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From his Lips: About Our Ministry: From His Lips, #4
From his Lips: About Our Ministry: From His Lips, #4
From his Lips: About Our Ministry: From His Lips, #4
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From his Lips: About Our Ministry: From His Lips, #4

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About this ebook

There are the general purposes of God and the distinct purposes of God that He entrusts to specific individuals, groups of individuals, communities, and even to a Spiritual Movement. Both kinds of callings are documented in the Scriptures and all serve the economy of God's purposes.

To Zach Fomum and those that God called along with him, a distinct economy of the Gospel was entrusted that translated into a clear goal. The pursuance of that goal through obedience to God's specific instructions has gradually clarified the will of God and the means of accomplishing His purposes. God's will, God's ways, our responsibility, who we must be, what we must do to please God, and accomplish our goal, are presented here as constituting our ministry.

This is written for all who are part of our ministry, and for all who will be part of this ministry, so that we may serve in the same spirit for the same purpose and, by accomplishing the goal, bring glory to our Lord Jesus.

God bless you.

Release dateJul 16, 2018
From his Lips: About Our Ministry: From His Lips, #4

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

For FREE books from Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Professor Zacharias Tanee FOMUM was a man of uncommon spirituality, a leading voice for revival, a workaholic, a prophet-teacher, and a world-shaping spiritual genius. He was a bestselling Christian author (with over 350 books, over 10 million copies in circulation in over 100 languages) and a professor of Organic Chemistry (with over 160 published scientific works of high distinction (earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain). His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted churches in more than 120 nations on all continents. He believed in a life of simplicity and with the support and dedication of his wife and their seven children, his all—time, money, heart, and soul— was dedicated to spreading the Gospel. He carried out exploits for God through the making of disciples for Christ, planting of churches, building spiritual leaders according to the model of the Bible, and serving the body of Christ, especially as a teacher on prayer. Learn more and read exclusive excerpts at:

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    From his Lips - Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    From His Lips


    About Our Ministry


    BOOK 4



    Copyright © 2017 by Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Unless otherwise stated, the Bible quotations in this book are from the Revised Standard Version of the holy Bible, the British edition.

    Published by

    A division of the Book Ministry of Christian Missionary Fellowship International










    South West




    World University Of Prayer And Fasting

    School Of Knowing And Serving God

    The Book Ministry And Christian Publishing House

    World Conquest Prayer And Fasting Centre


    The Headquarters

    Radio Voice Of The Cross

    The Cassette Ministry, Internet And Audio-Visuals

    World Conquest Music

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    World Conquest Educational Establishments

    Hope Medical Services

    Love Homes

    Signs, Wonders And Miracles

    Gospel Home

    Children Ministry

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    Missionaries And Mission Fields

    The Overthrow of Satanic Princes

    The Lord’s Special Messages to me

    Back Matters


    When God showed Moses a heavenly model for His tabernacle, He accompanied the revelation with instructions, explanations and interpretations for the people of Israel.

    When the Spirit of God showed David the plans and details of the temple, David documented the revelation and left clear instructions for execution and relevance to the entire Community of Israel.

    Our Lord Jesus exemplified the Gospel and, after providing atonement for sin, gave clear instructions to the apostles regarding their service in the Gospel.

    In the clear commission of God given to Professor Zacharias Fomum and his co-workers, God has accompanied revelation with instructions about what we must do and who we must be in order to accomplish what He expects of us.

    Journey with us from the lips of this leader into all that God would have us do in our generation and for our generation, and join us in the accomplishment of this goal for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ as God leads you.

    God bless you.


    Yaounde is the Capital of Cameroon (A country in Central Africa) where Brother Zach lived and was the base of his ministry from 1975 to 2010. He was a (lecturer) Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Yaounde.



    The Lord insisted on my ministry in isolation and loneliness. He told me that there are many pastors in the Church.

    I am the only one, at least as of now in our ministry, to write books. How do you expect me to write them if I am doing the regular work of a pastor? If you want to be led by a man who has lost vision because you would not let him listen to God, I will resist being that man, because it would be a tragedy.

    Anybody who is honest ought not to ask me to do anything if in Yaounde there is somebody else who could do it, because, for the moment, there are a number of things that only I can do, and they are jeopardised.

    I am suggesting that I should be left alone to seek God, know His will, so as to take the right decisions, because they are of consequence. Some time ago, our decisions affected only this city and nation, but now they go beyond the borders of this nation.

