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Circles of Fantasy
Circles of Fantasy
Circles of Fantasy
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Circles of Fantasy

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Circles of Fantasy is a dark and vivid fiction about four warriors, dragged limb by limb in several region wide kidnappings to a place known as the Giant's Forest, where they are enslaved by one of the five Cheiftain Ogres of the Underworld, Chief La'Horah. All four have had a dark and grusome past before living their lives as slaves and maidens, for the Chief and his encampment. The story begins with a dark 'spirit' known as Loaramere, a name given to him by a fellow slave. He had been caught by two towering ogres out in a field, and now dreads what they will have in store for him next. You will come to find out the realm of Hell, The Underworld is an unforgiving and wicked place, evil and darkness flows through every living creature on it's blackened planes. Are you brave enough to venture forth??? Then I hope you enjoy....
Release dateJul 2, 2023
Circles of Fantasy

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    Circles of Fantasy - Warren Augustin

    Circles of Fantasy


    A tribute to loneliness and depression awareness, be the warmth

    your friends and family secretly need.

      Written and created by Warren Augustin,

    A Original and Fictional telling of

            Dark Imagination.

    From the Heart, where all things enter creation.

    All rights RESERVED under U.S Copyright Law Title 17, Chapter 13

    Sections 1301-1316-


    Chapter 1:
    Part 1: The Color Black, The Color Green
    Part 2: Terrible Towers
    Part 3: Cat-Like
    Part 4: Family Tradition
    Chapter 2:
    Part 1: The Spirit and The Angel’s Stone
    Part 2: Attack of The Giant Basilisks
    Part 3: Azure Skies, and Life in Hell
    Part 4: Lies and Deceit In The City of Avoriccia
    Chapter 3:
    Part 1: My Lady, Lilith
    Part 2: The Shadow Within The Corner of Her Chambers
    Part 3: A Fantastic Orgy at Midnight
    Part 4: Withering Leaves and Midnight T.V
    Chapter 4:
    Part 1: Farm Creatures In The Outer-City, Maylo’s Torrented Nightmare
    Part 2: Diving Into Abyssal Waters, The Shadow of The Colossus
    Part 3: Sir Voran The Merknight, Vice Captain Frostahlith and The Giant Blue Heart
    Part 4: Evie Pesaminette, Giant Sea Stars and Where to Find Them
    Chapter 5:
    Part 1: A Nightmare’s Nightmare, The White Tulip Hotel
    Part 2: The Dimly Lit Library and The Wicked With, Possession of The Heart
    Part 3: Warriors of The Underworld
    Part 4: Conclusion

    ~ Circles of Fantasy ~

                    Written and edited by Warren Augustin
        Chapter 1, Part 1: The Color Black, The Color Green

      In the beginning there was darkness. An insurmountable darkness that knew only of itself and sadness. There existed one lone being in the darkness, it had not a name nor soul, he was simply there, he too, sad.

      Eons and eons raced past him, his shady expression numbed. Within the endless and eternal flow of time, a brown wooden door appeared behind him ominously.

      From a dream.. he thought, too dilapidated to even have another reaction to it. However it was such a lovely color, light brown, the same tone of a she-dog, one that loved the sun. He stared and looked at it for almost 30 minutes, before the possibility that the door would lose effect ran across his mind.

      He then begun raising every muscle fiber in his body, to position himself to stand. His mummified cocoon of a body began to make it’s way, curled fingers softly wrapped around the knob. And then a push. A psychic green hue dawned upon his eyes, paired with scorching winds. The dark spirit didn't know what he was looking at, he just knew…… It was a separate nightmare.

      Unlike his domain, which was made up entirely of a floor, vibrating shadows, and the color black, this enclave had rows and rows of mountains, with massive caves in between one another. As far as eyesight can go, there laid what looked like an empty field, full of grass at the end of the mountain range. Grass… he said to himself, with volume a little louder than usual, surprising but comforting.

