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Ashley has been on the run for a year from Wellington Jeffries Daniels a billionaire global arms dealer. She has information from his computer on a flash drive that the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security would consider a National Security threat to the covert agents of the United States around the world. The life of her three friends Vera, Miriam and Connie depends on her getting this to the right officials that can be trusted. Ashley's unsuspecting family is about to be caught up in a whirlwind of espionage, child trafficking, arms dealing and murderous criminals from the dark underworld. Brenda is furious with Ashley. April wants Ashley gone, preferably dead! Amber and Jessica wants to turn Ashley in for the reward money Wellington is offering for Ashley's dead body. Nana reminds the family that Ashley is family and deserves a fifth chance. Your Secrets My Lies II Perilous Times finds them running from contract hitmen and several law enforcement agencies to survive.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 27, 2023

Theodore Mosley

A prolific and brilliant rising poet, Mosley has been writing for many years. He was born in "Hopkins SC" and raised in "The South Bronx" and now resides in "San Diego CA". His gift of writing displays itself vibrantly within the vivid pictures he paints in each of his original works. His sometimes challenging imagination ranges from the power of love and nature to the personal struggles of relationships of injustice. All of his writings are encased by his great love for God and his desire for spiritual growth. Mosley tells stories that has the heart crying for the truth. He goes beyond the realm of the surface of pain and suffering. His words brings to life the raw emotions of life that has you spellbound. Mosley understands what it means to be self-isolated and left for dead. He gives life through his words that are translated into forums of life changing declarations. The pen is his weapon and the paper is his canvas of life. He brings to life the incarnated lost soul with words of adoration and freedom. His first book "Your Secrets My Lies" takes you on a journey of mystery, deceit, cover-ups, lies and murder that has you turning the page for answers. His ability to draw you in will have you sitting in the scene of his books are heart pounding. "Meet Me In Your Heart" his last book is a love story with an emotional journey of heart wrenching tears, pain in your stomach laughter and love exonerated.


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    YOUR SECRETS MY LIES II - Theodore Mosley



    It is 3 a.m. and Brenda is awakened out of her sleep with a sound that urges her to reach for her nickel-plated .45 snuggled under her pillow. She tries to gather her senses together as she tip-toes from her bedroom. The house is dark and she doesn’t want to turn on any lights just in case her intruder is nearby. She walks down the stairs closely against the wall looking around. She sees a shadow coming from her living room. She walks a little further toward the living room and points her .45 at her intruder’s head. Brenda turns the lights on. If you move I will blow your brains all over my Royal Princess Curtains, she said.

    The intruder stops and raises her hands. The intruder asks, May I sit down on your couch please? Have a seat, Brenda says to her. She sits down and crosses her legs. Now, do you mind telling me why you are in my house at 3 a.m. before I send you off to meet your maker? Brenda asks her. The mysterious lady in black says to her You might want to look to your left before you pull that trigger. Her Nana is tied up with tape over her mouth at the kitchen table. If you do anything to hurt my Nana, your life is over! Brenda warned her. The lady in black smugly responds, I will take this beauty before you get any ideas with it. You might get your Nana killed trying something. Nice choice of weapon.

    Who are you and what do you want? Brenda asked her with disgust. I don’t want you. I want your sister. The intruder tells Brenda to take a seat. Three other intruders come from upstairs and tell the woman the house is clear. See, we could have killed you without hesitation. You are not the one we want. Like I said. We want your sister Ashley! she shouts at Brenda. I don’t know where Crazy is, Brenda says to her with a stern voice and look. What makes you think I know where she’s at? Brenda asks her. She called you two weeks ago. After that her phone goes dead. First of all, who are you and what do you want Crazy for?

    Your sister had to be crazy to do what she did, hissed the lady in black. Could you let my Nana go, please? She is not going to hurt anyone. The lady motions to her other companions and one unties Nana. Nana gets up and slaps the one who untied her. She’s feisty for an old lady, said the one that untied her. If I was fifty years younger, I would have done more than slapped you! Nana said to her. Nana walks over to Brenda and asks, Are you alright baby? Yes, Nana I am fine. Did they hurt you in any way Nana? Brenda asked her. It takes more than some tie wraps to hurt me, Nana reassured Brenda in her soft voice. What has Ashley gotten us into now? Nana asks Brenda. We are about to find out, Brenda says to her. If I knew where my crazy sister was, what makes you think I would tell you? You want to go there? the mysterious lady in black asks Brenda.

