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Recipes For Whiskey Lovers!
Recipes For Whiskey Lovers!
Recipes For Whiskey Lovers!
Ebook77 pages48 minutes

Recipes For Whiskey Lovers!

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Publication describes a vast array of whiskey based cocktails. These include American, Canadian, Scotch and Irish Whiskey.

PublisherK. Taylor
Release dateJul 9, 2023
Recipes For Whiskey Lovers!

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    Recipes For Whiskey Lovers! - K. Taylor



    First, as author of this publication I would like to express thanks to any who’ve decided to purchase and read it. This book is specifically designed for any who enjoy whiskey in whatever form. Whiskey is among the most globally renowned alcoholic beverages known to man. It can be quite expensive as well. Its origins trace back at least 1000 years between the 11th and 13th century of our Common Era.


    For the reader, when examining the number of whisky based recipes, you’re not going to find anything new or some special alcoholic inventions. What’s contained in this publication are things that many of you are already familiar with. As is alluded to in the table of contents, the whiskey recipes are based on either a type of whiskey itself or a whiskey based liqueur. Now some of you may just like to enjoy a nice leisure cocktail every now and then.


    Others may have their own bar at home and may want to entertain guests. Perhaps you may be a professional bartender that already has an endless assortment of beverage recipes in your repertoire. Then there are those who may own or manage a restaurant or any other public establishment where alcoholic beverages are served. Whatever the case, you may find something in this book that you can benefit from. When examining the variety of whiskey recipes, this publication nor its owner doesn’t promote any specific brand or trademark of whiskey.


    If requesting or making a drink, the choice of whiskey or the liqueur is up to you. You use the particular brand that you feel is appropriate and will enhance the quality of the cocktail itself. This book nor its author doesn’t encourage the immoderate, irresponsible, or underage use of any alcoholic beverages. Like anything else, it's enjoyable and pleasurable when done only in moderation and in accordance with the law. Whether it’s whiskey or something else, please drink legally and responsibly so as to avoid being a serious hazard to yourself or anyone else. Thanks for purchasing this publication and thank you for your time. Enjoy!

    1. Bourbon


    American Sour  Black Sabbath  Bourbon Manhattan  Fill a tall glass with ice.  Fill a mixing glass with ice.  Fill a mixing glass with ice.

    2 oz Bourbon  ¾ oz  Bourbon  2 oz Bourbon.

    Dash Orange Curacao or  ¾ oz Dark Rum  Dash Sweet Vermouth

    Triple Sec  ¾ oz Jagermeister  Stir, then pour including

    Dash Orange Juice  Shake.  ice into short glass.

    Fill with Sour Mix.  Strain into chilled glass.  Garnish with cherry.


    Armored Car  Bomb  Bourbon Old Fashioned

    Fill a mixing glass with ice.  Fill a tall glass with ice.  Mix together in short glass:

    2 oz Tequila  ½ oz Scotch  Maraschino cherry [no stem]

    Dash Simple Syrup  ½ oz  Bourbon  Orange Slice

    1 oz Fresh Lemon Juice  ½ oz 151-Proof Rum  ½ tsp Sugar

    Shake until sugar dissolves  ½ oz  Dark Rum  3 dashes of Bitters

    Stir.  Dash of Grenadine  Fill the glass with ice

    Strain into chilled glass.  Fill with equal parts of Orange and  2 oz Bourbon

    Pineapple Juice.  Dash of Soda Water.

    Bambini Aruba  Shake.  Stir.

    1 oz Vodka 

    1 oz Rum  Bootlegger  Bourbon Satin

    1 oz Bourbon  ¾ oz  Bourbon  Fill a mixing glass with ice.

    Dash Grenadine  ¾ oz Tequila  1 ½ oz Bourbon

    Fill with equal parts of Sour  ¾ oz  Southern Comfort  1 oz White Creme de

    Mix, Orange and Pineapple Juice.  Shake and strain into  Cacao

    Shake. Garnish with orange  chilled glass.  2 oz Milk or Cream

    slice or cherry.  Shake.

    Strain into chilled glass.

    Biscuit Neck  Boss

    Fill a mixing glass with ice.  ¾ oz Bourbon  Bourbon Street Iced Tea

    ½ oz 101-Proof Bourbon  ½ oz  Amaretto  Fill a tall glass with ice.

    ½ oz Amaretto  Stir.  ½ oz Jim Beam

    ½ oz Irish Cream  ½ oz Jack Daniels

    ½ oz Hazelnut Liqueur    Bourbon Beehive  ½ oz Wild Turkey

    Shake. Strain into shot  2 oz Bourbon  ½ oz Yukon Jack

    glass.  1 Sage Leaf  ½ oz Southern Comfort 

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