor overburn a soul, nor anything else in existence.

    Hell’s fires would not burn a soul to the

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