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OUR JOURNEY A Sequel To The Story Of A Prudent Nurse with Krysha and May Cabuenas-Clemente: Life is a journey full of endless possibilities. Live to its fullest for God’s greater glory and honor
OUR JOURNEY A Sequel To The Story Of A Prudent Nurse with Krysha and May Cabuenas-Clemente: Life is a journey full of endless possibilities. Live to its fullest for God’s greater glory and honor
OUR JOURNEY A Sequel To The Story Of A Prudent Nurse with Krysha and May Cabuenas-Clemente: Life is a journey full of endless possibilities. Live to its fullest for God’s greater glory and honor
Ebook164 pages1 hour

OUR JOURNEY A Sequel To The Story Of A Prudent Nurse with Krysha and May Cabuenas-Clemente: Life is a journey full of endless possibilities. Live to its fullest for God’s greater glory and honor

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About this ebook

In Our Journey, author Joel J. Clemente tells his family’s life adventures in making America their second home way from home, from their humble beginning in the Philippines, to their migration in the USA. A testament of how he and his family continues to live their lives with strong faith to the Lord, filled with gratitude and compassion. Clemente’s story gives a deeper meaning into his family’s mission as a family in the Holy Spirit, Renewing the Face of the Earth. Part of which is his narration as a Jesuit Volunteers Philippines volunteer which prepared him to be the kind of man he is for his family and others. Also, the Couples For Christ that helped his family in their spiritual growth and transformations to imitate Christ.
Our Journey shares his family experiences and lessons in life that makes them a simple and humble family in devoted service to God and others. As always he and his family offers their success in life to the Divine Providence.
Release dateJun 20, 2023
OUR JOURNEY A Sequel To The Story Of A Prudent Nurse with Krysha and May Cabuenas-Clemente: Life is a journey full of endless possibilities. Live to its fullest for God’s greater glory and honor

Joel Clemente

Joel J. Clemente, “Jong” to his family and friends, earned a BSN degree from Ateneo De Zamboanga University, and an MAN degree title from Manila Central University, Philippines. He has been an RN since March 1991 and a freelance writer for 36 years. Clemente lives with his wife, and their daughter in McKinney, Texas. His first book The Story of a Prudent Nurse was published last July 2017. He is also a winner of the 2023 Immigrant Journey’s Professional Excellence Award.

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    OUR JOURNEY A Sequel To The Story Of A Prudent Nurse with Krysha and May Cabuenas-Clemente - Joel Clemente

    Copyright © 2023 Joel Clemente.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture passages have been taken from the New American Bible Catholic Readers Edition.


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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5329-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5330-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023909664

    iUniverse rev. date: 06/19/2023

    To the Holy Family, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Jesus; to our parents Daddy Eking, Mommy Grace, Tatay Lucio, Nanay Conching; and to the people whom we are called to serve.


    A portion of the proceeds from Our Journey will go to the Couples For Christ Answering The Cry Of The Poor (ANCOP), Jesuit Volunteers Philippines Foundation Inc., and Philippine Nurses Association of North Texas-Dallas Scholarship Fund.



