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The Falcon's Revenge
The Falcon's Revenge
The Falcon's Revenge
Ebook153 pages2 hours

The Falcon's Revenge

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The Falcon's Revenge is a story that, through the lens of characters from different walks of life, explores key questions about human life and experience. Of particular interest to our time is that of immigration. Many of the novel's characters are immigrants who find themselves trying to build a new life in America. Their trials and tribulations serve as a warning and as a promise to us embarking on new ventures in life. Readers are also introduced firsthand to the difficulty and reality of the unstoppable passage of time and how one is to bear it with dignity and grace. Lastly, man's relationship to nature and thus nature's God is explored so we can better find ways to harmonize with the Creator and his creation. Few novels of this generation raise such questions in such an engaging and an entertaining way as this one truly does.
Release dateJun 28, 2023
The Falcon's Revenge

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    The Falcon's Revenge - Idelfonso Morales

    Forward by Brandon Enriquez

    Time brought resignation, and a melancholy sweeter than common joy.

    -Heathcliff, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

    The human mind is a powerful force, and a creative spirit can never stay dormant. This was a lesson I learned watching the example of my grandfather, Idelfonso Morales, as he wrote The Falcon’s Revenge. In the winter of 2021, his first novel, Extraordinary Naked, was published in the lead up to his 90th birthday. Our entire family was thrilled that our patriarch’s vision had come to fruition at last, but we never anticipated what would happen next. His passion for writing, especially his passion for sharing the lessons and experiences of his life through literature, had not left him. It was only waiting for the right moment to reassert itself!

    This moment came the day Extraordinary Naked hit shelves worldwide. While the first print run was still warm, Idelfonso sprung back into action without skipping a beat. Over the course of several months during the spring and summer of 2022, he crafted The Falcon’s Revenge, and it has been an honor and a privilege to help bring this second novel to life. As I write these words, he continues to be hard at work crafting other adventures he hopes to share with the audience soon. His continued dedication to the craft after all these years is setting an example of perseverance and ingenuity for all of us who know him well and all of you who are enthralled with his imaginative worlds.

    While Extraordinary Naked was primarily focused on exploring the mind and questions of Providence, The Falcon’s Revenge is interested in other areas of the human experience while still drawing from the same wellspring of Idelfonso’s life events that audiences everywhere have come to love. A key theme explored throughout the work is that of immigration: a topic of high interest to those of our time. Throughout the novel readers are introduced to a cast of immigrants coming to America in search of a better life for themselves and their families. While their dreams are often the same, the way of striving after them is unique for each one’s own story. While some experience great luck, others are struck by misfortune at every turn.

    The cultural climate of these successes and tribulations is reminiscent of the author’s own experience in coming to America from Cuba following Castro’s rise to power. At that time there was little government or social support for immigrants, meaning that the only way to find success was through a resilience of spirit and a determined work ethic. Many came without a penny to their name and through honest labor and determination profited and built a comfortable existence in a new land. Poor choices, on the other hand, along with a pessimistic attitude and penchant for cutting corners often lead to failure. As the story of The Falcon’s Revenge progresses, this dichotomy is examined through the lens of the personalities and actions of the various characters. Their outcomes represent both a warning and a promise for those, both immigrant and non-immigrant alike, who are preparing to embark on a new venture in life on how to avoid self-inflicted calamities while finding prosperity.

    Equally important in the novel is the theme of the continuous, unstoppable passage of time. In many places in the story this reality is not presented as something to be feared, rather it is simply a fact of human life that must be accepted and even welcomed. As you will notice, unforeseen circumstances plague several characters in the story, and they are often called to rise above their present challenges and press on with their lives and responsibilities. This becomes most clear when children are involved. I believe it is the author’s intention to stress the importance of enduring one’s trials throughout time with grace and dignity to serve as a positive example for the next generation to do the same. This is doubly important in light of the immigration drama that takes the foreground of the plot since the leader of a family in a new country can set the tone for success down through his children and grandchildren.

    In my opinion, the last key question raised by this story is that of man’s relationship to nature. Over the course of the novel, natural forces are presented as dominant and unpredictable. Often with the comforts of modern life, it is easy for us to forget the power nature can exert over our day-to-day affairs. Whether it is a hurricane, angry bears, or a vengeful cast of falcons, nature can disrupt our plans and we should prepare ourselves for such events. Even more so, however, we should strive for harmony with the created order and most especially with the Creator Himself. We can do this by readily pursuing faith, hope, and charity towards Him and love for our neighbor. St. Francis of Assisi put this well in his canticle writing, "Laudato sie, mi Signore cum tucte le Tue creature [Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures]." The author of this novel echoes St. Francis’s point subtly throughout the work with the call to the reader to respect nature, and in particular the animal kingdom, and thus show respect to God.

    The Falcon’s Revenge is a story that will cause you to reflect on these and a great many areas of human experience. Through the lives and journeys of its characters you are sure to find a sense of deep meaning while being thoroughly entertained. I hope you enjoy the tale as much as I did and take some time to wrestle with the questions it raises for life in the modern world.

    Brandon Enriquez

    July 2023

    The Falcon’s Revenge

    Chapter One

    At the beginning of 1900, there was a house encroached by pine trees, intangible to the naked eye. Land was very cheap. Few people adventured out into the wilderness. Work was hard to get, but here and there, some people became homeowners and Capitelli was one of them. Mr. Capitelli had inherited this home. He was the only son of Carlo and Carmen who had immigrated from Italy when they were in their mid-20s and arrived in this big town – in other words, a very nice village.

