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Awakening the light
Awakening the light
Awakening the light
Ebook68 pages1 hour

Awakening the light

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About this ebook

In these trying and testing times that we live in, we need to look beyond any illusion. We need to seek guidance

from within our very self and take shelter and the knowledge that we have everything that we need and we

desire in our now moments. It is our responsibility to tune in whenever we get the opportunity and allow ourselves to blend our energies that are of our highest self, our higher being, and when we do so, we will notice that life will take on a whole new existence. The purpose of

this book is to celebrate your soul and how to connect on a regular basis, how to understand the meanderings of your earthly mind, how to make sense of your experiences, and how to see the blessings and lessons within

every single one of your earth moments
Release dateJun 1, 2023
Awakening the light

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    Awakening the light - Glenn Boddice

    Awakening The Light

    Channeled from spirit by Glenn Boddice (Spiritual Medium)

    Copyright © 2023 Glenn Boddice

    All rights reserved.



    I would like to thank the wisdom and blending of energies of the higher beings, that allowed this book to channel through me into form, in order to share, heal and enlighten those of you that are aligning with their true essence.



    In these trying and testing times that we live in, we need to look beyond any illusion. We need to seek guidance from within our very self and take shelter and the knowledge that we have everything that we need and we desire in our now moments. It is our responsibility to tune in whenever we get the opportunity and allow ourselves to blend our energies are that of our highest self, our higher being, and when we do so, we will notice that life will take on a whole new existence.

    The purpose of this book is to celebrate your soul and how to connect on a regular basis how to understand the meanderings of your earthly mind how to make sense of your experiences, and how to see the blessings and lessons within every single one of your earth moments.

    You will be encouraged to push yourself beyond your excuses into new vistas of opportunities. These opportunities have already been decided before you came onto this earth plane. You made an official agreement to challenge yourself to push yourself in order to obtain excellence on your pathway on your earthbound incarnation.

    So this is a great time for you to seek shelter within and listen to your inner calling. You will have to overcome your own limitations and obstacles you place in front of yourself. But once you do this, you will see that there is never anything to worry about or fear.

    We would like you to know and understand that you are always safe. You are always protected not only by your higher self but by your predetermined spirit guides and also onlookers when we say onlookers, we are referring to your family, your friends, your loved ones in the highest side of life as they continue to exist beyond your frequency and yet they still bring forward that unconditional love healing laughter and wisdom for you on a day to day basis.

    So it is your responsibility to honour your sensitivity by taking time out of your hectic lifestyles in order to reconnect and re-establish that bond of love and light once more during your adventures with us. Throughout this book, you will learn and discover new ways of being new ways of handling situations. That you perceived were out of your physical control.

    You will also learn to understand behaviour in others and see beyond the veil The Masquerade that they are hiding behind. You will notice throughout the course of this book that you will all experience heightened awareness, your senses, your sensitivity, your emotions will all be stretched beyond your physical imagination as you start to encompass a new way of being in your earthbound connection.

    You will begin to notice how life works for you and with you how opportunities gravitate to you how you blend your energy with mother nature and the animal kingdom.

    You will feel that Divine oneness as you progress and grow and expand by taking on board the teachings and the guiding wisdom that will be gifted to you throughout the course of this book.

    So we want to encourage you to give yourself space give yourself time and allow yourself to connect to the ever flowing unconditional love that is within and around you in any one given moment. And then make yourself open and available to embracing the energy the love and the light within the context of this book.


    It is imperative in these modern times you live in, that you take time out of your routine in order to connect with your higher self as you flow throughout the course of your day to day duties. This can be anything from five minutes to one hour.

    Once you start doing this, you will notice a change within your physical, your mental and your energetic body. Your thoughts will begin to change as you naturally gravitate towards thoughts of a higher vibration that harmonise with your highest

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