      With one step, made on unknown soil, the green light from this world rose from beneath, into his sole. He felt fire flow through his muscles, his biceps beat with a dark rhythm as his mummified body was decorated, and REBORN! Looking at himself, he saw pale and fair skin, long straight hair, and the long frame of a body, not skinny, yet not muscled either, perfectly in-between. His first emotion began to run, from his beaten heart. HAIR?! said the dark one, the one word from his mouth brought an aggressive whirlwind, a wind that caught the attention of unknown creatures far and near…

      But he was in Love, he had never known the beauty of hair on his scalp. It felt so new and right.

      Now, with a sunken smirk of a smile on his new, clean face, he set out into this new dimension, with neither desire nor agenda in mind, he simply wanted to feel.

      He had walked and walked for miles, toward the nearest cave entrance from the door. The rocks were made of what smelled like sulfur and the cave, having a bellowing and strangely hellish echo, made it seem as if the chasm was alive. You know…. I should be afraid, I don't know what's here. I don't know who’s here. Reassured after thee experiencing of echoes, he began to tread down deep into thee abyss.

      These chasms were far from empty, there were various old structures and buildings made of gray stone and slate, there were even more important buildings made entirely of marble, which had remained attractive through time.

      Wandering into some of them, he was met with an unholy smell, Death… he thought, pushing down a door leading to the source.

      It was an undead mound of soldiers, still on fire from battle. The green flame that danced and burned atop them, swayed with a rhythm, a hunger insatiable. How captivating evil truly can be, the spirit was impressed.

      Looking further into the mound, he thought it best to identify the dead and decipher where they were from. On the front of one of their helmets read something in another language however he was able to make out part of their message. The words hell and far were translatable to him. "Hell… I know what Hell is, the living descend here in accordance to their sins. How do I know that?

      How do I even know anything come to think? The spirit was met with a laugh, Thought, consciousness, and sleep were all one concept to me, but now im able to understand, how???"

      He set aside the helmet and sat on the cold floor, "I use to simply dream, dream of monsters made of darkness, nightmarish shapes and contortions of them. Never having impulse, it was so sad. But now I have sight! Now I have muscle and thought. Now, I desire!!

      You know... the spirit paused. I wonder how this came to be, it must be from this fire, this fire that lives to dance, and dances to live. I love thee." He put his hand around the flames atop the dead, admiring its rhythmic personality. It warmed his hand and moved his fingers.

      From there, he traveled deeper, keeping mental reminder of his path. Pools of hell magma were all over, more and more mounds of defeated soldiers kept showing up, signifying that he was close to society. What kind of world could exist in this nightmare, what kind of people he thought, And why so many bodies , was there a war, a coup?? Walking toward the top of a tower he approached an outlook, met with what he can only describe as desolation.

      Far off into the north, there lied a large kingdom, shattered into three pieces. My god, it is black in the middle, the castles are split to the earth. His eyes went numb as he perceived raw destruction for the first time in his life.

      Chapter 1, Part 2: Terrible Towers

      The Knights of the Order of The Black Hawk

      still protect this castle to this very day. Their

      ghosts and spirits haunt the castle hallways to

      no end, they do not need sleep.

    ~ Greggory, The Watchmen

      A few miles from the outlook, the dark spirit found it only natural to head toward the kingdom, to figure out what exactly happened and just who or what, split open the soldier's castle.

      Even though he was in a cave, there were still trees and grasslands within. Infact, they went on past the horizon, from the outlooks perspective. It even began to show signs of life, mostly large animals that seemingly thought only of food and play, and others that killed because of an evil nature.

      I should walk towards safer areas, I don’t think I can fight anything thought the spirit. A few more miles through and he became tired, he sat on the ground still renewed and curious but worn and fatigued. He didn't know what to do with himself at this point, Best course of action is to head for the castles, and learn of the events that occurred whatever time ago, but I grow weak and require food, water.

      Not only those but even sleep suddenly began to plague him, Tis my flesh!! he said in a yawn, The mass of my muscles command me to answer them, but I lack recompense. Steadily, the spirit went to sleep aside a large rock pile, which gave him ample cover from enemies. His warm eyelids shut open and closed from top to bottom, strangely matching the rhythm of the fire.