    In the next two years, we are going to invest 75 million francs CFA into India. Is it a small matter to you? First of all I need to receive the money, and then know where to invest it such that I will be able to give account on judgment day. In the conflict against the prince of Hinduism⁠*, there are a billion people at stake. If I did not hear God correctly, and the strategy was mistaken, the consequence would be beyond telling.

    I cannot appeal to logic. I am just responding to the inward burden.


    Yaounde, 11th June, 1990.

    * Satanic prince of Hinduism



    Pray for the whole church that there would be a revolution in consecration, and in the investment of time.

    We tear the love of human company.

    We judge the restlessness that touches this and that, when one comes to seek God.

    We judge meditations; we bring into existence encounters with God.

    We impose a revolution in the speaking of truth.

    We impose a revolution in hard work.

    We impose a revolution in faithfulness.

    We impose a revolution in the desire for God.

    We impose a revolution in our use of time.

    We impose a revolution in the God content of all of us.

    We impose a revolution in importunity in prayer and insistence in prayer.

    We impose a revolution in the seeking of God.

    We judge the superficial spirit that wants to sing and sing.

    We impose a revolution in the stubborn pursuit of God until He is found.

    We impose a revolution in the discipline of listening to God.

    We impose a revolution in bringing God into the minute details of our lives.

    We impose a revolution in consulting God in our travel plans and our finances.

    We impose a revolution that brings God and makes God’s children to believe that they will hear Him when they come to seek Him.

    We judge the spirit of unbelief and bring it to naught, and we impose faith.

    We impose a revolution in the handling of money.

    We impose a revolution in the handling of sleep.

    We impose a revolution in the handling of time.

    We impose diligence in all we do.

    We impose a spirit that makes us give ourselves to all we meet.

    We impose the capacity to make history for God.


    Yaounde, 2nd July, 1990.



    Pray that the church in Yaounde⁠* would be qualified to send missionaries by knowing contentment, and the right attitude to worldly things.

    Worldliness is buying things just for their appearance. There is one way to get the world out of your heart. Take the things of the world out of your life. Suffering is a part of the missionary call. Accept suffering as good soldiers of Christ.


    Yaounde, 20th March, 1993.

    * The capital city of Cameroon.



    God does not want people to invest in two major financial battles at the same time. Since the day the additional project of buying the plot for the church was shared, there has been a brutal drop of the funds that were flowing, such that for about 5 days we have not had up to 100 000 francs CFA. Thank the Lord for the lesson learnt.


    Yaounde, 23rd March, 1993.



    The goal of the church in Yaounde is to be accomplished by 2045. Three men or three women could cause us to gain 20 or 30 years and cause the city to be taken in 2 years.


    Yaounde, 6th May, 1993.



    Unless we are a radically holy people and our work is a radically holy work, it is an abomination to God. Pray that God’s fear of sin would radically characterise anyone who dares to come to pray on Mondays.

    Pray that my whole life would proclaim, The Lord is Holy!

    Pray that the one proclamation of my life when I’m praying would be, The Lord is Holy!

    Pray that the one proclamation of my life, when I’m teaching would be, The Lord is Holy!

    Pray that the one proclamation of my life when I’m eating would be, The Lord is Holy!

    Pray that all would be, Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord is Holy!

    Anybody who intends to continue coming to pray is saying: Woe to me if I sin deliberately!

    He is saying: Woe is me if I practice any falsehood!

    Woe is me if I lie, because without radical holiness, prayer is a knife into the heart of God!

    We consecrate the Monday night and Tuesday morning as a testimony to the fact that we have lived in holiness.

    It means things like careless thoughts, words, and careless desires are totally banished. What it means is that laziness is forever banished. It is a commitment to be accountable for every 15 minutes.

    It means that there will be no laziness, no gluttony, that there will be no conscious manifestation of self. In every situation that requires death, you will die immediately and not die a few minutes afterwards. It may be too late. It cannot be postponed until things are more convenient. It is a commitment to truth as God knows it, in word, thought and deed.


    Yaounde, 10th May, 1993.



    Since the overthrow of the Prince of Yaounde⁠*, the Lord has been training us for battle, and the Lord is calling us to battle. The Lord has given us the city of Yaounde, but our victory depends upon our faith.

    This is what the LORD says to you: "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your position; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you (2 Chronicles 20:15-17).

    Our victory to possess Yaounde depends on our faith. The limits to which we can go in Yaounde do not depend on God, but on us. God’s limits are all the inhabitants of the city of Yaounde.

    God’s limit is:

    the whole city

    all the important personalities,

    all the inhabitants,

    all His children.

