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Narcissism: Like Father, Like Son
Narcissism: Like Father, Like Son
Narcissism: Like Father, Like Son
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Narcissism: Like Father, Like Son

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Elaine Worthington certainly didn't expect to become a widow at such a early age. Grief stricken, she had promised her husband on his death bed that she wouldn't live in the past, but move on with her life.

She knew she would not impose her loneliness on her grown children. Then she met a widower, who was in the same boat, and they decided to make a go of it together. Elaine's deceased husband had left her a very wealthy woman. Did Bill Horton want to marry her for love or her money?

Release dateMay 16, 2013
Narcissism: Like Father, Like Son

Gretchen Gagne

Gretchen Gagne, currently lives in Central South Carolina with her cat Laptop. She loves a good “who done it” and has always been fond of a happy ending. She has many more in mind yet to come.

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    Narcissism - Gretchen Gagne


    Elaine and Jack had been married for twenty-five years when they discovered Jack had cancer. Although they went to specialist after specialist, nothing more could be done for him. Elaine sat with him to the end, and she had never felt so helpless in her life. Jack made her promise that she would find someone and not live her life grieving, but get on with it and be happy. Elaine promised him even though at that moment she didn’t feel she could ever keep that promise.

    When Jack passed away, their best friends, Janice and Jim, stepped in to help Elaine, and they were her strength. She didn’t know what she would do without them.

    She was all alone now, and her kids were grown and gone. Sure, they called often, but the quiet just about drove her up the wall. She had to do something. One day, she came across the phone number for Parents without Partners and found out when the group met. She decided it was exactly what she would try.

    Elaine shyly attended her first meeting. There were young people, middle-aged people, and older people in attendance. They were divorcés, widows, and widowers. It was a little awkward at first, and then she met Bill Horton, who was a recent widower. He was very nice and quite a gentlemen. Elaine liked him very much at once.

    At the second meeting, she and Bill found each other, and Bill suggested, Why don’t you and I go somewhere quieter and have a drink and get to know each other better? I enjoy talking with you very much.

    Elaine picked a familiar place to go; the people who worked there knew her because she and Jack had gone there so much.

    The next thing she knew, they became a constant couple—dinners out, long walks, conversations. They talked about anything and everything. They became inseparable. If Elaine had a routine visit with her optometrist, Bill was with her. If Bill had a dental appointment, Elaine was there with him.

    After only two months, Bill proposed. He wanted them both to sell out, head south to a less congested place, buy a new home of their own, and get married.

    Yes! was Elaine’s response. She had grown to care for him very much in such a short time, but it seemed as though she had known him all her life. Elaine, who was only fifty years old, still looked beautiful, although she didn’t see it. All she saw when she looked in the mirror were lines and gray hair. Very fortunate for her, like her mother, she had a figure to die for and beautiful green eyes. Her hair was a sandy blonde so that the gray barely showed up at all, but she knew it was there.

    Kim, Elaine’s oldest daughter, had dark hair like her father, a nice figure, and a very serious personality. Jeff, their son and the oldest of the three kids, was exactly like his dad in both looks and ways. Jeff’s marine corps training had done him a lot of good. Physically, he was built like a rock, and he was very hardworking and responsible. And then there was Nancy, the baby. She was the love of Elaine’s life. Nancy had always tried hard to measure up to her older brother and sister. She looked more like her mom and was more like Elaine in every aspect.

    Elaine was so blessed to have three great kids, though she missed their father terribly. She wanted to get on with her life. She had promised Jack. The last thing she ever wanted to do was impose on her kids’ lives. Now she had Bill.

    Kim was rushing to get ready for work when the telephone rang. Hello? she answered.

    Kim, it’s Jeff. I know you’re in a hurry. This won’t take a minute. I need for you and Nancy to come over tonight. It’s important. We have to have a family meeting. Can you let Nancy know? Around 7:30 p.m.? See you then. Bye.

