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The Terrans: The Psionians-Ascension
The Terrans: The Psionians-Ascension
The Terrans: The Psionians-Ascension
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The Terrans: The Psionians-Ascension

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The demons and psionics, humans with telepathy and other mental abilities, have the initial advantage during the First Terran War. The traditional humans can barely maintain their ranks. The tide starts to change when humans possessing elemental magic, sorcery, and advanced fighting techniques join the fray. The humans acquire and solidify their advantage when several scores of psionics turn against their brethren and demon allies.

The demons retreat before their species confront extinction. Their psionic cohorts have been exiled to the island west of Pangaea. The victorious humans offer the psionic defectors sanctuary on Pangaea. The adept mentalists refuse and sail south, pledging to live their lives isolated from humans, demons, and psionics alike.

The Psionians, as the western island's inhabitants have designated themselves, forged a new society from the ashes of their defeat. They created a new psionic power source using leyaEUR"line energies not frequently siphoned by sorcerers and other mystics. The Psionians developed subdesignations so that each citizen of their new island home, Psionia, could broaden their individual identities and contribute to the greater community.

SeventyaEUR"five years later, as the Psionians thrive in their new existence independent of nonpsionic humans; Ultimus discovers his father and PsiaEUR"Lord, Maximilius, in a coma. As Cratius, the Master Panacean, tends to Maximilius's cerebral wounds, Ultimus ventures outside the PsiaEUR"Citadel in search of answers.

The next day, Ultrina announces to the Psionians that Ultimus had been attacked hours earlier. She added that the body could not be found and the remaining evidence allows for only one conclusion. Sorcerers had assaulted their PsiaEUR"Lord and perhaps terminated her brother's existence. The Psionians, out of grief, rage and anger, agree that Ultrina should lead their people and that a retaliatory strike against Pangaea should be her first act.

What does she have in store for Pangaea's sorcerers? Will the humans not adept in magic, sorcery, or other mystic arts share in the sorcerers' suffering? What about the descendants of the psionics who betrayed the Psionians decades ago? Once the incursion commences, will they side with their psionic brethren or, like their ancestors, fight alongside the nonpsionic humans?

The answers do not matter. Ultrina made one promise after the sorcerers' assaults upon Maximilius and Ultimus. She would have her revenge.

Release dateFeb 3, 2022
The Terrans: The Psionians-Ascension

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    The Terrans - L.S. Worth


    The Terrans

    The Psionians-Ascension

    L.S. Worth

    Copyright © 2018 L.S. Worth

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Page Publishing, Inc

    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc 2018

    ISBN 978-1-64082-317-4 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64082-318-1 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    To my family, this is all for you.

    Chapter 1

    History of an Exiled People

    Demons, werewolves, psionics, and humans inhabited Pangaea three centuries ago. Initially, they all learned to live on the giant landmass in peace. Unfortunately, this prosperity was destined to last only fifty years. In various towns and villages, the psionic populations began to enslave their mentally average cousins. They believed Pangaea’s riches should not be shared with such simians, a term for humans deemed inferior after failing to display visible psionic aptitude. Within weeks, half of the giant landmass’s cities were under psionic authority. After two months of enslavement, the humans decided to rebel against their psionic oppressors. The following rebellion started the First Terran War.

    The conflict waged on for months. From sunrise to sunset, clubs and swords challenged telekinesis, telepathy and mind bolts. The death of a psionic resulted in either the slaughter of ten humans or the telepathic lobotomizing of twenty. The humans lost ground at an incredible rate. They would have to surrender if the situation continued to deteriorate in their disfavor.

    A sunrise later, as if a higher power had heard their silent cries for help, a handful of brave humans rose from the ranks and revealed their hidden talents. A few made the earth tremble. Others created tidal waves from lakes and forged tornadoes from nimbostratus clouds. Another group of nonpsionics emitted mystic bolts from their hands, transforming psionics into harmless forest animals. The remaining human rebels used special fighting techniques, bringing the opposition swiftly to their knees.

    The psionics’ pride motivated them to challenge these simians’ counterattack. They fought with every ounce of mental energy pulsating through their dendrites and myelin sheaths. Unfortunately, in spite of their best efforts, they could not challenge the magic their enemies wielded. Dwindling numbers and mental exhaustion forced the psionics to yield to these extraordinarily gifted humans.