    But the extent to which we shall possess this city no longer depends on God, but on us.

    The first responsibility that falls on us is fasting and prayer. We can only possess the city of Yaounde to the limits of God through fasting and prayer. God does not identify with that which is not the result of fasting and prayer.

    Even if it is in the centre of God’s will that I go and evangelise my neighbour, if I don’t soak it in fasting and prayer, God does not identify with my evangelism. Anyone who comes to the Tuesday Teaching Ministry must attend the Thursday prayer meeting till at least 12 am. Each of the 350 people who come to be taught on Tuesday must recruit two people at least. Let the irregular people and the absentees repent.

    You will know where we are going to, if you are regular. We cannot possess this city without fasting and prayer. The things God has purposed to do through us in Yaounde cannot come to pass unless we fast and pray.


    Yaounde, 15th May, 1993.

    * Satanic Prince of Yaounde



    Many believers lose the anointing. They do not keep it. They meet God in the morning, but the reason why many people do not make much progress is that they receive the anointing and lose it, then receive it again yet lose it. Dispositional sins are the root cause of many people losing the anointing. A long face, grumbling and when repentance is not prompt, are some reasons why the anointing is lost. Many believers have no concept of the spiritual world. Careless laughing after one has been in God’s presence, light heartedness etc. cause people to lose the anointing.

    Pray that believers who quench the anointing would repent.

    When believers are talking carelessly, the man with the anointing should move away. If he joins them, he would lose the anointing.

    Pray that the saints would know how to touch God.

    Pray that the saints would know how to walk with God.

    Pray that the saints would know how to receive the anointing.

    Pray that the saints would know how to walk under the anointing.



    There are twelve things that must be uprooted from the church in Yaounde:

    We must uproot from the church in Yaounde the failure to pray alone -

    the failure to pray with depth alone.

    the failure to pray at length alone.

    the failure to pray to heights alone.

    the failure to build a relationship with God in prayer alone.

    the failure to stay in God’s presence in prayer alone and

    the failure to make history with God in praying alone.

    Let us uproot this evil from the church in Yaounde, from every heart.

    Yaounde, 25th May, 1993.



    House churches were the strategy God gave us. The centres are what came up accidentally from the Bonnke’s campaign. Now people prefer the centres. It is like two parallel movements: the centres and the house churches. What people are doing in assemblies just after the meeting at the centres is putting in an appearance. After the meetings at centres, the people don’t’ have the burden for another meeting.

    Let us pray that the Lord would bring a corrective element to the church in Yaounde. You can’t have success in centres and success in assemblies. To ask people to give eight hours on Sunday, to the two meetings is to fail. It is not that people don’t want assemblies, but if the assemblies were in the mornings, they would be full everywhere.

    My worry is that, people are imitating some things in the mission fields without thinking. The centres provide certain things that assemblies do not provide. Some assemblies were divided just for the pursuit of numbers, such that these assemblies do not provide life at all.

    Pray that when I share this with the elders today, they would understand.

    The participation of the elders in the meetings is low. Last Tuesday, there were thirteen elders who were not there. Brother Joe (the coordinating elder) has just sent a letter to remind those who were absent to be there.

    Let us pray that God would move them. I want you to see something in order to engrave it in your life: when the prayer structure of any system crumbles, it is like the crumbling of the nervous system. It is war to build it up again.

    Let us pray that the Lord would grant us the patience to build and rebuild the prayer life of the church in Yaounde.

    We need a builder; a man who is committed to build the prayer life of the church in Yaounde.

    Yaounde, 25th May, 1993.



    There are some elders, who will soon cease being elders in the church in Yaounde, because they are losing view of the whole church, and are caught up in their small kingdoms.

    The elder’s vision must be city-wide. Even if he is serving in one assembly, he does it as a part of the whole. It must be the whole church, before your private affair. The elder is the elder of the whole church.

    He must stretch his gifts and talents to minister to the whole church. He must bear the burden of the whole church. It is the whole church first. Whatever you are in charge of, is a part of the whole church. It is the victory of the whole church that we are interested in, not that of one group here or there. If your pride prevents you from learning, then you are really small. Every teacher of worth is the student of another teacher.


    Yaounde, 7th December, 1993.



    Nobody shall be ordained elder whose wife does not have the qualification of an elder’s wife. When people come to an elder’s house and he is not there, they should turn to a spiritual woman (his wife), who should be able to handle things and meet their spiritual needs.

    Warfare means that when a man is faint, he continues to pursue in the settled direction at any cost to himself.

