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More to Love
More to Love
More to Love
Ebook142 pages2 hours

More to Love

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

An Unexpected Love


For Jamir Cunnigham, a relationship is the last thing on his mind.  After inheriting his grandparent's bookstore, Jamir has been completely focused on running the business. And if he's lonely, that was between him and the books. Yet, from the moment Emmy Park walked into his life, Jamir was immediately captivated by the plus-size Korean.


A Fresh Start

After his recent divorce, former Olympic Wrestler Emerson "Emmy" Park moved to Texas to get a fresh start. After taking a job as an assistant wrestling coach at a nearby university, he stumbles across Jamir's bookstore. Emmy is instantly attracted to Jamir. Unfortunately, he is big and burly with a resting bitch face and thinks he has zero chance with the gorgeous Black man. However, when a sudden encounter shows them how good they can be together. Is the simmering attraction between them enough for them to see past their differences and finally give in to their desires?


'More To Love' s a short and sweet m/m romance book featuring bookstores, coffee shops, plus-size main characters, bisexual couples, sapphic side characters, autumn feels, and Black/Asian romances.

Release dateJul 13, 2023
More to Love

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    Book preview

    More to Love - Georgina Kiersten


    Chapter 1

    A Stare, a Glare, and a Mistake


    Emmy gritted his teeth at the pair of eyes boring into his back. He huffed under his breath and then cursed as his knees knocked into the tiny table. Emmy tried to adjust his long legs to find a comfortable position, but he knew from the many times he had sat there before that it was impossible.

    He tightened his hands around his tattered paperback and tried to let the familiar words inside calm him, but it was a hard thing to do when he knew someone was watching him. Emmy should be used to it. He was a freaking giant of a man with a resting bitch face. He had been told by his ex-wife that it could curdle milk.

    With a put-upon sigh, Emmy set his book on the table and turned to see if he could find the source of his annoyance. His gaze traveled around the bookstore. Even though it was lunchtime, it wasn’t all that busy. It was the reason he preferred to spend his lunches here instead of at some trendy café or restaurant.

    The bookstore was on the smaller side. The walls were painted with brightly colored murals depicting Black people reading in various poses. Tall, dark wooden bookshelves and tables that were stacked full of books crowded comfortingly around the center of the store. In between the bookshelves were cozy overstuffed chairs and sofas.

    He immediately discovered a Black man trying to hide in the nearby stacks. Emmy lifted an eyebrow; he should have known it would be him. From the moment Emmy stepped into the Ogbon Bookstore, this man had been on his radar. Beautiful was the first thing that popped into his mind when Emmy had seen him. The man sported a short afro and had dark brown eyes framed by thick black glasses, a neatly trimmed beard, and the most luscious, full lips Emmy had ever seen.

    And now, just like all the other times, Emmy had caught his watcher. The man’s eyes went comically wide, and with an adorable meep, he spun on his heel and hurried away. Emmy groaned and rubbed his forehead.

    Suddenly Earth, Wind, and Fire’s 'Got to Get You Into My Life' cut through the awkward silence.

    Fuck, he swore as he fumbled to get his phone out of his pocket.

    Then he barked into his phone, Park!

    McNally is calling an emergency meeting, his co-coach, Hank Soto, whispered into his phone.

    What now? Emmy groaned as he hurriedly packed his bag and stood up. I’m on my lunch break.

    Yeah, word around the bleachers is that Wade just up and quit.

    Wade Reese was the top assistant wrestling coach at Ashton University, and if he just up and quit, the school wrestling team was going to be short-staffed. With the match against Texas State University just around the corner, the team was screwed.

    Hold up, I’ll be there in 15 minutes.

    There was some loud shouting in the background. Hank whispered into the phone, Make it 10, and hung up.

    Emmy rolled his eyes, cursing as he knocked into the table yet again, and hurried out of the bookstore.


    Jamir knew this was inappropriate. It was clear that he was making his customer uncomfortable. His stomach twisted in guilt. If his Nana was still around, she would’ve given him an earful. Jamir watched the huge mountain of a man run out the door, and he wondered if he’d just run him off for good. It wasn’t like he could afford to lose any customers.

