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REALITY: The 7 Deadly Ds
REALITY: The 7 Deadly Ds
REALITY: The 7 Deadly Ds
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REALITY: The 7 Deadly Ds

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The book 'Reality, The 7 Deadly Ds' is about a great spiritual blindness, The Great Deception, envelops our world, enslaving multiplied millions in this New Age darkness. The Deluded Angry Zombie Earthlings (DAZE'ers) can't comprehend God's simple Reality: God wants none to perish, but for all to come to repentance. Reality eludes those who join

Release dateJul 10, 2023
REALITY: The 7 Deadly Ds

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    REALITY - Ian M Lytze



    The 7 Deadly Ds



    This novel's story and characters are fictitious. Certain long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary.

    Copyright © 2023 by Ian M Lytze

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form on by an electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are taken from the NASB. All rights reserved.





    The Deadly Ds are coming! Yes, this book will make you scream with laughter and horror at the same instant! How else can one convey the insanity of Man and evil at the end of time! In a planet consumed by demonic confusion, we protect your mind with an ocean of loving acronyms that tell you what you don’t know you didn’t know. Let the joy of the Lord be your protection as The Truth opens your eyes. And to all you Chicken Littles out there… enjoy Reality, while you can, as you shout to the blind and deaf the Deadly Ds are coming!



    DAZE - Deluded, Angry, Zombie, Earthlings

    HI-HI heart - Honesty-Integrity-Humility-Intimacy

    THAT - The Hate America Tyranny

    AGI - Artificial General Intelligence. Also ASI- Artificial Super Intelligence

    DEFCON Zero Now - WWIII, EMP, or any nuclear event causing death and destruction

    MOM - Mind Of Man

    MOMM - Mind Of Man Madness; When Man’s reasoning becomes Mankind’s insanity

    PMSS - Post Millennial Stress-Syndrome; Any church that diminishes end-time events

    THEM - The Hate Everything Movement; Humans who allow evil to guide their lives.

    CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency; and the global tyranny threat it represents

    Trans wokeness - The cultural contamination of this age that defiles the human state

    The Climate Changelings - The ‘Code Red’ terrorists of the ‘The Great Climate Change’ hoax

    CHT - Critical Hate Theory aka CRT - Critical Race Theory, which is the hatred of THEM.

    MSM - Main Stream Media; indoctrination, brainwashing, disinformation campaign.

    WEF - World Economic Forum aka the Beelzebub group; you’ll know THEM by their fruits

    Dragon Cabal - Global elitists

    NWO - New World Order; WEF-deep state union; Evil disguised.

    THEY - The Hate Everything You; The persecutors of the true gospel church of Jesus Christ

    The BAD - Biden Asteroid Destruction. It’s more real than you might think … or hope it isn’t. Denial can’t eliminate it, only prayer can.

    Woker-bees - The robotic foot soldiers of the Jezebellian tyranny devouring America

    Trans-whatever’s - all who abide the trans insanity, whether blindly or willingly

    XYZ’ers - those of the X-Y-Z generations who don’t know who they are or who THEY are

    MISS - Murder, Indoctrination, Seduction and Suicide of America aka The MISS.

    The Great Trib - The second half of the seven year Tribulation of Revelation

    The Gog-Magog war of Ezekiel 38,39, the war near Israel just before or after the rapture/Trib begins

    Birth pangs – Matthew 24; Do not diminish the impact of such pre-trib events.

    Overcomer - Revelation 2, 3; Book of Revelation, and et al the Rev; The true believer enduring to the end, whether as soon as desired, or not.

    CROC - Climate Readjustment Office of Change

    RIDS - Reality, Insanity, Deficiency Syndrome. You may have it and not know it.

    3-T - ToTaliTarian take-over of America; When global tyranny steals freedom from the blind

    Shock therapy love - The love that save the lost, offends the Deceived, and brings all who seek God with ALL their heart back into Reality)

    the THEs - The Hideous/horrible/hateful Entities. Demonic entities, human or otherwise.

