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Brush With Love: Brush with...Series, #2
Brush With Love: Brush with...Series, #2
Brush With Love: Brush with...Series, #2
Ebook224 pages3 hours

Brush With Love: Brush with...Series, #2

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In the aftermath of a devastating loss, Taylor guards her heart with an impenetrable shield. The memory of losing her fiancé in a tragic accident haunts her, leaving little room for romantic entanglements. Yet, fate has a different plan as she finds herself entangled with none other than Jake Paxton, the infuriatingly charming brother of her best friend's fiancé, Ryan.

While Taylor despises Jake's carefree demeanor and the undeniable attraction that sparks between them, she can't deny the magnetic pull that draws them together. Determined to protect herself from the potential of heartbreak once more, Taylor struggles to maintain a safe distance from the charming rogue.

As friendship blurs into something more, Taylor is faced with an emotional dilemma. Can she overcome her past and open her heart to love again? Or will the scars of loss and the fear of heartbreak keep her from embracing the chance at a new beginning? In this rollercoaster of emotions, Taylor must confront her deepest fears and question whether love can truly conquer all, even the pain of the past. Will she take the leap and let love in, or will the ghosts of yesterday shatter any chance at a future with Jake?


For ages 18+. Brush With Love is a sexy, steamy romance with adult language and scenes. 


Brush With Love  is book 2 of the Brush With series. Each book is a stand alone book, each with a happy ending. 


Brush With series:

Brush With Fame

Brush With Love

Brush With Hope

PublisherHeather Lloyd
Release dateOct 12, 2021
Brush With Love: Brush with...Series, #2

Heather Lloyd

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    Book preview

    Brush With Love - Heather Lloyd

    Chapter 1

    The car races down the winding gravel road. It seems like the driver is trying to get away from something. He pushes down on the accelerator, making the engine work even harder. Out of nowhere a car comes around the curve on the opposite side of the road, blinding light strikes the first driver’s eyes. There is no time to get out of the way. The cars hit head on. There is the most horrendous sound of metal smashing and twisting, glass breaking, and horns blaring. I run up to the cars to see if I can help. When I look into the broken window, Brian’s empty, unblinking eyes are staring back at me.

    Iwake up screaming , drenched in sweat, breathing erratically, tears streaming down my face. I can’t catch my breath.

    Crap! What the hell?

    Damn it! Not that dream again!

    I sit up in bed trying to calm my heaving chest. I pull my night shirt away from where it sticks to my body. Closing my eyes, I shudder violently and slowly breathe in and out.

    Why am I dreaming about Brian and the accident again?

    I should be over this. I tucked it firmly away months ago. That gaping hole that was in my heart was sealed. Numerous therapy sessions helped me get over the accident or so I thought.

    But here it is again, trying to break open the wound. I can feel it trying to break open once more.  Even after all this time, it still hurts so much.

    I walk into the bathroom, turn on the light, brace my arms on the counter and stare at myself in the mirror.

    Oh, good Lord!

    Besides my hair being a rat’s nest from my restless sleep, I am extremely pale and have dark, dark circles under my eyes.

    I let out a moan, almost a growl, at my reflection.

    Taylor, you are not going to fall back into that depression again, I scold my reflection.

    Trying to shake off the edginess, I splash cold water on my face. Sadly, it doesn’t help.

    I sigh and shuffle back to bed. I try to go back to sleep, but that dream is so vivid in my mind. Once I close my eyes, I am instantly back in the nightmare. I toss and turn. I try to think of anything else, but the dream keeps sneaking back into my subconscious. Sorrow and despair descends on me.

    Ugh...! I am going to be stuck in this depression if I don’t do something. Sitting up, I switch on my bedside lamp, take out my journal and start dumping.

    I just had the dream about Brian and the accident again. I don’t know what triggered it. No one has mentioned him recently. I haven’t really thought about him. Maybe that’s why it came. Maybe I’m supposed to remember him. All I know is that it’s gotten me all upset. I can’t go back to sleep because as soon as I close my eyes, his face pops up. It took me so long to get over him. I’ve worked so hard to move on. I can’t let myself take a step back in the healing process. But he’s coming back front and center in my mind. Four years. I still can’t believe he’s gone. We would have been married for about three years now. Wonder if we would have had a child.

    God! I’ve got to stop or I really am going to go into a depression again.

    Frustrated with myself and my thoughts, I slam the journal closed and throw it in the night stand drawer. I growl out my frustration and flop back onto the bed.

    I didn’t have to be up for another couple hours and had hoped to sleep until then. Looks like that wasn’t in the cards for me. Journaling helped but I’m still not even close to being calm.

    I turn on the TV and mindlessly watch the early morning news.

    Once it is light outside, I go for a long walk, hoping exercise and nature will help clear my mind.