    Great going there, Cunningham!

    He took off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. There was just something about this customer. Jamir’s cheeks warmed, and he watched through the door as the man got into a huge orange SUV and drove away.

    The man was intimidating. He reminded him of Fezzik from The Princess Bride. Jamir should have known something was up when he gave his customer that name in his head. Jamir had had an embarrassing crush on Fezzik as a child. And just like Fezzik, this man was built like a mountain. He was tall enough to loom over Jamir, even though his own 5’11" height was nothing to scoff at.

    The first time the new customer had come in, he’d banged his head against the door frame and had to bend his head to get inside. And if that wasn’t bad enough, it seemed like he only had two expressions--stoic and pissed off.

    Fezzik’s piercing glare should have scared Jamir. His eyes were so dark that they might as well be black. Every time Fezzik looked at him, his heart pounded so fast that it felt like it was going to jump right out of his chest.

    Jamir wasn’t too ashamed to admit that it wasn’t only fear. There was something about the man that made Jamir want to climb him like a tree. And it didn’t help that he had a weakness for thick thighs–and Fezzik’s thighs were thick as tree trunks.

    There were a pair of fingers clicking in front of his face, and Jamir jerked around and saw that his best friend, Gena, was standing in front of the register. She was a Black woman around average height with dark umber skin and long black hair done up in box braids. She wore a cyan Valentino pantsuit. In short, she looked like she just walked off the pages of Vogue.

    He coughed and slid his glasses back on.

    You done mooning over the giant? Gena asked, lifting a well-manicured eyebrow.

    Jamir spluttered. I’m not mooning after anyone. He looked down at the stack of books on the chestnut wood counter and grabbed his scanner.

    Uh huh, Gena said. I’ve known you since the third grade. I know what your mooning face looks like.

    Jamir scanned her books and wasn’t surprised in the slightest that they were all romance. He scanned Ayesha at Last by Uzma Jalaluddi, then threw his friend an exasperated look. Just because you have a romance addiction doesn’t make you an expert.

    Gena smirked at him. Uh huh, I saw you staring at his ass the other day.

    Jamir looked away and finished scanning the last book. He coughed. That will be $221.78.

    Gena just chuckled and handed over her platinum card. Jamir rang her up and then started bagging up the books.

    Gena looked around. Where’s Brian?

    Jamir stared down at the register, focusing on processing the payment on the ancient register. Brian quit yesterday.

    Please tell me you’re trying to hire someone else?

    Yeah, I’ll put up a sign soon and put an ad in the paper.

    Jamir could feel the weight of Gena’s eyes on him. If anyone could make him spill everything, it was Eugenia Burns.

    You would tell me if you needed help, right? Gena asked.

    Jamir wanted to thump his head on the counter a few times. Instead, he looked up and pasted on a smile. Absolutely.

    Gena rolled her eyes, but thankfully, she didn’t press further. Checking her watch, she swore. Ugh, I got to go back to work.

    Jamir snorted. It’s not easy being the best attorney in Milagro.

    Gena just shook her head and grabbed her bag of books. She hurried out of the store, the loud, frantic clicking of her Louboutins following in her wake. Jamir gave a sigh of relief. When his pop-pop got sick, he needed to have a kidney transplant that the insurance refused to cover. His nana had no choice but to take out a mortgage on the bookstore.

    And now with the drop in customers, Jamir couldn’t afford the payments. Part of him wanted to just ask Gena for the money, but then he remembered what his pop-pop used to say: Cunnighams don’t ask for handouts.

    Jamir sighed as he gazed around the bookstore, only spotting a few regulars perched in the comfy chairs scattered around the store. Jamir rounded the counter and inspected the bookshelves. He straightened up the books, reshelved the misplaced books, and picked up any trash left by careless patrons.

    Yet, as much as he tried to avoid it, he still found himself back in Fezzik’s favorite spot. It was a little nook in the corner, with a simple armchair and table next to it. His fingers traced over the soft green faux suede of the chair.

    Maybe I should just man up and ask for his number?

    Jamir was barely keeping the bookstore afloat as it was. All of his time was spent trying to keep Ogbon open. He was too busy for something as frivolous as dating. He’d deleted

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