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Rose As A Bullet: Power of a woman
Rose As A Bullet: Power of a woman
Rose As A Bullet: Power of a woman
Ebook242 pages4 hours

Rose As A Bullet: Power of a woman

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Vivian could be any of us; every woman is fragile and delicate until the moment life confronts her. Women are the power of nature, creatures born to be strong and fragile at the same time, special being with a unique mission.

Vivian had only one choice from life - to be strong-! This novel is dedicated to all women who have to suffocate all their emotions, not to live their lives but to be the support for all the others, women who have to face prejudices, judgments... To those who are not able to live a free life, to those who do not have the right support, to those whose female strength is "suffocated" by violence!

It is dedicated to every woman in the world for strength, courage, changing history, and the fight for rights. Today we talk about equal rights thanks to their courage and brave life.

To all men like Liam, who with their support have made it possible to be the right "wing" of many revolutions in the world. Women don't need anything else but love, which Liam was unique in giving it to Vivian. This is what can change the world, support, respect, and cooperation. Why not, - Love - , forgiveness and all this brings a world of Peace."

PublisherOrjeta Marku
Release dateJun 28, 2023
Rose As A Bullet: Power of a woman

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    Rose As A Bullet - Orjeta Marku


    Vivian could be any of us; every woman is fragile and delicate until the moment life confronts her. Women are the power of nature, creatures born to be strong and fragile at the same time, special being with a unique mission.

    Vivian had only one choice from life - to be strong-! This novel is dedicated to all women who have to suffocate all their emotions, not to live their lives but to be the support for all the others, women who have to face prejudices, judgments... To those who are not able to live a free life, to those who do not have the right support, to those whose female strength is suffocated by violence!

    It is dedicated to every woman in the world for strength, courage, changing history, and the fight for rights. Today we talk about equal rights thanks to their courage and brave life.

    To all men like Liam, who with their support have made it possible to be the right wing of many revolutions in the world. Women don't need anything else but love, which Liam was unique in giving it to Vivian. This is what can change the world, support, respect, and cooperation. Why not, - Love - , forgiveness and all this brings a world of Peace."


    It was a quite big city Glasgow, the city where Vivian was born. She is 19 years old now and her mother Catherine called her by this name because little Vivian used to move so much in her belly that it was obvious that only such a name suited her. Her family was well known in the city; her businessman father Joachim was very protective of her. Vivian got educated and grew up in the villa; she used to go out of the big villa only with her mother or with the nanny Priscilla. Priscilla has fallen in love with Vivian since she met her. She knew this little angel had something special and that Vivian would change many things in the house once she grew up. It was not easy to be in the role of a nanny for Priscilla as Joachim was soft and kind only when it came to her daughter. He was a businessman, had an important reputation, and was rigid and very strict when it came to discipline. Vivian shouldn't make mistakes; she shouldn't do anything her father didn't like otherwise, it would have been a punishment for Priscilla. Vivian understood all the situation since she was five years old and she never put Priscilla in any difficult situation with her father. Vivian had a unique relationship with her father, she was the only person who managed to make him think, even in family matters. Whenever there was a quarrel in the family, she immediately went downstairs to give her wise opinions and to calm everything down. Now at her 19, she is even able to give her opinions about business solutions. She was always welcome in her father's office, even with essential personalities; for her, it was enough to open the door without knocking, sit down at the corner and hear and give opinions without being interrupted by anyone. If someone smoked in the office, she would smoke too. Priscilla knew that soon all this would be different as she was the only one to know Vivian's strong character.

    Catherine met Joachim when she was 19 years old; they got married a year after and got Vivian when she was 21 years old. Catherine was humble, kind, well educated and precisely her character had helped her adapt to the life that Joachim had offered her. Joachim wanted to have three children, but this was not possible for Catherine; the doctors said she was healthy and that she should rest and stay away from stress after losing the second child in her 3 months of pregnancy. This was one of the main reasons that Joachim decided to hire a nanny for little Vivian. Joachim decided to give Priscilla all rights to his daughter and this led to further stress for Catherine, who often accused him of having taken away her right to be a mother. The quarrels in low voices were very frequent between the two partners. It was always impossible for Priscilla to stop these quarrels, and she often cried in her room. But now things had changed Vivian had the situation under control, they couldn't even argue anymore because Vivian had the ability to stop them immediately.