      MMMEEEEEEAAAAAATTTTT, I SMELL MEEEAAAAAAAAAATTTTT a thundering voice suddenly pierced his slumbered soul, the spirit stood up at a speed no faster than lightning. In the split moment between his body being on the ground and in the air, it was as though the primordial genes of man within him had reawoken, surging his nerve endings. He was like an ancient hunter, being taken advantage of, made afraid under attack.

      An ogre along with two others appeared far past his hiding area. His one, crimson eye darted toward the rocks. Skittish already, the spirit fell to the ground, at a speed that made him assured he dodged the ogre’s gaze. "MEAT! I KNOW MEAT, I KNOW TYPES OF MEAT, I KNOW HOW CLOSE.

      The spirit was already terrified, he was left only with instinct. From behind the large rocks he dashed back toward the buildings but his steps were caught by the ogres. FOUND IT HAHAHA. they covered a terrifying amount of ground between him and the field, they moved in slow strides but because of their size, the gap was trivial. Caught in the callus hand of what seemed like the leader, the spirit was at his seemingly cruel end. The ogre stroked and nursed his muscles, in attempt to enrich his blood and make him more savory. PLENTY A’ MORSEL IN THESE FIELDS HAHAHA, THIS GIRL'S A PRETTY ONE. HOW BOUT WE TAKE EM TO THE CHIEF?!

      OF COURSE SIR, GREAT IDEA!! replied the green ogre, sporting a blue eye instead, and a longsword with animal blood on it. HAND EM HERE, ILL PUT ER WITH THE REST said the third, a red ogre not as smart as his team members, but far larger in size. The red one was something out of fiction, he had orange flames coming out of his eye and split-opened molten skin all over his body. He was carrying several chained down boxes on his shoulders, arms, waists and hands, all of which rattled and dripped with blood, they screamed when moved.

      The red giant flicked open the cage chained together to his waist and put the spirit inside. Within the cage, the spirit was shoulder-to-shoulder with a variety of women, each of different color and shape. It was dark, dark and wet with blood. The amount of female chatter could cause a person to go hysterical, but the raw perception of the situation proved more important.

      Oh you poor thing. , said the shoulder to his right. They both continued to turn and unweave their bodies from the masses. He was met with a pair of emerald green eyes, with sharp long pupils affixed in the middle. They glew in the dark, giving the opportunity to talk to them.

      Wait, you are male! I was under the assumption they were only hunting for females. Both having something to be surprised at, they took in the grace period to truly scan one another. The friendly prisoner was actually a cat-women, from what the dark spirit could see in the shadows. The outlining of her eyes gave off a bit of light, making her nose and ears visible.

      She possibly was a native species to this world, she had gray fur that you can tell she was trying to keep straight, and piercing green eyes, that would make you smile or laugh for some unknown reason. Name? said the feline. The one word leaving her jowls seemed amazing to the spirit, both man and animal at the same exact time.

      I do not have one said the spirit. Just like most hehe, i'll give you a nice one if we make it out of here. Out of here... murred the spirit.

              Chapter 1, Part 3: Cat-Like

      Some say black cats are secretly the agents

      of Lucifer Satan himself, my grandmother's

      aunt had one. They both died on the same

      exact day, after the time of their passing,

      no one could stop talking about it!

    ~ Gerda, The Alchemist

      In about a day and a half’s time the cage stopped moving. The spirit made the assumption that they traveled far off from the buildings and towers because of the ogre's ability to make far distances. We must have made it to their hideout. said the cat lady. Her name was Sabrina and she was known as a Felico, a species of monster native to this domain of Hell. She didn't tell you much of her life, other than that she was once a farmer before being caught by the ogres.

      She had kids and a caring husband, a good yield of crops from the season the family were tending to. The attack was almost out of thin air apparently, the ogres wasted no time robbing the family of everything they had, smashing their home and kidnapping their mother.