    Singularity - When Artificial Super or General intelligence supersedes man’s ability to stop it

    Mark of the Beast - Great Trib system of financial control, which will come out of CBDC

    digital system the Dragon Cabal is currently trying to set up

    L-A-W-less - Laodicean/Lukewarm Apostate/Anathema Woke/Wanton

    CINO - Christians In Name Only

    KOG - Kingdom Of God

    SUCK - Spiritually Unconscious Church Korah’s; Jude1:11.

    DIM’s - Diminished Intellectual Manifestation; Usually used with misguided Democrats.

    Demon-crats - Those who have sold their souls to evil, not limited to Democrats.

    Tech Terrorist Oligarchs - Corporate giants who try to control all humans on the earth

    CCCP Pubs - Corrupt Compromised Cowardly Politicians of the Repub-money-lican

    PMS-S expanded - Post Millennial Stress-Syndromites.

    The Art of Deception like Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’ only more apocalyptic and very demonic

    Woke-sters - The malignant form of woker-bees on demonic steroids

    CT - Conspiracy Theory; a term invented by the CIA to entrap you in their Deception

    ISIS - Invisible, Subliminal, Insidious, Subtle; the demonic few want to talk about

    THIS’s - The Horrendous Insanity Syndromites hateful, more psychotic and more deadly!

    Little Kim of NOKO - President of North Korea

    EMP – Electro Magnetic Pulse; a high altitude nuclear explosion that could kill 200 million or more Americans.

    SSS - Severe Solar Storm

    ME-ism Mindless Entertainment; A tyrannical indoctrination process that corrupts the mind with seemingly innocuous nonsense purposed to prevent one from seeing Reality

    Jezebelianism - Turning Woker-bee/Woke-sters into Queen Bee Jezebel offspring

    Al Gore rhythyms - All things AGI/ASI that formulate algorithms that enslave Mankind

    Anesthesia - Orgasmia Cortexica Korbuncle, aka A-OCK, and Gretta Greenbuns; two elitist of the Climate Changling cohort who twist all things climate into MOMM reality.

    QMs - Quantum Minds; All who exceed a MOMM singularity and become one with their insanity to the detriment of all of us in Reality based humanity.

    Gobbledygooking - a language spoken by the insane, but understood by the foolish among us

    The Red Dragon - The devil of Revelation 12:3, and/or the CCP of China

    The BRICS Nations - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa; plus a confederation of other nations that seek to displace the American dollar as the worlds reserve currency.

    The Obombinator - O-bomb-inator; the 44th President of the USA.

    Rad-fem - a supposedly quasi feminist movement that is actually a guise for the hatred of God and all things that don’t agree with THEM, including normal femininity.

    Un-USA, or UNUSA (uh-noose-uh); THIS evil movement to destroy America from within is like a religious crusade because the proponents of it hate America more than they love even themselves. This is a false reality beyond rational comprehension.

    DD - a Distracting Deflection; Anything that steals Reality, and hides it in a lie!)

    The other THEM’s - The good THEM’s of the wheat and tares parable, who are The Human Eternity Machines, who spread the true gospel of Jesus Christ and endure to the end

    EAT - Eve Adam Treason; The bane of Eve & Adam when they Did eat the forbidden fruit and were Deflected into the serpent’s poison leading to the fall of Man.

    EATs - Eden are Adam & Eve, or ‘Eve & Adam’ depending on who you most blame.

    GEL - Good Eternity Loop


    Entering The Continuum

    'Oh America, America, how I would have had you return to Me, but you would not have Me on My terms according to My Word! Do you not know that I am The Truth Himself, the only truth or Reality you need?'

    A word from Jesus to America now? If so, for everyone about everyone in America? Or is it a word to a church that doesn't know it isn't The Church? Or is it a word to the True Church, The Bride of Jesus Christ, the Remnant, the Overcomers, encouraging them to 'Endure to the end?' It is a word to all who can truly hear The Truth—no matter what! Is that you? Do you hear His words, America? 'O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate.' A true Word from the Word of truth, The Truth—Jesus Christ Himself. Can America escape her desolation in these last days of the DAZE?

