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Divorce: From Tragedy to Tragedy
Divorce: From Tragedy to Tragedy
Divorce: From Tragedy to Tragedy
Ebook51 pages38 minutes

Divorce: From Tragedy to Tragedy

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"Sorry, you can't teach that the way, don't forget next week's missions offering! I wish I could perform your wedding, but it would cause so much trouble...see you Sunday!" Murder is forgiven under the blood, divorce not so much.

Learn the true freedom we have in Christ. Althoug

Release dateSep 4, 2023
Divorce: From Tragedy to Tragedy

Dr. Bruce A. Craig

Dr. Craig was saved in 1960 at the age of eight. After attending college as a music major, he heard God's call to the ministry. He attended Bible college completing a double major and obtained his doctor's degree in 1987. Dr. Criag pastored very successfully for forty-two years mostly in the state of New York. After recovering from major surgery, Dr. Craig resumed his ministry as a "Doctor to the Churches" helping struggling churches, including four churches where the Pastor had died. He resides in Central New York where he and his wife, Cindy, carry on an active ministry. Although Dr. Craig has never been divorced himself, he has become very heartbroken for those who have suffered From Tragedy to Tragedy.

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    Book preview

    Divorce - Dr. Bruce A. Craig


    This book is dedicated to all those who have suffered from tragedy to tragedy.

    When I served as an assistant pastor, while still a college student, I was told by my pastor, one of the best men I have ever known, that there was no such thing as an innocent party in a divorce situation. Of course, in those days, as a young man, I was very sensitive to being accepted and liked. I wanted to be accepted as theologically conservative and a strong fundamentalist. Being very zealous, I never wanted to be accused of even having a hint of liberalism. I still hate liberalism and the slippery slope that leads to it.

    I also wanted to be theologically correct, but not having studied the issue much for myself and willing to accept what I was taught on the matter, I agreed. Of course, no one is totally innocent in any relationship. There are no innocent parties. This made sense to me. So much for the exception clause, I reasoned! That took care of it. But as I thought about it, this argument would allow for the exception clause. If this argument were true, Jesus would be allowing something that was impossible to exist. Does Jesus demand total perfection before He allows us to apply His mercy? I believe that the answer is obvious. No one is perfect in any relationship. Truly, there are innocent parties in a relationship- not sinless, not guiltless, but innocent. Any first year law student will tell us that there is a big difference between being not guilty and being innocent. I agree there are no innocent parties. We have all sinned and come short. There is such a thing, however, as a judge banging his gavel and declaring the accused of being not guilty.

    There are millions of hurting people who surely are not innocent (for who then would qualify?) but are not guilty. These are the ones for whom I weep. They have been involved in one of the most horrific tragedies of life. Death counselors will tell you of the similarities between the aftermath of death and divorce. Often then a well-meaning Christian counselor will tell them they must spend the rest of their lives alone, in despair, and sexually frustrated. This makes them virtually outcasts from a society that is couples-based.

    Someone will surely protest that Christ is all we will ever need in our loneliness. If that were true, then why was everything in the Garden of Eden either good or very good except for the loneliness of man? Again, check this out for yourself in the book. Something was not good in the Garden of Eden before sin entered. It was the loneliness of man.

    Read it for yourself! God made us with a basic need for companionship. It was never God’s program for man to be alone. I am not saying that in some cases it is not God’s will for some to be alone or that it is not God’s will under special circumstances. These, however, are the exceptions which prove the proverbial rule. Companionship was the main reason for the creation of Eve in the garden of Eden.

    It is to these lonely people I would like

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