    After going through the ordeal of learning the language, they managed to overcome many other hurdles. From their first day in town, Mr. Capitelli was a spectacle to the inhabitants. These inhabitants, since they knew each other, asked themselves, Who are they and what tongue are they speaking? Maybe if the Capitelli’s had been average individuals, nobody knows what could have happened. But the Capitelli’s had charisma and an inherent confidence about them – in other words, something provided them with an inborn gift that allowed people they encountered to trust them.

    There was also a big superstore in the town bearing a large advertising post saying, Alfonso Greenland’s Super Store. They entered the store with Carlo carrying everything they owned in a mid-sized bag. They of course did not know anybody there, but as usual luck was with them. A man named Alfonso and his wife Rosalia owned the store. Alfonso was a small-bellied man wearing glasses. Rosalia, already on in years, still maintained strokes of her youthfulness. Three customers were in the store staring at them firmly. Under any other situation it could have been construed as hurtful, but not for the Capitelli’s. The fellows in the store showed a smile. They wanted to be their friends, do anything for them. Nobody knew why, but people became overcome by some kind of ecstasy with only their presence.

    Alfonso broke the ice and asked them with a soft sound in his words, Friends, what can I do for you? Mi chiamo Carlo e mia moglie è Carmen. Non parliamo inglese, said Carlo in Italian. Alfonso looked at his wife. They did not understand anything Carlo said, but for some reason they did understand that they wanted a place to stay. We have two rooms upstairs. They are a little dusty and disorganized. If you guys want to see it, I will show it to you, said Alfonso. Quanto? asked Carlo in a very matter-of-fact voice. I do not know what you said, but that’s alright, replied Alfonso while at the same time coming around the countertop to meet him. Alfonso said, Follow me, realizing that they could understand while moving his hands in a gesture to follow him.

    Carlo and Carmen were perplexed. They did not know what was going on but followed Alfonso upstairs. Alfonso said, It is small, but I think is a good start is it not? Carlo and Carmen opened their arms as a gesture of appreciation. Before Alfonso left Carlo asked, Dov’è il gabinetto? Alfonso lifted his shoulders gesturing as if to say, I do not understand. Carlo bent down making signs as if defecating. I understand, said Alfonso. You mean you want the latrine, waiving his hands for them to go after him. They did what Alfonso said and went down to the first floor. Alfonso pointed out at small hut outside several yards away from the house and said to them, This is the latrine. The water is here too, continued Alfonso. You can pump up any water you want and bring it upstairs. Carmen ran to the latrine, and Alfonso said, Boy she really needed to go. It is getting late, said Alfonso turning his back and almost running downstairs to take care of business.

    After Carmen came out of the latrine, Carlo also went running badly. After all prime necessities were accomplished, Carlo pumped a full bucket of water and brought it up with them. They looked at each other and sat down in appreciation of having a roof for the night. Carlo asked Carmen, Che andiamo a fare domani? Non lo so, adesso andiamo a dormire. Domani è un’altra giornata. That is to say, What are we going to do tomorrow? I don’t know, let’s go to sleep. Tomorrow is another day.

    Early in the morning Carlo and Carmen slowly came downstairs. The store was still closed as it opened at around seven in the morning. Alfonso and Rosalia normally sat around two chairs, but now they had two additional chairs. A pot of tasteful coffee, a large loaf of bread, and a few containers with preserves were nearby. Carlo and Carmen were starving, and the smell of the coffee and the delicacies made them delirious. Alfonso stood up and asked the couple to sit down and serve themselves. Despite being hungry, they kept their manners, pulling the chairs slowly and sitting down. They could not understand the way Alfonso talked but the way he moved his hands was a clear invitation without words. Alfonso poured coffee in their cups, filling them to the rim. Alfonso also served them nice pieces of bread while moving the preserves close to them to serve themselves. The couple was amazed. Why was there so much goodness from these people after all the struggles they went through to get here? they wondered.

    After breakfast Alfonso asked them, You are Italians, aren’t you? Si, Italians, answered Carlo, able to understand at least one word. By the way, there is a person in town who is also Italian. He is the blacksmith. I think he speaks Italian because he told me when he was a boy after we adopted him that his parents were Italian. They both died in a train crash. He lived with us for many years, saved his money and later rented the ironworks where he now lives with his wife who he had met at the store. I keep talking to myself, thought Alfonso. They didn’t understand a single word I said. What am I doing? Instead of getting help I keep talking.

    We need help at the store and can offer both of you work like cleaning up when needed and loading and unloading of constant daily work, Alfonso said to the couple. Alfonso came back to his senses again saying, I’m still talking to myself. The only verbal communicator is Frank. I will send for him to come to the store.

    Alfonso walked out the door to old man sitting on a bench outside the store and smoking a cigarette. Peter, do me a favor. Please go to Frank’s shop and ask if he’s not too busy. I want him to come to the store. It didn’t take long before a man in his early twenties, tall with a very strong body showing a wide chest and arms like a ring boxer, showed up. It would have caused people a feeling of intimidation with his presence, but not now since only Alfonso and his wife were there, and they knew him well. The Capitelli’s were also present, and nobody could intimidate them as they carried their born-in shield of protection.

    Frank learned to use his above average height in cases he knew well, where he knew there would not be a response – in other words, he was an abuser. Frank felt heavenly as he anxiously waited for his boss, since his boss had not called him for a while. Frank Jr., said Alfonso, you speak Italian right, don’t you?" while staring at Frank as

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