    There are so many people out for a walk or jog. Some smile or wave or say good morning. But none of it helps, either. I go home, take a shower, get ready for the day and resign myself to the fact that today is going to be a difficult day. I find other things to do until I need to leave.

    The bright point of my day is that my best friend, Olivia, and her fiance Ryan, are finally coming home. Olivia has spent the past few weeks in London with Ryan. Coming along with Olivia and Ryan are Ryan’s brother Jake and Ryan’s security, Jeremy.

    Why the need for security? Well, Ryan is the Ryan Paxton. Hottest actor in Hollywood right now. Olivia just got engaged to Ryan. Yes, I am insanely jealous. However, I am also extremely happy for Olivia. She deserves to be happy after dealing with her lying, cheating bastard of a husband. Correction, ex-husband. Ryan helped her through that awful situation.

    Anyway, Ryan and Olivia’s engagement got leaked to the press by Ryan’s brother’s ex-girlfriend, who was apparently only with Jake to get info on Ryan. I have come to the conclusion that Jake must be an idiot. They couldn’t have been together as long as they were and he did not suspect anything. He had to have known something. You pick up on these things. Those little nagging questions of ‘why is she doing that’ or ‘what’s up with all the questions’. I’m sure she wouldn’t be that obvious, but still.

    I also cannot understand how Olivia and Ryan forgave him so fast and trusts him to come with them. I’m not sure I can forgive him for that. He’s an idiot! Hope they don’t expect me to get along with him.

    After I do some straightening up around the house, I leave for work. Thankfully, I am only working half a day. This afternoon I am going over to Olivia’s to welcome them home and help with whatever they need.

    Work is really busy but I need this afternoon away from work. I’ve been so swamped, I can’t even think straight. This afternoon will be the perfect distraction.

    Around 10:30, I finally received a text from Olivia.

    Just landed. Can’t wait to see you.

    I text her back.

    I’ll be over after lunch with Ally.

    Once I leave work, I meet up with Ally. She’s so excited to have Ryan in town again. Ally is into celebrity news/gossip like crazy. She’s just so excited to hang out with Ryan. He answers all of her crazy questions. You can definitely tell she’s the youngest of us.

    So everyone is reporting that Olivia must be pregnant for Ryan to marry her so fast.

    Well that’s just bull-shit.

    Oh, I know. They’re also saying that Leslie Day is scorned because Olivia stole Ryan away from her.

    How do they come up with this crap?

    You know there’s been talk forever about Ryan and Leslie being a couple. It’s just because they’re in movies together. Anyway, you’ll have to let me know what Ryan’s brother and bodyguard are like, Ally says between bites.

    Ugh, Jake. I can’t imagine he’s too interesting. But I bet Ryan’s bodyguard is.

    Ally shakes her head at me, laughing.

    What? I ask.

    Remind me to never get on your bad side. You don’t let go of grudges.

    Well, I just don’t think Jake is innocent. Olivia and Ryan forgave him too quickly. The least they should have done was make him sweat a little.

    Ally fills me in on other celebrity news while we finish our lunch.

    Thanks for meeting me for lunch, Ally says, giving me a hug.

    Any time, I reply. I’ll see you later.

    Be nice to Jake, Ally calls out. He’s Ryan’s brother. He’s going to be around a lot.

    Not that much, I think to myself. Hopefully, he’ll be going back to London soon.

    When I pull up to Olivia’s house, there’s a big black SUV in her driveway. I assume that’s the rental for Ryan.

    Before I get out of my car, I flip the visor down and check my makeup, making sure my dark eye circles are still concealed. I may not have gotten much sleep last night, but at least I don’t look as bad as I feel. Makeup is magic.

    I get out of the car and walk up to the door. Normally I ring the doorbell and just walk right in, but I feel like I should respect their privacy.  So I push the button and wait.

    I’ll get it, I hear someone yell.

    The door swings open. There is a tall, gorgeous, dark-haired man smiling down at me.

    I stare up at him. Wow! This guy is cute. Could this be Ryan’s bodyguard?

    He laughs and smiles.

    Hi. I’m Jake, he says.

    Nuh, uh. No way. This can not be Jake. I didn’t picture him so cute. I was actually hoping he wouldn’t be. It would go along so much better with the crap his ex pulled. I don’t know if I can handle a cute Jake with what I’ve been through this morning.

    I...uh... I’m Taylor, I stumble.

    The infamous Taylor. I’ve heard about you. Come in, come in.

    I walk in and see a big guy sitting on Olivia’s couch. Oh my God. Look at his muscles! Dang! This guy is definitely the bodyguard.

    That’s Jeremy, Jake says.

    Hi, Jeremy greets me.

    I wave and turn back to Jake.

    You’re Jake, Ryan’s brother?

    He starts to say something. I cut him off. I shake my head trying to clear it.

    Where’s Olivia? I ask.

