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Filigree and Fur: A LGBTQIA Billionaire Wereshifter Romance
Filigree and Fur: A LGBTQIA Billionaire Wereshifter Romance
Filigree and Fur: A LGBTQIA Billionaire Wereshifter Romance
Ebook203 pages

Filigree and Fur: A LGBTQIA Billionaire Wereshifter Romance

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Book three in the Billion Dollar Wolf series

Two lone wolves finding common threads and love.

Grove Meade likes his computers and his solitary life. He can come and go as he pleases and only answers to the pack leaders when they need his specialized skills. He won' t deny he' s one lonely wolf, but love isn' t in his future, right? When he meets CJ Johns, everything changes and his world is just a bit too small.

CJ Johns has seen a lot in his life— the death of his family, the destruction of his pack and the loss of pack lands. He' s determined not to let those devastations get him down, but when he' s forced to live off the land that' s not even his, his spirits sink. He can' t even convince his wolf to come forward. The one bright spot in his life is Grove. He knows little about the fellow wolf shifter, but he' s smitten.

When a problem from CJ' s past threatens his future, it' s up to CJ and Grove to decide whether they want the blossoming feelings between them to last or fade like the winter snow.

Release dateAug 15, 2023
Filigree and Fur: A LGBTQIA Billionaire Wereshifter Romance

Megan Slayer

Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and BDSM themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best author, best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice.

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    Filigree and Fur - Megan Slayer

    Pride Publishing books by Megan Slayer

    Single Books




    Drive my Car

    We Belong Together

    Finding Michael

    Rogue Royal

    Heart of Egypt

    Must Love Dogs

    The One I Want

    You and Me Again

    The Real Me

    My Other Half

    Cedarwood Pride

    Home to Cedarwood

    Ripples in Cedarwood

    Scoring in Cedarwood

    Rainbows over Cedarwood

    Rocking Cedarwood

    Cedarwood Manny

    Together in Cedarwood

    Doc Cedarwood

    Finding Forever in Cedarwood

    Silver Fox in Cedarwood

    Cedarwood Cowboy

    Christmas in Cedarwood

    Second Chances in Cedarwood

    Starting Over in Cedarwood

    Love Me Do

    Loving Summer Rain

    Complicating Roy

    Winning Over Harmon

    Falling for Vince

    Embracing James

    Sugar Daddy Seeking

    His Perfect Twink

    His Naughty Boy

    His Kinky Exhibitionist

    Billion Dollar Wolf

    Cufflinks and Claws

    Herringbone and Howls


    Out of Bounds: Crossing the Line

    Out of Bounds: Making the Play

    Aim High: Lifetime Hitch

    Brothers in Arms: One Night with You

    Rules of Summer: Summer Stock


    What’s his Passion?: Wild Card

    Love’s Bloom: Love Next Door

    Sun, Sea and…: Sun, Sea and Summer Songs

    Billion Dollar Wolf



    Filigree and Fur

    ISBN # 978-1-83943-289-7

    ©Copyright Megan Slayer 2023

    Cover Art by Kelly Martin ©Copyright August 2023

    Interior text design by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

    Pride Publishing

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Pride Publishing.

    Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Pride Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

    The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

    Published in 2023 by Pride Publishing, United Kingdom.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the authors’ rights. Purchase only authorised copies.

    Pride Publishing is an imprint of Totally Entwined Group Limited.

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    Book three in the

    Billion Dollar Wolf series

    Two lone wolves finding common threads and love.

    Grove Meade likes his computers and his solitary life. He can come and go as he pleases and only answers to the pack leaders when they need his specialized skills. He won’t deny he’s one lonely wolf, but love isn’t in his future, right? When he meets CJ Johns, everything changes and his world is just a bit too small.

    CJ Johns has seen a lot in his life—the death of his family, the destruction of his pack and the loss of pack lands. He’s determined not to let those devastations get him down, but when he’s forced to live off the land that’s not even his, his spirits sink. He can’t even convince his wolf to come forward. The one bright spot in his life is Grove. He knows little about the fellow wolf shifter, but he’s smitten.

    When a problem from CJ’s past threatens his future, it’s up to CJ and Grove to decide whether they want the blossoming feelings between them to last or fade like the winter snow.


    For the Lucky Ducks

    For RB

    For JPZ

    For TPZ

    Trademark Acknowledgements

    The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:

    Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi Alliance Company

    Chapter One

    You need to check out the tent on the outskirts of our land. Dixon Meade cornered his half-brother, Grove. It hasn’t caused any trouble, but I think someone’s living there.

