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The Royal Question
The Royal Question
The Royal Question
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The Royal Question

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THE ROYAL QUESTION (An Out-of-Body Travel Book): What is the Royal Question if not the final and most important question we must all ask about our lives here upon the earth? In the third and final book of ‘The Mystical Captive’ Series, we have traveled from the primordial Garden of Eden to the now fallen world of our mothers, our fathers, ourselves. Now that we understand that which we have lost, is it possible for it to be restored, renewed? How can such a thing be done in a fallen world? Through the great sacrifice of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
But yet, this, too, is much too simplistic. You must understand the question. You must then understand the mechanism. You must then understand the renewal. Whence the Royal Question is answered properly by the soul, they are now fit to enter into the Royal Family of God shared by the Prophets, Mystics, Sages, Seers and Ascetics of all ages and of all religions. Hope remains despite the fall of man, but we must seek it.
Release dateDec 12, 2012
The Royal Question

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    The Royal Question - Marilynn Hughes

    The Royal Question

    The Royal Question

    By Marilynn Hughes

    The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!

    The Royal Question

    By Marilynn Hughes

    The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!

    Copyright © 2012, Marilynn Hughes

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work or portions thereof in any form whatsoever without permission in writing from the publisher and author, except for brief passages in connection with a review. 

    All credits for quotations are included in the Bibliography.

    For information, write to:

    The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!

    If this book is unavailable from your local bookseller, it may be obtained directly from the Out-of-Body Travel Foundation by going to

    Having worked primarily in radio broadcasting, Marilynn Hughes spent several years as a news reporter, producer and anchor before deciding to stay at home with her three children. She's experienced, researched, written, and taught about out-of-body travel since 1987. 

    Books by Marilynn Hughes:

    Come to Wisdom's Door

    How to Have an Out-of-Body Experience!

    The Mysteries of the Redemption

    A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism

    The Mysteries of the Redemption Series in Five Volumes

    (Same Book - Choose Your Format!)

    Prelude to a Dream

    Passage to the Ancient

    Medicine Woman Within a Dream

    Absolute Dissolution of Body and Mind

    The Mystical Jesus


    A Treatise on Death, Dying and the Afterlife


    A Treatise on Ancient Mysteries

    Touched by the Nails

    (Watch and Wait)

    A Karmic Journey Revealed!

    Principles of THE WORLD BEYOND Death

    Books of Terror

    Evil Exists, it's Closer than you Think

    Based on the Visions of Mary Hughes

    By Marilynn Hughes

    The Mystical Captive

    The Mystical Freeborn

    The Royal Question


    The Autobiography of a mystic

    Michael Jackson:

    The Afterlife Experiences

    A Theology of Michael Jackson's Life and Lyrics

    Michael Jackson:

    The Afterlife Experiences II

    Michael Jackson’s American Dream to Heal the World

    Michael Jackson:

    The Afterlife Experiences III

    The Confessions of Michael Jackson

    Comparative Religious Mystical Theology

    Out-of-Body Travel in World Religion

    Forgotten Mystics in World Religions

    Lesser Known Out-of-Body Experiences

    Selfishness and Self-Will

    The Path to Selflessness in World Religions

    A Life of Cultivation

    Near Death and Out-of-Body Experiences

    (Auspicious Births and Deaths)

    Of the Prophets, Saints, Mystics and Sages in World Religions

    The Voice of the Prophets

    Wisdom of the Ages - Volumes 1 - 12

    At the Feet of the Masters

    Miraculous Images:

    Photographs Containing God’s Fingerprints


    The Fruits of Utter Desolation

    We are all Shadows

    The Overview Series

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    The Doctors of the Catholic Church

    The General Councils of the Catholic Church

    Marian Apparitions in the Catholic Church

    Heresies in the Catholic Church

    Miraculous Phenomena in the Catholic Church

    Fascinating Figures in World Religion

    Practices, Prayer, Ritual, Liturgy, Sacraments and Theology in the Catholic Church

    Writers of the Philokalia

    Protestant Reforms

    Bridal Mysticism



    Mystic Knowledge Series:

    Out-of-Body Travel

    Ghosts and Lost Souls

    Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels

    Reincarnation and Karma

    Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons

    Death, Dying and the Afterlife

    Heaven, Hell and Purgatory


    Destiny and Prophecy

    Initiations into the Mysteries

    Visions of Jesus and the Saints


    Suffering and Sickness

    Mystical Poetry


    Teaching Stories of the Prophets in World Religions for Young People!

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    World Religions and their Prophets for Little Children!

    (Ages 2 - 8)

    The Former Angel! - A Children’s Tale

    (Ages 2 - 8)

    The Mystery of the Key to Heaven!