    -  Catherine – Do not speak loud; she will hear us and be disappointed from your actions.

    -  Joachim – The only person that is speaking loud here is you and you is the only one she can get upset from. Not from me, sure, not from me.

    -  Vivian – What did I hear here? Two adult children trying to argue softly? There is no way for that, or we open all our problems together here or we stop doing it forever. Understood, my king? Good morning my princess – she said to her mother after she kissed her father.

    -  Joachim – She is a queen, not a princess anymore. You are the princess in this house.

    -  Vivian –She will always be the princess, as I is the boss here. – She said she was having fun with her father.


    Vivian was able to find a solution for every situation. Joachim in front of her was the nicest person one can know. He was willing to do anything not to disappoint his daughter. Catherine used to feel protected, loved and often as an important woman of the house when Vivian found the solution to keep them far from the usual arguing.

    -  Catherine – Are you willing to go in the city today with Priscilla or with me?

    -  Vivian – With you and Priscilla, why do I have to choose?- She answered smiling.

    -  Joachim – You have to study and try to avoid those city visits every day.

    -  Vivian – Dad, to study medicine one needs to be inspired, your fights with mom can't inspire me. – She answered making fun with her dad.

    -  Joachim - You are right; I apologize. I will try to respect your mother more.

    -  Vivian – What if you ask her to dance now?

    -  Catherine – Vivian, please finish your breakfast and go prepare yourself with Priscilla.

    -  Joachim – No, no she is right but we do not have the music.

    -  Vivian – Love doesn’t need music; it comes from the heart! – She answered and left her parents alone.

    -  Joachim - I get sad and irrational when I see her so grown up. I think no man on earth will be able to be liked by me enough for her. I pray to God to help me with my feelings and not lose my princess. – He said to Catherin, worried.


    Every time Priscilla had to get Vivian ready to go to the city, she used to feel a strange pain inside her heart. Vivian was tall, with long and blond hair as the sun. She was a beautiful young lady and was admired by all the guys in the city. She was becoming a dream of all young boys of age to get married. A beautiful young lady, well educated with a strong business mind and with a well-known family. Everyone's dream.


    -  Priscilla – We have to study more; your father is right. These city visits everyday will bring nothing good to you.

    -  Vivian - What are you worried about, my dear nanny? That guys one day will be part of my life? It will happen and dad has to accept it. – She answered, knowing very well why Priscilla was so worried.

    -  Priscilla – You do not know how much your dad loves you; you have to be very careful with your words. Words, once said can be transformed into actions and once actions, there is no turning back. – She answered.

    Vivian didn't absolutely want to create certain situations at home, she wasn't interested in any guy, but she knew very well that one day she would fall in love and that her father had to accept her decisions. She studied a lot and was excellent in medicine. The studies always took place at home, only to take the exams she use to go with her father at the university. She was about to close the first year  of the medicine study with honors.

    The room that Joachim used as an office was positioned in such a way that he was able to control all the entrance to the villa from the only one big window that room had. The garden was large and well kept. The pool and lounging area near the pool was Vivian's favorite area. She always used to sit there as soon as she came back from the city, she used to nod invitingly to her father and they got to talking together about what happened during the day. Joachim’s eyes shone as soon as he saw Vivian returning from the city. Vivian as always, went to the preferred place but today was no need to invite her father as he was already there waiting for her.

    -  Vivian – You didn’t finish your work today, my dear dad. – She said, smiling and kissing him.

    -  Joachim – Work will wait but the time spent with you no.

    -  Vivian – Do you think that this garden needs to be cleaned?

    -  Joachim – You don’t want to tell me how was the city today?

    -  Vivian – The city was as always full of people, some working, some having fun, some drinking ... nothing new dad.

    -  Joachim – I don’t like this answer. Is something I need to know?

    -  Vivian – Nothing dad, I just see that I must start to work more with you. I feel like I have to help you. I am not telling that you are old. – She said, smiling to him.

    -  Joachim – And you want to start to help me from the garden? – He said, laughing.

    -  Vivian – Why not? Let’s do it like that, tomorrow I’m not going in the city and let’s start learning with you. I will dedicate two hours per day to this, five hours to my medical studies and the rest on reading and studying in my room or here in the garden.

    -  Joachim – And the city?