      The worst part about it was that Sabrina believes the rest of her family were eaten, she honestly couldn't recall. The impact of the ogre's hand grabbing her knocked her out, she doesn't remember a single thing other than the sight of his palm. The spirit shared his sympathy with Sabrina at the time, he finding the action appropriate.

      She had a warm and welcoming hum about her. The kind of feeling that you would find from a very experienced grandmother, but also the feeling of a bright and smart little girl, born for something important. I'am sorry uttered the dark spirit, taking both her hands, sharing the heat from his own. This realm is so different from where i'am from. We should be close he stated,

      You need to get back, i'll help make it so. She began to blush, nodding her head in agreement. She had already taken a liking to the long haired individual already. The connection between the two became heartfelt and honest.

      Suddenly there was a loud click of metal from the top of the cage, the green one took a handful of women out of the cage, and lined them up, one by one, standing straight along side some trees. The two of them were taken by the next handful and did as instructed.

      I think I know where we are! The Blue Forest, home of the Ogre Champion! Awkwardly afraid, the spirit asked her what she meant by Ogre Champion. Its the banner given to the strongest ogre among their tribes, there being 5. The champion is capable of defeating demon kin and even demi-gods! From her explanation, something began playing in the dark spirits mind, a requiem of shadowy desire began to play in his heart aswell, ever so slightly.

      A dark and familiar tune, one he had heard before, no louder then a whisper. Remember what you use to do?? Remember what you use to do??? Please please remember, atleast this minute tune! The song went on a bit longer before fading. His mind and body had no reaction to this, as if it had never even happened.

      three of the six cages were emptied, all of which were full of women barely clothed and bludgeoned. A slave then stood out of place, Are we simply food?!?! or are we whores for your champion?!?! The green ogre, busy sorting them all, took his sword at a monster's speed and stood atop the rebel prisoner. * CRASH!! * He split her and the ground beneath her in two, leaving a pool of warm, red blood in his wake.

      BOTH... he replied as he went back to his clipboard and pen. What awful creatures.. said the dark one while holding Sabrina's hand. It will be fine, if we aren't troublesome i'm sure we'll be passed on as slaves rather than meat. The yellow ogre was inspecting cages the red one had layed down, he was the leader of the three but definitely not the champion. They must have been a Hunting Squadron under orders from their chief.

      The creatures are massive, it must take literal tons to satisfy their appetite. I BELIEVE THIS WILL BE MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR CHIEF LA'HORAH said the squadron leader MORE WHORES, LESS MEAT! Excited, the two began sorting between the more and less attractive slaves. As if a stroke of fate from the heavens, Sabrina and the dark spirit were set aside in the same grouping, thee more attractive side.

      Must've been the fur reeow said Sabrina, this made the spirit laugh, and fill his heart with hope.

                      Chapter 1, Part 4: Family Tradition

      Every February, our tribe lights all the torches

      surrounding the camp with green flames

      made from MAGIC! We dance and chant in

      our bare feet, as a great offering to the Spirit

      Mother, her grace.

                            ~ Cha'Tohka, Member of The                           Wauwindian Tribe

      Traveling deeper in the woods, the ogres and slaves had become worn. The screams of the slaves had cease to make themselves heard and the ogre's hunting came to an end. Every slave had been accounted for, neatly placed back in the chained cages. For every high-value slave, a mark of purple paint was put on their chests, those of normal value had a blue one. The meat the monsters hold so dear were left blank, this fact made many paranoid but in truth accepting. It was Hell after all.

      Finally, the ogres made it to their encampment. There were tents as big as houses and a small stronghold in the middle. The team were met with some stares but no formal greetings. BRUTALITY IN ALL THINGS said the yellow ogre, but still no response. EXPLAIN THIS FEELING he shouted, fairly offended from their silences.

      YYYYOOOOOUUUUUU ARE 2 DAYS LAAAAAAAATE screamed someone's voice. The bellow was strong enough to shatter clouds, it knocked out torches with its fury and made a few even jump. From the front door of the stronghold, a massive green ogre appeared. He was sporting a hood made of some sort of chimera/hawk hybrid's head and a battle axe fastened to his back.

