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Walking in Divine Provision
Walking in Divine Provision
Walking in Divine Provision
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Walking in Divine Provision

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Sometimes we forget about God’s goodness and focus on all of our sufferings and complaints about lack instead, forgetting that our human strength cannot provide for our sufficiency. In fact we live in an era of tremendous financial instability, with rising debt, regular economic crises, and a worldwide increase in unemployment, famine, and homelessness.

Famine has broken out in many places of the globe. People are dying with hunger and malnutrition. A whole lot of economical instability grips many nations. Massive international debt and bankruptcy have paralyzed many nations. These difficult times have brought the fear of the unknown to many people, including Christians, to keep what they have (such as money, food, and clothing etc.), rather than giving it away to others who are in need.

In this book, the writer Dr. Benjamin Ayim Asare helps the reader to understand how to walk in God’s abundance and gives them the dynamic principles to live under an open heaven, as they depend upon their Heavenly Father for His divine and daily provision: “So, then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.”
Release dateMay 12, 2023
Walking in Divine Provision

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    Book preview

    Walking in Divine Provision - Benjamin Ayim Asare

    Walking in Divine Provision

    Copyright details:


    Walking in Divine Provision


    ISBN: 978-0-9575775-8-9

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-7398468-1-7

    Copyright 2023 Benjamin Ayim Asare

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publishers.

    First published in Italy in 2023 by BENCOM

    Via Ghiberti, 1

    28100 Novara





    Editing / Proofreading / Research: Dr. Jennifer Pateman

    Layout & eBook Marketing: Dorothea Struhlik

    Cover Design: Dr.P.

    Cover Image Credit:

    Unless otherwise indicated, scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Where scriptures appear with special emphasis (in bold, italic or underlined) we have edited them ourselves to bring focused attention within the context of this subject being taught.


    It is a great privilege for me to write about the book WALKING IN DIVINE PROVISION. The Holy Spirit revealed some of the deepest revelations upon Apostle Benjamin Ayim Asare. How our Mighty Lord God fulfills our necessities when we have challenges and nothing in our hands, but faith.

    Many times, we are hopeless and in mental stress, because we are human beings, our wisdom has limits; we think it is the end. But there is nothing more than our God who is miraculous. Remember you can be a source of blessing for others through prophetic words, as Elijah said to the widow: "For this is what the


    , the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the


    sends rain on the land’" (1 King 17:14).

    This book gives the new hope and strength to the readers who are depressed and facing the challenges of life. As you turn the pages, you will see the great power of Jehovah Jireh, that how He supplied to the prophets and believers who just looked at heaven.

    Because our God is the Provider, He never lets His people down and puts his servant in the hands of the enemy, making them suffer in intolerable situations. When you are tempted, He will also provide the way out that you can endure it.

    I encourage you to read this book and learn how to walk in Divine Provision.

    Bishop Paul Dilshad Bhatti

    President: Jesus Calls Church Ministries International

    Sao Paulo Brazil


    Many different distractions and controversies have swept the church from depending on the God of heaven who is our source of life and provision. When the Lord asked Abraham to offer Isaac as a burnt offering on the hill of Moriah, he obeyed the command. Abraham believed that even if Isaac were sacrificed, God would provide for another son.

    When Isaac asked his father, Where is the lamb for the burnt offering? Abraham said, My son, God will provide a lamb for the burnt offering. The Lord–Will-Provide, Jehovah Jireh, carries the idea of God making provision, when He sees the need. So when the Lord saw the need of Abraham, He provided. And when He saw humanity’s need for salvation, He provided His Son, Jesus Christ. God is the One who supplies our needs. He desires that His children’s needs be met

    Sometimes we forget about God’s goodness and focus on all of our sufferings and complaints about lack instead, forgetting that our human strength cannot provide for our sufficiency. In fact we live in an era of tremendous financial instability, with rising debt, regular economic crises, and a worldwide increase in unemployment, famine, and homelessness.

    Famine has broken out in many places of the globe. People are dying with hunger and malnutrition. A whole lot of economical instability grips many nations. Massive international debt and bankruptcy have paralyzed many nations. These difficult times have brought the fear of the unknown to many people, including Christians, to keep what they have (such as money, food, and clothing etc.), rather than giving it away to others who are in need.

    These situations have birthed the spirit of self-fishiness and profiteering in people. Failing to share what they have, with those who do not have. For example, believers have forgotten that we have been told to ask our heavenly Father daily for our bread. Because asking Him for our daily bread motivates our faith, (day by day), knowing that every blessed day God will provide for us. Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread. Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11 KJV).

    In addition, God asked the children of Israel to pick the manna daily. They were asked not to pick more than what they could eat in a day. God hates hording and profiteering. We see through scripture that those who collected more manna than their daily quota (and kept it for the following day), their batch became rotten! Clearly God was not happy with those who decided to take enough for two days. We too are meant to trust God daily for our needs – God give us this day our daily bread.

    The fact that we are to ask God for our daily bread does not mean that we should not make any investments or savings for our future contingencies. Our God is the Lord, both of the present and the future. For us to walk in His divine provision, we must also plan for our lives. We have seen great famines throughout history that caused many economic challenges and death. Even now we are at the edge of a worldwide economic war.

    To survive, we must depend upon the Holy Spirit to help us know what is ahead of us and so that we can fully prepare for the future. In the case of the children of Israel, God used Joseph in Egypt to store up foodstuffs for the nation of Egypt and the world at large. Through this divine wisdom the Hebrews were preserved from famine. We see the same in the book of Acts chapter 11, where the prophet Agabus prophesied that there was going to be a great famine throughout the entire world. This also helps the Church to be prepared in advance, in order to bring some relief.

    The Church must understand the economical war that is ahead (of all humankind), according to the Word of God in the book of Revelation chapters 13 and 14, which teaches us that the beast has a mark that he tries to place on us. And we see that terrible wrath comes upon all those who take the mark. Christians have striven to understand the way this beast would place his mark on them, so that they would know what to refuse and be free of the wrath foretold.

    The way to abundant life is to depend on and trust Jesus Christ, the living bread. He shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory. As you prayerfully read and meditate on this information, let your hope and faith rest

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