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Nightstick: Unbelievable, #5
Nightstick: Unbelievable, #5
Nightstick: Unbelievable, #5
Ebook216 pages3 hours

Nightstick: Unbelievable, #5

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About this ebook

 I was "fine" with a capital F...

That cop. Why did I have to be so attracted to that cop? He was in my business. Personal and professional. It all came to an explosion of passion against my front door... literally.

I found out my ex had found me. He knew everything. He thinks he can have me back. I had two run. There was no other way away from him. The night I had made my decision was the night I couldn't get away.

I had one thing I had this time I hadn't had before was Detective Ryan Brooks.

The question was would he get to me in time?

Includes mature content 18+ only.

As always a Happily Ever After.

Content Warning: Unlike other books in the Unbelievable series, Handcuffed and Nightstick occur at the same point in the timeline and deal with police matters which include the discussion of sensitive material, situations, and events occur which may make some readers uncomfortable.
Additional information will be provided in the foreword of the book if you are concerned with this subject matter. I understand that this is not for everyone and would like for you to enjoy every book. Please feel free to skip over Handcuffed and Nightstick to continue with the series. Loving Autumn (Coming late 2021), Out of Bounds and In Bounds (Coming 2022) will come back to the sports romances.

Rising Summers (Book 1) - Chloe and Nix
Kissing Winters (Book 2) - Brooklyn and Kane
Wanting Spring (Book 3) - Makenna and Mason
Handcuffed (Book 4) - Ronnie and Blake - Pre-order Now!
Nightstick (Book 5) - Jen and Ryan - Pre-order Now!
Loving Autumn (Book 6) - Autumn and Rocco
Out of Bound (Book 7) - Soumaya and Dom
In Bounds (Book 8) - Zeri and Luther

Release dateSep 7, 2021
Nightstick: Unbelievable, #5

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    Nightstick - Garnet Davenport




    Ryan Brooks was hovering over me. His sweaty body was glistening in the moonlight as he pounded into me, making my entire body tremble with pleasure. I knew he would be good at sex. He looked like his body was made for it. Made to please me. Just as my orgasm was pulling from my core, I heard a distant ringing. He started to fade away right before my eyes and so did my orgasm.

    I opened my eyes to my bedroom. It was a few minutes before my alarm would have gone off when I saw my screen light up. I picked it up, looked at it, laid it back down and groaned.

    And right at the good part, I muttered to myself.

    I had gotten the text basically the moment I woke up, letting me know that I’d be opening Sugar Mama’s on my own. I hadn’t minded. I’d done it before by myself, but there was typically some sort of reason along with it. Morning sickness or woke up late but just a ‘Can you open for me?’ I replied back with ‘Of course’. Then, I got ready a little bit faster and got in to start the morning pastries. The rush shouldn’t be too crazy. I’d be able to handle it on my own. I’d been through worse. At least these people only wanted their sugar fix.

    Makenna arrived right about nine.

    Oh my God, I am so sorry to have done that to you. We didn’t get back until after five. And you’ll never believe what happened.

    What? I said, picking up a tray of cinnamon rolls from the back and bringing them out to the case.

    We were in the middle of nowhere. Then Ronnie got this brilliant idea to open up the window, stick half of her body out, and flash a cop car.

    She did what? I squared.

    Yep, boobies out there for the world. And the best part… she paused for dramatics, the cop that she flashed was the hottest cop I’ve ever seen and that’s including Blake and Ryan.

    It wasn’t long before another two hours had passed and we started to slow. Makenna told me that the other girls would be in around eleven, and we’d all sit down and talk.

    The story about Ronnie getting arrested made me laugh. The part about Makenna vomiting everywhere and then triggering Brooklyn to start, I was glad I wasn’t there. I couldn’t let them run my prints. My ID has been a fake for the last five years. There was no Jen Coast. She didn’t exist. For a while there, I didn’t think I existed anymore. I wasn’t Virginia Costas anymore. The officers would have found something. Or at least they wouldn’t have found enough for them to be suspicious.

    And even though I am beyond attracted to Ronnie’s brother, Ryan, I can’t act on any of it. I’ve got to keep my guard up around him. He’s not going to drop it though; I feel it in my bones.

    Hey Jen, Makenna said, pulling me from my thoughts, are you okay?

    Yeah, of course. Nothing to worry about. How are you and little peanut doing?

    Peanut is bigger than a peanut but swimming around in there just fine, she responded.

    Ronnie looked awkward walking into Sugar Mama’s. We all watched as she walked in and looked at us. Brooklyn waved for her to come sit next to her. When she sat down, we all waited. I wasn’t even there last night. I didn’t have any reason to be angry with her, but I definitely wanted to see it.

