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POV Spiritual Eyes
POV Spiritual Eyes
POV Spiritual Eyes
Ebook48 pages42 minutes

POV Spiritual Eyes

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Learn how to navigate everyday life and avoid the traps set to cause you to fail and stumble. Opening your spiritual eyes will help you to see the hope and helping hand of God in your life. How much of your personality is aligned with who you are in Christ? Are you complicit in behaviors that work against your success as a Christian? Confusion, gray areas, and disruptive relationships work in opposition to the Holy Spirit. Let's get vigilant and courageous as Christians.
Release dateApr 17, 2023
POV Spiritual Eyes

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    Book preview

    POV Spiritual Eyes - Melissa Darville

        POV Spiritual Eyes

    POV Spiritual Eyes

    First Edition

    Copyright 2023 Melissa Darville

    All Rights Reserved

    Chapter One

    Spiritual Eyes

    Revelations 3:20

    Look, I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my call, and open the door, I will come in to you, and have supper with you, and you , with me. I will let the victor sit with me, on my throne, just as I was victorious, and took my place with my Father, on his throne. Let anyone who has ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.

    We need to ask God to grant us the gift of vision. We have to    ask God to open our spiritual eyes. Spiritual eyes give prophetic visions and dreams and  prophetic understanding of God's Knowledge. Our strategy for life becomes more effective when we are able to view the world through our spiritual eyes.

    Imagine the world we would live in if everyone who professes to be a Christian, everyone who goes to church, actually developed a personal relationship with God and their spiritual eyes were opened. We would be able to navigate daily life with less stress, less conflict. We would be able to rise above the hostility thrown at us. We would no longer be reacting to cheap shots fired by the enemy. We would not fall victim to gaslighting. We would no longer waste days, weeks and years in the time stealing plots that the enemy set up for us. We would be able to sniff out a distraction quickly and change our course.

    If our spiritual  eyes were opened many relationships that drag us into temptation and depravity would not even be started. We wouldn’t let our flesh make the decisions and drag us into cycles of overspending and overeating.

    With our spiritual eyes opened we would be able to sense pain and confusion in others, offer words of encouragement, and physical assistance. We would be more effective ministry workers. We would be more empathetic teachers and health care workers. Having our spiritual eyes opened wouldn’t just improve our personal salvation, it would improve the salvation of those around us.

    Every good that you do now would be multiplied. For me, being able to see past the  natural  moment, and understand the emotions and spirituality behind the things people do and say has given me peace. There is still pain from harsh interactions but there is understanding that what a person does to you - is almost a litmus test to their personal relationship with God and their journey to salvation.

    Instead of fighting circumstance in the flesh, worrying and arguing, we can step away and go into prayer regarding the force that is working against you. When you battle in the flesh you battle the symptoms. When you battle in the spirit you conquer the root cause. The Lord has many ways that he can help you to be victorious.

      The Lord can change the heart of your enemy and cause them to find favor in you. The Lord can change the impossible to possible. He can open doors and show you routes to achieve your goal that you did not see before. The Lord can send you a divine helper. The Lord can confuse your enemy. The Lord can give you supernatural knowledge and wisdom. The Lord can set a bigger opponent on your enemy.

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