      This was Chief La'Horah, and he was not happy.




      Zondor, readily takes his position, running through all his training in his mind. THEN DIE A FOOL!!!! *CLASH* *SMACK* *CRASSSSH*. The battle begins.

      The camp circles the fight like a pack of wild dogs, roaring and whistling the two to continue. *CRUSHH* axe to axe, face to face, the two exchange words. FALL TO MY AXE ALREADY. said Chief La'Horah. NEVER, I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR BETRAYING ME. Then, the two battle axes unhook from one another, *WHACK WHACK* the two ogres smash them back at eachtother by the blade, until they turn red from heat.

      *WHACK WHACK WHACK*. Zondor's axe shatters leaving his arm exposed! THE LEFT?... ILL TAKE WHAT I CAN GET MWAHAHAH. ***SLICE***, Zondors arm was removed. The sound of the cut satisfied the encampment like no other, HAIL CHIEF, HAIL CHIEF!!. Everyone screamed with excitement.

      In the same moment, a large glob of ogre blood soaked the floor from the wound, the sound of it too, was satisfying. The yellow ogre fell back, flat onto the dirt floor of the camp. DEATH OR ISOLATION MY ADORING FAMILY, DEATH OR ISOLATION FOR THIS YELLOW ORC?? DEATH! DEATH! DEATH! they shouted DEATH, DEATH, DEATH they pleaded.

      THEN I SHALL MAKE IT SO. Chief La'Horah began to swing his shining silver battle axe toward Zondor's head until he was stopped. WAIT!! WAAAAIT!! Cried out Soarn, the towering red ogre. DO YOU OBJECT MY WILL?! said the chief. NO, I THINK THIS INSTEAD GOOD. The giant made his way to his team's belongings, he then pulled out a bright, golden stone and showed it to the chief.

      IT SHINES WITH ITS OWN LIGHT said La'Horah, in awe of what he was looking at. A TRUE ANGEL STONE, A BRIGHT ONE ASWELL, HOW DID IT FALL ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE? he asked. FOUND WITH HUMAN JEWLERY. said Soarn with a smirk. AND YOU THREE, YOU THREE FOUND THIS ON YOUR OWN? YES SIR! Soarn replied. A quick gaze was given toward Zondor before Chief La'Horah made a salute with his hand.

      "PATCH THIS RUNT UP AND SEND HIM OUT OF THE FOREST, WITH FOOD! AYE AYE CAPTAIN!! A blue more muscular and fit ogre came running from the stronghold with sheets and tools. BOUT TIME I'VE SEEN YOU HEHEHE, WITH ME SIR. He lifted the defeated squadron leader and took him to a tent. NOW...AS FOR THE STONE HAHAHA." A salute again, towards the left, Chief La'Horah took Soarn, the stone, and a few of his circle into the stronghold, to discuss the significance of the stone, and what it could mean, for ALL of them.

      Chapter 2, Part 1: The Spirit and The Angel's Stone

    Angels are the protectors of the human race

    messengers of God! My mother always says

    i'm just like one!!

          ~ Little Girl, From The Town of Saint Dell

      A week had passed since Zondor's exile, Sabrina and the spirit were made into caretakers for the chiefs inner circle. The rest of the others were given jobs aswell, that or they were sent to the champions castle, where he had ordered all 5 of his commanding generals (the chieftains) to gather and ship humans to his receiving post.

      No one, not even the generals themselves, knew why the ogre champion wanted humans, they just obeyed the demi-god, as all mortals did. Thinking back, the spirit was questioning in his mind everything that happened when they first arrived, specifically the aftermath of the fight.

      After the two and their maiden team were done washing plates and dishes, the dark spirit found an opportunity to ask Sabrina a question whilst, walking on the stronghold kitchen floor.

