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Too Young to Hide
Too Young to Hide
Too Young to Hide
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Too Young to Hide

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A thought provoking, inspirational and life-changing read. Too Young To Hide is more than a book: it is a resource and tool to support you on your journey to purpose and greatness. If you are a dreamer encountering setbacks in your journey, then this book is definitely for you. If you think you have waited too long and missed your purpose, it's not too late. The author, through real life stories, shares valuable insights that are bound to revive your passion and dreams, and propel you into a world of endless possibilities. Now is the time to maximize your potential: you are too young to hide!
Release dateMay 19, 2023
Too Young to Hide

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    Too Young to Hide - Nature Mogotsi


    I write this forward with great excitement! I first met Nature when she visited Texas Tech University as a Mandela Washington Fellow. I was one of the facilitators of her leadership experience there.  There were a few things that set Nature apart; firstly, although she was reserved, she was calculated and profound in her contributions. While her peers were busy listing problems, Nature’s steady, confident announcements challenged the group to focus on finding solutions. I remember her as one who was not prepared to settle for the status quo! She would question everything with the intent of bringing about positive change.  To be selected as a Nelson Mandela fellow was a statement by itself.  Nelson Mandela fellows are positioned to lead and catalyze change.  They are taught to think critically and to be influential.  I am delighted that Nature did not settle after her time as a Mandela Fellow, but that she rather continued to develop her story - a story that she is now sharing with you as a resource to help you to write your own impactful story.

    I am writing to you as you browse through this book, and what I have to say is: do not put this book down! Nature has made herself vulnerable on these pages so that she can open the gates to freedom and prosperity for you. In this book, she takes you by the hand and walks with you in your journey of self-discovery; a journey that will help you claim your set at the table. I therefore encourage you to take this journey with Nature, and when you have assimilated the lessons in this book, gift it to somebody else so that they too can take the same journey. Pay it forward and then, by the end of the decade, we will all have played a small part in helping many others to progress, succeed and thrive.

    Nature and I have traveled our paths on different continents, and largely in different eras, but our journeys mirror each other.  While Poverty was not one of the barriers that Nature had to overcome, I grew up poor in rural Kenya, the first of eleven children. Despite the barrier that poverty proved for my family, I focused on our strengths: my house was filled with love and guidance. My loving, attentive parents more than compensated for our lack of money. A huge family and limited resources could kill any dream, but I had a father who had a vision for his children. He did all he could to put us on the path to prosperity by giving us the gift of education. Today I am an international educator, the past president of an international organization, and a former Chancellor of Daystar University in Kenya. My educational success, both as a student and as an educator, released me from poverty and pulled me out of hiding. As with Nature, the gift of education gave me the freedom to imagine, to dream. It afforded me the space to spread my wings.  To date, I have conducted research and trained students in Asia, North America, South America, and Africa - all because I learned how to become unstuck (a term I have borrowed from Nature) and not to hide. 

    To the reader, whether you are still in hiding or whether you are stuck and looking for the next step in life: Nature’s book is inviting you to actualize your full potential and to claim your place at the table.  While your hiding place might feel safe, do not allow it to hold you hostage.  You will not discover your inner strength when you are hiding or simply living day-to-day in survival mode. The comfort zone chains you to your past failures and shelters you from battles that you could have actually won.  This book asks you to explore your inner self. We sometimes have to get lost so that we can be found, we have to fail so that we can learn how to succeed, we have to fall so that we can learn how to rise.

    In this book, Nature helps you to discover the puzzle pieces that will help you unleash your potential, and she guides you towards your purpose by encouraging you to consciously take stock of your passions. While we often get caught up focusing on our weaknesses, Nature shows us how we can actually work with our weaknesses to find our strengths. This self-honoring approach feeds our positive emotions and self-respect, which in turn opens us up to discovering our passions and purpose.  When your tank is full you are in charge of today and have hope for tomorrow.  You are also more likely to show love, care, and kindness to others. These are the virtues that truly set you apart and make you influential. 

    To conclude: read this book! It will take you on an incredible journey of self-discovery. Furthermore, it will equip you with the knowledge, self-acceptance, and tools to set yourself free.  Take your time to digest this book - it is a treasure trove!


    Mary Murimi, Phd,. RD

    Professor of Nutrition

    Texas Tech University

    College of Human Sciences

    Past president:The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior

    Adjunct Professor: Hawassa University in Ethiopia


    I dedicate this book to my beloved late aunt, Pelonomi Mogotsi, who passed away on the 20th of February 2021. Aunt Pelonomi, you inspired me in many ways while I was growing up. I will always deeply treasure your beautiful smile, your kindness and your big heart that led you to extend help to so many. You planted in me a seed of greatness and it grew to blossom. As silly as it sounds, I bought my first pair of high heels because I so admired your collection and how elegant you looked in heels and suits. Such was the impact you had on my life, even in trivial things. I owe my journey to becoming a poised corporate world giant, fearless and brave, to you. You would be so proud of me. Now I know that remarkable things start with the smallest things. Your passing broke me and for a long time I was free-falling… the world spun out from under my feet. It was my purpose that pulled me to safety, and now I am able to tell my story. I see me now: I am too young to hide.


    Your time is finally here! Why have you been hiding? Let's get moving and build the resilience and tenacity it takes to navigate the various hurdles hindering you from achieving greatness. Unlock your full potential with this thought provoking, inspirational epistle. Though many things may look gloomy now, let this book take you on the journey of a lifetime, through life-defining moments, in a bid to help you get unstuck and to usher you onto your big stage under the floodlights. You are young enough for greatness: do not allow age to hinder you from your destiny. You must first see greatness within yourself before the rest of the world will follow. Chapters like The Battle and I See Me Now are intended to help you recognize the

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