    An overcomer labours 365 days a year.

    Pray that God would have the overcomers He needs to fight His end-time battles.


    Yaounde, 9th December, 1993.



    Prayer is omnipotent, next to God.

    There is no heart that cannot be moved through prayer.

    Next year, there shall be twelve evangelistic centres to proclaim the Gospel in the city of Yaounde. In 1994, there shall be twelve centres of teaching in the city of Yaounde.

    Each elder will have a centre and pull the fruit into the assemblies. Make sure a prayer team is built for prayer at the 5 to 1 prayer ratio (pray five hours for every hour of ministry).


    Yaounde, 19th December, 1993.


    VISION FOR 1994

    God’s vision for the church in Yaounde for 1994 is to have three times more believers and three times more assemblies than we see in 1993.

    Pray that all in your assembly would see this.

    Thank God for the people you will personally bring. Begin to work on your personal contribution from January.

    Pray for evangelistic centres in⁠*:





    and for the ministries to students.

    The 6,000 people in the church need 180 assemblies to house them. Pray for distinctive pastoral gifts.


    Yaounde, 22nd December, 1993.

    * All quarters in the city of Yaounde



    The vision of the church in Yaounde is to have 500,000 disciples, who render total obedience to the Lord Jesus in all things by 2045.

    In 1996, our duty is to ensure that all who are in the church remain there and grow in their knowledge of God. They should know His word more, read and study His word so that they grow in the knowledge of God. Through prayer, waiting on God, going on retreats; they should grow in their desire to obey God and serve Him.

    Lord, put in our hearts the desire to be like Jesus in character.

    Pray that each believer would have a desire to please God as much as possible, with all his strength.

    Pray that we would be sensitive about our decisions and please God as a priority.

    To succeed, God has given us a strategy: the making of disciples.

    Pray that brethren would understand the making of disciples as God’s strategy for personal success.

    Pray that believers would desire to be disciples.

    Pray that believers would desire to make disciples.

    Pray that the Lord would teach us how to make disciples.

    Yaounde, 1st January, 1996.



    Battles are won by teaching the soldiers how to die, not how to avoid dying.

    I shall bring 10,000 souls from the fields of the nations.

    I want someone to carry the burden of 10,000 souls.

    I want someone to carry the burden of 10,000 people baptised into the Holy Spirit.

    There will be 160 nights (four 40-day prayer crusades) ¹ this year.

    We will pray until this city trembles with the fear of God.

    We will pray until the city is on fire for God.

    Douala ² is giving me a missionary. I will send him to Burundi.

    Pray that we would be 400 praying people as the crusade advances.

    Pray that we would see the goals of the city and the nation accomplished.


    Yaounde, 8th February, 1996.

    ¹ A period of prayer from 8 to 17 hours daily.

    ² The economic capital of Cameroon.



    I wish the elders of the church in Yaounde gave themselves seven days of evangelism and planting of churches, because people may ask you: Which church did you plant? What are the results from your street evangelism? If they asked, what will you show them? And they have the right to ask. Eldership must go beyond going to open new assemblies.

    A challenge to the elders: Each of you should plant a church in this city this year. Go where there is no church, lead people to the Lord, baptise them and start an assembly. If not, I will send you to go and visit the missionaries. You will be visiting them though you lack what they know, and you will realise that you lack what it takes to command obedience. Yet you will need to go and encourage them. Plant one church and establish a testimony.

    Paul Foka, ¹ (principal of the School of Knowing and Serving God then), You must plant a church in order to be a principal for the missionaries, because doctrine must be backed by life. Authoritative teaching says, ‘I did this thing; do it like me.’

    Pray that the elders in Yaounde would take this challenge.

    Pray that the elders would abandon the routine of the elder’s life.

    There are many things that the elders do, which if stopped, would not affect the church in Yaounde. For example, seeing people whom if they did not see, nothing major would go wrong. (95% of the people they see are in this class).

    The elders could save 50% of their time if they stopped doing useful things and started doing only the musts. There are many things the elders do, which they should hand to the deacons. The deacons and the deaconesses should do the useful things and the elders should do the musts of apostolic priority. Leadership priority is prayer and the ministry of the Word.

    Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them… (Acts 6:3).

    Pray that the first priority of the elders would be prayer, and the second, the ministry of the Word.


    Yaounde, 1st July, 1996.

    ¹ Principal of the school of knowing and serving God from 1983-1992.