    The intruders are dressed in black with black calf-length boots on. They each are standing there with guns in their hands. Alright, we will go there since you don’t want to be friendly. Seeing how we could have killed you both in your sleep… You have a daughter named April, do you not? If you think about touching or harming April in any kind of way, I will drag your body to hell and back! Brenda retorted. Don’t be so dramatic Brenda, the lady said smiling at her. Now tell us where Ashley is before I put a bullet in your Nana’s brain right now! she angrily shouted. Brenda screams at the lady and says, Alright, don’t hurt my Nana. The one that Nana slapped earlier now had a gun to her head and slapped Nana back. Brenda jumped up and punched the intruder in the face and she fell to the floor. She points her gun to shoot Brenda and the mysterious lady shoots her companion. I told you not unless I give the order. Did not I say that! She screams at her as she lays there and dies. Good thing we have silencers on our weapons. We wouldn’t want to wake the neighbors, now do we? She gathers her composure and turns to Brenda and says, One last time, where is Crazy, as you call her?"

    Brenda and Nana look at each other. What does she have that you want back so badly? Brenda asks her. She has a very important flash drive that she stole from my employer. I was sent to retrieve it. Crazy wasn’t at any of her usual spots or home when we went looking for her. We knew where you live and here we are.

    Now do you want me to do to your Nana what I did to my friend? I liked her very much so imagine what I would do to your Nana. She seems very sweet and nice. I would hate to have to tell April that you made me do this to her grandmother. Brenda looked at her with murder in her eyes. Something you want to say, Brenda Meyers? Brenda’s eyes opened wide from her saying her government name.

    Who are you? Brenda asked her with an inquisitive look. You should want to know who my employer is instead of who I am. I am no one, just a clean-up person, when someone spills something that needs to be cleaned up real quietly, you know what I mean. Now that we have all gotten acquainted here, where is Crazy? Because I have wasted enough time here with your dysfunctional family. Truth be told I don’t know where she is, Brenda replied. Brenda, you are much smarter than that. I thought you said you loved your Nana. Then why put her life in jeopardy like that? Nana you have lived a long life, right? You’ve met your great-great-granddaughter got to know both of your grandkids and adopted two more. So your life has been fulfilling. Brenda, do you get where I am going with this?"

    Brenda tells Nana to sit until she gets back. What are you talking about? her assailant says to her. You want my sister, correct? Once I give you my sister, you call back and tell them to leave Nana here without any harm coming to her or you don’t get Ashley. Are you a woman of your word or not? We live by a code on the streets you and I, Brenda said to her. You know me and what I am capable of doing, Brenda says to her. Give me your word that she would not be harmed once you get my sister. I give you my word, Brenda! Brenda turns to Nana and whispers inaudibly in her ear as she hugs her. Brenda, I am not in the mood for any games here, the mysterious lady says to her.

    I am only doing what you asked me to do. Give you my crazy sister. You would turn your sister in like that? To save my Nana; yes, I would! Ashley can take care of herself once you meet up with her. Where is she at, Brenda? asked the mysterious lady. Come on and I will take you to her. Brenda, Brenda, Brenda. I don’t think you believe that I would shoot your dear old Nana dead right now if you try anything with me!

    What type of brainless idiot do you take me for? Shoot her Nana! the lady instructed her comrades. No, no, no! Brenda yells to her. Can I get my phone from upstairs please? Brenda and the mysterious lady that seems to know everything about her goes upstairs and get her phone. If you try and say anything too crazy in code, Nana stops breathing, period. Brenda nods in agreement. After dialing some numbers, Ashley picks up: Brenda, why are you calling me so early in the morning? I told you this was an emergency number, not to call me whenever you feel like it, Ashley says to her. I need to see you. Nana is in trouble, Brenda replied ignoring her admonition. What? What kind of trouble is Nana in? What? She dropped her baking spoon behind the oven and can’t get it. I crack myself up! Ashley says laughing. Ashley, just get over here now, please. I don’t have time to be playing any games with you. Without confirming, Ashley hangs the phone up.