    Grove tried not to groan. As the resident tech geek of the Meade wolf pack, it wasn’t his job to worry about who was or wasn’t on the pack lands. He hated fighting, disliked confrontation and tended to shy away from attention. Why me?

    Because you look the most non-threatening. Dixon folded his arms. And you’re better at talking to people.

    Send Daniel. His other half-brother was much better with conversation. Daniel could con anyone into doing whatever he wanted.

    He’s up to his eyeballs with his fiancé. Dixon crooked his brow. Just do it. You’re heading to the library and it’s on the way.

    How… He didn’t bother to finish his question. He wasn’t sure how, but Dixon knew everyone’s business.

    I keep an eye on everyone. It’s my job. Dixon nodded once. I can’t tell what’s going on there, but I know it’s not one of our wolves. Someone infiltrated our land.

    You said there was nothing wrong, Grove replied. And how did you know I was headed to the library?

    You always go to the library on Thursdays.

    He couldn’t argue there. He liked the library. The silence, the books, the atmosphere and knowing there was so much information for anyone to use all within a short grasp.

    Go by the edge of the property and check out what’s happening. It can’t be anything too bad or the scouts would’ve turned the person in. Dixon rounded his desk. Please?

    Daniel’s too busy?

    I wouldn’t ask if I had him as a possibility, but I doubt they’ve left the bedroom in a week. Dixon rolled his eyes. Isn’t your wolf twitching to get out?

    A little. His wolf stirred within him and paced. The animal had been pent-up for too long. He hadn’t gone for a proper run in weeks. Then again, if the wolf had wanted out, it would’ve let him know.

    Then use the wolf to sort this out. He’ll have the best instinct for what’s going on.

    Grove walked with Dixon to the door. I’m more of a tech guy. I don’t approach people.

    But you can do this.

    He stared at his half-brother. You’re trying to get me out in public more.

    You spend a lot of time behind the computer and it’s not normal. The wolf has to be suffering and you’re not happy, Dixon said. And don’t tell me you’re fine. I can see it in your eyes. You’re lonely.

    Dixon had him there. Damn it. Okay.

    Thank you. Dixon shook hands with him. I thank you and so does the pack.

    Uh-huh. He turned on his heel and left his half-brother’s office. He never should’ve let Dixon talk him into this, but whatever. He wanted to spend time with something that didn’t talk back and wasn’t his computer screen–books. If he’d built a bigger home, he could’ve had the library of his dreams, but what did one man need with a huge house? He had what he needed, plus just a little more.

    It was enough.

    He strode out of the mansion to his car, then slid behind the wheel. The wolf growled within him. The animal did need out.

    He’d worry about it when he got home.

    Grove backed into the turnaround, then drove away from the mansion. Dixon’s words rang in his ears. He needed to get out more. He spent too much time behind his computer screen.

    The truth sucked.

    He drove across town to the library. His brothers might not know or care that he’d donated enough money to add the addition to the building. When he saw the larger children’s space and meeting rooms, his heart skipped a beat. The patrons had plenty of space for new materials, meeting and story time…all because of him.

    He parked at the end of the lot near the bushes, then left the car and locked up before heading into the building. The librarians waved as he went to the periodicals. He liked the silent reading nook where he could browse the various print media. He subscribed to them all in digital format, but there was something about holding the pages in his hands that pleased him.

    Hi. CJ, one of the other patrons, joined him in the nook. You’re here.

    I am. His heart skipped another beat and a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. He liked CJ. The young man was a little rough around the edges and appeared dirty, but he always smiled and had manners. How’s things? He looked forward to their time together. CJ might not appear to be much of a conversationalist, but he’d impressed Grove. He wasn’t the kind of guy who gave in to flash. He liked brains and CJ seemed to have them.

    I have to leave the library. CJ sat beside him. They think I’m a vagrant.

    Are you? If he had to guess, CJ sure looked like he could be one. Where do you live?

    Here and there. CJ grinned and fiddled with his backpack. I finished the latest Harwood mystery. Did you read it yet?

    I haven’t. He had it loaded onto his e-reader to start later. I forgot you liked that series. He appreciated having someone to talk books with. His brothers didn’t give a shit about books. All they cared about was the pack and making money.

    It’s one of my favorites. CJ hugged his bag. I picked up a new Mulcahy mystery, too.

    Nice. He hadn’t started that series yet.