      What exactly is an angel stone? he stated. Well.. she began as she folded her wet hands on a cloth, "From what I've heard, it is a stone created in the Heavens by powerful wizarding angels. Its cured from the soul of another of their kind, one in particular vanishing because of age.

      When used with magic some say it makes you into the most purest version of your self and you are flown into the Domain of Light, others say it allows the owner to wield rays of light, light that'd scorch monsters like you and me to a crisp. Impressed, the dark spirit began to ponder this new information. The name Domain of Light" sounded familiar as it was the realm of God and his followers, the devout Catholics.

      The fact of it giving power however, was found to be intriguing. Being able to wield holy flames, that of which no one else had even heard of, seemed like the perfect boost for his quest for power and understanding.

      So far he had only acquired a name, that and hair of course. Sabrina had given it to him when they were put to sleep their first night in the stronghold. I have found a name for you! Sabrina said, in the spirit’s daydream memory.


      At the time, the spirit was entirely delighted with her choice. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, just remember, that its yours my love.

    Since then he had been sporting it in small talk and occasional conversation. Why do you ask about the stone? said Sabrina, this time in present day. If I had it, it could make me stronger, strong enough to fight whatever came our way explained Loaramere. This began to concern her.

      You have almost a 0% chance of getting it, beyond the door at the center hall lies the chief himself, along with the stone. Inbetween where we stand now and that door there are 8 mature and brutal ogres too, itching for a reason to stomp on one of us. Not to mention a security torch to the right of it.

      Completely surprised, How are you so informed?!!? asked Loaramere. Well.. in all honesty i'am often in a state of mental panic, a set of feelings I hide from you and the other maids. Loaramere reached for Sabrina's hand and held it tightly Fight no evil alone Sabrina, you and I are close friends, please do not hide things. She accepted his grip but then pulled away,

      it is for my family she sobbed. "Every hour I feel as though my mind is turning in on itself, wanting out of my very head. The fact of not knowing what happened, not knowing if they are alive or dead, held captive here, sent somewhere else, torments me.

      I have not rested properly since the cages and plan on to continue to do so. Nothing will stop me from finding their truth, NOTHING!" She let out a passionate scream, loud enough to be heard by the cook. Quiet, QUIET! We'll end up in trouble! said Loaramere as his voice shrinked to that of a rodent.

      A handful of heads turned, but otherwise no quarrel. I'am sorry everyone Sabrina bowed. Please excuse my outburst maidens. Quite alright.. said one of the older women Just don't make trouble for the captors. Of course..

      Loaramere and Sabrina removed themselves from the team and continued conversation in the corner of the room. Please continue gestured Loaramere. "My heart still burns for my family, I began devising plans to break out of this Hell with you and the stone in hand.

      My race are very adept in Shadow Magic, a majority of my family were soldiers for the Unholy Kingdom. I was taught a handful of useful spells by distant relatives, so i'm able to get around. What kind of magic? he asked.

      Invisibility, conjuring shadow flames, healing palm, and a lockpicking spell, all of which I know well. Wow Loaramere in amazement "Strong and beautiful haha. I don't believe I know one let alone four spells!! T-T-T-THANK YOU" Sabrina, sounding as if her tongue was sliping on a wax roof.

      I only kid said Loaramere, I assume your plan was to slip by the guards and pocket the stone away from the chief? Correct she stated I planned on using the stone on myself then blasting a hole through the stronghold walls, maybe even through the chief's head. And do you think all of this will work?" he interrupted.

      Such thee straight forward plan, do you think we'll set ourselves free? It has to!! My heart has no other option.. she began to sob again. There there Sabrina, its okay. The two began to embrace, resting their souls from all the torment and fear they both had been through.

      It was somewhat unfitting for there to be love in the inferno. The place where sinners and the damned lament for all eternity, however the two were seemingly something different. Though Hell bound beings aswell, they were capable of compassion, a fairly foreign feeling among the regions of Hell. But it was theirs.

      2 days had gone by and now the two enslaved maidens were polishing armor in the yard, they had discussed and divised plan after plan with one another, Sabrina had even taught Loaramere the invisibility spell incase something went wrong.

