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Dr. Debbie's Delicious Ketogenic Dishes for Women with Hashimoto's
Dr. Debbie's Delicious Ketogenic Dishes for Women with Hashimoto's
Dr. Debbie's Delicious Ketogenic Dishes for Women with Hashimoto's
Ebook22 pages6 minutes

Dr. Debbie's Delicious Ketogenic Dishes for Women with Hashimoto's

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About this ebook

Poor food choices are a major cause of disease and discomfort for many. Good food choices often prove difficult given the time constraints of our rushed modern lives. Crafting a healthy lifestyle and diet can be overwhelming challenge without a guide. Dr. Debbie Novick's cookbook is just what you are looking for.

With Dr. Debbi

Release dateJul 7, 2023
Dr. Debbie's Delicious Ketogenic Dishes for Women with Hashimoto's

Debbie Novick

Dr. Debbie Novick is the leading expert on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Her practice in Carlsbad , CA, is one of the foremost centers in the country. Dr. Novick is a summa cum laude graduate of Life West Chiropractic College. Since graduating in April of 1996, she has continued her education with numerous post-graduate seminars and courses in nutrition, homeopathy, Bach flowers, functional medicine, and women's health.Unlike some chiropractors, Dr. Novick addresses the needs of the whole person, with several complementary holistic therapies. As a Carlsbad chiropractor, she is committed to treating patients using holistic, natural therapies which nurture the body's innate health system, and address the root cause of each person's individual health issues.In her Carlsbad chiropractic practice, Dr. Novick takes the time to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs. Patient education is another key component of Dr. Novick's Carlsbad, CA chiropractic practice. She believes in empowering patients with detailed knowledge to control their own health. She is also a great gourmet cook and due to the popularity and successful sales of her first cookbook , as well as a high demand for a second volume, she has been inspired to create a plethora of new recipes for her second cookbook due to her passionate commitment to serving the needs of her patients.

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    Dr. Debbie's Delicious Ketogenic Dishes for Women with Hashimoto's - Debbie Novick

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