    Mr. Gold, you have to leave. The librarian stopped in the doorway to the nook. You’ve been here all day. Hi, Mr. Meade. Is he bothering you?

    I’m fine and he’s not bothering me. We’re having a nice conversation. Grove stood, then held up his hand a moment. I’ll be right back. He left the room with the librarian in tow.

    I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you knew him. She blushed. He’s been here all day using the computer.

    That’s what they’re here for. He glanced over his shoulder and listened for CJ’s movements. What’s the story? You don’t usually toss people. What’d he do?

    Nothing, per se, but we have to be mindful of the other patrons. Some have questioned what he’s doing here and others think he’s…dirty. She rubbed her arms. I’m sorry. This is a space for everyone and he’s fine. He hasn’t caused trouble. Some of the patrons just think he looks…rough.

    He does. Grove nodded once. I’ll try to get him cleaned up, but he should be able to use the facilities as he needs. That’s only fair.

    Agreed. She smiled. Thank you.

    Welcome. He waited for her to walk away before joining CJ in the nook again.

    She wants me out, right? CJ stood. I’m sorry. I’ve been here for a few hours.

    That’s okay. You’re permitted to be here. He stared at the younger man and his wolf stirred. How had he missed this before? CJ wasn’t just a potential vagrant. He was a wolf. He also seemed a bit lost. Sweet, but lost.

    Thanks for the intervention. It’s the only place I can get work done. I don’t have Wi-Fi at my place. CJ held on to the strap of his bag. I should get going.

    Why? We’re having a good conversation. He swept his gaze over CJ. He’d never considered part of the reason he liked visiting the library had little to do with books and more with seeing CJ. He enjoyed their friendship. Why don’t you have lunch with me?

    Asking the question was impulsive and against his usual nature, but he didn’t care. CJ seemed to need the help. Grove also wanted to spend more time with the wolf. His own wolf noted the crackle between them.

    Really? CJ’s shoulders sagged and his hands trembled. You’re serious?

    I am. Why don’t we head to the diner? He could afford something more expensive, but with the crust on CJ’s jacket and the unkempt appearance of his hair, he’d fit in better at the diner.

    Yeah? CJ’s eyes flashed. I’d love that.

    Good. He hadn’t bothered to pick up a paper or read a magazine. Let’s go. I’ll drive.

    I hope so. I don’t have a car. CJ followed him through the library to the side exit.

    You don’t? In his world, everyone had a car. Everyone had a home and belongings, too. He opened the passenger door for CJ. Then it’s a good thing I drove.

    CJ said nothing and placed his bag on his lap.

    You can put that on the floor of the backseat. He closed the door, then rounded the hood to the driver’s side. Once he settled behind the wheel, he withdrew his fob from his pocket. You don’t have to hold it.

    My laptop is in there. CJ’s eyes widened. Sorry.

    It’ll be safe on the floor or the seat back there. He waited for CJ to buckle up, then engaged the engine and backed out of the spot. I keep my tablet back there while I’m driving.

    Oh. On the bus, it’ll get stolen if it’s unattended. CJ’s blush started at his hairline and crept beneath his thick collar.

    I won’t steal your stuff. He drove to the diner on pack lands and parked in front of the building. Anyone could visit the establishment, but only with a Meade pack member.

    CJ followed him into the diner. Are you sure my bag is okay?

    It’s locked in my car. It’s fine, but we can see it from the table. He stopped at one of the front booths with a window and perfect view of the vehicle. See?

    I guess so. CJ sat across from him. I’ve never been here.

    It’s good. I like the food and I know both the owner and cook. He knew everyone that worked there, too.

    Most of my belongings are in that bag. CJ’s hands trembled as he accepted the menu.

    They are? He nodded to the server. She’s here. What would you like to drink?

    Oh. CJ froze. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. I’m sorry. May I have a regular coffee and water?

    Sure. She grinned. Look over the menu and once I get your drinks, I’ll take your order. She turned to Grove. And for you?

    Coffee and water is fine. Thank you. He didn’t bother to look at the menu. He knew what he wanted, but first he had a thousand questions for CJ.

    Sure thing. She left them alone at the table.

    So your belongings are in that bag? Grove folded his hands on the menu. You seem lost. What’s wrong?

    Nothing. CJ picked at the edge of the menu.

    You’re lying. He could detect fibs a mile away. Talk to me. Where are the rest of your things?

    CJ didn’t answer and instead fidgeted again.


    "I don’t have many belongings and I don’t have a place to live. I’m a vagrant like they keep calling

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