    I have begun to think that if we left the West ¹ on its own, it would never rise. We must send national missionaries to the West of Cameroon: to Mbouda, Dshang, Bagangte, and Foumban (towns in the west of Cameroon).

    It needs somebody with the weight of an elder in Yaounde to stop the devils in those places - somebody who would go there to plant, to build and to develop a solid church that would take the surrounding places, just as the missionary we sent to Tanzania did.

    When we were going on a trip to the North, ² we took note that the following places in Cameroon need missionaries:













    I want to identify twenty-four places in Cameroon. We need twenty-four missionaries - national missionaries. They will come to the School of Knowing and Serving God. We think they will need two months to be trained;

    A month in the School of Knowing and Serving God,

    one week with brother Emmanuel to learn prayer and

    two weeks in the church in Yaounde, just to see how church administration works.

    If we can release twenty-four people into the work in Cameroon, especially taking these critical towns, it will take us far.

    I want a director of national missionaries.

    He will fast to see them come up.

    He will pray for their relationship with brother Emmanuel Bayiha who is the national leader.

    He will pray for their relationship with the provincial leaders, installing them by violent prayers.

    He will build a team.

    Pray that God would give us a man or a woman to carry this task. You don’t have to be married to be sent out as national missionary.


    Yaounde, 8th July, 1996.

    ¹ The CMFI work in the West region of Cameroon.

    ² North region of Cameroun

    ³ Some localities in the administrative regions of Cameroon.



    These are very miserable days for me. Unless something drastic happens, the work is gone. The world has lodged itself very deeply in the church. Very soon, we will just be like the Catholic Church, the Presbyterian Church, or any other religious system - a purely worldly system. Talking with God this morning, He said we must correct things, beginning with the elders.

    In Bafoussam, (a city in the west of Cameroon), as observed yesterday, the totality of leadership, except one person owns a TV set. Even that one person was keeping somebody’s TV set. And those wicked men would not pray! The whole church is in a state of backsliding. The total leadership is given to the love of the world. Little praying. Little evangelism. The world! The world! The world!


    Yaounde, 15th July, 1996.



    The vision:To bring one billion people from all over the world, from every tongue, tribe and nation, who render to Jesus Christ, total obedience in everything.

    Pray that we would see the fact that the church in Yaounde is a missionary church, with heavy responsibility as far as the one billion people to be brought to the Lord Jesus is concerned. We, (the church in Yaounde) are called to pay the price in prayer that others are not called to pay. We will pay a price in prayer.

    Pray that all the saints would wake up to our financial responsibilities as individuals; wake up to see that we are a missionary church, and pay the price, (like the church in Macedonia who gave out of poverty), because God called us to be a missionary church.


    Yaounde, 9th August, 1996.



    My deepest worry is that the brethren in India are under an illusion, that the brethren in Yaounde have obeyed all that I have taught, and they want to come and learn. When they come someday, and someone takes them to stay in his home, and they ask him, Show me your prayer book, your meditation book, etc.

    The question is: Do we have a hundred homes in the city of Yaounde that can receive a hundred Indians to train them? May God grant us a thousand and someday ten thousand of such homes. We want to communicate the need to pray.

    We want to communicate the need to pray in an orderly way.

    We want to give the world a proof that God answers prayer.

    The School of Seeking God’s will is a School in which all who are to make progress in prayer must enrol.


    Yaounde, 5th October, 1996.




    1988 30

    1989 36

    1990 36

    1991 37

    1992 37

    Overthrow of the satanic prince of Yaounde

    1993 52

    1994 67

    1995 100

    1996 184

    From 37 to 184 house churches in 4 years since the overthrow of the satanic prince of Yaounde. The truth is that at the beginning, we had a vigorous militant church. But now, it is a backslidden church. From the above statistics, there is clear evidence of strategic praying. I have given testimony all over about a praying church in Yaounde, and people would like to come here to see. But if they come and see these people praying here, if they come and see the number of people who came to pray two hours late, I think honesty would require that I apologise to them. I will be going to a prayer conference to talk about the prayer life of the church. At that conference, we will train people who will go round the world praying. They will want to come here, and when they come, they will take me for a crook. We will no longer have a message. If I were going to talk about personal praying, I have my accounts for everyday of this month. But most brethren have abandoned prayer.

    There were 120 to 130 people who wrestled at the 51-day prayer crusade in 1990, I can’t find such a number to wrestle such battles today. Who goes out to talk about the past?

    If anybody knows why there should be a testimony to the world from a backslidden church, let him speak out. What is to be said for people who, on a public holiday, come 1 hour 30 minutes late for a prayer meeting!