    Kim hung up, wondering what that could be about.

    Later that evening, Kim picked Nancy up and drove to Jeff’s apartment. They arrived right at 7:30 p.m.

    What’s going on? Kim asked as they sat down.

    Jeff looked really tense. As you know, things haven’t been the same since Dad died six months ago. Now I believe Mom’s lost it, he began.

    What are you talking about, Jeff? Nancy asked. I think, considering all the years Mom and Dad were married, she’s been doing pretty well. She’s become very independent.

    Unfortunately, our mom is not acting independently, Jeff said. I drove over to visit her yesterday. There was a real estate agent at the house with an authorization-to-sell document signed by our mother to sell out! She plans on taking the money from the sale of the house and Dad’s life insurance money and skipping town with some man she met at a bar. That is not independent. That is irrational.

    Kim, the eldest daughter, spoke up. I see what you mean, Jeff. I never dreamed Mom would do anything this drastic.

    There’s more, Jeff announced. She has wedding plans. Jeff could see the disbelief and shock on his sisters’ faces. I would like to know more about the man, or should I say soon-to-be stepfather. Dad’s gone, and we have to look after Mom and her money. I firmly believe that man, whoever he is, is after her money and will stop at nothing to get it. This gigolo is taking advantage of Mom. She’s still hurting over Dad’s death. You two need to know this too. Maybe the three of us can talk some sense into her. For all we know, this guy could be a serial killer.

    Elaine had been packing for the past couple of days, and it made her realize she wasn’t as young as she had once been.

    All the more reason to do this, she said aloud.

    At about that time, the doorbell rang. It was Kim. She took a look around at what had once been home to all of them and felt an urge to cry. Mom, what’s going on here? What are you doing?

    Elaine defiantly lifted her chin and announced to Kim that she and Bill were getting out of the noisy city life with its traffic and congestion to a place more laid back and a slower pace of living. Bill loves me. We’re both in the same boat. I’m a widow, and he’s a widower. I need Bill, and he needs me. So we’re heading south and pooling our money to buy our dream home in the sun. You all will visit often.

    How long have you known Bill, Mom? Kim asked, knowing all too well the answer to that question. We’re worried about you. For all we know, he could be a serial killer!

    Don’t you kids worry. I know how to take care of myself. I’m nearly grown now, you know.

    They both laughed.

    Mom, just be careful. Watch him, and for goodness’ sake, at the first sign he isn’t trustworthy, please dump him and come back home. We love you, Mom. And we want you to be safe and happy, Kim said. It was then that she realized she had done all she could. She gave her mom a big hug and gave her blessing. Suddenly a feeling of loss overwhelmed Kim.

    Elaine sat down and looked around the empty house she had sold—the house that had once been home for her. All I’ve ever been is a wife and a mother, she thought. I’ve never taken care of myself financially. I don’t even know what to do with this house money, let alone all of Jack’s life insurance money, and that’s where Bill will come in. He’s so knowledgeable about the stock market and investments. I need him to step in and take charge so I’ll be able to leave my kids something one day.

    The doorbell rang again, and Bill was there. Elaine was so glad to see him that she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was hard to believe that just a few minutes ago she had felt sort of sad and melancholy. But now that Bill was there, all was right with the world. They loved to travel, and now it was their turn. Bill had one grown son, so he hadn’t been free to do a lot he wanted to do either. Having children had changed their lives but not now! Bill had sold out too, and together they could now buy a dream home.

    We’re off! Bill said as he gathered up her few suitcases. We’re beginning the first day of the rest of our lives.

    At about that time, Bill’s phone rang. It was his son, Chip.

    You got her, Dad?

    Bill replied, Heart and soul, son. We’re out of here now. All of our furniture is in storage, and we’re off to Folly Beach. Call you later. Bye.