    I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t mean for it to go that far, Ronnie said.

    Well, after I finished barfing, I thought it was pretty funny, Brooklyn said, giving her a smile.

    I’d like to say the same, but I still had vomit on me the entire ride back, Makenna said. It’s going to take me a minute. Then she whispered, I can still smell it.

    Brooklyn and I giggled.

    Chloe? Ronnie asked, her voice shaking.

    I’m still mad. Well, a little less mad and more upset. Chloe sighed. I can’t believe you put me in that kind of situation. Do you realize, if the story ends up on the news, they’ll bring up my past with Nix? The story just settled from the wedding. And don’t get me started on the fact that tabloids went crazy when my baby bump started to show.

    She had a good point. I had even heard about her relationship with Nix before I knew any of the hockey gods. That’s what I called them. Seeing Nix Drayden, Kane Winters, and Mason Cooper together was like seeing all of the wonders of the world at the same time—impressive.

    Chloe, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think—

    No, you didn’t, Chloe snapped.

    It was getting awkward waiting in the silence. I wanted to ask about Ronnie’s brother, but I kept my mouth shut. It wasn’t the time.

    Chloe, I swear I’ll fix it. I’ll make sure you and Nix don’t end up all over the tabloids, Ronnie pleaded.

    Chloe nodded in understanding.

    What are you going to do about the charges? Brooklyn asked.

    Get a lawyer and I guess try to make a deal. The thing that gets me is it had to be that old cop who made sure I got arrested.

    Why do you say that? Makenna asked.

    Because officer hottie gave me his number, I said with a sly smirk.

    We all hooted and hollered, clapping our hands. That was great. I can’t believe she scored a number out of it. Well, she had flashed her knockers at the guy.

    Damn girl, get it, Brooklyn said.

    Ronnie’s cheeks turned red. That rarely happened. Normally it would have been me getting embarrassed over something someone said or did.

    I know. I know, Brooklyn continued, but he was cute.

    He also lives in another state, Ronnie replied.

    But he did look good in blue, Makenna said, fanning her face.

    We all burst out laughing. I do wish I would have been there just so I could have laid my eyes on officer hottie. I do appreciate a man in uniform.

    What? It’s these hormones. I can’t even make it through the day without climbing Mason like a tree. I’m surprised he’s got enough energy to play, she joked.

    We all laughed with her.

    These men really do look good in blue, Ronnie replied.

    I let a moan slip out. Mmm-hmm.

    Looks like you’re not the only uniform chaser, Brooklyn teased.

    I didn’t like that term. I wasn’t a uniform chaser, but they definitely appealed to me more than any other man on this planet. And truth be told, after Andre, I should have just given up on men. Given up on being loved by anyone, but I like the idea of having a protector instead of an abuser.

    Right, I know you hate that term.

    My brother hates it too. He saved this woman years ago, and she became obsessed with him. She ended up stalking him until he had to get a restraining order put on her because she started following me, Ronnie explained.

    I was definitely interested in hearing all about that. I didn’t like the idea of some woman stalking Ryan. I felt like I needed to know more about this woman so I could make sure he wasn’t in danger.

    How is your brother? I asked before I could stop myself.

    Ronnie looked over at me, eyeing me, maybe wanting to see some sort of true interest in my brother. She was going to figure it out if I wasn’t careful.

    I just meant how is he going to take the news of your arrest? I quickly followed up.

    I really don’t want to tell him, but Blake told me I had to tell him. He can’t keep more secrets from Ryan, she explained.

    I noticed we all looked at Ronnie with sympathy. She had been acting strange lately. Somehow she was avoiding us but also hanging out. I know a lot has changed with Chloe, Brooklyn, and now Makenna all pregnant, but I knew I wasn’t ready for babies. Not with my messed up past. And the fact that Andre could be looking for me. We are still married.

    How was it with Blake? Brooklyn asked.

    Awkward as hell, she replied.

    You know he has a thing for you, right? Brooklyn said.

    Yeah, right. She scoffed.

    Ronnie, no man is going to wake up in the middle of the night, drive two hours out-of-state, and bail a girl out of jail that he’s not interested in, Brooklyn responded.

    She’s got a point. When we saw him pull in at the police station, that man was on a mission. He was there for you, Makenna said.

    Why did you call him? Chloe asked.

    Ronnie moaned. Oh God. She covered her face with her hands and continued, With my phone in your car, I couldn’t remember any numbers but my brother’s and Blake’s.

    So, Blake? Chloe asked.

    I wasn’t really ready for the awkward conversation with my brother.

    I’m sure she wasn’t. Every conversation I’ve had with Ryan has been awkward and uncomfortable.

    So, you would rather have an awkward conversation with a guy you’re attracted to? I asked.

