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Positive Affirmations For Black Men To Increase Confidence, Wealth & Success (2 in 1): Reprogram Your Mind With Daily Affirmations For Excellence, Self-Love, Health, Abundance
Positive Affirmations For Black Men To Increase Confidence, Wealth & Success (2 in 1): Reprogram Your Mind With Daily Affirmations For Excellence, Self-Love, Health, Abundance
Positive Affirmations For Black Men To Increase Confidence, Wealth & Success (2 in 1): Reprogram Your Mind With Daily Affirmations For Excellence, Self-Love, Health, Abundance
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Positive Affirmations For Black Men To Increase Confidence, Wealth & Success (2 in 1): Reprogram Your Mind With Daily Affirmations For Excellence, Self-Love, Health, Abundance

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Introducing The 10 Hour Collection Of Positive Affirmations Written Specifically For Black Men To Rewire Your Brain For Wealth, Abundance, Confidence, Health & More!!

Positive Affirm

Release dateJun 20, 2023
Positive Affirmations For Black Men To Increase Confidence, Wealth & Success (2 in 1): Reprogram Your Mind With Daily Affirmations For Excellence, Self-Love, Health, Abundance

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    Book preview

    Positive Affirmations For Black Men To Increase Confidence, Wealth & Success (2 in 1) - Shanice Jackson

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents


    Affirmations for Confidence

    Affirmations for Self-Love

    Affirmations for Success

    Affirmations for Deep Sleep

    Affirmations for Wealth

    Affirmations for Positivity

    Affirmations for Health

    Affirmations for Anxiety

    Affirmations for Positive Thinking

    Table of Contents






    Black Excellence

    Stress and Anxiety



    It's common for us to underestimate the strength of our minds. Being oblivious of how one idea, whether good or terrible, can affect our entire mood for the day almost seems to be human nature. Ironically, when something terrible does occur, we are powerless to stop our imaginations from drifting into a string of negative ideas.

    Furthermore, this applies to everyone, including our brave Black men. The Black community has always experienced it more severely than the majority. We are uncontrollably driven down the wrong path of pessimism by it after experiencing generations of racism-based prejudice, discrimination, and hatred.

    Being a Black man in this hostile environment is challenging. We are surrounded by the negative energy that the world emits. It might be hard to stay hopeful and optimistic when everything you see, feel, and experience is working against you.

    It might be challenging to see anything else when hatred permeates everything. We therefore accept responsibility for all of our failures. Because why not, we turn against ourselves and accept what people think of us.

    But our brain also possesses tremendous strength. We must recognize that, just as technology has the potential to give rise to harmful ideas that could lead to our demise, it also has the potential to give rise to constructive ideas that could help us. All you need to do is change your viewpoint.

    Although it's not a perfect solution, I'll admit that it's a terrific beginning and frequently the start of improvement. A shift in perspective and an emphasis on the wonderful things that life has to offer might give you hope you never thought possible.

    One method for modifying our thinking is to use affirmations. In an effort to make these concepts a reality, we constantly remind ourselves of them. There are no rules governing how to use these terms. All they want is to help you get up and become the person you were meant to be.

    The book's encouraging affirmations can give you a sense of self-assurance and self-love. The brain is rewired in order to materialize wealth, good fortune, fitness, and health. It ultimately aims to assist you in realizing your full potential as a superior Black man.

    Affirmations for Confidence

    I'm a strong Black man.

    I will uphold our pride for my Black community, therefore you can rely on me.

    I can accomplish anything if I put my mind to it.

    If I put the appropriate work into it, I can achieve all of my goals.

    Success is in my nature, thus it's inevitable for me.

    I'm a powerful man.

    Because it does not accurately reflect who I actually am, how other people see me has no bearing.

    I am the architect of my life, and I am in control of what happens next.

    Nobody else possesses the collection of abilities that I do.

    I have the power to make the world a better place.

    My skin tone shows how tough and resilient I am.

    My family is proud of me and the person I will grow into.

    I can make my fantasies come true.

    I walk with a regal bearing and radiate confidence.

    I have to contribute to the world in a positive way.

    The positive energy I radiate may be felt by anyone in my near surroundings.

    My life is valuable.

    The Black community in my hometown approves of who I am and where I'm headed.

    I'm supposed to succeed.

    My mind is swimming with happy, positive concepts.

    I represent goodness, perseverance, and hope.

    My kindness will not wane in the face of unkind people.

    Any obstacles I face can be overcome.

    I am my greatest opponent.

    I shall pursue my goals and desires regardless of my race.

    I go beyond what people's preconceptions of me and the Black community are.

    I constantly speak up in support of what I stand for and for myself.

    I am a Black man of brilliance.

    I have a strong inclination to succeed in work, school, and life in general.

    Success is my destiny.

    Whatever occurs, I won't let my confidence falter.

    My history hasn't limited me.

    I can't please everyone, and that's okay.

    My self-assurance grows more and more each day.

    If I want to, I can prosper in this world.

    My goals will be achieved and my dreams will come true since I am working hard for them.

    I'm a strong Black man.

    Any challenges I encounter, I will overcome.

    I feel safe in my physical form.

    I'm here to inspire others from both inside and outside of my community.

    I should be treated as though my life is precious.

    I am outstanding, notable, and magnificent, as are other Black men.

    I am a sensible, intellectual person, and I think things out before doing them.

    I merit extraordinary things.

    I have a range of abilities, and I believe in each one of them.

    I'm a fantastic Black man.

    Even if others don't, I understand my value.

    Every day, I work hard for myself.

    Because I am confident in myself, I don't need other people's approval.

    Success and wealth are in my thoughts.

    I can and will conquer the planet.

    Even if my life is not ideal, I am content with it exactly as it is.

    I wholeheartedly accept who I am.

    I'm a powerful man who can manage any situation that arises.

    My confidence has never been higher.

    I have more than enough.

    I am aware of my worth as a person.

    I believe in the person I'm becoming into.

    When I make commitments to myself, I maintain them.

    My goals are sincere.

    I take the blows that life deals me in stride and use them to build my empire.

    I prefer faith to dread.

    Building the life I've always desired is something I'm currently doing.

    I am capable of saying no to other people when it is required.

    I decide how I want to be treated by other people.

    I appreciate being who I am.

    I am a powerful Black man who keeps his family's stability.

    I make the decision to spread joy and love today.

    I'll assist those in my Black community who are in need.

    If I convey my feelings and sentiments, I'm not weak.

    I manage to keep my cool despite the weight on my shoulders.

    I am ready for what is about to happen.

    I am not in competition with anyone else since no one can be myself.

    I completed the day having accomplished enough.

    I'm a respectable Black man.

    I'm ambitious because I believe I am capable of anything.

    I'm constantly coming up with new, fresh ideas.

    I have the power to bring my ideas to existence.

    I don't need negative self-talk in my head.

    I promise to live a positive life.

    I promise to have delight.

    I am giddy with anticipation when I think of what the future might bring.

    The time will come when the world will see my greatness.

    My intellect helps me to reject negativity.

    My soul needs joy and positive emotions to survive.

    I have an abundance of self-love and confidence.

    I trust and believe in myself, thus I don't need anyone else to do my job.

    I'm willing to wager that I'll be able to go beyond any challenges standing in my way.

    I lead

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