    Bill and Elaine were like two kids in a candy store on the way to Folly Beach. They talked and laughed all the way from Charlotte. When they arrived, they got a room with a view at a Holiday Inn right on the ocean. While Elaine freshened up for a late lunch, Bill found a telephone book and called a real estate company. They made an appointment to look at several homes the next day.

    After lunch, Bill and Elaine rode around and took in Folly Beach.

    What a wonderful place to live. It’s warm practically all year, and I love the laid-back atmosphere. Elaine was sure they had made a good decision.

    And the fishing will be great! exclaimed Bill. He loved to fish and couldn’t wait until Chip could join him. Chip was a fisherman just like his dad. I hope you don’t mind Elaine, but I made an appointment with the real estate agent, while you were freshening up, to look at what they have for sale here. We will meet with him at 1:00 PM tomorrow.

    The next day, Elaine was breathless when the Realtor brought them to view a possible new home. It was like nothing she had ever seen. Just imagine living in a house like this! she exclaimed to Bill as he watched her excitement grow.

    Bill said, Let’s look at all it has to offer before we make a decision.

    The Realtor took the lead. If he sold this house, which was listed for $1.5 million, he wouldn’t have to worry about money. His commission would keep him going for a while.

    As they explored the house, it was clear to Bill that Elaine was falling in love with it. He had wanted an oceanfront home such as this for a long time. Now that he had his money and Elaine’s, he could afford it comfortably. They even had their own private beach to swim at and a marina up the road.

    Bill stopped the Realtor. Sold, he said. We’ll take it.

    Elaine said in disbelief, Isn’t it a little over what we wanted to spend? Shouldn’t we talk it over?

    Bill responded, You can’t take it with you. Between you and me, we have more than you know.

    Bill and Elaine then followed the real estate agent to his office, where they signed a contract for the house for $1.5 million. Bill turned down any negotiating the price with the seller. He just wanted the deal done. Even though he was paying cash for the home, it took 45 days to get the South Carolina Wood Infestation Report, better known as a CL100, a separate home inspection and the insurance before closing. Hey, Elaine, said Bill, let’s celebrate our new home. Let’s have dinner and drinks!

    They found a restaurant that was packed. Of course, they did not have a reservation, so Bill agreed they would wait for a table at the bar. They waited, drink after drink. When the host finally announced a table was ready, they were pickled and no longer hungry. They paid for the drinks and went happily on their way to the hotel room, which was to become their home for the next 45 days.


    Moving day soon arrived, with the usual chaos and confusion, such as positioning the right boxes in the right places, whether they belonged upstairs or downstairs. Many of the boxes were not marked according to content. Must be Bill’s, thought Elaine. Moving day truly lasted all day long. Elaine never got to sit down once. And Bill, . . . , well, he just seemed to have one drink behind the other. Elaine was exhausted, and her feet hurt.

    Bill, my furniture looks hideous in this house! It looks like miniature furniture. I’d be embarrassed to invite anyone over with this stuff! Elaine declared.

    We have to buy some new pieces to go with this, said Bill. He called a furniture store and asked for directions to it. Elaine, let’s go take a look at what this store has. According to the yellow pages, they carry all the big-name furniture manufacturers.

    Elaine, shocked that Bill was so willing to do this, said, Bill, we’ve just bought this expensive home, so maybe we need to wait a while before spending any more money. I can wait.

    You can’t take it with you. This is our life now. Money is no object! Come on. Let’s go. And we’ll have happy hour on the way back home, Bill responded.

    When the new furniture was delivered the next day Bill and Elaine were delighted that their purchase was seemingly a perfect match with what they already had.

    Elaine worked hard arranging and fussing over the way it looked, and it paid off. When she finished her decorating and cleaning, she realized Bill had left the house at some point. He hadn’t even told her he was leaving.

    She went into the kitchen to make dinner, and the phone rang. She answered it. It was Bill.

    When did you slip away? she asked.