    (Ages 2 - 10)

    Streams in the Willow

    The Story of One Family’s Transformation from Original Sin


    Out-of-Body Travel and Near Death Experiences: Compiled Works through 2006

    World Religions and Ancient Sacred Texts: Compiled Compiled Works through 2006

    The Voice of the Prophets:

    Abridged Lesser Known Texts

    The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation Journals

    Journal One:  The Importance of the Seven Virtues and Vices in Understanding the Practice of Out-of-Body Travel!

    Journal Two: My Out-of-Body Journey with Sai Baba, Hindu Avatar!

    Journal Three: The History of 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!'

    Journal Four: A Menage of Wonderful Writers and Artists!

    Journal Five: The Stories of Cherokee Elder, Willy Whitefeather!

    Journal Six: Discerning your Vocation in Life by Learning the Difference Between Knowledge and Knowing!

    Journal Seven: When Tragedy Strikes

    Journal Eight: Comparing the Buddhist Avalokiteswara's Descent into Hell with that of Jesus Christ!

    Journal Nine: Huzur Maharaj Sawan Singh - Sant Mat  (Sikh)  Master Guru and Grandson Maharaj Charan Singh - Sant Mat  (Sikh)  Master Guru

    Journal Ten: The Great Beyond

    Journal Eleven: Ghosts and Lost Souls: Our Responsibility

    Journal Twelve: The 800th Anniversary of Jalalludin Rumi, and the True Spiritual Heritage of Afghanistan and the Middle East

    Journal Thirteen: Pensatia – Forgotten Rosicrucian Mystic

    Journal Fourteen: Reverend John Macgowan – Forgotten Protestant Mystic

    Journal Fifteen: A. Farnese – Forgotten Mystic Amanuensis (to Franchezzo)

    Journal Sixteen: Comte St. Germain – Forgotten Immortal Mystic of the Mystery Schools

    Journal Seventeen:  Franz Hartmann – Forgotten Mystical Adept

    Journal Eighteen:  SA’D UD DIN MAHMŪD SHABISTARĪ –Forgotten Islamic Sufi Mystic

    Journal Nineteen:  Dionysius - Forgotten Christian Mystic of the Early Church

    Issue Twenty: Acvaghosha - Forgotten Buddhist Mystic of the Mahayana Path

    Issue Twenty One: Bishop Shelemon of Armenia – Forgotten Nestorian Christian Mystic

    Issue Twenty Two: Abú Sa‘íd Ibn Abi ’l-Khayr– Forgotten Islamic Mystic

    Issue Twenty Three: Rev. G. Vale Owen - Forgotten Christian Mystic

    Issue Twenty Four: Swami Abhedânanda- Forgotten Hindu Mystic

    Issue Twenty Five: Moses Maimonides - Forgotten Jewish Mystic

    Issue Twenty Six: The Bab - Forgotten Baha’i Mystic

    Issue Twenty Seven: Shinran Shonin – Forgotten Mystic of Pure Land Buddhism

    Issue Twenty Eight: Bustan of Sadi – Forgotten Persian Islamic Mystic

    Issue Twenty Nine: John Bunyan – Forgotten Protestant Christian Mystic

    Issue Thirty:  Ixtlilxochitl and Nezahualcoyotl – Forgotten Aztec Mystics and Myth Bearers

    Mystics Magazine

    Issue One – Christian Mystical Theology, Conversations with Jacob Boehme

    Issue Two - Buddhist Mystical Theology, Conversations with Charaka and Acvagosha

    Issue Three – Islamic Mystical Theology, Conversations with Imam Ghazzali

    Issue Four – Egyptian Mystical Theology, Conversations with W. Marsham Adams

    Issue Five – Hindu Mystical Theology, Conversations with Sri Ramakrishna

    Issue Six – Jewish Mystical Theology, Conversations with Rabbi Simeon

    Issue Seven – Sikh Mystical Theology, Conversations with Guru Nanak

    Issue Eight – Zoroastrian Mystical Theology, Conversations with Charles William King

    Issue Nine – Bahai Mystical Theology, Conversations with Bahaullah

    Go to our Web-Site:

    The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!

    The Royal Question

    By Marilynn Hughes

    Table of Contents

    The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!



    Understand the Flow


    The Death of Love


    The Re-Birth of Eternal Love


    Of the Silent Divine Emanation


    Hope Springs Forth Eternal

    Concerning the Glory of Kings


    The Royal Question


    By Marilynn Hughes

    The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation!

    "Let us consider on this first day how the Eternal Word had no other end in becoming man than to infamous with his divine love. Let us ask light of Jesus Christ and of his most holy Mother, and so let us begin.

    Adam, our first parent, sins; ungrateful for the great

    benefits conferred on him, he rebels against God, by a

    violation of the precept given him not to eat of the 

    forbidden fruit. On this account God is obliged to drive him out of the earthly paradise in this world, and in the world to come to deprive not only Adam, but all the descendants of this rebellious creature, of the heavenly and everlasting paradise which he had prepared for them after this mortal life.