    It wasn’t nearly as bad as it would have been with Ryan. My brother basically raised me and even made it through my teenage years. He wouldn’t have enjoyed hearing that I flashed my boobs at a cop car.

    Yeah, probably not. Chloe scoffed.

    "But why Blake’s number? You’ve never memorized mine,’ Brooklyn asked.

    Don’t take it personally. Blake’s number is super easy. The last four of his number is six-nine-six-nine, Ronnie tried to say with a straight face.

    No. Chloe gasped and then started laughing with everyone else.

    The bell over the door dinged just in time for us to turn around to see a guy in his early to mid-twenties walk through the door. He stopped just as he noticed all of us looking at him. I eyed him suspiciously just like I do with all the new people who come in. I’m scared every day that some guy in Andre’s organization will find me. Especially after Makenna’s half-brother, Dominic D’Angelo, came into Sugar Mama’s with a news crew following. Anytime there was a chance I could have ended up on camera, I ducked or turned my head. I knew Makenna needed me, but I tried as hard as possible to stay off camera.

    Whoa, hey. He waved awkwardly. Umm, I heard there was an opening, he said, looking around and back toward the kitchen.

    Oh, I’m the owner, Makenna said, standing and reaching out her hand to greet him. Makenna Spring.




    I clicked away trying to find any information on Jen, Jennifer, Jenny, or any other version of Jen with Coast and missing persons, or any outstanding arrests or warrants. I had zero leads on this woman that was driving me crazy. Every night I’ve woken up in night sweats, urging me to protect her. There was some reason I was drawn to her. I couldn’t explain it.

    I had checked it nearly every day once I got the police report from the last time her husband had sent her to the hospital. I couldn’t let anyone know I had done that much digging. Not yet. Finding Andres Costas and putting him behind bars was top priority for me. There’s been talk about Costas within the crime families in California. He’s a violent man.

    When I saw the report, I had barely been able to contain myself. I spent the next two hours beating the hell out of a bag in my local gym and kept everything quiet. I knew, if Jen found out I knew about her past, she would probably run. It looked as if she’d done it before. When Makenna had asked me if I had known, I hadn’t wanted to say anything, but she needed to know I not only knew but would protect her. Makenna had promised me she wouldn’t tell Jen I knew about her past.

    Now I’m just looking for anything else I can find on Virginia or Andres Costas.

    Have you found anything yet? My partner, Blake Handcock, came and sat down at his desk that backed up to mine. He tossed a folder at me.

    What’s this? I asked, avoiding his initial question.

    There’s been another murder, he said.

    Same M.O.? I asked.

    Sounds like it. You ready to get over there and check it out?

    Yeah. I sighed.

    Another murder just like the first made this case a priority for the entire department. There hadn’t been any breaks in the case, and we’ve basically hit a dead end.

    We got our coats and went out to our department assigned undercover vehicle. It wasn’t far to the scene of the crime, but with traffic this morning, it took longer than it should have.

    I’ve been meaning to ask… why do you look like hell? Find a girl to bring back to your place? I asked him.

    He’s been avoiding getting into anything serious for a while now. I don’t know why, but all I’ve heard from him was a few one night stands and that’s it. I’ve at least dated a little bit. Absolutely nothing serious. None of them ever sparked something in me like the way Jen had the first night I met her.

    We pulled up to an old apartment building in a bad area of town. That area was known for drugs and prostitution. It was not a good location. Local PD already had the area blocked off with tape when we arrived. As we pulled in, we got some dirty looks from the local boys in blue.

    We didn’t call for anyone from the forty-ninth, one of them called out.

    I rolled my eyes. Yeah, Yeah, we just figured you boys could use the help, I teased back at them.

    Laugh it up, one of them said.

    We’ve got a case that could be connected, so how about for shits and giggles, we share a little info on this one? Blake said.

    They moved out of the way and let us through without too much resistance or razing.

    Just remember this goes both ways. Quid pro quo.

    There are at least four officers bagging evidence and collecting fingerprints. It all looked like it was on the up and up. The victim, Charleene Vanderhill, twenty-five, blonde, and in great physical condition. Everything was the same except for the name from our last victim.

    I had to do a double take because the girl who had been stabbed lying on the floor looked almost like the spitting image of my sister. I couldn’t look away. The image of Ronnie lying there instead of Charleene Vanderhill scared the hell out of me. I had raised that girl since she was five, and I had just become an adult. She had slept on my couch in a one bedroom apartment until I could afford more for us. Then when I had gotten into the police academy, she spent a lot of time sitting in hallways and in after school care. I wish I could have done more to raise her right, but she still turned out like a brazen tomboy with a bad attitude and a good right hook.

    Ry, you good? Blake asked, coming

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