    As the victorious human rebels discussed the terms of surrender, a few wanted to exterminate the psionics. They were too powerful to enslave and too dangerous to be kept alive. The overwhelming majority opposed this course of action. They acknowledged not all psionics attempted to destroy them. Some even battled their own kind, expediting their victory. Most importantly, the psionics were also human. The rebels would be no better than their enemy if the mentalists were executed.

    The next day, it was decided the psionics would be exiled to the western island. The antagonistic mentalists complied with the decision but swore to avenge their deceased. The psionics who aided the humans during the Terran War refused their offer of sanctuary. They left Pangaea on a boat traveling south, keeping their destination to themselves.

    Chapter 2

    Populating Uninhabited Country

    When the defeated psionics arrived at the western island, the experienced members of their subspecies confronted their Psi-Lord. They insisted on returning to Pangaea, their home and birthright. Maximilius telecasted the plan’s follies. Firstly, they no longer had the demons on their side. Their paranormal energies had been instrumental to their initial success. Secondly, they lacked the psi-aptitudes necessary to journey back to the landmass and engage the enemy immediately after their arrival.

    The Psi-Lord reached an agreement with his people. If they promised to work with him to make this island into a country worthy of their talents and naturally enhance their psionic abilities, he would lead them to Pangaea. Once there, the psionics would remain until they had subjugated the nonpsionics. The people absorbed the telecast and accepted his proposal. It pleased Maximilius to see their reason match their mental ability and aptitude.

    Maximilius’s first order of business involved designating the psionics of the western island Psionians. The first step in rebuilding their civilization necessitated separating themselves from the psionics who sided with the nonpsionic humans. His tele-empathy told him how ashamed some Psionians felt being genetically related to such turncoats. The new subspecies designation would help heal the wounds left by the First Terran War.

    The second step involved giving them more specific subdesignations. When the Psi-Lord replayed the war with his memory-recall abilities, he realized the pre-Psionians had no real social infrastructure. When they dominated Pangaea, villagers lived with the labels psionic or nonpsionic. Successfully rebuilding their society required more specialization. Aurelians was the name assigned to the sensory Psionians. Their adeptness stemmed from the mastery of psionic disciplines such as psychic detection, spectral nullification, psi-energy detection, psi-tracking, and spectral shielding. Their inability to initiate offensive or healing psionic abilities proved their weakness.

    The Panaceans were the psionic healers capable of numerous therapeutic psionic talents such as osteo-regeneration (bone repair), fibro-regeneration (muscle repair and growth), vascular regeneration (blood vessel creation and repair) and neuro-manipulation (neuron and neurotransmitter stimulation and suppression). They could also induce healing trances, comas, and panacea pulses. The panacea pulse allowed Panaceans to discharge a psi-bolt from their hands that instantaneously healed or supercharged individuals or groups within a five-foot radius. The effect’s six-hour duration was one caveat. The necessity of induced coma and healing trance to undo the damage the recipient or recipients suffered from the pulse was another condition. A healing wave could be used by a Panacean if there was no time for the patient(s) to undergo a healing trance. Unfortunately, initiating both pulses will force the Panacean into an involuntary healing trance, leaving him or her vulnerable to attack.

    The Rancorians were both the most basic and militant Psionians. They possessed three psionic talents: mind bolts—invisible mental bursts that can overload nonpsionics and low-level psionics’ synapses and neurons; psi-shield generation used to protect them from physical assaults; and psychokinesis—concentrated bursts of telekinetic energy with a wide blast radius. Unfortunately, the bursts could not be directed at single targets. Psichelans were the Rancorians’ field commanders. They had the same abilities as their subordinates but possessed twice the mental power.

    The Psionicrats were the tele-engineering Psionians. They could communicate with machines. Their telepathic and tele-empathic power levels rivaled Aurelians. Their minimal levels of kinetic proficiency were their limitation.

    Kinetians were the Psionian kinetics. They could be divided into three groups: monokinetic (one kinetic power), dikinetic (two kinetic powers), or multikinetic (three or more kinetic powers). The Kinetians were capable of any combination of the following: telekinesis (ability to move matter with their mind), electrokinesis (ability to manipulate electricity), ferrokinesis (ability to manipulate iron ore and metals derived from the mineral), pyrokinesis (ability to manipulate fire), hydrokinesis (ability to manipulate water), and psychokinesis. Tele Kinetians assisted Rancorians and Psichelans. Electro Kinetians worked with Psionicrats. Ferro Kinetians paired themselves with Psionicrats, electrokinetics, or other ferrokinetics. Pyro Kinetians, Hydro Kinetians, and Psycho Kinetians assumed civilian status. The other Kinetians assumed reservist civilian status. In spite of their power, the Kinetians lacked the ability to generate the elements they manipulated. This limitation did not apply to telekinetics or psychokinetics.