    -  Vivian – I know you don’t like it and I will visit the city only one time per week or two times. Let’s say only at the weekends. – She answered

    -  Joachim – I have to thank God for the daughter I have. – He answered, kissing her on the forehead. 

    Vivian was motivated to help her dad and be an important part of his business. She knew that one day all would have to be managed from her. She wanted to make her father proud of her. To see him happy, to see her mother not carrying all that heavy managing home. The lady of the home that has to be and do things as the others want. She wanted them to be a normal couple, with less work and more relaxing moments together.

    The next day Vivian, before going to have breakfast as always, decided to put on a business dress. Priscilla was surprised but didn’t ask her. Priscilla knew her ability to do things and she knew that Vivian had a reason for everything she did.

    -  Vivian – Good morning, you both. – She greeted her parents smiling.

    -  Catherine – Finally, you decided to wear what this family teaches you to.

    -  Joachim – You always have something critical to say to my daughter.

    -  Vivian – If you both do not stop this, it will take me two minutes to change myself again. – She said with a smile to her parents.

    -  Catherine – I am sorry dear; I didn’t want to look impolite with my words; I simply love what you wear today.

    -  Joachim – See, using nice words doesn’t cost that much. – He said to his wife.

    -  Vivian – Today is my first day of learning business mom. Didn’t dad tell you?

    -  Joachim -  I didn’t have the time; I worked till late last night. Today we must start all at 10 am as I have an important meeting with Albert. He’ll come at 9 am and I am sure we will finish in an hour.

    -  Vivian – Then, dad see us at 10 am. I am ready to learn all.

    Albert was a family friend, businessman and close friend of Joachim. In reality, Joachim did not know why this urgent and unexpected encounter occurred. The too many thoughts on Joachim's head didn't even allow them to have breakfast. So he went to the office thinking and reviewing documents to find a reason of this meeting. Albert came and Joachim saw him from the window. His face was a bit worried but it didn’t look as something very bad. Arthur, part of the home service staff, helped him with his jacket and showed him the way to the office where Joachim was already waiting for him.

    -  Joachim – I was trying to understand something from your face but was not possible this time.

    -  Albert – This is never possible; when you think you can understand me from my face is when you know where I was. The only thing you can see in my face is whether the news is good or bad. This time you didn’t have any idea why I needed to meet you and that is why you were not able to read my face. – He answered, smiling with Joachim.

    -  Joachim – Can be Albert, can be. Bring me good news, at least as I am not in the mood to handle any bad one today. 

    -  Albert – Oh no, I can’t believe what I am hearing. Joachim Brown is not able to handle bad news anymore. How so, my dear friend? Do you already feel old? – He said, laughing with Joachim.

    -  Joachim – No, my dear Albert, but I have a lot of responsibilities. Yesterday Vivian decided to learn and start to be part of the business and we will start today after this meeting.

    -  Albert – Dear Joachim, you are so lucky to have her as a daughter and it is exactly about Vivian that I want to speak about in this meeting.

    For Joachim was a shocking phrase, he began to think that something had happened that he must have known about. Maybe Vivian misbehaved in town!? Maybe someone did something they shouldn't have towards Vivian...?! Too many thoughts were on his mind and he couldn't even ask the reason to Albert. Albert didn't say a word; even he was not able to say why Vivian had to be talked about. Joachim plucked up courage, however, having his heartbeat racing. Vivian was everything to him and he did not want to hear anything negative. But he knew that sooner or later, there would come a time when he had to deal with perhaps unpleasant situations and may that was this that one.

    -  Joachim – It is always a pleasure to speak about my daughter but I see your face and I think that you have not that good news for me. – He said.

    -  Albert – Nothing bad but nothing that makes me feel comfortable too.

    -  Joachim – My daughter is 19 now and very soon 20, so I am prepared to hear things that may happen at her age. So go ahead.

    -  Albert -  First, I want to ask and say the most important thing: I don’t want that this interferes with our business affairs and neither do I want that this interferes with our friendly relationship.

    Talking to each other, 10 o'clock was approaching and Vivian was curious and wanted to hear what it was about, closed doors, silence, a deep silence in the office and this was not usual. With an ear on the door, Vivian approached the door and began to hear the conversation that the two friends were having.

    -  Joachim – Your son cannot be my son-in-law. I have to teach my daughter the trade; I can't teach everything to my future new-son-in-law too.

    -  Albert -  You know very well that this is not needed.

