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The First Unicorn
The First Unicorn
The First Unicorn
Ebook56 pages9 minutes

The First Unicorn

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Almost everyone knows what a unicorn is, but do you know where they came from? Who was the first unicorn? How did he get his golden horn? And why did others follow in his footsteps?
Aden is a young horse, who believes that giving of his time and gifts is the best way to share hope in the world. One evening, he is visited by an angel who bestows a gift of gold upon his forehead, “You cannot see or spend it. It’s for others to behold.” However, when he returns home that evening, the herd sees the horn as a weapon and chases him away.
Sad but not discouraged, Aden continues to helping and caring for others. However, when his mother gets injured, he discovers his horn can perform miracles. It was that first miracle that softened the hearts of the others and inspired them to lead a God-filled life as well.

This story is about love, acceptance, kindness and giving. It is the story of the First Unicorn and how God’s creation would succeed at greatness.

“Anything is possible if love is what you choose. Miracles can happen if you share the good news.”

Release dateJul 31, 2023
The First Unicorn

Kathleen J. Shields

Kathleen J. Shields is an award winning author, having won first place for Best Educational Children’s Series from the Texas Association of Authors in 2015, and the Purple Dragonfly Award in 2017 for the Hamilton Troll Cookbook.She has 27 published books ranging from illustrated children’s books, tween chapter books, young adult and adult, as well as Christian Fiction.She is currently working on the third book of The Painting Trilogy, her memoirs, along with a fun factual story called Turtle Diaries. Her hope is to teach young readers more interesting tidbits about various turtle species through the first person perspective of a tortoise.During the week, she runs her own businesses (plural); a website and graphic design company, and a publishing house where she assists new authors in making their dreams come to reality.Over the weekends, you can usually find her setup at a market day, craft show, church bizarre or any place that will let her setup a table to promote and sell her books, throughout the Texas Hill Country.She also thoroughly enjoys visiting schools and libraries, reading to young children and inspiring 3rd through 5th graders into using their imaginations to embellish their creative writing skills.

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    Book preview

    The First Unicorn - Kathleen J. Shields

    The First Unicorn

    © Copyright 2023 Kathleen J. Shields

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission by the author/publisher.

    ISBN: 978-1-956581-23-2 Picture Book Hardback

    ISBN: 978-1-956581-24-9 Picture Book Paperback

    ISBN: 9798215355268 Smashwords ASIN: B0C9FZ7TW2 Kindle E-Book

    ISBN: 978-1-956581-25-6 Coloring Book (Black & White Interior)

    Writers Guild of America Registration #221977

    Scripture from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation Copyright ©1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189.

    A few thousand years ago

    on a land quite far away, lived a herd of wild horses,

    who didn’t like to play.

    The horses simply ate all day, to others they were blind.

    Other animals would

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