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Russian English Self Study Guide Phrasebook and Dictionary: Русско Английский Разговорник Словарь и Самоучитель
Russian English Self Study Guide Phrasebook and Dictionary: Русско Английский Разговорник Словарь и Самоучитель
Russian English Self Study Guide Phrasebook and Dictionary: Русско Английский Разговорник Словарь и Самоучитель
Ebook264 pages1 minute

Russian English Self Study Guide Phrasebook and Dictionary: Русско Английский Разговорник Словарь и Самоучитель

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About this ebook

English for Russians presents a user-reach spectrum of colloquial English, including more than 3000 useful phrases, questionary section ging tenths of questions and answers for every question word, about 100 verb conjugations in all tenses and genders together with so-called verbs forms of Simple, Perfect, and Continuance including examples

Release dateJun 12, 2023
Russian English Self Study Guide Phrasebook and Dictionary: Русско Английский Разговорник Словарь и Самоучитель

Israel Palchan

Israel Palchan was born in Russia, immigrated to Israel, and received a Ph.D. degree from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He developed a new original structure for foreign Language self-study phrasebooks and has published more than ten different phrasebooks. His Russian Hebrew -Sihon- has been published during 40 years began from underground prints in Soviet Union and continue to today Israel

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    Russian English Self Study Guide Phrasebook and Dictionary - Israel Palchan


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    © 2023 Dr. Israel Palchan. All rights reserved.

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    Published by Primix Publishing 06/12/2023

    ISBN: 978-1-957676-46-3(sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-957676-47-0(e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023909323

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