    Notes from the Family and Friends of Joel J. Clemente


    Point of View by Krysha May Clemente

    Introduction by May Cabuenas-Clemente

    Part I KofC Activities

    1 Fall Dallas Exemplification

    2 Streetside Showers

    3 Knights Helping the Columbiettes

    4 Texas Knight Essay Featured in ANI Lakbay Literary Yearbook

    5 St. Gabriel Knights Help in Holiday Boutique

    6 Fr. Michael J. McGivney Assembly 3004 Social

    7 Fish Fry 2022

    8 Texas Knight Meets Fellow Knights from Eastern Samar, Philippines

    9 Celebration of Closure of an Abortion Facility

    10 Wreaths Across America

    Part II Essays

    11 Summer Odyssey in the Philippines

    12 Unplanned*

    13 The Significance of the Number 11 and the Month of November in Our Family

    14 Pinoy Elite @Westridge: A Decade of Friendship and Togetherness

    15 #Kofc Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism*

    16 Clemente Nieces and Nephews: Serving Humanity across the Globe

    17 #HeartfeltGratitude*

    18 Female Registered Nurses: Profiles of Exemplary Women

    19 Friends We Will Remain*

    20 Reflection on 9/11, Two Decades After

    21 A Sister’s Reflection by Lalaine Clemente-Ballelos, RN

    22 Why Lent?

    23 PNANT Dallas: A Caravan of Professional Nurses*

    24 Reflections of a PNANT Rising Star*

    Part III Features

    25 #Herous Wthout Capes Campaign

    26 A KofC Nurse amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

    27 I Won’t Be Home for Christmas by Rensi Pua

    28 A Male Nurse: A Man for Others*

    29 An Epitome of a Woman of Substance*

    Part IV In Memoriam

    30 Remembering Jill Hadjison, RN*

    31 A Tribute to Daddy Eking and Tatay Lucio

    32 Tito Erning, His Life, Work, and Hobbies*

    33 To Our Frontliners and Patients

    34 In Your Passing…*

    Part V Reunion and Anniversary

    35 Clemente Family Reunion Through The Years

    36 Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary of Tatay Lucio and Nanay Ching

    Part VI Poetry

    37 Micro-Narratives

    38 Travel

    39 Love is in the Air

    Part VII Letters

    40 A Letter to Christ*

    41 Because of Love*

    Part VIII Pilipino Segment

    42 The Last Trip*

    43 The True Essence of Christmas: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow*

    Part IX Testimonials

    44 The Effects of Prayers in Our Lives…Reloaded*

    45 Why Couples for Christ?*

    46 Thirty Years of Jesuit Volunteers Philippines*

    47 HRPC Maraming Salamat Po*

    Part X Recognition Corner

    48 Awards, Honors, and Recognitions



    The migration of medical and allied health professionals from the Philippines to the United States of America, and other parts of the globe for that matter, has been impactful among these Filipinos, especially after years of struggle.

    The struggle begins with adjustment in a foreign land, particularly within the community where they reside, meeting friends and work colleagues, getting familiar with bus and train schedules, and adjusting to four seasons - a novel experience from the two seasons back home.

    In Our Journey…A Sequel to the Story of a Prudent Nurse, Joel J. Clemente narrates what he and his family has been gone through in their new found home from ‘Pinas to ‘Tate.

    Their journey may not be at all unique or in any way rare, as other doctors, nurses, midwives, and caregivers may have similar or even tougher challenges. Yet, their narratives provide insights to other Filipinos who are likely to be drawn to life abroad.

    Prudence, diligence, and hard work were Clemente and his family’s guiding values as they spend the first years in America. It was a tough life, but the Clementes survived the challenges and beat the odds.

    Southern Philippines-based journalist Maria Frencie L. Carreon is the award-winning author of Spaces: Narratives about the Mission of Fr. Angel Calvo, CMF. She has received the Aries Rufo Journalism Fellowship Award and the Australian Leadership Award. She currently heads Maven Media Asia, where she is executive director and lead researcher.

    - Maria Frencie Carreon


    Joel always perseveres in everything be it in his family, career or spiritual life. People find him accomodating and helpful. He cheers the group with his talks and wit. May you always continue to put God first in everything you do. To God be the glory.

    -Lilian Lourdes Clemente-Ballelos, RN

    You are born with an exceptional gift of writing. Continue with this passion because you are an inspiration to many.

    -Marilie Soliven-Nicandro, RN

    Jong is a good friend of mine, that even his own family became my friends too. We live a distance thousands of miles away from each other, but he sees to it that we have a bonding time, whenever he comes back to his home country.

    -Maripaz Fider, Joel/Jong’s JVP Partner

    I’ve known Joel for 36 years and he’s always been friendly, helpful and jovial. He is also a determined individual who will work hard to achieve his aspirations. Lastly, he is the kind of person who wants to share his success and blessings to those he cares for and those in need.

    -Aisel Dacara-Adil, RN

    It’s a joy to know that Brother Joel is publishing his second book as this is another testament of how he continues to live his life with strong faith to the Lord, filled with gratitude and compassion. I am blessed to call him a brother in Christ through the Couples For Christ community where Brother Joel and his family actively worship and live out their calling to be a blessing in the Child Sponsorship Program of ANCOP (Answering the Cry of the Poor). More power to you Brother Joel.

    -Sandee Pujol-Ricamata, Couples For Christ USA

    Fellow Brother and Worthy Sir Knight Joel is a good man, and always willing to help in the best way he can. Be it a sausage and cheese sale, pancake breakfast, exemplification program, streetside showers, or as a hospitality team minister, he works his way to serve our council, church and others. His generosity, kindness and goodness bring splash of faith, hope and love to people of all walks of life.

    -SK Troy Scheffman, Grand Knight


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