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Created to Stand Out Not Fit In
Created to Stand Out Not Fit In
Created to Stand Out Not Fit In
Ebook81 pages1 hour

Created to Stand Out Not Fit In

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About this ebook

 Discover Your Unique Path to Success and Fulfillment! 

In a world that often pressures us to conform, "Created To Stand Out, Not Fit In" by Author Sherique Dill is your empowering guide to embracing your individuality and celebrating your authenticity.

 Unleash Your True Self

Are you tired of trying to fit into a mold that wasn't made for you? Are you ready to break free from the chains of conformity and embrace your uniqueness with pride? If so, this book is your roadmap to self-discovery and self-appreciation.

 Embrace Your Uniqueness!

In "Created To Stand Out, not Fit In," Sherique Dill takes you on a transformative journey, showing you how to:

  • Embrace Your Individuality: Discover what makes you unique and learn to love every aspect of yourself.
  •  Follow Your Purpose: Uncover your true calling and start living a life aligned with your passions and values.
  •  Reject Conformity: Stop trying to fit into a mold that doesn't serve you and start embracing your authenticity.
  • Find Inner Peace: Release the need for external validation and find fulfillment from within.
  • Empower Your Divinity 

This book is not about competing with others; it's about accepting your divinity and celebrating the incredible person you were created to be. Sherique Dill's inspiring words will uplift your spirit, boost your self-confidence, and empower you to stand out with pride.

Your Journey to Self-Discovery Starts Here 

"Created To Stand Out, not Fit In" is the handbook for anyone seeking to live a life of purpose, authenticity, and unapologetic self-expression. If you're ready to break free from the crowd and embark on a journey of self-discovery, this book is your guide.

Unlock the secrets to embracing your uniqueness, following your purpose, and celebrating your true self. Get your copy of "Created To Stand Out, not Fit In" by Sherique Dill today and start living a life that reflects your inner brilliance!

Don't just fit in; stand out and shine!

PublisherSherique Dill
Release dateJul 10, 2023
Created to Stand Out Not Fit In

Sherique Dill

  Step into the enchanting literary universe of Sherique Dill, a passionate wordsmith whose journey through the realms of imagination has spanned over a decade. Nestled in the sun-kissed beauty of Nassau, Bahamas, Sherique is the imaginative soul behind four captivating books, with her upcoming masterpiece, "A Throne Reclaimed: Nzingae and Zabu's Battle for the Crown," poised to make it five. Married and a proud parent of three, Sherique's stories are painted with the colors of love, family, and the profound connections that shape her life. The warmth of these bonds shines through her writing, forging a deep and heartfelt connection with her readers.   As an author, she takes her readers on unforgettable journeys, leading them through the intricate tapestry of her imagination. Sherique is not just a storyteller; she's also a passionate coin collector. Much like the rare coins she treasures, each of her characters and narratives carries a unique story, offering readers a chance to explore the intricacies of her vibrant worlds. Beyond her literary endeavors, Sherique is a coach and trainer, dedicated to nurturing the growth and potential of those eager to learn. Her commitment to personal development and her desire to see others succeed mirror the empowering themes that often grace the pages of her books. Sherique's adventures extend beyond the borders of her beloved Bahamas, as she has an insatiable wanderlust that fuels her desire to explore the world. Her globetrotting escapades inspire her storytelling, bringing to life the diverse cultures, landscapes, and experiences that she encounters. Through her work, Sherique Dill invites readers not only to enter her literary worlds but also to connect with her on a profound level. She is more than an author; she is a storyteller, explorer, collector, coach, and above all, a kindred spirit. As you journey through the pages of her books, you'll discover an author who weaves words with the finesse of a master, inviting you to explore the realms of her imagination and connect with her on a deeply personal level.

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    Book preview

    Created to Stand Out Not Fit In - Sherique Dill


    Idedicate this book to my wonderful children Joden, Jyelle, and Jendayia Dill.  I’m happy to be your mother.  My objective is always to leave a family legacy that you can be proud of.  I know that you’ll be proud to have me as your mother.