    She’s in the bedroom, Ryan says from behind me.

    I swing around and smile.

    Hi Taylor, Ryan says.

    Ryan, I greet him and give him a hug. I’m going to talk to Olivia.

    I rush down the hallway to the master.

    Taylor! Olivia cries out, and comes to give me a hug.

    Once we get in the room, I shut the door.

    What’s wrong? Olivia asks.

    You didn’t tell me he was gorgeous. You should have warned me, I gripe.

    What? Who?

    Jake! I exclaim.

    Oh, well. He’s Ryan’s brother. I thought you would assume.... Wait! Do you like Jake?

    No, no! I point at Olivia. I just didn’t realize. I wanted him to be the ugly brother.

    Olivia laughs. You’re out of luck. All three brothers are gorgeous.

    I pout. Olivia gives me another hug.

    I hate boys who are pretty. Now there’s two of them here.

    Olivia laughs again as she turns back to continue unpacking her suitcase.

    I missed you! You cannot go away again, I complain.

    Aww, I missed you too Taylor. But you’re out of luck on me not going away. She studies me for a minute.

    Are you okay Taylor? You look tired or stressed.

    Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I brush off her concern.  Work’s been crazy, busy and I didn’t get enough sleep last night.

    Hot date? Olivia grins wickedly.

    I roll my eyes.

    I wish. No. I just had a bad dream. Couldn’t sleep. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine.

    Tell me about the dream, Olivia says.

    It’s nothing. Tell me about the flight.

    Olivia tells me about the airplane experience with Ryan, how annoyed she got with the flight attendants, fans and reporters everywhere. She continues to unpack as she tells me.

    When Olivia has everything in its place in the bedroom, we go out to the kitchen. Jake and Jeremy are on the couch in the living room.

    So...has it been this constant super crazy people-following-us-around since the news got out or has it calmed down some? I ask, glancing at Jake. He is watching me and Olivia. I ignore him and my thundering heart and focus my attention back to Olivia. 

    Olivia shrugs. It hasn’t been too bad.

    That is not true. Unfortunately, it’s been crazy. I think it will take a bit for things to calm down, Ryan replies as he comes up behind Olivia and circles her waist with his arms.

    I feel the sadness trying to return. Damn that stupid dream for dredging everything up. I turn my back on Olivia and Ryan before I start crying. Normally the affection doesn’t bother me. I just can’t handle it today. 

    I see Jake scrolling through the TV channels. Yes! He will provide the perfect distraction.

    "So, Jake...tell me, how did you not know that Drey was...who she was? I mean, she was using you, right? But she couldn’t have been that secretive. You were with her for a while, right?

    He narrows his eyes at me, but I continue on.

    I just don’t get how you did not see what she was doing? I snarl at Jake, bitterness flavoring every word. As far as I am concerned, this whole mess is Jake’s fault. Or maybe you help her get the scoop on Ryan?

    His mouth drops open and he glares at me. I smirk.

    Taylor! Olivia scolds me.

    I glance at her and shrug then shake my head.

    What the hell! I didn’t know. I feel bad enough about everything going on with Ryan and Olivia without you adding to it, ok, Jake says defensively. Drey was getting info on Ryan and I did not help her.

    I am so satisfied that this is bothering him. I want to make him stew in guilt. This is what Olivia and Ryan should have done.

    I don't know, Jake. It doesn’t make sense to me. If you knew her well enough that you were bringing her to family events, wouldn’t you have known? Didn’t you ever meet her friends? Ask what they did? She had to have done stuff that made you question what she was doing or why she was asking questions. That makes me think you were in on it too.

    I want him to admit he knew something was up with her, but he will not budge.

    I didn’t know anything. He says through his teeth. He is getting really mad now. I don’t care. He needs to take responsibility for this mess.

    Did she pay you?

    He flies off the couch and storms over to me.

    Hey now, Ryan says.

    I see Jeremy get up to come after Jake, but Ryan holds up a hand, telling him to wait.

    I brace myself and take a few steps towards him.

    Taylor, Olivia warns.

    You’re full of shit, Jake spews. Maybe I did screw up by dating Drew. But it’s really none of your business, is it? Who the hell do you think you are, bitch?

    Ha, he thinks I‘m being a bitch. I look up into his face.

    Oh, I can be a bitch if you want me to, Jake. I’m just trying to understand the situation because it doesn’t make sense to me. It is my business, because my best friend, I point at Olivia, has gone through a bunch of shit these past few months, years even, and now these stupid reporters are constantly hanging out, being around, bugging her, following her around. I want to know she is protected. But it seems her future family can’t do that.

    I am so irritated with him. He thinks he’s!

    What the... Jake says.

    Taylor, enough, Olivia says at the same time, clearly agitated with me.

    That’s when I realized that I insulted Ryan with my last comment. That was not my intent. That was a really

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