    Ashley comes walking through the door of Brenda’s house after about fifteen minutes. She sees all the company that Brenda and Nana have. Ashley counted five as she walked in. You know, you could have told me I was walking into trouble, Brenda. Always blaming others as usual for your problems. You would figure after ten years you would have gotten smarter with what you do in life, Brenda said to her sister. Nana, you alright? Ashley asked Nana. Yes, baby I am fine. You looking good, Nana, Ashley says to her smiling. Cut all the crap you three. We didn’t gather you three here for any kind of family reunion as dysfunctional as you three are, chimed in the mysterious lady. You say that to me one more time, Brenda threatens her. And what are you going to do about it? the lady in black says to her.

    Dysfunctional family. There, I said it again. Come and say it in my face, Brenda said to her. Brenda, are you trying to get all of us killed here tonight? Ashley shot back at her.

    You have some nerve talking about trying to get everyone killed and it is because of you we are in this predicament, Karen. You call me Karen one more time and you won’t have to worry about Black Cat Suit over there to end your life. I will! Hush, you two! Nana says to them. You haven’t seen each other in ten years and this is how you act? She always talks about what she doesn’t know, Nana, Brenda tells her. Enough! the lady in black yells.

    Where is the flash drive Crazy or Karen or Ashley or whatever your name is? asked the lady in black. What flash drive? And my name is Ashley and don’t let me have to tell you again Black Cat Suit. Your sister is right, you are crazy. One more time or Nana’s brain will be all over this couch. Ashley, give her the drive before she kills all of us, Brenda frantically shouts at her. You don’t think that’s not what she is going to do once she gets it? Ashley says to Brenda. I am a woman of my word, the mysterious lady says to them. The only one my employer wants dead is you Karen. You should not have stolen his property. Now you have killed your whole family! Ashley says to Black Cat Suit, Before you do anything, listen to me first and let me explain. I destroyed it a while back. You did what?!!! I don’t believe you. I don’t care if you believe me or not, that is the truth. So what you are saying is I have no more need of keeping either of you alive. Why the hell would you destroy it? You do know what was on there, don’t you? the lady says to Karen. Yes. That is why I destroyed it. Say goodnight to your sister and Nana, the mysterious lady said glancing at each hostage Wait. I didn’t tell you what I did before I destroyed it, Karen said to her. Karen, what game are you playing with me here? You know what Black Cat Suit, if it was just me and you here, one of us would be dead already and it wouldn’t be me. My name is Ashley! she screamed at her. And don’t you ever in your criminal mind forget that! Do you hear me?! Ashley composes herself again.

    I performed surgery on me with it. You did what?! Black Cat Suit asked in utter shock. Yes, I cut my flesh open on my side and sewed it back up with the flash drive inside, Karen explained. You are crazy! the lady said to her. Stand up. Which side? she asked. My right side, Ashley said to her. Go in the kitchen and get me a knife, Black Cat Suit said to one of her companions. Not without sterilizing the knife, you won’t, Ashley said to her.

    Well, you can be a little nice about it since you are going to kill us anyway, Nana said to Black Cat Suit. Black Cat Suit tells her companion to heat the knife on the burner to sterilize it. Nana and Brenda are sitting on the couch watching all of this unfold. Nana whispers to Ashley, Baby, you alright? Yes Nana, nothing I can’t handle. Nana starts choking and holding her right side. Brenda starts yelling. Something is going on with my Nana!

    Nana, what is the matter?! Nana clutches her chest and keeps saying she can’t breathe! Call 911! Brenda yells out. No one is calling no one until I get what I came here for! Black Cat Suit said.

    Nana stretches out on the couch clutching her chest. Brenda is yelling at her intruders to help her! Somebody help me. My Nana is dying here! Black Cat Suit is about to cut Karen to remove the flash drive. Brenda reaches inside the cushion of the couch. She pulls out a nine-millimeter and starts shooting her intruders. Ashley and Black Cat Suit start fighting. The knife is burning red and Black Cat Suit slices Ashley and she screams out in pain. Brenda yells at Ashley. Ashley ducks down and Brenda shoots Black Cat Suit. Brenda and Nana rush over to Ashley. Nana starts crying looking at the blood coming from Ashley’s side. Brenda rushes to get some towels to stop the bleeding. Stop crying Nana, I will be fine! It just sliced me a little bit. The heat from the knife hurt more than the cut, Ashley said to her Nana. Take the drive out, Ashley tells Brenda. Be careful Brenda. Didn’t I say to be careful? That hurts with you digging in my side. It wasn’t that far in there either. You just couldn’t resist causing me some pain, could you? Ashley said to Brenda. Brenda just smiles at her. Brenda was able to get the bleeding to stop.