    -  Joachim -  Vivian is young, to be honest, I can’t imagine her married. She’s too young. May this is the real reason, Albert. She is really too young for me to marry her with your son.

    -  Albert – I understand you very well. 

    -  Joachim – So may the daughter of Russel will be perfect for your son.

    -  Albert – No, dear Joachim, I have another idea. I will wait a bit more; I will wait till Vivian is 23 or more and then ask you again once more.

    -  Joachim – It is not easy to say yes as she has a strong character; you already know her.

    -  Albert – I will wait.

    -  Joachim – But I do not promise anything.

    They spoke for hours and Joachim forgot about the meeting with Vivian. Once upstairs, Vivian started talking with Priscilla, that was cooking lunch.

    -  Priscilla – Did you discussed with your father?

    -  Vivian – No, I will never do that. – She answered smiling and dancing around Priscilla

    -  Priscilla – And why aren’t you downstairs with him then or you saw it is not that easy to lead a business and you decided to cook with me?

    -  Vivian – You know what I was thinking Nanny?

    -  Priscilla – I hope something really good as your father will not like else from you.

    -  Vivian – Exactly nanny, exactly. I was thinking how blessed I am to have such an amazing family. My father, my mother and you, my dear nanny. – She said, kissing and dancing around Priscilla. 

    -  Priscilla – All is running so fast, I can’t follow all this anymore. What are you talking about? You better go to your father now.

    -  Vivian – He is busy, refusing a married proposal that came from Albert. He wants me to marry his son and my amazing dad said no. Can you imagine nanny what an amazing dad that I have!

    -  Priscilla – One day, you will have to marry someone; if your father is refusing it now doesn’t mean that it is forever.

    -  Vivian – By the way, I always wanted to ask you about your private life. Why you didn’t get married or how did you end up to dedicate your life to me and our house?

    -  Priscilla – Listen, little young lady, if I do not finish preparing the lunch on time, your father will be mad at me.

    -  Vivian – Come on, I really want to know all about you; now I am grown up enough nanny. Come on, tell me please.

    Priscilla had gotten married, years ago. She became pregnant and had a miscarriage due to domestic violence suffered by her husband. She plucked up her courage and moved to live in the city, hoping to find a better life, a job and a home where to live. She started working in a bar and after that got recommended from some friends of Joachim who at that time was looking for a nanny for her little daughter Vivian. Vivian at the time was two years old and since then, Priscilla never moved from the house and grow up Vivian as she was her daughter.

    For her 20th birthday, her mother and her father organized a big party at home outside in the garden. Vivian had no friends; she didn't trust anyone, she had many acquaintances but she considered them only as such, nothing more. She knew very well that most of them had come out of curiosity, some to see her, others to see how life was inside that house...But this doesn't bother her at all; on the contrary, she often enjoyed seeing strange faces, strange gestures and strange words often said at random.

    Her father approached her with Albert and his son; she knew why and so decided to satisfy her father by behaving like a real lady.

    -  Joachim – Hello my dear, I wanted to introduce you with...

    -  Vivian - ... With Mr. Green Gerard. Hello Mr. Green, my name is Vivian and it is a pleasure to meet you.

    -  Gerard – Oh, thank you,  nice to meet you too Mss. Brown...

    -  Vivian - ... Vivian, you can call me Vivian.

    -  Albert – Looks like this will be a very nice conversation Vivian. Thank you

    -  Vivian -  You are very welcome, Albert.

    -  Joachim – We have to go; there is enough to do for us today; so many friends to meet and respect today. – He said, leaving them together and kissing Vivian on forehead.

    -  Vivian – It makes me laugh a bit when I think your dad wants us to marry. – She said to Gerard as it was her friend for years.

    -  Gerard – But, but...

    -  Vivian – But, but, nothing Gerard. This will never happen. I must behave today. Don’t tell me that you really thought that me Vivian can call you Mr. Green. Oh, come on dear, I will teach you how to taste wine.

    -  Gerard – I am not here to drink wine but to know you.

    -  Vivian – Exactly, come let us know each other better.

    Joachim was happy with Vivian's winning results in both areas at the university and in business affairs. Vivian didn't stop; she wanted to know, know and deepen everything. She wanted to help her father and she wanted to achieve the goal of taking everything under her control and putting her parents to have some peace in this life. Albert never stopped

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