    Yaounde, 10th February, 1997.



    As a church in Yaounde, we are called to be God’s watchmen for the work; taking no rest and giving God no rest. The flow of God’s blessings to one nation after another, to one mission field after another, is governed by the church in Yaounde as she prays. Shall we humble ourselves and indeed pray? God has humbled Himself, limiting Himself by us, so that this purpose of His, through us, will be accomplished.

    No matter how big the locomotive, it cannot go one meter beyond the rails.

    No matter how glorious the purpose of God is, it will not go one meter beyond our praying.


    Yaounde, 17th February, 1997.



    A lover of the world in the church in Yaounde is a diluter of the gospel content. A consecrated man or woman in Yaounde loves the conquest of the 200 nations. ¹

    The church in Yaounde is acting either for the blessing or for the curse of the nations.

    The elders, each member, the programme, and philosophy of the church in Yaounde - everything in Yaounde is acting either for the blessing or for the curse of the nations.

    Every house church in Yaounde is either for the cursing or the blessing of the nations. The attitude to evangelism of every believer in the church in Yaounde is either for cursing or blessing.

    The attitude to prayer of every believer in the church in Yaounde is either for cursing or blessing.

    Pray that every believer in the church in Yaounde would say,

    I am acting for 200 nations.

    Pray that every believer in the church in Yaounde would say,

    I am acting for one billion people, for their cursing or their blessing.

    I am determinant to what will happen at the judgment seat for one billion people.

    I am a curse or a blessing for one billion people.

    To the angel of the church in Yaounde, write: You are the worldly church.

    Even among you, elders, are lovers of the world.

    Worldliness has come and is eating very deeply into the church.

    All the people who aspire to the eldership of the church are worldly people.

    And I cannot count on 25% of the members of the church in Yaounde to be at the place of prayer.

    I cannot count on 50% of the people in the church in Yaounde to give the tithe.

    Repent from where you have fallen,

    if not, I will come and remove your candle stick.

    Unless you repent…

    That is a word from the throne.


    Yaounde, 21st April, 1997.

    ¹ Currently 250 nations of the World.



    Before I preached my last message in the Presbyterian Church in Djoungolo, (a neighbourhood in Yaounde), I fasted for 6 days. God shook the place. The message of the gospel lasted 28 minutes, but so mighty was the touch of God that people were trembling as they were going to open their cars and drive away. Only believers stayed for tea that day. Generally, at the end of the service, everybody gathered to drink tea, but that day, all the unbelievers ran away under conviction, and only believers stayed for tea.


    Yaounde, 2nd June, 1997.



    The sin book ¹ is a must for anyone in the church in Yaounde, who wants to go anywhere with God.


    Yaounde, 16th September, 1997.

    ¹ A notebook used to meticulously confess your sins one by one as they were committed one by one. It helps one to be thorough with respect to handling sin. After confession and receiving forgiveness and cleansing by the Blood, the pages are torn out and burnt. It is a common practice in the ministry of brother Zach.



    I had dreams for the church in Yaounde. My dream was a church where everybody gave in order to be abundantly blessed.

    My dream was a church where everybody was at the prayer meeting and prayed.

    My dream was a church where 90% of the income was given to foreign missions.

    I will be praying for the church in Yaounde according to the book, Personal Spiritual Revival.

    I will be praying for the church in Yaounde so that everyone gives to the Lord generously.

    I will be praying for the church for consecrated people.

    Pray that the vision would not only be established but realised.


    Yaounde, 4th November, 1997.



    A servant is preoccupied with the interests of another. The 82 nights of prayer ended in spiritual darkness. It was wonderful until the 50 th day. Then it became necessary to stop at the 82 nd day instead of the 81st. Many brethren rebelled. They did not want God to have any more nights. The 82 nd night was to be a night of thanksgiving. There is no question God had done many great things. In the first 40-day Prayer Crusade of this decade, which became a 51-day prayer Crusade, God dealt with the issue of money permanently. The matter of money and the Kingdom were settled forever, not only for Yaounde, but for the whole work.

    In Chad, a young convert of last year has given one million francs CFA for the Headquarters plot.

    In Uganda, a brother has given a million shillings for the building of a Christian Missionary Fellowship International hall in Kampala. So, what went forth from the 1990 prayer crusade about money and the Kingdom, has become a world affair. This Prayer Crusade is the tenth 40-day Prayer Crusade we are having together. God has also handled the matter of holiness in a radical way and a number of brethren have entered into the holiness

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