    Ash, you know I should shoot you myself for putting Nana and me in this position. What the hell is on that flash drive that you stole and why did you steal it? Do you want the long version or the short version? Ashley asked her. The short version, Nana said. I don’t have that much time. First, one of you has to stitch me up. Don’t forget the alcohol! Ashley yells to Brenda.

    He got away with murdering three of my friends. Who is he? Brenda asked Ashley. His name is Wellington Jeffries Daniels. You have got to be kidding me, Ash! Brenda says to her with a shocked look. Who is he? Nana asked.

    Only the biggest black market arms dealer in the world, Brenda said to Nana. How did you get in bed with him, Ash? You trying to be funny, Brenda? Ashley clapped back.

    Alright. Wrong choice of words. How in the world did your life get crossed up with his? The circumference of his circle doesn’t reach your level. Excuse me but do you know who I am Brenda? My client list reaches to White House, believe it or not. How do you think I can afford the houses that I have? The cars that I drive? And I don’t mean no Mercedes or Cadillac.

    I am talking the Bugatti, the Lamborghini, the Phantom, Rolls Royce, and let’s not forget my fav, the McLaren."

    Nana asks her, Are those cars expensive, Ashley? Bless your heart, Nana. One of those cars can buy you a house in Mississippi. Oh my, Nana says. You think I can have one of those you talking about that I can’t pronounce? When all of this is over and we survive Nana, I will get you any kind of car you want, deal? Ashley promised her. Well, Nana, you might as well get a picture from a magazine because that is the closest you will be getting one from this crazy woman. She just put all of us in a casket stealing from Wellington. That man can reach anywhere with his deep pockets. No wonder she knew my name, Brenda said in disgust again looking at the mysterious lady’s dead body bleeding on her carpet. This is not good for any of us, said Brenda.

    If you weren’t my deranged sister, I would call him myself and turn you in. I know he would pay a handsome reward for this drive you sewed in yourself. I guess I should put a bullet in your head now before you get any more selfish ideas, Ashley said to Brenda. Now you two stop talking all this nonsense about turning her in and shooting your sister, Nana interrupted. Nana, that man is so well connected it isn’t funny. They were just talking about him on the news last week.

    He gives to all these different charities. He throws elaborate parties to which someone in here can attest and he is always with Senators, Governors, Congressmen, Presidents, Presidents of Small Islands, and whoever else. The Feds have been trying to get him for years and nothing.

    They can never catch him because he covers his tracks very well, Brenda said. Well, don’t look like he covered them well looking at them laying there, Nana said with a smirk on her face.

    Ashley said, I got what he don’t want anyone else to see, especially the Feds, FBI, or CIA. How are you going to get it to them if you are dead? Brenda replied. Do I look dead to you? Ashley asked Brenda. Ashley, what have you done? Why did he kill your friends? You know I don’t deal with anyone but high-profile men in my business. What business is that? Nana asked her. Men of discretion, Nana. Oh, you mean men that pay for sex? Nana said. Now, how do you know about that Nana? Ashley asked her. It doesn’t matter how she knows. I want to know what you’re going to do about all of this. He is not going to stop until he gets his drive back or you’re dead or all of us are dead. Ashley, I am so sick of you and all your drama! Brenda says to her with so much anger. We have all these dead bodies in my living room looking like a morgue. It wouldn’t be the first time, Nana said to her smiling.

    I have been on the run for the last year from them. I have to do something to end this, or he is going to end all of us for sure, Ashley said to them. Ashley, I don’t get it. You have money, you couldn’t have done it for that. I told you, stupid, I did it because they murdered my friends. Call me stupid again and I will finish what Black Cat Suit started with you, Brenda warned Ashley. You must have a death wish yourself, little sister. Alright you two, Nana said to them. Ashley and Brenda cut their eyes at one another and Ashley begins to explain.