    Filter Reality out of the many conflicting voices in our world. Both the now-prophetic and eschatology claim to know the truth about The Truth. No matter how long it is to the end of the Deluded, Angry, Zombie, Earthlings, no matter what occurs in this world leading to THAT maximized insanity, you, Saint of God, must seek above all else Reality in God's love! This is a loving message to the Deceived apostates, the lost, and some believers who are so Deceived they don't know they are or that Jesus may soon say, 'I never knew you.' Matthew 7:23. 'That’s a terrifying thought!’ It is. To the confused in the church, true believers who love Jesus and yet have no clue which voice is right or wrong know this Reality hides in plain sight but can only be seen or found by those who seek it with a pure HI-HI heart of Honesty-Integrity-Humility-Intimacy. God’s greatest treasure hides inside you, Saint. If you seek The Truth in Reality above all else. It’s only found in Jesus Christ Himself. You will not find spiritual or natural Reality unless you can understand the simple truth and Reality of Jesus spoken by Him, taught by His Apostles that this Church Age and Me generation avoid. Luke 14:26-34 is one of many examples in the word that are understood only by those who seek Reality with a HI-HI heart. If you know The Truth hidden in The Word, you will counter Satan’s attacks.

    Listen only to The Truth, ‘For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it should come to light. If any man has ears to hear, let him hear.’ Mark 4:22-23. The ‘Secret things’ do belong to God, Deuteronomy 29:29, and yet, God would bring to light the loving secrets of His warnings to you, America, if you have ears to hear, hearts to change, a desire to become a truly HI-HI believer in His perfect love. True repentance alone will save America now. ‘They don’t teach that in our church! That’s why your church doesn’t comprehend Reality. Why do they teach THAT (The Hate America Tyranny) and not stand against all who hate America or sound the trumpet as a Watchman? By your silence, you abandon secrets you could know that would protect you from the 7 Deadly Ds that promote THAT.

    There’s still time to know Him and know He knows you before the end, which is the beginning. The Truth, who is Jesus, can only be spoken to those who may not know that Jesus never knew them IF those who do know Jesus speak it into them in love! Do you know He knows you? By being in Reality, having a true heart. This book explores in broad strokes what is coming upon our world right now to help all who can hear how to escape the 7 Deadly Ds that are captivating the spiritually weak with the armaments of Satan. As Mankind races towards the Great Tribulation, Artificial General Intelligence, DEFCON Zero now WWIII, deadlier pandemics, economic collapse, and a disintegrating society tell us time is very short. So, are you listening, America?

    Many are the paradoxes and mysteries of God. Only the True Church of Jesus will withstand the 7 Deadly Ds of Satan, and those whom Jesus knows will be ‘more than conquerors’ who overcome what is coming upon this world. Many in the L-A-W-less (Laodicean-Apostate-Woke) church, who don’t know they don’t know Jesus, can’t speak The Truth because they are spiritually dead. Those who listen to them can’t know The Truth. Nobody can know what they don’t know about Reality unless The Word teaches them. The Reality, a gift wrapped in God’s great love, is simple and paradoxical.

    Don’t fear God’s paradoxes, Dear Reader. Learn Reality, which begins in humility and a conundrum of admitting how much you don’t know! That will fracture the pride inside any human soul and cause you to seek the faith to trust God to teach you what you can learn about His Reality even if you don’t fully comprehend it! ‘The secret things belong to God,’ Deuteronomy 29:29, but He shares his secrets with a HI-HI heart people. He makes them so simple a pure heart can absorb them. Learn Reality by learning God’s Written Word alone, not what you want to believe! The now prophetic true or false is only authenticated if it aligns with the Reality of the times we’re in as revealed in God’s Written Word. Oddly, secular prophets Huxley and Orwell often warn us of things the spiritual don’t see.

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