    Behold, then, all mankind together condemned to a life of pain and misery, and forever shut out from heaven. -But hearken to God, who, as Isaias tells us in his fifty-second chapter, would seem, after our manner of understanding, to give vent to his affliction in lamentations and wailings: And now what have I here, saith the Lord, for My people is taken away gratis? And now, says God, What delight have I left in heaven, now that I have lost men, who were my delight? My delights were to be with the children of men. But how is this, O Lord? Thou hast in heaven so many seraphim, so many angels; and canst Thou thus take to heart having lost men? Indeed, what need hast Thou of angels or of men to fill up the sum of Thy happiness? Thou hast always been, and Thou art in Thyself, most happy; what can ever be wanting to Thy bliss, which is infinite? That is all true, says God; but (and these are the words of Cardinal Hugo on the above text of Isaias) but, losing man, I deem that I have nothing; I consider that I have lost all, since my delight was to be with men; and now these men I have lost, and, poor hapless creatures, they are doomed to live forever far away from me.

    But how can the Lord call men his delight? Yes, indeed, writes St. Thomas, God loves man just as if man were his god, and as if without man he could not be happy; as if man were the god of God himself, and without him he could not be happy. St. Gregory of Nazianzen adds, moreover, that God, for the love he bears to men, seems beside himself: we are bold to say it, God is out of himself by reason of his immense love; so runs the proverb, Love puts the lover beside himself.

    But no, then said the Lord, "I will not lose man; straightway let there be found a Redeemer who may

    satisfy my justice in behalf of man, and so rescue him

    from the hands of his enemies and from the eternal

    death due to him."

    And here St. Bernard, in his contemplations on this subject, imagines a struggle to ensue between the justice and the mere) of God. Justice says: "I no longer

    exist if Adam be not punished; I perish if Adam die

    not. Mercy, on the other hand, says: I am lost if man be not pardoned; I perish if he does not obtain forgiveness."  In this contest the Lord decides, that in

    order to deliver man, who was guilty of death, some innocent one must die: Let one die who is no debtor or death.

    On earth, there was not one innocent. Since, therefore, says the Eternal Father, amongst men there is none who can satisfy My justice, let him come forward who will go to redeem man. The angels, the cherubim, the seraphim, all are silent, not one replies; one voice alone is heard, that of the Eternal Word, who says, Lo, here am I; send Me? Father, says the only-begotten Son, Thy majesty, being infinite, and having been injured by man, cannot be fittingly satisfied by an angel, who is purely a creature; and though Thou mightest accept of the satisfaction of an angel, reflect that, in spite of so great benefits bestowed on man, in spite of so many promises and threats, we have not yet been able to gain his love, because he is not yet aware of the love we bear him. If we would oblige him without fail to love us, what better occasion can we find than that, in order to redeem him, I, Thy Son, should go upon earth, should there assume human flesh, and pay by my death the penalty due by him. In this manner Thy justice is fully satisfied, and at the same time man is thoroughly convinced of our love! But think, answered the Heavenly Father think, O my Son, that in taking upon Thyself the burden of man s satisfaction, Thou wilt have to lead a life full of sufferings! No matter, replied the Son: Lo, here I am, send Me Think that Thou wilt have to be born in a cave, the shelter of the beasts of the field; thence Thou must flee into Egypt whilst still an infant, to escape the hands of those very men who, even from Thy tenderest infancy, will seek to take away Thy life. It matters not: Lo, here am I, send Me Think that, on Thy return to Palestine, Thou shalt there lead a life most arduous, most despicable, passing Thy days as a simple boy in a carpenter s shop. It matters not: Lo, here am I, send

    Me Think that when Thou goest forth to preach and

    to manifest Thyself, Thou wilt have indeed a few, but

    very few, to follow Thee; the greater part will despise

    Thee and call Thee impostor, magician, fool, Samaritan; and, finally, they will persecute Thee to such a pass that they will make Thee die shamefully on a gibbet by dint of torments. No matter. Lo, here I am, send Me"

    The decree then being passed that the Divine Son should be made man, and so become the Redeemer of

    men, the Archangel Gabriel speeds on his way to Mary. Mary accepts him for her Son: And the Word was made flesh." (The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus, Christ, By St. Alphonsus Liguori)

    CHAPTER ONE - Understand the Flow

    Unless God reveal the lover

    You can never reveal your innermost secrets

    I live in the call of the world and its wreckage

    But hence, the lover continually calls

    Through the whirlwind of the night

    Into the crevasse of the human mind

    To gather within it the knowledge

    That fills its world with lacking

    The void that remains in all human hearts

    Which seeks to find its own

    Often disguised as the call of a lover

    Is often the interior reckoning of the beloved

    Divine Love

    THE DIVINE LOVE I. IN THE WORLD IT IS LITTLE C0MPREHENDED WHAT LOVE IS; AND YET IT IS MAN'S VERY LIFE. That this is little comprehended is evident from the common saying What is love? What

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