    Those three were always there for me through everything. For the last ten years, the four of us had each other’s back. We didn’t do anything without the other. Vera, Miriam, Connie and I kept a watchful eye on one another.

    When I found out he killed them, I broke into his office while he was sleeping and copied everything off his drive. How did you get into his drive? asked Brenda. You know how resourceful I am, baby sister. I was looking too hot to resist. Resist me he could not. Men are stupid and gullible; no matter if they are rich or if they are poor. I went to this epic party he was throwing, and you know me, they all fall for the same old thing. What is that? Nana asked her.

    Sex and more freaky sex, Ashley said to Nana. Ashley! her grandmother says to her with her hand over her mouth.

    Nana, I wouldn’t have done it if he wouldn’t have killed my friends. I have to do something to make him pay for that.

    With him being as well connected as he is, how are you going to trust anyone? Brenda reminded her. I may not be well connected as he is, but I know some newspaper people that would love to get their hands on this drive.

    It would blow the hinges off a lot of political doors. I don’t want any part of this, Ashley, Brenda said to her. Too late. You’re already a part of it. You don’t think he isn’t going to send out another search party for his friends that are lying there dead? Ohhh Ashley, I hate you right now. You have once again interrupted my quiet, peaceful life with your disregard for anyone else’s life but your own. You have always hated me, Brenda, Ashley yelled at her. What? How could you say that? I could have turned in your scheming and conniving ass but I didn’t did I. How can you say that I have always hated you? I should be the one saying that to you! You tried to kill me and your niece, remember? Or have you forgotten about that?! Ten years did not erase that from your memory, did it? Brenda said with sarcasm. I didn’t think so, she responded for herself. You can look at me all crazy if you want. I should have turned you in back then! No, I had to listen to Nana and let you go. April was furious with me about that.

    You never even apologized to me or April, Nana, Amber, or Jessica for all the hell you put us through. You even killed and had sex with the man that I loved. The only man that I had loved!

    You have the nerve and the audacity to stand here and tell me that I have always hated you!

    I should punch you in your crazy face for saying that to me! Now you’re bringing up old wounds again. You have a natural habit of ruining my life! You make me want to beat your ass all over again, Ash. Get out of my house and don’t you ever come back here again! Brenda screamed at her.

    Don’t think about calling me again. Wait, is this the only reason you got back in touch with me after ten years - because you were in trouble?

    I should have known it wasn’t because you wanted to be with your family again. What is it with you, Ashley?

    Don’t you have a normal bone in your body for the love of your family? No, you only have love for those nasty friends of yours. That is your family - those hoes you running with, Brenda reeled off in disgust. Watch your mouth, Brenda, or I will… - Or you will what, Ashley?

    I will bury you right next to those bodies on my floor in here, Brenda said as she got in Ashley’s face.

    Nana in her quiet and loving voice said, Are you two alley cats finished fighting over the last bone yet? She always starting something Nana, Brenda said to her angrily. Nana replied to Brenda, Your sister always knows where she can come and have some kind of normal life, sweetheart. That is why she comes to you. Whether you want to believe it or not sweetheart, she envies you very much. How can she envy someone she can’t stand Nana? Brenda asked in confusion. That is just it baby, she loves you. Nana, did you get hit in the head or were you really having a heart attack? Because you just didn’t say that my deranged sister loves me. Ashley abruptly blurted out, I do love you; Brenda and I am so sorry for all the pain that I have caused you since I came into your life.

    "I was so wrong for what I did to you and April and her friends.

    Oh yeah, and Paul too."

    Brenda just shakes her head at Ashley and throws up her hands and turns to walk away.

    Listen to me, Ashley pleaded as she grabbed Brenda to stop her from walking away.

    I should have come to you and talked to you, but I didn’t have the mental capacity to do so. Ashley starts to cry as she talks to her sister. I was so scared and broken. I didn’t know if you and April would have accepted me or not. So you kidnap my daughter, kill Paul and try and kill the rest of us?

    Why didn’t you just come and do what any normal person would do after finding out they have family they didn’t know exist? You are certified – Alright, Brenda, that is enough, Nana interjected.

    You two needed to talk and still need to talk but it has begun. You two need to figure out what your next move is going to be, considering all of this mess lying here on your living room floor. I am going back upstairs to get some sleep. I am too old for all of this.