      Chief La'Horah had not been seen for almost the entire week, everyone knew he was dwadling over the stone, there was even a small rumor in the air that he'd already used it for himself. But in reality, he and his trusted few were preparing to ship it to the Ogre Champion.


      FOR THIS FIND, IM SURE THE CHAMPION WILL SHOWER ME IN GOLD, WINE, AND WOMEN, WITH PLENTY TO THROW AROUND OHOHOHOHO. YEEEEEEESSSSSSS!! grined the other two as all three of them began roaring with laughter inside the Chief's map room.

    FINE THEN said Chief La'Horah KEEP THE GEM WITHIN MY NIGHTSTAND, I WANT IT NICE AND WARM FOR WHEN I SEND IT TO OUR MAJESTY WITHIN THE COMING DAYS. YES SIR agreed the ogre on the right. All three of them leaving the room. The Angel’s Stone, humming a somber song, awaiting its weilder.

    Chapter 2, Part 2: Attack of The Giant Basilisks

    Vipers have the worst and most aggressive

                  behavior out of all species of snake, even as

                  a professional, somewhere I'am terrified of them..

                                        ~ Ricardo Hehn, Field Researcher

      Sabrina and Loaramere were getting good at creating strategies for their escape. They even had the bright idea to recruit some of their fellow maidens for their plan.

      All the high valued slaves along with a few groups of normals had a room called the slave chambers, where they were given large portioned meals (left overs from the giants), small sacks used for sleeping, and recycled clothes, taken from the dead or those marked (lack there of) for death.

      Here, the slaves conversated amongst one another, trying to piece their lives together through the sharing of information.

      Sabrina and Loaramere scanned through the crowds of bipedals for any able bodied person, ready and willing to go through with their escape plan.

      First, they met Maylo a very masculine and handsome Merman. His skin was sky blue with red-pinkish gills and an emerald gem on his forehead, he apparently had no belongings as he was previously hired muscle for a wealthy crustacean noble.

      In the work, you tend to keep to your body and pretend to look big. Pretend however wasn't something he had to do. His muscles were large, his skin was sleek, and he himself was, truly, beautiful.

      Maylo had been seen by Sabrina because his gem caught her eye. What a beautiful gem! said the cat-women, when she had first stood infront of the Merman. Thank you miss, it glows strong. What exactly does it do? I’ve never met someone of your species before so pardon the lack of knowing.

      It is how we Merfolk communicate replied Maylo, Every one of us, no matter the size, hold magic within them. This gives us power to channel spells aswell. Wow, how lovely replied Sabrina. How did a guy like you end up here? In this dreadful ogre encampment?"

      Maylo then reached his arm behind his back and grabbed at his neck, God don't get me started.. his facial expression changed. "I'am a man of fewer words so I'll make it simple for you since you are the first one that has asked.

      I, the hired muscle, failed my most important mission yet, and big shocker, the poor client even died, crushed to death by an ogre's club. That’s terrible sir. Quite mamm, quite.. Maylo paused, then let out a strong * hoooh * before continuing.

      She was a noble, about 19 years old, a young and beautiful sea girl. Her family owned a grand total of 5 reefs, all to themselves, to harvest a myriad of food and underwater materials from. She was to sign simple business papers with up and coming fishing companies. But then..."

      Maylo paused again, Uhh im sorry would you excuse me? The 6 foot, 230 pound dreamboat began running straight through the crowds, every other women woo-ing at his physique. He made his way to the boiler room and backfliped onto the main cylinder, absorbing some of the water using his arms.

    He returned just moments later Yeeaaah, key fact about my people, we need water. On land, a soak every three days is required, otherwise death follows close. I already had mine just yesterday, but this work load really strains the gills. Hope you're okay! Sabrina pointed. Never better! Maylo replied.

      Where did I leave off? as he combed his top-fin and did a little stretch. Ah yes, the fishing companies, there was one just opened west of the Giants Forest or the Blue Forest" you

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