    Supremians possessed the combined sensory, healing, and kinetic abilities of the preceding Psionians. They possessed psionic superiority over all but one group of psionics. Unfortunately, Epsilon was the only living Supremian. The others had been killed during the First Terran War.

    Elitians were the most powerful of all psionics and Psionians. These individuals wielded the most powerful sensory, healing, and kinetic abilities known to the psionic subspecies of humanity. Like the Supremians, many perished during the war with the nonpsionics. Epsilon served the remaining three Elitians in existence: Maximilius, the Psi-Lord; Ultimus, his firstborn son; and Ultrina, Ultimus’s twin sister.

    The Psi-Lord’s successful organization of the Psionians allowed him to proceed with the phase of his plan. Further analysis of the First Terran War revealed to Maximilius the need for Psionians to find another power source. Normally, psionics and sorcerers draw their power from ley lines, mystic streams forming a network of paranormal energy around Terra. Unfortunately, for the Psionians, magicians and mystical creatures can tap into this supernatural system better than psionics. This limitation led to the psionics’ alliance with the demons. In order for his people to evolve as well as survive, the Psionians required an independent power source.

    Maximilius ordered his ten most gifted Aurelians to study the ley lines and find this new energy resource. The Aurelians first scoured the globe using astral projection. The ten Panaceans looking after their corporeal shells left the sensory Psionians free to examine Terra’s ley lines. The Aurelians’ astral forms allowed them to see every wavelength of the kaleidoscopic network. Each color represented a different current of energy with its own frequency and amplitude. Within minutes, they noticed millions of purple ley energy bands. Alone, they could not provide a psionic with enough power to read a pigeon’s mind. Together, the Aurelians theorized these energy lines could give Psionians the unique psionic power source their Psi-Lord wanted.

    Fifty years after the Psi-Citadel was constructed, Maximilius ordered his ten most knowledgeable Psionicrats to build a machination capable of drawing this power toward Psionia. The group was able to erect four 1.6-kilometer-high pillars situated at the four corner of the citadel. During the four months it took the Psionicrats to build them, the same team of Aurelians collected four samples of the purple energy. To the Psi-Lord’s dismay, the sensory psionics’ astral forms could only carry a baseball-size sphere of power. The Psionicrats instructed the Aurelians to place them within the base of the columns. Once the task was accomplished, both groups turned to their Psi-Lord.

    Maximilius ordered every Psionian electro-kinetic and ferrokinetic to focus their energies on the columns. The Electro Kinetians bombarded the spheres with their energies, allowing them to grow exponentially. The Ferro Kinetians fortified the pillars’ exteriors, preventing the spheres from escaping their containments. Then, like steam from a volatile pot of water, four purple energy beams escaped the columns’ tips, converging on a coordinate of sky thirty-three meters above the pillars. The resulting tire-size energy globe hovered above the columns.

    Suddenly, to the Psionian population’s amazement, millions of purple energy streams converged on the sphere. The sphere expanded as it absorbed more energy. Within minutes, a violet disc of nine kilometers—the island’s width—and visible only to Psionians hovered over the columns. The population reached toward the disc with their minds connecting with the energy source. The Psionians experienced immediate euphoria. They had never channeled such pure and unadulterated energies. The more purple energy they absorbed, the more lemon-colored energy exited their corporeal shells. The purple disc’s power purged the yellow energies out of its creators’ bodies, returning them to their place of origin.

    Five minutes into the cleansing, their bodies started to change. The men became two meters tall with short, violet-blue hair, thin body frames, and purple complexion. The women transformed into statuesque 1.9-meter-tall, coral-eyed psionics. Their hair colors changed from brown, black, red, or blond to a uniform fuchsia color. Each female Psionian had shoulder-length hair and magenta skin, complementing a lean body frame.

    The scope of their powers had been modified as well. All Psionians, regardless of their previous mental capabilities, had varying levels of telepathy and tele-empathy. Those without these abilities had minimal levels. The Psionians with these abilities had two to three times the proficiency. The population’s other abilities doubled or tripled in intensity. Aurelians and Psionicrats now had psi-aptitudes of 7 on a 1 to 10 scale. Panaceans were now level 8 psionics. Rancorians and Psichelans possessed psi-aptitudes of 3 and 6, respectively. Kinetians ranged from levels 4 to 6. Epsilon, the only Supremian, was a level 9. Maximilius and

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