    I don’t want to hear another word about what she should have done and what she didn’t do, Nana said.

    You two have much bigger problems to solve now. Ashley sweetheart, apologize to your sister and Brenda accept your sister’s apology. Life is too short. Ten years have gone by and look at what you two have missed out on as sisters. Haven’t you two figured it out yet that family is the most important thing in this day and age? Too much killing out there.

    We need each other, girls. I am not going to be around too much longer. I want to know that when I leave here that my two granddaughters are living and loving one another. It crushes my heart to see you two like this. You two are my last living bloodline. What are you going to do if you both are dead or not speaking to one another? Nana – Brenda starts to speak up but Nana just gently puts her hand over her mouth to silence her rebuttal. We are all we have, babies. Nana grabs both of their hands. ‘Brenda, help your sister. Isn’t that what family does? We help each other in the time of trouble. Ashley, tell your sister everything so we won’t have any more surprises. You two have a mess to clean up down here. The sun is about to come up."

    I am going back upstairs to watch some reruns of Little House On The Prairie.



    Brenda called her disposable crew to clean up her house. She made Ashley pay them for their services.

    Three hours later, they sat down to talk about how they were going to move forward with what just happened at Brenda’s house.

    Sitting at the table drinking some chamomile tea, Brenda breaks the silence. Tell me everything and don’t leave out any details, Ash.

    One night Claire, Helen, and Connie called me and asked if I wanted to go with them to this party that the elite of elites were going to be there. I told them I would love to, but I had the flu.

    As usual, we always give the one that is not with us the address of where we are going to be, just in case something happens to us. I was sick as a dog that whole night and half the next day. When I finally got myself together, I called each of their phones.

    No answer and I know when something is not right. We didn’t work for anyone. We worked for ourselves. We went out on our own. We got our blessing from our Socialite Madame Cora. You have no idea the kind of money we made in the last ten years. You are looking at a multi, multi-millionaire without my girls’ money. With their money, I could go and buy Amazon, Facebook and, most of all the oil in Saudi Arabia. We have each other’s bank accounts and passwords.

    That is how much we trusted each other and how close we were. I found out that they were at Wellington Jeffries Daniels’ epic party that Saturday night. After much digging around and paying for information, I was able to get my hands on the video that showed them only going in but never coming out. I had to sleep with three guys to get the video from inside the party. Don’t judge me, Ms. Morals! When I get a chance, I am going to go back and kill all three of them. Hey, that is your life, not mine, Brenda said to her. Ashley continued. It was six of them that went into the room upstairs.

    I recognized Wellington (from the newspapers) going in the room with them. The other creeps, I didn’t recognize.

    How do you know they were killed? They could have gone out another way or something, Ash. Ashley gets up from the table mad at Brenda. Where is your laptop? she asks her. Brenda gets her laptop.

    She gets the flash drive out of her purse. Look! she said with anger. Three dead bodies coming out that they are carrying. Yes, you are right. They did go out the back way to dump their bodies. How do you know they are dead, Ash? Did you confirm that they were dead? Yes, at the morgue! I am so sorry, Ash. How long ago was this? This was well over a year ago. I told you I have been on the run from them for about a year. How did you manage to stay alive all this time? Brenda asked in shock.

    You must not have been listening to your big sister. I told you that I am very resourceful. Ashley smugly replied. You never lied about that one, she said smiling. Aww, are we having a tender Moment here, Bren? Can I have a hug from my little sister, please? You know you are impossible, Ashley, Brenda says to her with a half-smile. They get up and hug each other. Brenda, I am so sorry for my stupidity towards you and the family. Please forgive me!

    I will apologize to April, Amber, and Jessica when I see or talk to them. You think they will accept my apology? Good luck with April, Brenda said to her. What about you? Do you accept my apology? It has been ten years, Ash. There is no need to hold onto a grudge for almost killing us anymore, replied Brenda. Couldn’t you just say ‘Yes, I accept’ instead of pouring more salt in the wound? ‘I could have but where would the fun be in that for me? No more secrets and lies from either of us alright, Ashley? Yes, Brenda. Cross my heart and hope to die, promised Ashley. Is there anyone else chasing you? Anyone else that wants you dead? Please, Ashley, I don’t want any more surprises from you. I’m like Nana now; my heart cannot handle any more of your messy drama."

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