    Never, never get in a woman’s way when she’s busy. I learned that a long time ago. I’m having a drink to kill time. Do you feel like cooking, or would you rather join me here at this charming Italian restaurant with the best chardonnay I’ve ever tasted? Bill asked.

    Elaine remembered their last dinner out without a reservation, so she decided to volunteer to cook. She was hungry, not thirsty! Finish your drink and come on home. I’ll show you what a gourmet cook you’re getting, she proposed.

    She immediately went to work on pasta and marinara sauce, a huge salad with everything in it, and hot garlic bread. Minutes later, Bill came in, and they ate and ate over a candlelit table. It was a delicious meal and very romantic.

    Elaine, Bill said. Let’s get married as soon as possible. I don’t want you to get away. You’re beautiful, a gourmet cook, and I love you. With that, he pulled a ring box from his pocket and gave it to her.

    She opened the box to see a four-carat emerald-cut diamond. She gasped. It’s beautiful. Bill, I’m so lucky to have you. Yes, let’s get married right away. Let’s call the kids and announce our engagement. We need to set a date and find someone to perform the ceremony.

    Whoa, slow down. Bill laughed. We aren’t talking about tomorrow. We do have some time to make plans. Come on, you must be tired. Let’s turn in early and clean the kitchen in the morning. Right now I want to hold you and make love to the soon-to-be Mrs. Bill Horton.

    Elaine was in seventh heaven. It just doesn’t get any better than this, she thought.

    The bedroom is beautiful, Elaine. I didn’t know you were a decorator too! Bill exclaimed. It looks like something out of a magazine.

    He showered her with love until the wee hours of the morning.

    When Bill awoke the next morning, Elaine wasn’t there. She was at the kitchen table, composing a small guest list for their wedding.

    Why don’t we get married out back on our beach? she suggested.

    Well, I can’t think of a reason why we can’t, Bill agreed. Elaine, are you going to get my coffee for me? he asked. And we will have breakfast at 8:00 a.m. sharp.

    Elaine got his coffee and asked what he’d like for breakfast.

    Bill responded, An omelet will be fine. Do you cook omelets?

    Whatever you want, honey, Elaine said with a big smile.

    After she made breakfast and cleaned the kitchen, Elaine set out to get names of caterers, find a store that sold invitations, and so on. As she moved about Elaine recognized that her ring was so big that it sparkled. While she was driving, she had to be careful not to wreck the car by constantly looking at the stone. It just felt so good to know she wasn’t alone and that Bill would take care of her. She then made a mental note to call her kids with the news. Hopefully they would be as happy as she was.

    Bill called Chip shortly after Elaine left. Chip was just like Bill; he was retired military just like his dad and liked to have a drink or two just like his dad.

    Bill had grown up hard. His dad had left his mom when Bill was young, and he’d always blamed his mother for it. His dad had been a nice, fun-loving person, and his mom had been a party pooper. His dad had met someone new and married her. His dad, who had come from a very affluent family, stopped supporting the family or coming to visit. His mom had become a maid and earned enough money to barely feed them all. It had been all her fault, Bill thought.

    Bill had left home young, lied about his age, and joined the military. He had retired with the military because he wasn’t trained to do anything else. He had married and begun a family, so getting a job that would support them all hadn’t been an option. He made a vow then that he would never leave his son penniless and that Chip would never have to go through what he had.

    Chip. Hi, son. How’s everything going?

    Never mind me, Dad. Same old, same old. How’s everything going with you? When is the wedding? Chip asked.

    Son, everything’s going the way I planned. She’s out right now buying invitations. We plan on having the ceremony on our beach.

    Hey, Dad, I could take lessons from you! I’m still looking for a woman with money. No luck so far, Chip half joked.

    Well, son, got to go. The lady of the house will be home soon to get my lunch. Take care, and I love you. Bill ended the conversation.

    They understood each other. Bill thought, My son will never

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