    To all the readers and people that follow my work- I appreciate you.  My work would be nothing without you.  I wrote this book in confidence, not knowing what support I would get, and throughout the years, you’ve supported me.

    To all the unique people in the world. Those not willing to conform and fit in.  ‘Created to Stand Out Not Fit In’,  is for you!


    Technology is a force to reckon with. It is a force that has grown and continues to grow rapidly.  This new era is quickly erasing the world we once knew.  Righteous standards, morals, values, and beliefs are being replaced by what they now call the ‘new normal’.  The things once considered abnormal are normal.  The world seeks to redefine what is natural and unnatural. 

    However, the systems of this world aren't solely responsible for the evil we see happening daily.  One of our major abilities is to choose.  We have the power to make our own decisions.  We are the masters of our destiny.  Many people have decided to follow certain practices and agendas that are against natural principles and standards.  They submit to the wicked will of others; just to be accepted.

    Consciously or unconsciously many people are attracted to these types of things, and they trade their beliefs, values, morals, and standards to avoid being persecuted. If you are a conformist and you are void of your own identity, you will become spiritually and emotionally extinct; someone else or something else will be in control of your life. People that embrace what makes them unique, practice self-love, and appreciate themselves, live very enjoyable lives.  They are the people who engage in the things that make them happy and pursue the things that they are passionate about. These are the people that contribute to the betterment of humanity.  Their goal is to be of service. They are not selfish.  They stand out from the crowd and are easily identified.  Their energy is so electrifying that when you’re in the presence of them, great things happen.

    The world is working towards conformity, humanism,  and a one-world order.  Don’t forget the foundation on which everything is built: knowing who you are, why you are, and for what purpose.

    It’s very easy to lose your identity in this ‘new society’.  Family, friends, associates, and even your favorite celebrity seek to control your mind and keep you in an illusion. Distracting you from knowing who you are and why you are.  You must act like light and salt.  Light does not conform to darkness nor does it blend in.  Salt also does not blend in when you use it; salt is dominant.  Salt prevents decay.  It can be used to preserve things.  Like salt, we preserve the natural principles, laws, and concepts of The Universe.  There are four agents of change (Light, salt, yeast, seed). Yeast is used for expansion. Whatever organization we’re a part of, and whatever we do, the ending results should be better than how we found it. This is expansion.  Seeds represent growth, and whatever we sow we shall reap.

    Conformity means to yield or adjust to the thoughts, behaviors, and pressures of others to fit in or to be accepted and approved. Here is a simple example of conformity.  Your best friend loves to watch horror movies. You don’t particularly like horror. To please your best friend, and you don’t want to seem boring, or uncooperative, you subject yourself to your friend’s will, and make yourself unpleasant, to avoid rejection.  Conformity terminates uniqueness.  When uniqueness is not present you lose your originality.  You lose your dignity and respect. It is your responsibility to make people respect you for who you are, not what they wish you to be.  This is the height of self-value and self-worth.

    IT SEEMS AS IF EVERYONE is competing with one another, but the truth is; if you follow your life’s purpose you will have no competition.  Trying to compete with others is a disservice to self.  It is also ignorance because we must understand that each of us was given a divine calling from The Most High working together for the betterment of humanity.

    If you function within your calling, you can rise above the spirit of imitation.  This book encourages people to embrace their uniqueness, to see themselves the way The Most High sees them, to love and appreciate themselves, to adhere to their code of conduct, and to never compromise to be accepted by others.  This book is intended to uplift the mind and to display that if you change the way you think about yourself there will be no limits to your success.  Our potentials are limitless. 

    You must be bold, confident, courageous, unshakable, and unwavering.  This doesn’t mean that you can’t study successful people and learn strategies from them.  I am a huge proponent of mentorship. If there is a person who is successful in what you wish to do, you can study their steps, or observe them.  This is good to do because you want to achieve the same results.  However,  you must be a student and not a follower.  The difference between a student and a follower is that a student listens and determines for themselves what they will do.  They make their own decisions.  A follower listens and does whatever the leader or mentor says, without questioning their logic. They feel as if something is wrong, but they trust the leader or mentor’s logic more than

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